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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by pbood2

  1. Hello everyone. Pokemon Darkness is looking for an experienced ruby scripter so if you are interested, please PM me. Thanks and we appreciate all interest. :) I will be posting in the Darkness thread about this too but I know the thread gets lost by other threads posting so I thought I would use this too ;)

  2. I'M SO IN! I love Fire Emblem games and if this is very similar like you mentioned in the OP post then I'm super excited and I'm super active here so you don't have to worry about a lack of posts from me when I need to post. I also love the RNG aspect because it gives it some flavour so crits and misses I am expecting but I'm also expecting this to be a load of fun. I am a new RPer but I am willing to learn so is this okay with you Pyon that I am interested and that I can join? Awesome idea Pyon and can't wait to see this unfold. Have a great day/night.
  3. I lost 2-0 this week because Nhadala had a choice scarf rotom which I didn't expect so I would love to redeem myself for the mde one turn difference battle against atlantis and that challenge sounds fun to try and work with but if you have enough interested people, I would love to be a sub. Good luck to everyone this coming week and CONGRATULATIONS on beating Avalon this week.
  4. Hello everyone. Okay so today is a super mini-update again of sorts. We just wanted to announce the revival/reactivation of the Pokemon Darkness Twitter. Here's the link if you want to follow us for updates and reveals over there. @PokemonXDrkness. We're almost at 100 followers so if we could hit that soon, that would be amazing and a huge show of support and would help motivate us to do our very best on developing an amazing game for you guys. Main post has been updated with this information as well for any new viewers to the thread. Have a great day/night and the next update will come once more music and maps are done as a refreshing change. Thanks as usual for your support. We really appreciate it.
  5. I just watched the video from GameXplain about the two new and they mentioned that people would compare the bear to something else (sadly I know what that is) but then I looked at the tail and thought OMG Nintendo/Gamefreak why did you pick that kind of design lol. You really want to be pushing the limit. What do people think?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean it doesn't at look like what is being implied at all, let alone will the target audience of the game make that leap them self most of the time. It really doesn't look suggestive in the slightest. Least not to me. I didn't see it th first time I saw it and I certainly wasn't convinced by people saying it does.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It looks like a tail. That's really it. If it wasn't pink in colour I doubt anyone would think such, and not to mention it's on it's hiandquarters. Ya know... where a bloody tail goes. Maybe it's jsut me, but it didn't ever cross my mind until other people starting saying it. I still don't think it does it's pretty immature leap to make because "oh it's a round tube and it's pink, therefore it must be 100% phallic imagery!" that's litera...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Literally a leap being made. I mean I can get why people are arrving there, but it's just really bad and crass humour that's coming from the older folks outside of the intended audience saying said thing. I'm pretty sure most younger kids wouldn't questionit unless the idea was put in their head from elsewhere. ((and I mean the ones that are under 10 and around 10, the target audience of the game. I know it's not the only audience and heck at this point, the 20 to 30 year...

  6. Hello everyone. So far this AMA trend is awesome and I've had fun answering questions so if anyone else has questions for me, I would love to answer them. Have fun everyone and have a great night/day.
  7. It says on serebii the 9/14 is some promotion for a game guide I believe. CoroCoro states a promotion for a CoroCoro Sun & Moon Guide Book if you pre-order the games between July 16th and September 14th and take a ticket from the magazine into your local stores
  8. Other than looking after Reborn as a mod, what other interests do you have? Are you an extrovert or introvert and why do you think you are that? Have you played Final Fantasys and if you have, which ones did you like?
  9. Do you plan to have children and if so, how many and what would you want and why? Pokemon or Digimon and why? Favourite Pokemon (can be more than one) and why? Favourite games?
  10. Hello Jeri. I hope you are well. Oh my. The answers and the format have been scary (much different than others that's for sure) so I'm worried about asking my questions lol. What's your dream career and why? What games do you love and why? Favourite pokemon? (can be more than one) How long have you been auth for? How did you become so powerful on the server? Hope these are good questions. Have a great night and talk to you later.
  11. Hello YinYang. I hope you are well. Apparently you know about FF6 but what other FFs have you played? Which ones did you like and love? Do you like duskull or is it just a cool avatar for you right now? What's your favourite pokemon (can be more than 1 since picking one is tough) and why? What do you like in a game and why? What do you want to do as a dream career? WOW this one has a lot of questions I'm asking compared to other threads oh well. Have a great day/night Yin
  12. Hey Jacob. Triumphant or amazing moment in your life or that you witnessed? What made you decide to do Revolution? What is your dream career and why? Favourite show and why? Hope these are good questions and have a great day and talk to you soon.
  13. Hello Armored. I thought I would repay the favour since you asked me some questions for my thread. How did you get/come up with ArmoredGuardian and what's the inspiration/motivation for it? Favourite food? Digimon or Pokemon and why? What do you want to be as an ideal career and why? The SEASON OF AMAS will last AS LONG AS PEOPLE WANT IT TO! Have a great night/day and hope my questions were ok.
  14. OK first of all BlackWarGreymon is AMAZING and adorable in the series so checkmark to you lol. I'm 23 almost 24 so it's cool you're close to my age. What's your ideal career and why? Digimon or Pokemon or both for anime and games wise? Triumphant or adorable moment in your life or that you witnessed? I hope I can get to know you better over time. You seem like a cool dude. Have a great day/night.
  15. What do you want to do as a career and why? Why do you always try to be the middleman in someone else's argument? Like what drives you to get involved I mean? Who's your Smash mains and why? Hope these are good questions. Have a great night
  16. Hello Dobby. If you don't mind me asking, why did you pick that theme for me? I'm super curious.
  17. When did you decide you wanted to be non-binary and why did you decide to? What interests/hobbies do you have or like to do? What do you strive to become later in life? How old are you? An embarrassing moment you wish to share? A touching moment you witnessed and why you thought it was? How did I do on the questions asking Have a great day/night.
  18. Favourite Food: Schnitzel with Family Recipe Potato Salad (made rarely though), Stir Fry Pizza OOH that's a tough one but Starly Zubat for sure Both I'm sorry they both are amazing for both games and anime 23 (24 in November) High School for sure so I could focus, do well in math especially and pursue an official business administration degree instead of the health studies one I had to listen to my parents and get because of bad grade 12 math marks sigh... Turtles are cool but slow lol. Thanks for the awesome questions Armored Have a great day/night.
  19. I thought I would get this question lol. My fake name so people can't trace me over the internet is Patrick Bood so I shortened that into pbood a long time ago and I just used it for everything online like emails, accounts on things, etc. Why there's a 2, I really have no clue. I guess it's just something that happened like fate lol. A pbood is a male pboob Thanks for the question Cyanna
  20. Hello everyone. I see the trend of AMAs is rolling around again with people making threads. I love interacting and socializing with people so AMA time (I'm open to any non-R7 questions). It's fiery because of my sunglasses typhlosion avatar. Have fun coming up with cool questions. I'll reply quickly most times because I got nothing better to do while job hunting lol. Have a great day/night and type to you soon
  21. It's Monday right? Isn't Week 7 supposed to be up so the nations can start to prepare for battles?

  22. I guess I'll request a member theme as well. I am curious what people would pick for me (most likely songs or themes I have never heard of before lol) so I wish you luck figuring me out. Have a great day/night.
  23. Sadly I disagree that Insurgence is a weak game in terms of gameplay and story. I personally love the cult angle that Insurgence has and I'm always excited to see what will happen next. Reborn is also amazing at storytelling. I guess I'm just not as harsh and critical on the creators for their hard work and attempt to make something amazing as other people are. I do agree the fakemon is a huge plus but saying it's a weak game for story and gameplay is a harsh assessment. Ame and Suzerain would make an amazing game full of online, mystery gifts, other features with an amazing plot and gameplay. I'm sure of it and I'm curious if it would ever happen.
  24. Blackberry with Android 4.3 when it needs 4.4 minimum? Yeah I googled it a couple days ago and it's impossible for them to do 4.4 so we are out of luck then. If you don't have a blackberry ignore my rambling then lol. Good luck figuring something out though.
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