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Everything posted by Komodojoe

  1. Atlas (Golurk) Atlas was a little angry that Ursa didn't bring this to the King at all, but it also knew how beneficial this could be to the Kingdom of Land if he succeeded. Therefore, Atlas decided to let Ursa go through with this. "Very well then. I will not tell. But before I leave, however, I must advise you to watch out for their Captain. And not just because of the type disadvantage. He is a very stubborn one, even more so than I thought if he truly is who I think he is." Velvet (Lopunny) "Okay then. We'll find out where the Kingdom of Underdark is and go talk to them." Velvet yawned. "But Titania's right. We should probably get some sleep before we do anything. We wouldn't want to be tuckered out in case we have to fight, do we?"
  2. Atlas (Golurk) As King Krusher set out to find Groudon, Atlas stayed behind to once again strengthen their defenses and recover from the aftermath of the disaster that had occurred due to Kyogre's awakening. While it did find enough hand-picked troops it's new force, which it has decided to call 'The Precipice Brigade' (Which was named after Groudon's Signature move 'Precipice Blades'), it felt as though something was missing from it. Something important. And not just because off all of the hindrances and setbacks, most of which still exist due to recent events. Atlas knew that something felt like it was missing from the start. While the Golurk had been contemplating this, he had found one Ursa Maior gathering a small amount of troops. It looked like that the Ursaring was going somewhere. Atlas approached his fellow commander. "Mind if I ask what it is that you're doing here, Ursa? It looks as though you're about to set out on a mission of some sort." Sir Darius (Gallade) Having heard the sound of something shattering coming from outside the courtroom, Sir Darius, along with several other pokemon, looked back to the door out of reaction. A few of the soldiers had even gotten up to see what was going on out there and looked to see their Captain getting up as well. Sir Darius signaled them to wait here in case something happens while he's gone. Afterwards, he quietly left the courtroom, not wanting to disturb the case any further. When he was outside, he realized that something was off: it was surprisingly cold outside, not that it really bothered him at all. The Gallade looked around to see an Eevee struggling to move as it was freezing. It was Eve. Sir Darius ran over to her to see what was wrong. "Eve, are you alright? What's going on here?" Velvet (Lopunny) Velvet waved to the pokemon as they went underground. "Goodbye! Thanks for the directions. And we'll be sure to find you if we do need any help." After they disappeared into the ground, she turned to the others. "Well, now that that's settled, what should we do next? Should we head back to camp? Or does someone have anything else in mind?"
  3. Velvet (Lopunny) "Aw, man..." Velvet thought to herself as she removed her goggles from her head, once again leaving them to hang from her neck. "I haven't been able to have a serious fight in a long time... I was actually looking forward to this one." She then looked over to where the Aggron and his men were. "Oh well. At least we were able to save someone." She then walked over to them, waving her hand as she did so. "Hello, there. Since we're all introducing ourselves here, I'm Velvet Valkyria. Feel free to just call me Velvet if you'd like. What about you, big guy? What do they call you?"
  4. Velvet (Lopunny) "Alrighty then..." Velvet began to speak as she cracked her knuckles. "It looks like our roles are pretty clear right about now." She then put on her goggles and finally revealed the Lopunnite in her hand. "Let's get started, shall we?"
  5. Velvet (Lopunny) "Deoxys?" Velvet closed her eyes as she thought about that name. She knows that she's heard it before. "Oh, yeah. That's the pokemon that came from that meteor that hit a while back, right? I knew that I heard that name before. Not only was it as powerful as Mewtwo, but it was also considered even more dangerous because of the fact that it could change into any one of its four forms if I remember correctly."
  6. Sir Darius (Gallade) As instructed, Sir Darius entered the courtroom with the rest of the crowd. He looked around to see the bailiffs already in their positions in the courtroom. Rather than stand with them as he normally would, he decided to sit down with the rest of the crowd. The closest bailiff approached him. "You're not standing with us, sir? You're the last one that I'd expect to be sitting down in the courtroom." The bailiff looked at both the king and the water type pokemon. "It's because of what happened with the King, isn't it?" Darius sighed. "That's the main reason, yes. I do not wish to be the one to have to say whether or not the King is guilty or not. It's bad enough that I'm seeing this before my very eyes. I do not wish to be a part of it as well. Besides, since I'm the third highest in command, the first two obviously being the King and Queen, I may also be questioned in this case." The Gallade said. The bailiff began to speak. "I see. Well, I can't force you if you don't want to. Just remember: we're doing this with intentions to make the kingdom a better place for everyone." With that being said, the bailiff went back to his post, leaving Sir Darius to his thoughts. "I sure hope so." The Captain said.
  7. Velvet (Lopunny) "Beats the heck outta me." Velvet said, looking up at the night sky. "It wouldn't surprise me if there was, though. I mean, there have to be places other than what we've seen or heard of, right? That's the very reason that we're out here in the first place. Not to mention that I've heard some weird things about how some of the pokemon that we know came to be what they are now. Heck, I've even heard that Clefairies originally came from the moon before. Of course, I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it's definitely something to think about."
  8. Yeah... I should probably get some sleep too. I've been drifting in and out so much that I couldn't even really do anything about that whole situation at the magic kingdom. I'll probably be on later though. Until then, I guess.
  9. Velvet (Lopunny) Velvet sighed as she realized the unfortunate timing. "Yeah... about that..." She began to speak. "He literally jumped in just before you jumped back out." She said, annoyed at how ironic this was.
  10. Velvet (Lopunny) Velvet was walking toward the back of the ship eating some of the lettuce that she had brought with her. She was thoroughly enjoying it and not paying much attention to anything else when the ship suddenly stopped, making made her fall over and drop the lettuce which was headed towards the edge. The bunny tried to catch it before it fell over, but she couldn't get to it in time, being less than one second too short. "Aw, man." She said. The Lopunny then realized something was wrong: the ship had stopped moving. She sprang to her feet and looked around. They didn't hit any kind of land. She looked over to where the anchor was, which was still there. Velvet was very confused about what had just happened. "Uh... how and why did we stop?"
  11. To be fair, he did say that he would request a meeting with the sky king. Who knows, maybe he's just trying a different approach. Then again, even I can't say for sure...
  12. Velvet (Lopunny) Velvet made her way to the docks and found the ship that they were taking for the trip. "So that's the ship were taking? Cool. I've never been on one like this before." She said to herself. The bunny then gleefully hopped onto the vessel and looked around, taking an old pair of goggles off of her head to leave hanging around her neck. "Well, it looks like everyone's here, plus a few more, I see. Is everyone ready to go?" She asked.
  13. Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade) "Right away." Velvet said. She then turned to Sir Darius. "Well, Darius... it looks like I'll see you later." The Lopunny said. "Just be careful, would you?" The Gallade said. "Alright. Just don't do anything crazy." Velvet responded. Darius smiled when she said that. "Actually, I believe that's my line." Velvet giggled. "Not anymore." That being said, the Lopunny then proceeded to leave the throne room and head towards the docks.
  14. Velvet (Lopunny) "I figured as much." Velvet said. The Lopunny paused as she considered sailing west. If there truly was anything out that way, that would be a huge discovery. One that would not only pay well (And not just from Shidew, but also from her brokers if there was anything out that way), but one that could possibly present her with a challenge like nothing that she's faced before. The Lopunny looked at Shidew and smiled. "Alright, I suppose I could give it a shot." She said, looking forward to her next adventure.
  15. Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade) "Oh, you don't have to worry about paying me. I'll do this for free." Velvet said. "But the only known place to the west is the Kingdom of Water. I would say to be careful, but if I remember correctly, you guys have an alliance with them." Sir Darius felt a little embarrassed as he realized he made such a simple mistake. "Um... wait... did I seriously say west?" The Lopunny next to him giggled. "Actually, yes you did, but at least we knew what you meant." Velvet said "Still, it's not like you to make a mistake like that." The Gallade then sighed. "Sorry about that. The fact that I would make such a simple mistake just proves that it's been a long day." Darius said.
  16. Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade) "Well, I'm not entirely sure myself." Velvet answered. "I just got a letter from Darius saying to come here to talk to him about something. I'm sure it said what it was in the letter, but my hands were a bit wet from when I was in Greenwater Swamps and it kinda smudged the last bit of it." She turned to Darius. "So, what exactly did you want to talk about?" The Lopunny asked. She then hopped a bit closer to the Captain and whispered to him. "Is it private?" Darius shook his head. "No. It's not..." He said. "...In fact, this seems to be the perfect opportunity to ask you once again." Velvet tilted her head. "Okay. What's the question?" She asked. The Gallade began to speak. "Well, as you may know, there have been rumors of two more kingdoms to the west, across the sea. And, knowing that you were a bounty hunter for a short while, you had to have a few connections in order to gather information to track down your targets. Which brings me to the question..." Velvet then began to speak, knowing what Darius was going to ask. "You want to know if they know if the rumors are true, don't you?" The Lopunny asked. Darius nodded. "That's right." Velvet shook her head. "I'm sorry, but even I don't know the answer to that. The rumors are too new for anyone to be sure. Some of my sources say yes. Some say no. My most trusted sources can't even give a straightforward answer. Again, I'm sorry, but I only know about as much as you do." She said, feeling a little sad that she couldn't help her friend.
  17. Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade) "Speaking of being hasty..." Velvet began to speak. "... I apologize for the whole 'kicking the door open' thing. When I got to the gates, a little Pawniard told me about some trouble over here with some crazy Banette, and I ran here as fast as I could." Sir Darius sighed after she said that. "I suppose it's partially my fault too since I sent the Pawniard to the gates in the first place." He said, thinking back to what happened just a short while ago. He then snapped out of it when he realized that he hadn't answered the Queen's question. "Anyways, yes milady. This is indeed the friend that I was talking about before." The Lopunny stepped forward and bowed. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Velvet Valkyria. I'm an old friend of your Captain, Sir Darius." She stood back up with a welcoming smile on her face. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
  18. Velvet (Lopunny) & Sir Darius (Gallade) A Lopunny kicked open the door and began to yell, ready for a fight. "Alright, where is he? Where is he? I'm ready for a fight! I'll whack 'em! I'll smack 'em! I'll-" She was cut off when a Bisharp put a blade to her throat. It didn't take long for her to be surrounded afterwards. Sir Darius then raised a hand, signaling for them to stop. "Everyone, stand down!" He said. His men preceeded to do so. He then turned to the Lopunny. "Velvet! Are you trying to give everyone a heart attack?" He yelled at the poor bunny, who then crossed her arms. "Well, it's nice to see you too." She said, obviously being sarcastic.
  19. Sir Darius (Gallade) Sir Darius looked in shock at his fallen comrade as Titania was healing his wounds. Suddenly, a Kirlia appeared in the room, which made the captain snap out of it. The Kirlia began to look around the throne room, observing the aftermath in disbelief. She then turned to Sir Darius, who began to speak. "You're one of the pokemon stationed at the gate, yes?" The Kirlia nodded. "Y-yes, captain." The Gallade began to speak once again, hoping to help the Kirlia focus on why she was here. "Well then, what do you have to report?" He said. Yelling can be heard in the distance and it sounded like it was getting closer. That's when the Kirlia snapped out of it. "Um... Sir? She's here." The Kirlia said, looking at the door. The yelling was definitely getting louder, which means whatever was doing it was getting closer.
  20. Sir Darius (Gallade) "Of course, milady." The Gallade responded. He got out of his fighting stance, but he didn't dare let his guard down, feeling as though doing something like that right now could put him in a very fatal situation. He then turned to the Banette. "Well then, shall we go? It's obvious that no one here wants to fight. It would probably be best if we saw you on your way out."
  21. Sir Darius (Gallade) Sir Darius knew he didn't like the looks of this pokemon. This Banette was clearly insane. He turned to one of the Pawniards at the door. "You! Get to the gates. I have an old friend on their way here. I don't expect her to be here anytime soon, but since she has a tendency to arrive early, I need you there just in case." He ordered. The Pawniard responded with a "Yes, Captain" before headed to the gates. The Gallade then looked over to Vertex to see that he was also prepared for a fight. "I hope you're ready for a fight, Vertex..." He said. "...Because I don't think this is going to be an easy one." Velvet (Lopunny) Seeing the Kingdom of Magic's capital in the distance she's getting more and more excited to see her friend. If anyone did see her, they would probably think that she might be getting way too hyped for something like this, even if it had been a while. "I'm so close... I can't wait!" She said. She began to sprint as fast as she can to get to the capital before dark.
  22. Sir Darius (Gallade) Sir Darius had begun making his way to the castle after dealing with a few things on the training grounds when a Sigilyph came swooping down to report to his captain. "So you've successfully delivered the letter?" The Gallade asked. The Sigilyph began to communicate telepathically. "Yes, sir." He answered. Sir Darius was glad to hear this news. "Good. You're dismissed for now." The Sigilyph flew off afterwards. Sir Darius then made his way to the castle and then the throne room to see the hooded pokemon. He didn't like this one bit. "Just what is going on, here?" The Gallade asked, preparing a Night Slash in case this mysterious pokemon had the intentions that Sir Darius was expecting.
  23. Geez. I keep accidentally spelling Atlus instead of Atlas. I swear I've had to fix that typo at least seven times these past couple of days. Also, the hooded pokemon blocking Vertex at the door isn't Velvet, is it? I wasn't planning on her being there for a little while longer. Edit: Never mind about that second part. It seems as though I missed a part in the IC.
  24. Atlas (Golurk) The Golurk looked down at the Growlithe and spoke. "Actually, yes, I do. You see, our King has tasked me with strengthening our defenses, and while our castle walls have been repaired, I feel as though they should be reinforced in case they take a hit like they did in our defense against the Kingdom of Water. I would like for you to gather some Timburr and Gurdurr to help do that, if you could. Maybe create a wall around the Capital as well. In the meantime, I will put together a few teams to help defend it." Atlas said. It then proceeded to resume it's plans to create an effective defense force.
  25. Uh, whoops... I didn't realize that we were tagging our characters with the pokemon species as well. I'll go ahead and change that.
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