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Everything posted by Combat

  1. Combat


    Welcome to Reborn! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  2. So to any writers out there, I need some advice. It just occurred to me that my plot twist I've been planning for a while is very similar to another well known one. I could easily go through with it, or change the gender of one of the characters who has no established gender. What would you do?

    1. ArgenHyuu


      Can you elaborate on that? I'm having a vague idea on what you're telling.

    2. Combat


      Basically, I've realized my plot twist I'm planning is a bit cliched. I've set the plot up in a way that one of the main villains is the half brother to the main character. Only now have I realized how many times this has been done before, and I'd rather not reuse the same cliche over and over again. One way I could change it is make the main villain be using a voice modifier, and has actually been his half sister all along, or I could just go with the half brother cliche. Any opinions?

    3. ArgenHyuu


      In my opinion, even though that cliche is overused, if you can make it execute well in your story and it would actually make sense to the plot, I don't see why you should change it. On the other hand if you're really worried about it being too overused to the point that your story wouldn't look original anymore, you could change the gender of the main character/villain or change the relationship (ie., from brother/sister to cousin or something).

  3. Just blew forty orbs on the new machine (all of which were saved up) and got some interesting results. Jeorge (5 Star) Marth (4 Star) Camilla (4 Star) F Corrin (4 Star) So, no one from Fire Emblem (or whatever you call it) but my second five star hero. And in other news, I could technically level Camilla up to five star since I do have enough Green badges to do so. I'd better see if shes any good first though.
  4. Am I taking my obsession with Fire Emblem too far? Yes. Yes I am.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Obssession's definition is... kinda you know. Taking things too far about a thing. So the answer to that is always yes lol

    2. Combat


      Yeah, I guess so. I'll just call it a temporary miniature obsession and be done with the whole affair.

  5. If you're going to emulate, start with Sacred Stones. That game is much easier than the first gameboy one. I'd personally recommend Awakening, since it give you more difficulty options than the older ones.
  6. I've stuck gold! And by gold I mean Asbestos! 

  7. So is Pokerus still worth anything in Reborn, or has it spread to the point that it's not worth anything by itself anymore?

  8. Pyromaniac Fredrick is my new favorite avatar. 

    1. Wolfox


      Fredrick the Wary, he would set a forrect on fire while hpoing he wouldn't burn any bears.

  9. In a few days time, expect a influx of Conquest related status updates from me. I've been waiting a good two months for that bugger.

  10. I think the only reason I wish I played Overwatch is because I don't get most of the jokes.

  11. I did not know human beings were capable of this sort of cruelty. You sir or madam, have shown me the light.
  12. I found that Draug is able to resist the ninjas, as long as you get rid of Urusla first. For my winning battle, he wasn't actually able to do any damage to the ax user, which is why Setsuna was my most valuable unit in that fight as she (with Olivia) were my main source of damage. It took me eight tries, but it eventually worked.
  13. If you mean Heart Scales, I'll gladly give you one for a Shiny Litwick. In fact, if you don't already have it, I'll infect a Pokemon with Pokerus and give it a heart scale. Edit: I'm really don't care about IVs, I just like having Shiny Pokemon. Right now I only have one Heart Scale, so that's why I can only offer you one.
  14. This new Grand Hero battle is absolutely destroying me... Draug is able to tank most of the hits from the thieves, but gets destroyed by Ursula's Blue magic. Setsuna can take down at least one of the thieves, but than gets killed by Ursula. Peri is all but useless, and Olivia, kind of holds her own weight as a dancer. I'll be amazed if I can win this one. (Any idea if I should upgrade my castle a few times? I'm starting to think my current team isn't winning me any favors with some of these level 30 maps, so it might make sense to grind a new one up. I've only upgraded my castle once.) Edit: After many, many tries, I manged to win it. I had Draug tank the ninjas attacks while Setsuna took out pretty much everyone. When she got low on health, I had her switch with Seliph to fully recover her, and had Olivia have her attack twice a turn. Never again.
  15. Any ideas for a good nickname for a shiny Salazzle?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Hect


      Ah, well, it's actually "Klosett" or "Klo" for short. "Toilette" also works. Still a bit funny. Google Translate didn't do anything wrong. <.<

    3. Combat


      No, it didn't. But it's much easier and less embarrassing to blame your problems on inanimate objects

    4. Hect


      That's very true.

  16. I joined Chrom's team because I saw him first. I didn't know Lucina was in it until after I chose him. Had I been more patient, I probably would have gone with her, just because she has an ok move set in Smash.
  17. Would you be afraid of a genocidal artificial intelligence that can and will destroy all life in the universe that meows?

    1. Lugruf


      At least that life that woofs is safe, I can see no problem with it

    2. Combat


      I should have been more specific, the AI meows. 

    3. Hect


      I'd sacrifice myself without hesitation. Will it purr if it's happy?

  18. When you have a dream about doing the laundry, its probably time to do the laundry.

  19. So round two is up, and I'm surprised to see that Chrom is losing. I love Sacred Stones as much as the next guy (that was my first Fire Embelm I managed to beat back in high school) but I would have assumed Awakening had more of a fan base. Unless that fan base is all with Lucina. Who knows. Anyways, if your army loses, do you get to choose a new one, or are you out until the next gauntlet?
  20. Would you like to see the strongman?


    1. Maelstrom


      I only need look in the mirror.

  21. Happy International Women's Day everyone

    1. Wolfox


      or as some would call it: International Headache day. note that I'm not one of those people

  22. It's also worth noting that you can mute the in game background music by using F1 as an alternative.
  23. God help me for this new profile picture.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hect


      I always thought that Henry is into ravens, not squirrels etc.

    3. Combat


      He loves all animals, in fact I think his was literally raised by wolves.

    4. Hect


      Right, now that you mention it.. kind of a shame I forgot so much about him, I felt like he was one of the characters in Awakening that stood out.

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