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Dylanrockin last won the day on September 6 2020

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371 Altruist

About Dylanrockin

  • Birthday 09/16/1995

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    Solving a Case
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    It's probably a fact now at this point that I'm probably the biggest fan of Tales of Symphonia on the Earth, since I now own EVERYTHING Tales of Symphonia related, including all of the overly expensive figurines, blu-ray dvd's, posters, Japanese manga, Japanese novelization, wall-scrolls, and all versions of the game (including Japanese exclusive versions). Yes, I am a nerd, yes, I am a huge fan-boy who has plans to go to a Tales of Festival in Japan, and YES... I want to get my stuff autographed.

    Currently, I am an Animator, Animation Director, Fan-Game Developer, Stage Actor, and Computer Science Major with a Secondary Major in Performing Arts.

    Also... I don't like Pokeplayers. Fact.

    Animation and voice acting directing work, down below:

    Japanese Dub


    English Dub


    Feel free to join my Groups Page! http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/

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  1. Nintendo Switch: My Thoughts


    So, as of tonight there was a pretty extensive look at the Nintendo Switch and its features. A lot of the functionality and technical aspects of it are very impressive. Even a lot of the games had me pretty amazed at what it could do, especially that Overwatch Boxing game. I know it's not Overwatch, but I can't help but look at it that way.

    The games presented were extremely breathtaking and awesome, especially Splatoon 2, which should've been named Spla2oon, which is a missed opportunity but I digress. Fire Emblem Warriors, because I love me some Fire Emblem. If they don't have Mia playable in that game... I'M GOING TO BE VERY ANGRY!!! The new Mario game looks awesome, and I never thought I'd say that about a Mario game, since the only ones I care about are the Mario RPG's, Paper Mario, and Sunshine, so you can tell I am pretty excited for it. However, I think the game that caught most people's eyes, including mine was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Voice acting, and anime... ALL THE ANIME! That game has become extremely anime, and I like it.

    Overall, I'm extremely looking forward to the Nintendo Switch and all that it has to offer. I may actually end up throwing a lot of my money at that console, which is something that I haven't done in a long time! Also... Xenoverse 2 for Switch, confirmed! Because you all know me - I like my Dragon Ball XD

    1. Dylanrockin


      Shit, I forgot to mention Suda51, and a possible No More Heroes 3, how could I forget that?!

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