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Status Updates posted by Wolfox

  1. when you mute someone for causing a scene with another staff mamber and they say they will report you because of "abuse". somehow I tend to always find the rotten apples

  2. You know what Konami should have done more with when it comes to yugioh? Turbo Duels. The conceps is really great and unless I'm mistaken at least 75% of the 5Ds anime duels were turbo duels. I get that it would be for a select audiance but that doesn't mean that it's not a good idea!

    1. Zarc


      on 5d's Reverse of arcadia or Over the nexus , there is turbo duel

    2. Wolfox


      true, and in stardust accelerator there si aswell. but I mean actually bring out the physical cards for them

    3. FairFamily


      The problem is, is that it is completely unbalanced. It requires a new banlist and it took a long time for the last one to go into the most recent one. It also requires new cards (speed spells) with no relevance to the old game. Remember people in the game really don't want to draw a turbo duel card in a pack. And if you think making a seperate pack will help. Less reprints.

  3. Okay, so I bought the Yugioh 3ds game(it's based on zexal tho...) and sofar I gotta say that it's not that bad. one thing I kinda miss is making an avatar and going though the story with it. but at least you can Kinda make one for free duels. also you get a 3 card playset of all card in the game right from the start. which I kinda have some mixed feelings about. on the one hand: yay, no grinding! but on the other it takes something away that yugioh games on nintendo consoles always had: card paks and a pack shop. I'm not that far into the game yet but I'll have to say that I'm quite happy with the purchase. The first thing I did was buil a deck that's kiiiiinda OP in this game sofar(synchro Hot Red Dragon Archfiend for my free duels.) just duel a person in free duel. I mean there's no goal of beating Jack Atlas, so why not emulate his deck?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FairFamily


      Well you can always give him a full functional utopia deck. That's what I did: make a theme deck when doing a character's story.

    3. Zarc


      that's exactly what i did too 

    4. Wolfox


      the issue there is that I don't know much about utopia theme decks overall. since I mostly played using syncrho's and hardly used any XYZ;s

  4. Did you know this?

    People run max speed Jolly Azumarill in OU...

    And to those who use that set please explain why. It's not liek Azu outspeeds anything to begin with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Exactly! Just put all of those EV's in HP so it can at least wotk with the common belly drum set.

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Bring Sitrus Berry and Aqua Jet then gg

    4. Wolfox


      I tend to use NormaliumZ, Cuz Z-drum azu does not care if it's force to swap, or you can heal yourself up later on sometime

  5. WHy not changes your name to what ever Lightnings's full name is?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @Another Retired Shipper You need to be a member for at least a year. I've been a member for 2 years+ so that's why I have Veteran status.

    3. Anime


      thanks for letting me know Dive^^

    4. Wolfox


      I've been a member for 3 years now. damn does time fly

  6. Sono Chi No Sadame





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      There actually is a J in there http://prntscr.com/f1kkqi see?


    3. Hycrox
    4. Wolfox


      Lowkey I could see Speedwagon sing or say that. If only he made it to Stardust Crusaders...

  7. when someone finds it stange you once banned them from a room on PS while they kept making "jokes" about the holocaust and linking to sites like bestgore... I may be completely stupid but I believe that that is actually worthy of a golbal lock to a global ban depending on who you ask l


    1. Hycrox


      You're not completely stupid, not even close. No one that likes Speedwagon can be completely stupid.

  8. kakyoinnnn_by_mchlsu-db0il81.gif

    Not even mettaton can keep up with Kakyoin.

  9. Just decided to start Jojotas. First episode: Rolled outa my chair laughing TWICE

  10. Jonathan would be proud

  11. I feel like I'm a good person. I bought a RollerCoaster Tycoon mega pack for my little sister and my mom since they love rollercoaster tycoon 2. :)

    1. HongaarseBeer
    2. Wolfox


      Still not on Speedwagon levels, but a good person none the less.

  12. I hate to spam the status update section this much but I just found the fourth shiny during my quest for a heart scale. so that's 4 shiny's before ONE luvdisc

  13. It's official. Luvdisc is now the third water type in my least favorite 5.

    I mean I know water types are the worst type in the game when generalized(there may be the good ones like Gyarados and Swampert. but with many more like wishcash, basculin, LUVDISC, alomomola, seel and many more, it's not so strange I hate them I believe

  14. okay, so how rare is finding a luvdisc in the bellrose lake again? I've hunted there for a couple of days and haven;t even found one yet. let alone the heart scale I'm after

  15. http://prntscr.com/f0lfik

    Lyn better watch out!

    She may have a Hydranoid, I have Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FairFamily
    3. Wolfox


      that's what Outrage is for. no absolute power flame but just back to Absolute Power Force!

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      too many franchises crammed in one, can not compute

  16. "You can always inrove and you could always be better."

    Yeah, unless your Speedwagon

  17. time to Ev train an Axew that I named Scarlight.

    Instant rep for anyone who knows why that nickname

    1. ProjectIceman


      Yu-Gi-Oh reference?

    2. Wolfox


      Indeed. I always name my shiny Haxorus Jack Atlas since it kinda looks like Red Dragon Archfiend. but this one aint shiny so Scarlight has to do

  18. say, is it weird that I found 2 shinys while looking for a heart scale before finding said heartscale?

    1. ProjectIceman


      I'd say you were very lucky, but this is Pokemon Reborn we are talking about...where I found a shiny Bouffalant and then right after a shiny Tauros in route 1.

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Don't forget, this is Reborn, anything can happen here

    3. Wolfox


      Turns out I still had one in my bag... still finding 2 shiny's before a freaking luvdisc is kinda....

  19. Something I've been wondering a little bit lately: are there perhaps any other Aphmau fans here on the forums?

  20. c5f3d801d07241dfbe214d7adfe10c73.png

    it has happened. I somehow got 100 rep. Don't ask me how I did it, I guess some people like me here Why can't the like me more irl tho

  21. There's the people who say that the Jonathan Joestar arc of the Jojo series os the worst. However there's one thing that puts it ahead of the others.


    One does not simply: Become a better side character then Speedwagon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Indeed, Joseph was a good character. I still like Jonathan more since he gave his life for the good of the world, only to have it end up backfiring for Jotaro...


      WHat I like most about Joseph tho is that in stardust crusaders they tried to make him seem American with his cursing(Holy Shit, Oh My God, Oh Shit, Son of a Bitch and such)

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I think he they also transistion him really well into being a sorta mentor character for Jotaro and the gang while allowing him to still have some pretty badass and funny moments. ((Joseph will always be my fav Joestar though XD.))

    4. Wolfox


      If only he still had his wits in Diamond is Unbreakable so he could teach Joseku some things. but no Jotaro has to do that.

      Granted he probably got those hit out of him when Suzy Q found out about that affair(if I recall she also has some Hamon ability's)

  22. tumblr_o6pez5iYaw1sm4i14o1_500.jpg

    Anime/Manga brings quotes. Some great, some not so great. Some useful, some become memes.

    I feel like Suzaku has some of the best anime quotes overall

    1. seki108


      He also has some of the most frustrating moments before R2, episode 19 (mainly his 'enlightened' speal at the funeral). Still prefer Lelouch's "Vanquishing evil" question/quote.  


      Also, a nugget of wisdom from Jamil Neate (After War Gundam X): "When a man strays from the right path, a kind man needs the courage to raise his fist and correct him."

    2. Wolfox


      Suzaku overall isn't the most liked character of Code Geass. I personally like him because he did what he thought was right, even if people saw him as a traitor. Perfectly in sync with this quote. Lelouch does the same yet on the other side of the law and war. granted it all depends on how you like your favorites and Suzaku to me is simply a well done character

    3. seki108


      I feel like I would have loved Suzaku's character in most other contexts/environments.  He is without a doubt a well done character with many good scenes throughout both season.....just the graveyard scene pretty much wrecked my perception of his character first viewing (and a little if I rewatch the episode).  Also, even in the context of the show, I can see him saying a quote like the one I supplied in my first comment.

  23. what I think when people insult, bully, beat up, etc. others for something they can't help:


    What I want to do to said people:


  24. gx54W1mSpeYMg.gif Isa in dreamland

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      100% accurate 

  25. Would you rather:

    Fight Kujo Jotaro for 20 seconds(yes, he will use Star Platinum) or Insult Higashikata Joseku's hair.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, Steely Dan survived the 20 seconds of Ora ora ora. at least I think he did?

    3. IntSys


      It's just coin-flipping. Nothing's on the stakes.

    4. Wolfox


      I would just insult Joseku's hair. his stand only has a range of one meter and I don't think it would be easy for him to cath up to me when I'm on my bike

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