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  1. I get an error with Wine (I'm using a mac) whenever I try to access the pokemon PC, but this didn't happen in the episode 16 sandbox. What's wrong?
  2. Jumpluff is actually a well-known way to cheese fights, spamming prankster status moves and whatnot. Also, doesn't Bidoof get headbutt at level 13? Or is level 13 considered post-Julia
  3. I think this is fairly decent? It's adamant
  4. What's considered a worthy trade for the most majestic, beautiful, powerful, dazzling, SEA LORD pokemon FISH in all of existence?
  5. oh okay, thanks I'll try at night
  6. I thought the move tutor/relearner was supposed to be at sheridan after you rescue her from Terajuma... but she's always teaching a class in her house and won't teach me moves. Help?
  7. After defeating Kyogre and getting the emotion powder, I tried to jump across the rocks after turning the mountain fiery. However, two of the rocks are missing and I can't get across the Lava. Help?
  8. Hi, So I'm trying to complete the last help centre quest for Kristiline the one with the weird Scientist guy, but I'm confused as to where to go. The request tells me to "get down to Terajuma Shore", so I went there and ran all around but I couldn't find anything... Any help?
  9. Stuck on Angie with no access to a PC, please help... How do I leave the Tower?
  10. When V9 comes out, do we lose all our current progress and have to start over? I wanna finish the current story before V9 comes out, but I don't want to play casual mode. I saw some people hint at this in the thread... I just started Rejuv two days ago, so I'm a newbi here... Sorry if I'm ignorant :<
  11. Get a stealth rocker with sturdy. Crawli's pokes hate SR. Too bad most viable rock types need Link Heart to become fully evolved, but Graveler (which I used), Boldore and Onix will serve you well. Graveler can also set up rock polish on Heracross (cheese strats op) and sweep with rollout. In fact, rocks are arguably the best way to take this gym down, as long as you save Blaziken for Crawli's Escavalier.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to get the phantump behind the waterfall at Goldenleaf Town, but the door in the Wispy Ruins behind the waterfall is locked, with a number "4" written on it. Is it supposed to be like this?
  13. oh thanks so much, i forgot fly worked now
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