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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by krim

  1. http://bookofholsety.dreamwidth.org/8084.html Somebody is FINALLY making a complete Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4) patch, and will soon start work on Thracia (FE5). This makes me very happy.
    1. BreezyPonie


      Oh my god, this pretty much sums up my entire math class yesterday. I was freaking out XD

  2. http://i.imgur.com/40fTM55.gif So...George R.R Martin, is there something you'd like to announce?
  3. http://i.imgur.com/AcgzZ1n.jpg Laughing hard now. It's like the devs knew nobody was going to check the descriptions.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/PY7Fmr2.png HOSHIDO HAS MET IT"S MATCH!
    1. Jacobliterator


      Now justice REALLY reigns!

    2. Flynn


      This is disturbing.

  5. http://i.imgur.com/rIUd7rX.jpg Just going to leave this meme fuel here. (Sun and Moon in case anyone is avoiding news)
  6. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/153/780/7e5.jpg_large This is probably my favorite exeggcutor meme so far.
    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl


      That's hilarious XD

    2. InnocentSerenity


      You are Alola's great mons~

    3. DW~


      oml that is amazing

  7. http://image.prntscr.com/image/3452af16dc724a3c985355c0daee7c90.png Yes. Finally. Fliers only kind of cheeses Revelations harder than I thought. And low manning with just Corn and Leo for like, the last ten chapters, especially made it easier. Malig Knights are love.
  8. http://prnt.sc/a6p4sv It's here. Time to vanish for the next few hours.
    1. Cepheus


      god I hate you all...

      I WANT IT TOO!!

      but nooooo... EU doesn't have a real release date yet... -.-

  9. http://prnt.sc/b5rjtd So uh. I never really noticed how destructive FE4s Killer Bow is. Why is it so much better than everything but Holy Weapons? Even ignoring that it grants Critical without a kill count, those stats are buff.
    1. Shamitako


      Aren't Killer Bows always stupidly OP in FE?

      But yeah, wow, that looks super good

    2. krim


      Usually they only have about irons might. This has almost silvers. Also because weapons are easily reparable, this thing sticks with you the entire game because you get it in chapter 1.

  10. http://prnt.sc/bvjdqm Lets see how hard I can trivialize Revelations Lunatic (This is a fliers only run).
    1. ShadowStar


      Yoooo Malig Knight Elise. How is that working for ya?

    2. krim


      Really well, actually. She's a little glass-cannony but that's to be expected since she was a healer. Her Magic and Speed growths are huge.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guzam


      When you got that powerful all stats up level. It's always amazing to get that, especially on characters that have bad growths.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Either very lucky...

      or using the "All Stats +1 at Level UP" AR code...

    4. krim


      Nah, got lucky. Also with this: http://prntscr.com/bypmtf

      Based Matthis might actually see some use.

  11. http://prnt.sc/bytw2e I forgot that Wendell gives you the Pope hat thing. Marth looks pissed about it XD
    1. Sutoratosu


      Ah, I see you're playing FE:Shadow Dragon as well.

      I miss the sprite art from the GBA games in the series, tbh... the animations were simple but on point and looked fucking awesome, and well... compared to the 3d style of this... it really makes the spriting of old stand out.

      The whole Reclassing option is nice though. Adds a lot more options to how to build the army

    2. krim


      Actually, it's FE12. Shadow Dragon's sequel, although it was never released outside of Japan (probably due to Shadow Dragon selling badly). Im using a translation patch that came out a while back. And yes, I definitely miss sprites too. I'd definitely prefer the Tellius or gba sprite artstyles over this.

    3. krim


      Reclassing is pretty fun. Im actually using Matthis (who is widely renowned as one of the worst units ever) as a myrmidon, and he's turning out not terrible because of it.

  12. http://prnt.sc/bzpaa4 Wonder in awe. A Matthis that isn't garbage.
    1. Shanco


      Yes yes good until the second half of the game is dragons and lance users

    2. krim


      Shhh he can use axes on promotion. Also I can always switch to swordmaster on promotion for Wyrmslayer access. (Since it gives a huge sword rank boost)

  13. http://prnt.sc/c73feq In response to the Metal Gear Survive trailer. Honestly I wouldn't have been mad if they hadn't felt the need to slap Metal Gear onto the title to ride of Kojima's success.
    1. krim
    2. krim


      Here's another one :D

  14. http://prnt.sc/cbv14n Oops. Forgot what turn he showed up and desperate measures were taken. (This is Chapter 6)
  15. http://prnt.sc/cfrnzl Decided to play Radiant Dawn again after figuring out how to put my Gamecube saves on Nintendont. I also figured out screenshotting in the process. The fabled event I've talked about can finally be shown off. The god of transfers that needed them least.
    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~


  16. http://prntscr.com/7vw61b Maybe he didn't need the second Pugi.....(Everything caps at 20 except HP)
  17. http://prntscr.com/80mnof So Im playing a randomizer. Why Rutger? Why?
  18. http://prntscr.com/a3tmfo The collection grows. Got all of this, 3 controllers, MK Double Dash and a bunch of sports games for $30. Really the only things I need for GC now are a working Melee and the Star Fox games.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krim


      Yeah I've had it for a while. The rest of my collection is the Zelda Collector's Edition, Wind Waker, the two shadow pokemon games and FE Path of Radiance. (Might try to find FZero but I feel like playing it will hurt me)

    3. Tringus


      I still actually need to get the Zelda Collector's Edition, and Star Fox Adventures. I still need to get new gamecube controllers and fix my Villager controller. After that, my Gamecube collection will be complete for the most part.

    4. Aurorix


      7.8/10 Not enough maro sunshine

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krim


      Paired him with Tiltyu. So gen 2s difficulty is pretty much gone as well. (With the added bonus of having a mounted user. <3 Arthur)

    3. YinYang9705


      I'd have paired him up with Ferry myself(<3 Forsetti Sety) but giving Fosetti to a mounted mage is good considering FE4 has some of the biggest maps in the series.

    4. krim


      I usually do. It is the "canon" choice, according to fe5. As it turns out Gen 2 Lewyn gets a lot of development with Arthur and Tinny as his kids, so I decided to try it out.

  19. http://prntscr.com/bbny1h Cedsy? Sometimes I feel like BookOfHolsety enjoys our suffering. (Seriously, whoever changed Sety's name to Ced over at Nintendo needs a paycut)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Actually it seems like the Crusader's name remained Sety. Also, not gonna like, Ulster is kinda a better name and way easier on the eyes.

    3. krim


      Ill have to agree with you on that one. Could never pronounce his name before.

    4. AuthorReborn


      I mean looking at it now, his old name was literally a poop joke. Scat, ha ha.

  20. http://prntscr.com/bcdqwe And so it ends. Tactics ranking is based on how fast you play. My turn count was in the 700s so....not fast. Lol
  21. http://prntscr.com/bfyhx5 Since I finished my Mono Dark run ages ago, I figured why not do a mono-flying. Don't know a team yet outside of Farfetch'd and Siglyph. (This is the only flying starter)
    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Drifloon/blim with destiny bond can be very useful for those tougher battles. I'd recommend pelipper as well if only for mist so you can have some field control when needed.

    2. Shad_


      If you need some mons to get hacked in feel free to make a request in the R-A-M Thread!

    3. krim


      Had someone get me a Skarmory as a starter, already. Thanks though!

  22. http://prntscr.com/bj7j1r Well, Divine is broken. Also: Brave Javelins and Devil Hand Axes. I love randomized FE.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krim


      The best part is that Saleh replaced Seth. And has two of them. In the prologue.

    3. pbood2


      How do you randomize fe such as fe7 or fess because I might want to try this tbh. It looks fun. :)

    4. krim
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