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Status Updates posted by Wolfox

  1. Not sure if this is a good idea, but how would a Whip Wielder in Fire Emblem games work? would they be more speed/skill based or more strength/defence based? would they be a good class/ good classes or would they suck. would they have a notmal 1 attack range or a 1-2 range?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      tbh I would love to see something like that in a future game, or maybe just a rom hack. SOMEONE SEND AN EMAIL TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE NEW FE GAMES!

    3. Maelstrom


      A whip might be a weak debuff unit. Get hit with a whip, it hurts/stings. Get hit with a sword or other real weapon and you get wrecked.

    4. Wolfox


      a whip could work like the Dagger in that sence. but instead of a full debuff it could let the enimy get disarmed after the battle. it could also be one of those classes that if trained long enough can be a real threat even in a damage point of view

  2. dADAqa4.png

    Yeah, I can see the reference

  3. "He may also be a reference to Jonathan Joestar from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, since if you hole up Long enough he well strike a pose that kinda resembles a pose JoJo strikes."

    Okay so Jonathan Morris could be a reference to JoJo's? I even if it's not entended I like it

  4. When Soma Cruz learns to play guitar with Jonathan Morris playing drums and Alucard playing Bass

  5. so I've been planning on playing through one of the Digimon world games for DS again, but idk which one I would play though again... just digimon world DS? or maybe Dawk or Dusk?

  6. Every game has that "OP" weapon for that point in the game. most aren't as easy to obtain but all in all they're obtainable if you play well. In Portrait of Ruin that weapon is actually really easy to get.

    In the early game you can obtain the "Long Spear". which is a pretty high gamage spear weapon in that game.


    How is it obtained you ask?


    You kill Armor Knights...

    You know the Purple to Blue guys who carry a spear? The ones that are pretty much everywhere in the Early Game?

    Yeah, those guys drop the weapon that's pretty much OP during the early and maybe even mid game. high droprate aswell. before I reset my save I had around 7 without farming for them.

  7. am I the only one suprised by the fact that Jonathan Morris from Portrait of Ruin can just wield a 2 handed freatsword with just one hand, while Soma Cruz, the NEW DRACULA has to use both of his hands for it? since when is Dracula's descendant weaker physically then a normal human?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh lordy... Castlevania. A thin I'm not even going to try to make sense of. Also, techincally even if you have the proper strength to use something like that in a single hand you shouldn't cause it messes up proper form techincallymaking it worse. So maybe Soma is just smarter?

    2. Wolfox


      Jonathan does seems like a act first, think later type... Then aain soma decides to risk his life to save one childhood friend in his first game... Bue he also knows how to utilize the power of monsters. Damn I wish there was a Castlevania character in smash...

  8. FINALLY ABLE TO PLAY CASTLEVANIA PORTRAI OF RUIN! It has already replaced Dawn of Sorror on my favorite games list. And that game was around number 2 or 3.

    1. Animefan666


      My favorite Castlevania game is Aria of Sorrow. Mostly because I'm not a fan of the Whip and they force that thing on you in pretty much every game. With AoS, you get a much wider array of weapons and skills.

    2. Wolfox


      same in PoR and DoS

  9. Team ragnarok: You can't defeat the gods!

    Team 5d's: Jack loses, sends me in.

    Team Ragnarok: You stand even less of a chance! You don't even have a special synchro!

    Me:beats all of their team. without even using a monster with more then 3000 attack.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FairFamily


      That's why you play recycle card in your deck. Also is ancient sacred wyvern in the game?

    3. FairFamily


      but yeah the challenge is not that smart considring how yu gi oh is played.

    4. Wolfox


      Ancient Sacred Wyvern is in the game, yes. andat least jack leaves you some useful cards. Ultimate offering, end of the storm and some others

  10. still up? no school/work tomorrow or something?

    1. HongaarseBeer


      Hahaha, sorry dad :P 


      I have exams this week (Monday and Friday) so I'm free tomorrow. And also, I just came from work and I can never sleep immediately after having worked :) 


      Shouldn't you be sleeping, young man?

    2. Wolfox


      who says I wasn't?

    3. HongaarseBeer


      Were you sleep typing on your computer?

  11. note completely sure about arc-V... while it's amazing to hights of 5ds season one and 3, it's not quite up to par with season 2 of 5ds. still kicked the original off the number 2 spot for me tho

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FairFamily


      It is a bit obvious. The reason why I think Yusei stands little chance against yuya is the amount of boss monsters that yuya has. The four dimension dragons are already a thread to yusei's stardust. Then you have the odd-eyes combintions, the odd-eys upgrades saber and lancer (lancer gets pass all the traps), odd-eyes fusions and finally the palladins. So getting into any of these is quite easy for yuya. 

    3. FairFamily


      For yami this is more from a perspective that yami has access to some very broken cards that can easily win games on their own.

    4. Wolfox


      I'm looking at it from a perspective with the most fair decks. like n banned cards AT ALL. till yuuya will have an advantage against just Stardust, but stardust also has nice combinations like SHooting Star, majestic and quazar. against yami it will literally be who get's the ace out first and who does the best with it. granted I would love to see either in an anime style duel and be happy with any outcome. Yuuya VS Yusei could posibly even be a turbo duel depending on the setting

  12. you know what's Ironic? DBZ Fans will always hate on Yamcha and say he's the weakest person in the anime, most of them don't know yamcha actually beat Goku in a fight and was Goku's first official rival. Granted Goku was a kid and hungry while Yamcha was around 18ish, but still he was able to defeat a Saiyen before it was cool

    1. Animefan666


      Yeah, you can't really compare characters like Yamcha to most of them because everyone has the power to blow up the damn planet. DB made more sense. Now it's just, "fight me or I'll blow up the planet." DBZ hasn't been original since the first fight with Vegeta.

    2. Wolfox


      tbh I agree, I watched a little bit of DBZ till the start of the android saga but I was left really disapointed. there was more filler then One Piece has, it moved way to slow and story wise it simply fell down the same hole as fe fates, but deeper IMO. Granted the filler and such were fixed in kai, but that aint fixing the story

  13. For the Blue Flame!

    1. Maelstrom


      It seems to me, if Jecht was a FE character, he would be Priam. Dat hair...

  14. Yay, I have to beat team Catastrophe. the funny thing is: THEY START WITH AN INSTANT SYNCHRO that can change the battle possition of your monster, dream clown in attack AND no entry.pretty much all you can do is play you draw well since their draws seem to be fixed... where's my lghtsworn when I need it

  15. Let's burn a hole, so we can climb out. Of these paper walls, of this empty house~

  16. Shinkuro shōkan!

    1. Hect


      Sounds tasty.

    2. Wolfox


      I literally said Synchro Summon! in Japanese

    3. Hect


      Oh, it sounded tasty while I didn't understand it. Could've been Ramen or something, y'feel.

  17. wish me luck at the dentist

  18. When you defeat the Ghost first try using a Synchro monster, tell me again how that is not one of the best ways of summoning

  19. If you could live in any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! worlds, which one would you live in? And what would you be in said world?


    I would personally be in the 5D'S world as an outlaw turbo duelist in the Satellite, just pissing of Sector Security

    1. seki108


      Considering I'm only familiar with the original and Gx worlds (though technically they are the same), I'll choose GX era.  Only a case or two of end of the world shenanigans to account for, while the game is right near the point where I am still a little familiar with it (or at least the speed of it).

    2. FairFamily


      I'll take gx and become a dueling student.

    3. Wolfox


      the days when Fusions ruled the world

  20. why do I nickname my azumarils Truck?

    1. Dreamy


      Because they hit like one after a belly drum?

    2. Wolfox


      well, that, and because of Numb Nexus in a dead island let'splay, he kinda became a mechanephiliac

  21. for all people who like to bitch about casual mode being "too easy"(again, not syaing they're here, just in general).

    try beating Priam's recruitment level on Lunatic on lunatic+. suddenly you would love to have those units that died

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Go big or go home

    2. Dreamy


      I liked using casual mode for awakening because I don't like letting anyone die permanently so a single death was always a game over. casual let me turn the difficulty up a bit and open new options in combat with strategic sacrifices

    3. Wolfox


      same, I tend to get attached to my units to soon aswell... mainly Priam and Lon'qu

  22. Riden the Stardust Accelerator and reversed the Arcadia, now it's time to go. OVER THE NEXUS!

  23. I just beat YGO 5ds reverce of arcadia, with alot of bullshit, rubberbanding and bad luck before the last duels, ofcourse

  24. I wonder... what if Morgan had been one of the top 3 child units from Awakening? What class would he/she have gotten in fates and which gender would they have used? And the most inportant question, what would their Heart Seal Class be?

    1. Cepheus


      gender could have possibly be dependent on Corrin  - like it's always been (except for the DLC chapters, were you encounter both once). and seeing that he was Tactician/Grandmaster, the closest class would be Dark Mage into Dark Knight - with Swords and Tomes - maybe would have replaced Odin/Owain in that regard.

      Or going into a completely different direction and made him a Cavalier, a Knight or even Archer?

      But I guess it would have been to much variables for a "standard" unit to use, basing it of the players corrin (multiple Support convos etc.)

    2. Wolfox


      I think it might have been female morgan since male robin is seen as the true robin, and perhaps it could have been a troubadour since strategist

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