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    steel types, physics, goats, homestuck, warframe, RWBY, FFXIV, fire emblem to an extent, modding, oh yeah and some animes, esp. anything with giant robots. Please read The Last Girl Scout

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  1. Beat Marianette. GOD I love this game's story. Also, this fight was Shuppet's Finest Hour. Little guy set the Haunted Field, then came back time and time again as I swapped around to stall for burn damage on Bewear. He even Priority OHKO'd Girafarig! Xatu served as a very strong cleaner, as well, and all of this wouldn't be possible without Vivillion's paralysis and Light Screen, and Duskanroc's normal resistance+OHKO-ing Chatot. My heart is POUNDING.

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    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Man, this guy did what I couldn't* and actually made use of a Ghost in the Normal Gym? Oh noes! Er, I mean, congratulations on clearing a great hurdle indeed!


      *I did fight her back when Snuggles knew Earthquake and Rock Slide for some odd reason, so I guess my struggling was inevitable... 😅

    3. doombotmecha


      Yeah she certainly wasn't easy but I was so glad that my expansive, multi-step plan went off so well.

      1. Paralyze Delcatty with Vivillion(75% chance because Monarch didn't get compoundeyes)

      2. Set Light Screen

      3. Swap to Lycanroc, so the AI will pick Multipulse over Hyper Voice

      4. Swap to Shuppet

      5. Curse

      6. ??????

      7. Badge

      ....to tell the truth, I had nothing for bewear. I am very glad it had Brick Break over drain punch, though, as that made it easier to wear down, even if it did smash my LS.

      I'm indescribably happy that Lycanroc outsped and OHKO'd Chatot. No sir, not dealing with that.


      @Autumn Zephyr Yeah, and the game's worst ghost to boot! TBF, he's kinda starting to fall off. I'm not sure if I'll use him in the upcoming ghost gym. Then again, field-boosted priority may be important.....


      Oh and dear god, Edgequake? If I ran into that at level 30 I'm not sure I could have kept going lmao.


      @J-Dawg I am fairly certain that a large part of my success was that like maybe 1 unresisted field-boosted attack connected, and that was through light screen. I can totally see how this 10 year old could really cause people problems, especially with the horror that is Bewear on her side. I think another strat to use, if you've got the Haunted Field on your side, is to train up a fire type, since some fire moves gain ghost damage on this field. that sweet 4x weakness (between Haunted's ghost being SE against normal and Fluffy doubling fire damage) should be enough to bring down the teddy bear of doom.


      I'm also considering having Xatu and maybe another ghost user, and then a prankster-flash Volbeat to flip Narcissa's field back the other way. Duskanroc's Thrash is still REALLY painful, and the dog's really quite fast, so I should be able to sweep 2-3 mons with just that. In addition, if I use rare candies to evolve Alolan Grimer early, having that haunted field out of the way will really help. I seriously doubt that Narcissa carries ground coverage.

    4. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      At least be aware that the grimer (muk?) won't be very impressive in the damage-dealing department for that fight. Both the Haunted and Blessed Fields reduce the power of Dark moves, and since Ghosts already resist Poison and it doesn't have access to any coverage moves quite yet (aside from maybe Stacking Shot? I don't remember how Fighting moves interact with the Blessed Field), it'll really just be there to tank and tank alone. At least it came with Aromatherapy to stave off oncoming Will-o-Wisps, right?

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