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Status Updates posted by Kurotsune

  1. I didn't think I'd be here again. It's been a while since we've spoken.

    We start talking, and I remember all the times we've spent together. It always tasted the same for the first few words.

    You're bitter, dark, and cruel. You remind me of the worst in me. You make me wish you were never there.


    And then you take it away.


    A few words in and I remember why I always came to you. A few words in and the buzzing in my head tells me I'm losing myself once again.


    Mayhaps, losing yourself is not so bad after all - You reassure me. True. Maybe it isn't so bad after all.


    We continue our exchange and I feel the numbness. Like always - From the top of my head to the tips of my fingers. A familiar sensation if there ever was one - I'm filled with you, complete by your essence - And empty just the same.


    At the end of the day, you give me nothing, and you take everything away from me, but I keep coming back. It's been a while since we spoke. I wonder how much until I decide to talk to you again.



    1. Felicity


      Did, uh, did you do some drugs buddy? I'm reading significant drugged vibes here, not to poop on your eloquent parade here.

  2. You can't help but constantly bite back when you feel the world's against you.

  3. TIL there was a magician whose act was basically stabbing himself with a sword

  4. 'm not following anyone if only because I already struggle to pay attention to shit as-is and if I have ten thousand notifications I'll probably literally never be able to understand what's happening in life ever again


    1. Odybld


      You can turn these notiffs off and use it as an address book to find users quickly or use it as a sign of appreciation or whatnot.

  5. Oh gee we can write pretty big statuses now

  6. I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you~

  7. And I don't know what you do~ I like everything 'bout you~ Your smile~ Your face~ Your bod your moves~ How you tip and tap your shoes~

    1. Vinny


      Saint James Ballroooooom~

      It's pretty neat

  8. Upon hearing the results of the election I rushed to the forums and was immediately disappointed - Not because Trump won, but because I was expecting to see the Star Wars "This is how democracy dies" quote.

    1. doombotmecha


      eh, it's on tumblr. we're too tired for memes. we're afraid.

    2. Felicity


      I let you down, am sorry

    3. Kurotsune


      You did, Dobby.

  9. Oh, oh-oh~ You were the only one~ The only one that kept me alive~


  11. My life is summed up by my brain yelling "Live!", my body yelling "Sleep!" and my liver yelling "DO WHATEVER BUT PLEASE CUT THE ALCOHOL"

  12. Inside the outsider

    1. YinYang9705
    2. Maelstrom


      picking their brain?

  13. 4 days until identity crisis

  14. This is probably the best news I could've gotten \o/

    1. Exalted


      did you get laid

  15. Mandatory locked comment

  16. They see me rollin' they mutin'

  17. I'll straight up stab a bitch

  18. Yes, hello, waiter? I'd like a bullet. Yes, in the face. Hm, I could go for the fries, too, sure!

  19. I activate pot!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch
    3. Exalted


      ayy nothing a little green herb cant fix in this world

    4. Sutoratosu


      A wild Snoop Dog appeared!

  20. Dark Souls 3 coming out on monday and it's my day off. Let the games begin!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Maaaaaaaan, why I got to be broke? But I definitely picking it up at some point so I'm avoiding it until then. Might jsut no life more Bloodborne.

    3. Kurotsune


      I'mma be 100% honest, I totally did NOT have the money I used to purchase the game.

      Still worth it though

    4. Arkhi
  21. Why is everyone so hyped about one new pokémon when you can reasonably expect like 100 more in a year or so?

    1. Exalted


      cause it is the begining of the hype and thats always frantic and it will continue till there officially relased and then ppl will fight over how good it really is

    2. Isa-Chu


      Feel the hype.

      Be the hype.

  22. And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my heart~


    1. Jan
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~


    3. Shamitako


      What Pyon said

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