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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Combat

  1. I still have the download for Uranium 1.0. Is it worth playing, or not? I never got around to trying it, so I might as well ask my Reborn friends.

    1. Wolfox


      it's worth

    2. Hect


      I'd say it's worth taking your time for. Then again, I also acknowledge that not everyone might like the game. Just give it a try and see if you like it.

  2. I have a couple more personal preferences for pairings. HinataXHana: These two were a pretty underwhelming personality and character wise, so throwing them together seems like a safe bet for me. I'm not fond of Hisame either, so looks and stats don't really matter in this case. SubakiXHinoka: Time to create the ultimate flying unit, right? Nah, I just want to make Cordelia in Fates. In fact, I reclassed her as sword master and never looked back.
  3. While I can understand that people say that that's the canon romance, I have such a hard time doing it for two major reasons. First off, I really don't like Azura's character. Granted, I haven't bought Revelations yet, but from what I can see, her general character is nice and mysterious. I prefer a little more depth to someone whose so important to the plot. Second, if I many her to Corrin, I end up missing out on a child unit, and that is not ok. Because of this, I've kind of taken a shine to AzuraXKaze (Any route) since they both play a part in the plot, and both have a child tied to them. Plus I think blue haired Midori is adorable. As you can tell, stats don't matter to me.
  4. So, do we get to make a character in Echos, like Robin or Corrin, or are we going to follow around a main character like in Sacred Stones? I'm trying to go in as spoiler free as possible (I haven't even watched the trailer yet) so that's why I'm unsure. I figure someone here probably knows.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      That's a shame, but expected. I kind of like having a character to call your own, but since it's a remake, it makes more sense.

    3. Hect


      Eh, my response actually makes it sound like I don't like the concept of avatars. I like Robin, but I really dislike Corrin because of their personality and how they get treated by everyone. As long as the avatar isn't the main character/lord, it'd be fine in my book. Still, Alm and Celica seem like nice characters, so I'm really hyped to see how they develop.

    4. Combat


      Same here. I have little to no idea of what's in store for us.

  5. Will I ever stop using Fire Emblem memes as my profile picture? Probably not.

  6. Do you think Rache sounds like a good antagonist name?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      Eh, I've already lost interest. Translating random edge words isn't how this guy makes names.

    3. Cepheus


      yeah... since Rache just means Revenge in German :D

    4. Combat


      Yup. I mean, it fit his character, but I know I can better than that.

  7. You know, if you put my username in front of anyone else's, they sound a whole lot tougher.


    They bleed black blood. We can kill them.

    1. dead account

      dead account

      Doesn't that mean it's demonic?


      We need an old priest and a young priest!

      Maybe some salt and holy water while we're ot it.

    2. dead account
  9. Looks like one of my Clairs has +Atk, -Hp while the other one has +Res, -Def. I'm guessing the first one might be better of the two. My Faye has +Hp, -Spd, which sounds a little problematic...
  10. Well, I just blew 60 orbs, and got a couple of nice rewards. And then, something kind of unfortunate happened.
  11. Image result for night of the robot gif

    Nier Automata in what I can only assume is a nutshell. 

  12. Wait, couldn't someone who was working for the odd numbered ages suddenly get doomed if they had a birthday within the foreseeable future? How would that work?
  13. Wait, Echos comes out in like a week? Oh. I guess that's what happens when you cut yourself off from any and all spoilers.

    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      From what I know, it's coming out in Japan on the 20th of April while it will arrive in the West on the 19th of May.

    2. Combat


      Ooooh. Yeah. I only looked at the front page of Google, that said it was in April, but I forgot about international releases. That makes a lot more sense.

  14. Part of me is glad I have a four star Subaki, which might make his quest a little easier, but still, this won't be fun. I have 60 orbs after I realized I forgot to do a few of the hard mode story quests, and am starting to wonder if I should upgrade my castle a bit. I think I only have two upgrades now, and it's pretty obvious that I should have gotten them earlier, but better late than never? Really just want another event to roll around so I can blow some of my orbs. I have no interest in the fan service bunny machine, so that's off the table.
  15. Everyone's using their orbs on the Spring Event, and I'm just here waiting for the machine that will give us Sacred Stones character. Using other games like this as a model, chances are we won't be seeing a steady supply of orbs for a bit. The one game i can compare this to usually has a week where you can get orbs by logging on or completing easy dungeons, then goes dark for a small bit of time. If Heroes did that, it would diffidently cut off the easy supply we are used to, but would still give you enough to encourage daily playing. That's the tricky part. You never know when another orb event will come about, so you log on every day... Face it, we're addicts... Or we just enjoy the game. Either or. Ninety nine stamina isn't anything to stub your nose at either. Edit: God, trying to get those five orbs from a two star Cecilia was a pain in the neck. Maybe I was stubborn for not trying to get that three star they give you, but that's not something I want to ever do again.
  16. If the desert is going to be as big as it is, I can just imagine the nightmares that will come out of it. Mainly because I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
  17. The game Crawl might have some of the best trailers I've even seen. Seriously, that voice actor should read Lovecraft. I'd pay to listen to that.

  18. I know Minecraft is sometimes disliked by the internet, but I might try modding it for the first time. I haven't played it in years, so if there's any good modifications anyone can recommend, let me know.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      It's been a while since I've seen Mo' Creatures around. tinkers construct is always nice, and the addons like extraTiC and Iguana tweaks that give you more options and allow you to level up tools. things like mekanism, thermal foundation and minefactory reloaded are your classic good tech and automation mods. Ars Magicka 2 is a personal favorite of mine. it can be a bit slow to progress, but It's really fun to write and build your own spells to cast.

    3. seki108


      True, the last time I saw it was quite a bit ago, but it's been a year or so since I experimented with mods.  There are probably better "add more mobs" mods, but I just picked a random one.


       Instead of modpacks, I usually tried to mix some of my favorite's together, with varying levels of success. Probably Thermal Expansion was my favorite machine/automation mod, although I might have gotten the name wrong.  I've heard of Magicka (and other ones like Botania), but never tried them.  I probably experimented a little more mixed together biome adding and terrain generation mods.  They either went weird together.....or crashed.

    4. Combat


      Alright, thanks for the advice. I'll look for a mod pack that looks interesting and that won't be to intensive on my computer.

  19. What's the name of Anna's Jirachi's again? Was it Nostos?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      Darn that was quick, just checking. I was thinking about using Nostos as a name, and I didn't want to copy Reborn.

    3. Ikaru


      I happened to refresh the page just now :P

    4. Wolfox
  20. Rest in peace Cordelia, she flew fast and never got the man she loved. I'm probably going to defect to the Camilla army after round two ends just so I can secure at least 500 feathers. Plus, once this terrible terrible incident is put behind us, I'd rather not have to look at a big "You Lose!" sign every time I click on the voting gauntlet accidentally. Oh yeah, and everyone gets 10 orbs today. That's nice.
  21. Is it normal to have like, fifty dueling swords in one's inventory, or am I just a hoarder? Right now, I'm going all in with my battle flags, since it makes more sense to me to put in all of my chips in early, get a high rank in the army, and then back out once we get destroyed by [Insert Camilla Joke Here]. From there, I'll probably join her army since she is a good class in Heroes, and I'll get some sort of reward that way.
  22. Man, I'm really getting sick of all these games having moderately sad to depressing endings. The three of the four games I've beaten all have kind of hit me in the feels.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      One Shot (granted I didn't get the good ending, I just haven't gotten the nerve to play it again), Road Not Taken (or child freezing to death simulator), and now Shovel Knight Specter of Torment (which might be more unfulfilling than anything. It was meant to be a prologue after all.)


      Conquest almost made the list, but I wouldn't consider its ending to be sad.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Getting the good ending in One Shot doesn't really change what's said will happen in the world, from what I remember. It's the good ending in the sense of characters thinking "I'd like to see this again before we go" instead of "The world is saved!"

    4. Wolfox


      true, birthright has the sadder ending

  23. Guess that makes sense, though it still caught me off guard. Trust me, I couldn't remember his name besides the fact that it sounded like a pun/word play.
  24. Wait really? I've only played four of the games, so I assumed there would be a few. You learn something new everyday. Also, isn't there that first Grand Hero too, the guy who was basically narcissism? I thought his title was Wyvern General.
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