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Everything posted by Hiss13

  1. So many characters slowly breaking. So, so many characters.

  2. I honestly feel like Rem and Ram are the red herrings and that it's something external… There was only one thing that actually happened in both timelines (well, two if you count Subaru cutting himself with the knife): Subaru's visit to the city. Plus, there's the fact that there was that scene of Subaru looking at the dog bite before those affects happened. I'm starting to think that the dog is rabid or something and that killed him in his sleep the first time while this death is an amalgamation of the poison and something external entirely...
  3. Ahhh, Sakuya's Fiery Night is amazing. Nuke the Field, Crit Bonuses, Kickass song. What more could you ask for?

  4. Have I mentioned how amazing Aimer's songs are to listen to? Because if I haven't, I definitely should.

    1. Garnet.


      saw my profile and was inspired :]]]

    2. Hiss13


      Nah. That had nothing to do with it. I've just been looping Aimer songs for the past couple of days.

    3. Ikaru


      you are correct!!

  5. Sion With the advent of a tutorial battle came a plethora of questions. Many of them connected to the fact that Lexi seemed to know where the tutorial battle would start. Others involved the insinuation of the nightmare having a boss battle. All of this was worth delivering some snarky remarks and questions. However, that kind of thing seemed like it should wait. "Now's not the time for one-liners, dammit!" Sion shouted towards Riv before raising her hands in front of her and aiming her palms at the large animal's underbelly, or at least what was visible of it. The green rings lit up in succession from elbow to wrist, followed by a spear of ice quickly forming and being shot from each hand.
  6. A Certain Magical Index Anime's Producer: Season 3 is "plausible". Me: *snorts* You've been saying that for 5 years. Skip to WWIII and the Magic God Othinus Arcs.

    1. Flux


      Give Index 3

      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  7. Sion In the end, this was the goddess's own nightmare. If anyone knew best how to get through it, it would definitely be the goddess, herself. Without a word, Sion followed the goddess and the others. Of course, silence changed with Riv's compliment on her outfit. She was not used to praise. She was not even sure how to react. "T-thank you?" She truly was confused. Even if it was something worth praising, Sion was honestly not sure why it was so. She had just ended up following the flow of everything around her. Even this transformed outfit was just something she had formed together in a mental process much like floating lazily on a stream in an inner tube. "We should definitely ask." Sion spoke in response to Riv. "So, Lady Alexus, what exactly are we able to do with our powers…and how do we use them? Is it just as simple as thinking and pointing your finger?" She then turned to Sharp who seemed to be shooting looks of disgust. "Oh, and Sharp? If you have something you're displeased with us about, please do tell. It's not like I'm not used to being called inferior for something." Sion could only hope that she did not end up starting an argument.
  8. Time to throw my own hat into the fire. LET FIVE ANNOYING STAGES BE BURNED DOWN TO ONE~
  9. It's finally happening! Aleister's finally going to take action personally! Touma and Mikoto vs Aleister is finally going to happen!

  10. In the end, a huge railgun is still a huge railgun.

    1. Anvilicious


      Well. You're not wrong.

  11. Thank you, Flying Witch, for having a little sister character who actually acts like a likable little sister.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      You should be thanking their parents, not the sibling.

  12. Sion Family? How can you call someone who is not even at your own level family? Sion clenched and unclenched her fists. After all, I'm just a no good person who blends into the background. I don't have some outgoing personality or anything worth looking at. But…I still want to at least be able to at least… She let smile relax even further. I still want to be able stand on that level where I can agree with full honesty. She was given a chant and she watched the other two transformed. Sion's eyes widened as she watched the process. No matter how much she watched it happen, it was never going to seem normal to her… …and yet, she was about to take part in it herself. "Ice, huh…" Sion could not help but wonder what such an element would say about herself. She repeated the words in her head. Sion tilted her head slightly, wondering why Alexus had said that those words were not easy to memorize. With a single sigh, she let the aria reverberate from her mouth. "By the soul of your being By the strength of my logic In a pulse of logic And for the salvation of all humanity Bestow upon me your strength That I may understand the world" With a the end of her aria, a single spear of ice grew out from her chest and her back. From there, a one spear became two and two became four. The icicles multiplied at tremendous speed as they continued to spread all over the surface of her body and encased the entirety of her. For a couple of seconds, time seemed to stand still as the figure in the ice seemed to stand, immobile, until with the ice started to finally crack and shatter with movement. First was the right hand and arm, which shattered the ice around it, leaving the visage of a bare arm with lime green nails and four equidistant lime green ring markings on her arm, extending from her wrist to her elbow. With the subsequent forward motion of her legs, the remainder of the ice shattered. What emerged from that frozen chrysalis was a silver-haired girl with lime green eyes. Her dress was nearly identical to what she had before the metamorphosis with the exception of all black being replaced by the lime-green color of her eyes and markings and a large black bow on the back of her dress. In contrast to her hair, her feet were a pitch black pair of boots reaching above her ankles and sporting a pair of green laces tying them up and a pair of knee-high striped socks with the same color scheme as her shoes. With her metamorphosis finally complete, she held up her hands and stared at them.
  13. Yuzuki pushed the glasses up on the bridge of her nose before pressing at her head to mitigate the slowly subsiding pain from the headache hammering at her brain. As she continued to massage and suppress the pain in her head, she turned to the man in the lab coat. "Honestly, you are the one who probably has it the worst considering it looks like you've been going through a fair amount of physical labor." Yuzuki sighed before letting her hands finally rest.
  14. Personally, I switch between For the Lulz and Character Attachment. Like Tomas, I get attached to characters very easily.
  15. tfw a character's brain disappears for a few moments and tells the enemy how to activate their OP ability, throwing away their one and only advantage...

  16. I actually quite enjoy protagonists who are selfish, hypocritical sophists, especially when they are fully aware of it.

  17. “I am Kihara Yuiitsu. I am the one who seeks romance on a level no one else can ever reach." I love this woman. She's gone fully insane.

    1. laggless01


      Has she ever tried pizza?

  18. M. Night Shamamalamadingdong was here.

  19. Sion Was Lexi giving a look of gratitude to Sion? Sion could not help but wonder what she had actually done to deserve being given any semblance of gratitude. All she had done was made the reckless decision to stay. She was not even sure whether what she did was fueled by a desire for self-improvement. Even so, she was not going to deny the fact that she desired self-improvement. At the very least, being told that her actions would make Lady Layla proud definitely was enough to make her smile. The desire for self-improvement fueled by the fear of being left behind by the world…perhaps Lady Layla truly would be proud of a follower for that kind of thing. But with the bow, Alexus had divulged a fair amount of information. Sion just stood and let the information she heard properly digest in her head. On one hand, there was the talk of helping Alexus, a goddess she did not pay any mind to. On the other hand, there was the prospect of searching for Layla…something any self-respecting Laylite would be jumping into be a part of… …and Sion was most definitely a Laylite…even if she did not have much self-respect. "Fine, I'll help out."
  20. What other action manga are you referring to? Because Sousei is released monthly. Most series with 18 pages per chapter are the ones released weekly. There's bound to be a difference in pages per chapter from that alone and that's not barring a wide variety of other factors. Just saying.
  21. If 'Big Brother' in 1984 was instead 'Big Sister', what would be her defining visual feature (like Big Brother's mustache)?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh wait... put it into Google Translate just now.

      Well... that uh... that explains everything.

    3. Halloween


      I'd be very disappointed if big sister didn't also have a stache

    4. Shamitako



      おっぱい OP

  22. L-lewd...

    1. Chevaleresse


      But do you approve?

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Shamitako


      Yes, you are #SensualLesbian owo

  23. " How could you not know?! That's...that's practically blasphemous. Say you're sorry! Apologize to the funyarinpa! Goodness, you are such a rude woman."

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