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Everything posted by ProjectIceman

  1. Sylveon of course. And another one is, and this might shock you, Finneon and Lumineon! Especially Lumineon's cry. Gotta love it.
  2. I definitely will when I have the time. I'll make sure to remember. STATUS UPDATE: I finally managed to get to 100 eggs...in fact, I managed to get 120 eggs now lol. Now all I need to do is to figure out a potential date when I should do this. I definitely want to do it on a Saturday, because apparently there is another group that is Wondertrading during that time (forgot the groups name sry). If I can't do it on a Saturday, then I at least want to do it on Sunday. I will keep you posted on more information and a date at a later time. Thanks for all of your comments and support!
  3. It. Is. Complete. I have 120 Ralts eggs.

    1. Another Felix
    2. ProjectIceman


      Pokemon Reborn. I was planning on Wondertrading them out on a specific date (not sure when yet, but definitely on a Saturday or Sunday).

  4. Been a while. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-567830010 Okay, this wasn't even fair. Good on my opponent to play the whole game http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7randombattle-571179567
  5. While in the middle of hatching eggs for my future wondertrade party, I forgot that hatching the eggs would go quicker with a Pokemon in your party that has the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor. Now this is how I feel:


    Image result for smh anime gif

    1. Wolfox


      that deserves facepalms

    2. ProjectIceman


      It went by so fast with Flame Body that I overdid it and got 120 eggs lol XD

  6. Banned for CONTRARY beliefs.
  7. That would actually be useful. @Amethyst maybe this is something worth considering.
  8. To have more variety, Yanmega.
  9. I'm Sorry. I couldn't resist after seeing this XDDD

    Image result for zelda meme

    1. Wolfox


      Link seems to need soem Hamon to the gut. If Only Baron Zeppeli was there

  10. I'm so tough, I once killed 3 shiny Pokemon in a row and laughed...IN FRONT OF A SHINY HUNTER.
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