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Everything posted by Hiss13

  1. "Storytelling is an act of taking the straight line that is the status quo and kinking it like a garden hose."-Some random guy on the internet

  2. New Testament Volume 15's Cover Art and Synopsis (which has been out since about March 10th) Releases on April 9th~
  3. This extra chapter of Nanoha INNOCENT is too damn adorable. http://bato.to/reader#c816f5283d8ec247_1

  4. Yay for the new OP~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqPDrjcWAzw
  5. Alright. I think the new Yugioh Arc-V opening has finally grown on me. Farewell 'Kirifuda'. Welcome, 'Kibou no Hikari'.

  6. 6/10 I'll be honest, something about the style kist seems weird to me. Just my own taste, I guess.
  7. Binge watching a bunch of Bleach openings just makes me realize how much I miss the anime...

  8. Why are hammy antagonists just so damn lovable...

  9. Why couldn't the Ace Attorney anime have been animated by BONES instead of A-1...A-1 screwed it up...

    1. Shamitako


      Well, if we're picking between just those two, I tend to enjoy A-1's animation better...

    2. Shamitako


      Well, also if we're only talking about the quality of the animation

  10. JJBA Part 4 The crazy ride of Duwang: The Animated Series finally begins~ Loving this already. Impressed with the adaptation right from the first episode.
  11. Sion Sion just let her eyes stay wide open at the scene that unfolded in front of her. Beyond Lexi's cryptic remarks and the giant centipedes, Sion found herself most startled at the change in the environment around her. It was as if everyone had been transported to some sort of alternate plane. But, things only seemed to get even more intriguing as one of the girls drew the centipedes away before immolating and combusting them…somehow. When the smoke finally cleared, she turned to Lexi and Sharp, questions racing through her head. Surprisingly, Riv had gotten the main snarky remark she was planning to make out of the way before Sion could even do so. "Beyond getting our existences acknowledged by the people in our immediate vicinity, would you be so kind as to explain what we have just been dragged into?" Sion asked with a manufactured polite smile.
  12. “Someone who says he will save the world cannot protect the world. Our world is not so weak that it needs to be saved by a bastard like that.”

  13. 8/10 [Marika is still best Nisekoi]
  14. Top Spiderman or Bottom Spiderman?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Switch Spiderman.

    3. Flux


      Upside down Spiderman.


    4. laggless01


      Eh, more like strange spiderman or charm spiderman...

  15. The Maclaurin Series is basically this. Where f(x) is whatever your function is. So, f(x)=(1+x)1/2 in this case. Plug it into the above. Once you do, find the recursive formula for the series and then write it as Σan . With the recursive formula in hand, use the following formula: lim |an+1| x->∞ |an| To find the radius of convergence.
  16. Finally updated. Yesh. The world of Academy City is now open to you. Obviously, there are places where access is restricted but I've left the city open for you. Will you jump straight into the search? Will you take any detours? I wonder where you guys will go~
  17. The Video Call "Ugh…this just got…even more troublesome." Yuiitsu muttered. "I request they at least try to be discrete and they fail in a matter of minutes…well, at least one of them is as eager to get the job done with and move on as I am. Working with a hastily assembled team on a rush job is stupid." "It can't be helped. With the war, Accelerator's flight to Russia, the matter of Hamazura Shiage, and the matter of Fiamma of the Right, this is probably as low a priority to Aleister as Gensei-kun's actions during the Daihaseisai were." "In that case, I will cut my end of the call short. Seeing as one of you has left and another decided to destroy the door locking you in, I will be cutting the call completely and unlocking the only door that has yet to be unlocked. If you wish to continue discussion, feel free to do so on the phones. They have each of your 'allies's phone numbers in their contact list. With that, I am cutting off this conversation." With that abrupt ending, the video call immediately closed off. Whatever planning that Haruki was trying to prompt had been silenced. The doors to the salon room that Haruki was in clicked as they unlocked. "Honestly. Being the negotiator for the family is such a tedious and thankless job." Komuri Makoto With the video call over, the sound of the door to the break room had clicked and unlocked. Beyond the door was was a singular area that had three exits. The first was an exit to the left of the room that would take Makoto out to the convergence point of Districts 11, 18, and 23. On the right was the entrance to the main district, a nearly automated area devoid of people. The final exit was the door to what was likely a storage room for equipment used by the engineers during scheduled maintenance.
  18. Sion Sion was never the gambling type. As much as she enjoyed a good game, even when she was on the losing end, she knew that gambling would only put her into loss after loss after loss. There truly was no point to her trying to gamble since she would inevitably lose more than she would ever gain. She preferred to sit in the corner of the dorm room with her book in silence. After all, conversations with her generally ended up getting awkward. As she looked up periodically from her book at the game she that was going on, Sion could definitely reaffirm that her decision was the most accurate one. The Lexi girl seemed to have a goddess's luck as she kept winning round after round without even understanding the game she was playing. This is only getting more and more awkward. I should have just joined them. At least sitting with them and losing would have been far more comfortable than being the only one sitting and reading a book. In the end, she could only pray that they finally ended their game soon since it would have been even more awkward to try and join in mid-way. Oddly enough, that seemed to come in the form of a terrified Lexi telling everyone to get out of the room. Sion shut the book, leaving the outer cover as a bookmark. "You seem scared. Is everything alright?"
  19. tfw your reputation points increase by 5 but you have no clue as to why.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      Shing and Vinny everyday.

    2. Shamitako


      I hate this feel

  20. I don't get why people think an asshole rival is such a great thing. I feel no satisfaction in beating them if they're just not going to accept that they lost.

    1. Commander


      It has to do with mood. If you really hate their guts, it feels good to beat them to shut them up (or at least try to) and they be a sour puss about it. However if that's their only trait, they really aren't much of a character as it's generally a bit more complex than POing players.

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I agree. They just blow it off with "You got lucky" or "I was going easy on you", which are some of the most cliche excuses ever. Also am I really supposed to believe an asshole would go easy on someone?

  21. That just looks like another one of 4chan's deepest lore compilation images. I would take it with a grain of salt. Especially the top few images.
  22. Well, this is my first time managing an RP Though, what actually happened is...I missed a piece of Strat's post where he said Makoto closed the call from this end and was waiting for him to post the whole time. Then on Sunday (Murdoc can attest to this), I realized that I missed that bit of Strat's post after reading through the thread again...so yeah. Yuiitsu will shut down out little motormouth's talking spree and we will finally move on some time this week. Terribly sorry about that. This is my fault.
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