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Everything posted by Code: PIRULUK

  1. Aoba-chan showing off her skillz :3

    1. Sutoratosu



      dat name tho... dat name tho... hot damn

  2. i clicked that and now i'm 11037 on the cold hard ground
  3. How's Vivid Strike, btw? It's an original story, right?
  4. Serious talk, for this season I'm watching: Keijo Hibike Euphonium S2 Brave Witches Shuumatsu no Izetta Gi(a)rlish Number Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Shoushin Shoujo Matoi Flip Flappers Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans S2 Lostorage Infected WIXOSS Of these, probably the best ones IMO are Gundam, Hibike, Izetta, Gi(a)rlish. Gi(a)rlish Number so far seems to be a meta cynical take on the seiyuu industry, so that's always fun to watch. Hibike!! Euphonium in general is amazing, and I highly reccommend the first season. Izetta is great for anyone with an interest in military history: the weapons are all period-accurate, which are always a plus. Also the animation is gorgeous and the girls are cute. So far the Princess is a bit too perfect though. But at least she's powerless, so it doesn't quite cross the line into wish fulfillment. Tekketsu no Orphans is amazing and I reccommend it to everyone, even if you're not a Gundam fan. Mari Okada is amazing as always, and Tekketsu no Orphans has great characterisation and worldbuilding. As for the other shows, the ones that show promise are Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku (MahoIku) and maybe Lostorage Infected WIXOSS. MahoIku is interesting, I thought it would be another dark mahou shoujo series for the post-Madoka paradigm, but it's a bit different. The concerns the characters possess are different and there are some really interesting character dynamics going on. Very excited for this one.
  5. It doesn't matter that it's visible. It could be a bright green neon sign and he wouldn't notice. His Lumen detects emotion, not existence. Braith to him just looks like a lump of anger that's constantly swirling in her.
  6. He is outside. In the middle of the field. Several tens of metres away. Can still hear them though. And can still feel Rame's murderousness
  7. tfw your libido is getting in the way of your studying.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Well... you got a partner don't you?

    3. Code: PIRULUK
    4. Sutoratosu


      Oh... sorry to hear that.

      Well uh...

      I got nothing.

  8. I was never watching it for the fanservice :3 I love the manga, it's just hilarious. Love the attack names. Also watching Gi(a)rlish Number. Still waiting for it to turn gay.
  9. Valor had, naturally, heard and felt everything that had transpired in the cabin. However, he kept his face turned away from them, facing the larger group's conversation while hiding behind a mask of disinterest. That girl was a disaster waiting to happen. So prone to rage and bloodlust. Valor sighed. The girl's voice had a nice timbre, certainly one of the nicest he had ever heard. It contrasted greatly with her words. If only her tongue was not one so barbed and sharp, she would have been able to compete with many of the world's greatest opera singers. What a waste. Such beauty, mired in such vulgarity. For there was nothing more vulgar than the desire to kill.
  10. Literature Lecturer: "you are forbidden to use the word 'explore' anywhere in the essay. All instances of 'explore' will incur a one mark penalty. " wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      "F... for fuck you. I still win in the end. It was totally worth it."

    3. Hiss13


      Strat, sticking it to the man every time.

    4. Sutoratosu


      eh, it's mah passion, what can I say?

  11. Tip #1: Paragraphing. The Return key is your friend. Tip #2: Formatting. You've chosen to use a digital text medium for this work, it would be a good idea to take advantage of said medium. A good start would be using italics to distinguish internal monologue from narration; I had to read your first paragraph twice because the sudden change from third to first person threw me off. Tip #3: Punctuation. The 's construction is used to indicate possession. So it should be "Lucarios", as opposed to "Lucario's" Tip #4: You have a good number of comma splices in here, you might want to fix that. Comma splices have a tendency to adversely affect readability. e.g. : "Cracking my neck, I looked out the window, seeing a vast desert and, at one side, the slowly growing walls of a city." would flow better as "Cranking my neck, I looked out the window and saw a vast desert, with the slowly growing walls of a city on one side." Tip #5: Deixis. "It showed a face and a name, belonging to the person we were looking for: Seth Macfarlane." What belonged to him? The information, or the photo? Tip #6: "That paired with Aura Sight, and our odds were even better." Is a very strange construction that borders on incoherent. You're using the coordinating conjunction 'and' to append a subordinate clause. Overall, I like your use of multiple perspectives, but proper formatting would make it easier to distinguish between POVs, which is important for readability. You need to work on your grammar and formatting, but I can definitely see potential here.
  12. Serene frowned as Meredith chastised her own tactical abilities. It did no good for a commander to doubt their own ability. Doubt led to fear, fear led to inefficacy. Serene resolved to speak to the soldier about it. Still, that could wait. They had more pressing concerns. Most importantly, their merchant was in serious danger of getting hurt. She kicked off the ground, allowing her fire puppy to disintegrate into nothingness. Move to Q4
  13. I'm not in range to do anything :c I think I'll just move to the right and close the distance.
  14. Valor frowned as the loud, agitated girl spoke. This manner of speaking, this casual authority, was one he had heard before. Whenever there was a social function in the ballroom, he would hear this manner of speech. Clearly the speaker was also a member of high society. However, hers was not the dignified confidence of the aristocratic elite. The way she spoke was more like the blustering of the nouveau riche, insecure in their authority and desperate for others to acknowledge them. He upturned his nose. How...vulgar.
  15. The first thing Valor did was to retrieve his top hat from his luggage and rest it on his head. Feeling the comfortable pressure of the rim, Valor allowed himself a little smile. Adorned in his top hat, white cane comfortably in hand, he walked toward the place where it seemed people were congregating and beginning self-introductions. Feeling slightly ashamed that a lady had introduced herself first, he took his hat in hand and placed it over his breast, bowing politely to the crowd. "Greetings. I am Valor Igyllmrn. I hail from Medulla. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." With a refined movement, he returned the hat to his head and returned to a neutral position, eyes closed and lips turned into a reserved, polite smile.
  16. Oh my, so Cinder didn't walk away unscathed. cool. Whoa what Crimson Rose got even more badass. Ruby learning from Weiss. Okay so Juane's weapon made me cry ;~;
  17. I mean, it's not like I was intending to have Serene lose clothes upon promotion or anything...
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