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Everything posted by Komodojoe

  1. So I guess I've returned from an accidental three month hiatius... Sorry about that whole disappearing act.

    1. Guzam


      Welcome back to the Cool kids club m8. We missed you :]

    2. Arkhi


      Oh, I remember you. That avatar rings a bell. Welcome back!

    3. Komodojoe


      Thanks a lot. To tell the truth, it feels great to be back here and to have everything as close to normal as it could get.

  2. If Pokémon has taught me anything, it's that even the most harmless thing can bring down the most powerful being to ever exist. *Glares at Focus Sash/Endeavor Rattata*
  3. 1) Of course not! I wouldn't beg Fern for anything. Even to kill me. 2) I found all four of them... and what was the rest of the last one... 3) Team Magma FTW! 4) I didn't even realize that you could beat him at first... 5) I don't remember exactly. I think that I went on ahead to fight Sirius, but my time at Yureyu is a bit of a blur. 6) I stayed downstairs. I figured Laura could take on anything that went upstairs. 7) I sided with Radomus. The sheer fact that he just kept making jokes made it obvious that there was a Ditto somewhere. 8) Just to throw everyone off, I said that it wasn't that important. 9) There was no way that I was going to give this Fern wannabe anything. 10) I gave her some candy, but I didn't know anything about the Blue Moon Ice Cream. After I gave her the candy, my next thought was: What if I gave her that "Rare Candy". I then proceeded to laugh hysterically. 11) I beat him just for the satisfaction of beating that annoying Chatot again. That and I figured I owed him, but yeah... mainly that first thing.
  4. Ah, so signups are still a thing. I saw the OOC as a separate so I wasn't entirely sure. I'll see if I can get a signup later on today or tomorrow if you're still accepting them. Edit: I got it done! Hopefully everything's in order, but I'm not sure that I haven't overlooked anything. Just let me know if there's something that needs changing and I'll see what I can do. Character name: Feifa Character age: 18 Character species: Hellfire Sylph Combat style: Feifa often uses lightning and fire magic that is casted from the staff that she carries with her. When defending, she often using the lightning magic to make a barrier to protect her from other magic attacks, but this only protects her from magic. Anything solid like arrows, thrown weapons, and other people can pass through it like there was nothing there to begin with. If she doesn't have her staff on her for whatever reason, she can also use a less concentrated magic to expel a searing wind (preferably from her hands so she can actually see where she's aiming). While this magic is more convenient, she likes to use her staff over this since it's more diverse. Character Background: Currently residing in an ash-covered settlement with others of her current species, which is located near an active volcano, she wishes that she could one day travel the world. When she sleeps, she occasionally has visions of her past life, but forgets most of it when she wakes up. After some time of this happening on occasion, she has learned that she was a Fairy in her past life. Other than that, she'll sometimes remember images of breathtaking sights. Surprisingly enough, she took more interest to the sights rather than what she was. As a result, her dream became to find out where those memories had taken place so she would know how she would feel now, but more importantly, find out how she felt back then... Character Personality: Feifa is normally about as playful as she is carefree, often poking fun at people who she might think can get a good laugh out of it. This has had a history of turning on her, however, as some people can't seem to take a joke. While she doesn't get angry easily, this can change real quickly if you mistake her for some sort of demon. When it comes to combat, however, she can become about as serious as she sees the situation. Character appearance: Standing at 4'5, Feifa can be mistaken for a human if people don't see her bat-like wings. While she does have said wings, they are quite small (they are just big enough to reach the ends of her back) and underdeveloped, so she has to use a bit of magic if she wants to stay in midair, giving off more float than flight. She can walk too, but she just prefers to stay afloat. She has pale white skin, with red eyes and jet black hair that drops to a few inches past her shoulders. She can also change to a miniaturized form, which can easily fit in a human hand. Ironically enough, her wings are large enough to carry her in this form. The other unmistakable feature is that her body would glow in the same color of her eyes, which is probably the only thing that can be seen by the unfocused eye, but if you look close enough, you can actually see her in the glow... or at least a silhouette depending on how well your eyesight is. Character theme: I'm going for a carefree girl who tends to get herself in a bit of mischief from time to time, but also likes to help those that need it.
  5. Wait... since when can Infernape learn Judgment... like... at all?... Unless you mean Punishment, which would make much more sense.
  6. tfw half of the play time recorded on your game happens to be when you walked away from it to do other stuff.

  7. Why do I feel like the info being added is connected to the amount of interest that this gets? Regardless, this does seem interesting. I think I'll join in as well... if I can, that is.
  8. *Waits patiently with Rapidash/Floatzel (Depending on who you side with) for another opportunity to excessively taunt her*
  9. You know, after looking at some of these teams, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one based on the seven deadly sins (though you would have to use one pokemon for two of them, but still...) or some old and/or new kind(s) of mythology. Either way, I think I'm going to enjoy this, even if I'm not actually in it for any reason. It just seems to be going uphill for me without any sign of stopping.
  10. Wait... a Snorlax ate my sanity? I thought it was incinerated. Oh well. It's not like there was much to begin with... Now back to all this seriousness. I know that feel all too well. Where you're handed too much on one plate and have to push some things away to make room... which is one of those reasons why I'm not as active on these forums as I could be. Anyways, since you'll probably be back sometime in the future, it's not necessary to say goodbye. Goodbyes are for when there's no coming back. So instead, I will quote Blue (or Gary or whatever you named that rival in red/blue/yellow/FR/LG) and say "smell ya later". Just remember that there's always a place that you can go back to. Oh, and good luck with college. Everyone needs it every now and then.
  11. Sooo... It's probably safe to say that this RP is on hiatus until we can get those now dormant characters filled in. I'm a patient guy, so that's fine by me. Not to mention that this will give me some more time to set up my character for Wander's new RP and to get two of my own RPs set up. Though I wouldn't dare dream of putting both of them up at the same time... especially since one of them is going to take at least six months to finish planning, and while that may seem like a very long time, even for an RP, it will make a lot of sense when I reveal what it is. I'm not going to say what it is right away though unless someone can guess. Anyways, I hope that this will get revived sometime in the future as I've truly enjoyed my time in this one so far. Hopefully, it won't be long, but if it is, like I said, I'm a patient guy.
  12. Everyone's also forgetting about that massive earthquake that was caused by Groudon. So... yeah. Expect a lot of places to be in serious damage.
  13. Yeah... you missed that. It specifically says that you will start out as 18 year old trainers that are about to register to take on the league challenge. So you will be starting out as a new trainer.
  14. Atlas (Golurk) & Pavise (Registeel) Even though they had just arrived at the Tauros Plains, Atlas wasn't expecting any sort of welcome this early. "Ah, so commander Rader has been expecting us to arrive this quickly? Very good. By all means, lead the way." Atlas followed the Gliscor with Pavise in tow. It would seem as though the Registeel was in thought. Most likely thinking of how most of the pokemon that they've come across have been intimidated by it's presence. Whether it was because they knew of the tragedy that happened less than a century ago or the sheer fact that it's a legend remains unknown to the Registeel. There was, however, one thing that it was sure of: it had a purpose in the world once again. Hopefully, that fact would suffice long enough for it to find out what had truly happened all those years ago. For now, Pavise decided to cast away it's concerns for later and follow it's current objective.
  15. Sooo... I got most of my editing for that last post down last night and corrected a few things just now. And with the way that things are in Omega's post afterwards, I'd say that everything's fine on Atlas' part even though I had planned to add a few things with it. Oh well. This probably fits better than what I had in mind anyways. Actually, it almost definitely fits better. Anyways, seeing as that mess is cleaned up, I should probably respond to that Gliscor.
  16. Yeah I will. I just ended up posting prematurely. I'll probably have to edit it a few times as I have to go to work in a few minutes. Either way, Everything after this first edit will be legit.
  17. Velvet (Lopunny) Velvet woke up from a deep sleep to the sunrise. It was one of the most beautiful sights to her since she usually isn't anywhere near the shoreline. After a few seconds of gazing at the sight before her, she realized something. "Wait a minute... it's morning already? And I was never woken up to keep watch..." She sat up, still not realizing what had happened a short while ago. "Vertex, you've got some explaining to-" She cut her sentence short as she looked over to see Vertex's body a short distance away. "...Vertex?" She got up and ran toward what was now Vertex's corpse. She stopped in her tracks and nearly collapsed in shock as she saw that the Bisharp was cut in half. "Oh no... please tell me..." Tears were in her eyes by then. She somehow managed to get close to the limp body before falling to her knees. The tears began to run down her face. "No... not again." She punched the ground in an upset anger and took a good look around, but it seemed as though the culprit was gone. Atlas (Golurk) & Pavise (Registeel) After another long walk (well, another one for Atlas anyway), Atlas and Pavise have finally reached the border between the Kingdom of land and the Tauros plains. "We've finally reached the Tauros Plains." Atlas said. "Now we just have to find Commander Rader and continue with negotiations. Hopefully, things will go well. I don't think many of us will be happy if this breaks down. I know I won't."
  18. Yeah... Velvet's not gonna be too happy about this one... especially since this all happened right under her nose. Edit: as I just said in the IC, don't do anything with that post. I'm not even sure how I did that.
  19. Those tags... No but seriously, after reading such a large wall of text, it's pretty easy to say that I'm interested. And after reading some of the questions, I feel like there's one that I should ask. How would the leveling system work. You know, other than the basics. Will there be a limit on how many times a pokemon can level up per episode (seeing as there will be quite a few of them) or do you have something a bit more complex in mind?
  20. Hehe... sorry. That's partially my fault since I had Ty change Aerodactyl to Weavile to help prevent some metagaming... I actually can't believe I missed that. Oh well. At least it was pointed out by someone.
  21. I just facepalmed when I realized that I didn't save the change to my last post. If the post right afterwards doesn't change at all, I'll probably change or add one more thing to avoid confusion. Edit: Ty, you would only have to make slight changes to that last post. The only thing that really needs to be done is to replace the Aerodactyl with the scouting team's Weavile... along with a couple of other obvious things. This would help prevent confusion and said Metagaming. And if it wasn't obvious enough, you could bunny that Weavile for the changes to that post
  22. Let's at least have it make a little more sense rather than have a random Aerodactyl come out of nowhere. I can easily change that last post to make that happen. Also, since we're trying to get this chapter out of the way, I think it's probably best if I hold off on my new character for now. Hopefully, the next one can help iron a few things out with what I had in mind.
  23. Sir Darius (Gallade) Sir Darius was also surprised to see that the leaders of the Toxia Wastelands had gone through the trouble of setting all of this up. "This is quite a surprise. I was just expecting a meeting with their leaders rather than have an official ceremony like this." At one point, he had considered keeping a closer distance to Queen Crystal to help ensure her protection, but ultimately chose against it. Toxia's leaders don't need to think that the Kingdom of Magic's captain was being overprotective in these times where trust would be held high among other things. Not to mention that it was easy to see that there were families in the crowd as well. It seems like a safe bet that there wouldn't be any attempt on her life from the people of the Wastelands lest anyone was scarred for life, especially if there were any young among the crowd. "Let's just hope that things will go as smoothly as we first thought they would." Atlas (Golurk), Pavise (Registeel) & the scouting team's Weavile "Very well. we'll head over there right away." Atlas responded to the messenger. It then turned to the Weavile. "It would probably be a good idea to inform the king of this as well. Afterwards, head back to the capital to inform the rest of the Precipice Brigade of the current situation. They must not leave the capital under any circumstances. If anything should arise while I'm gone, then you will be the one to inform me. Is that understood?" The Weavile nodded and used it's speed to head back to follow his orders with haste. Atlas then turned to Pavise. "As delicate as negotiations can be, I will still need an escort should anything happen, which is why you're coming with." The Golurk said. "I will follow if you wish. Defense is my specialty, after all." Pavise responded. Atlas turned back to the starly. "You may tell Commander Rader that we will be headed over there right away." The Golurk waited for the messenger to respond and send the message before the duo headed over there themselves.
  24. I'm still interested.Also, on that other note, I've got a couple of ideas for characters, but that's something that I'll get to sometime over the weekend. Probably on Sunday or Monday at the latest.
  25. Sir Darius (Gallade) "Alright then. I'll follow your lead." He said as he started to follow Queen Crystal. That stopped shortly after when the Kirlia from before went up to him. "Um... sir? Since you're going to be escorting the Queen, what should we do if anyone else needs any assistance regarding any of our soldiers?" She asked in case either Valerie or Eve needed anything. Darius didn't even think of that. He handed the Kirlia a peculiar looking coin. "If anyone needs anything regarding these matters, just tell them to take this and head over to the barracks. Most of the pokemon from this particular group are probably helping out with the capital's current condition, but there should also be a few on standby just in case." The captain said. There's only one group that he could be talking about. The Kirlia nodded and walked off again. Afterwards, Sir Darius made haste to catch up with Crystal as his mind began to drift off. "I wonder how Velvet and the others are doing on their end..." He thought out loud.
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