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meant to post this earlier, and not trying to be a dick, but:

Speaking of Ethic. . ,

Please, stop metagaming. I haven't said anything yet, because it makes sense, to an extent. I understand a character that's excellent at reading people should be able to, well, read people, but it's kind of cheap when I can't even attempt to roleplay my character because you somehow notice every minuscule detail. It's gotten to the point where you reacted to my character's thoughts. MY THOUGHTS. COMPLETELY INTERNAL THOUGHTS. Speaking of mind reading, you seem to be calling on your Arcana an awful lot with essentially no drawbacks.

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^Humn, Murdoc's got a point. Now that Ethic's lost the Arcana the second problem is solved at least.

Oh, and Kenny, Minos is waiting for an answer... your subconcious is on the trial room, remember?

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meant to post this earlier, and not trying to be a dick, but:

Speaking of Ethic. . ,

Please, stop metagaming. I haven't said anything yet, because it makes sense, to an extent. I understand a character that's excellent at reading people should be able to, well, read people, but it's kind of cheap when I can't even attempt to roleplay my character because you somehow notice every minuscule detail. It's gotten to the point where you reacted to my character's thoughts. MY THOUGHTS. COMPLETELY INTERNAL THOUGHTS. Speaking of mind reading, you seem to be calling on your Arcana an awful lot with essentially no drawbacks.

all right then.

I see your points here. perhaps Ethic's perceptiveness has gone over the line into metagaming... The issues of this have been addressed, Post #332 and #334 have been edited....

Now, On the Arcana, A few Points of my own:

1. I honestly don't see how mind-reading and meta-gaming is directly related to my post earlier just so happening not to mention the toll taken by the Arcana

2.Post #332 has been edited, However, note the fact that Ethic was healed by kenny.

3.During the encounter with the She-wolf and the scorpion, Ethic was being driven forward by adrenaline, which in turn temporarily blocked him from feeling the toll of invoking.

4.The toll of invoking is directly porportional to the magnitude of the resulting effect, ergo, something like the Hermit which only affects sight for a few seconds has a minor toll that can be easily brushed off, while using the Magician to create a wall of fire large enough that it's seems like it would be able to stop scorpion that is apparently larger than a man, the toll is much worse, nearly to the point where invoking the Final Judgement was.

5. let it be noted that Ethic can pool some excess energy from himself to create a makeshift reservoir to serve as a cushion or reserve that he can draw from in order to aid in invoking.

And number six... Oh lovely... Lovlely number six...


now then, I ain't tryin to start some back and forth crap, because that's utterly childish and immature on the part of everyone involved when it happens, so I hope that the edits I've made to my post and the points above have been enough to smooth over the issue so that we can just get on with the story like it didn't come up in the first place. now, then, I may have come off as inflammatory or over-reactive just now as I had to hold myself back from breaking through my filter at first and calm down, but let me just say one thing.

Thank you, Murdoc. Really. I want to be an author someday, and When other's point out the flaws in my writing, every criticism serves as an opportunity for me to grow even more so long as I don't allow myself to overlook the opportunity. I want to learn how to write quality stories, and that's part of the reason why I began RPing, creating stories with other people is easier than writing by one's lonesome. So sincerely,Thank you.

Edited by Stratos
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Well then.. it seems i just hit 2 birds with one stone. losing an ally and killing one


@Notus: does unintended murder counts? ill understand if no spoilerinos.. I think it does count considering no sins are left unpunished.

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Well, it's kinda hard to classify that as unintended or not, since it was probably caused by Ix's "bad side". Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much with the trial's results if I were you. After all, you're in hell already, right? ^_^

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Only thing I will say Stratos, and this is of my personal opinion, is that Visions etc, should be used sparingly. If a character knows and can be prepared for everything that will happen to him, he loses a lot of depth. We will alomst never see him in a situation, where he isn't prepared. This means he won't be compelled to improvise, or think on his toes as much. Suspense of not knowing what is coming next is a very important element to story-telling. If we know everything that will happen, it becomes predictable, and plain. Basically, I actually think the cost on the Hermit should be a bit higher, that way he can't just use it all the time, and also, because Information is an important power. Information, gives him a very important edge, therefore there should be a very real disadvantage to getting that info he would not normally have. Basically, my character has an info gathering ability. (I haven't used it yet, since they have yet to discover their lightning powers.) but They can see the sparks of muscle movement through walls and solid objects. The Recoil to that is he loses a sense (his actual vision for a time.) Basically to gain Information, he must lose information. Personally I believe that to truly balance something, you should lose some of what you gain. An Attack? You Yes you do damage, but you also take some (or use up energy, which is actually the same thing in a way.) this is a bit long winded I know, but yea lol, this is all in interest of sharing some experience with you guys.

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I see your point on the value of a character being able to have visions like the hermit gives. I can swap the hermit and place it with in the higher fatigue toll area for Ethic.

and without revealing too much of what I have planed for him, let's just say that invoking will never again be as easy for Ethic as it has been...

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I'm going to be at the NYPower Model Rocketry Event in Geneseo for the next three days, so i won't be as quick to respond during that time.

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bye kenny!

@Murdoc: well then i didn't expect that and you didn't say please? lol

ehhh.. my character seems defenseless and it would be out of character to pull his powers in this situation... might as well reset it and continue your snowballing, win win situation?...but meh, i'll think of something.

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That's no pocket knife...or... is it?

*Cough* Foreshadowing!*Cough*

Also, Notus, would it be alright if I proposed a second character?

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Character name: Annie Tsokyu

Appearance: Is it alright if I use a face claim?

it's kinda huge, you've been warned


Age: 21

Personality Overview: Annie is a cold individual, rarely showing any emotion, and it is very rarely sincere. She has grown to despise humanity for the horrible crimes she has seen it commit, and desires to change the world from it's horrible state, by force or with reason. She doesnt care what others do, but has a level of interest in those who devote themselves and their life towards one simple goal, throwing away their lives for their cause to change something. However, beneath all of this, there is some level of compassion and care for the ones she truly cares about, for the ones she has developed sincere bonds towards, ones she would give her life for. But there are very few people in this world she cares for. She believes that if she gets to the bottom of the Hill, she can change the world into an age of good, and will stop at nothing for her "greater good," even going so far as to throw away her humanity by killing others. However, this doesnt mean she feels no regret..

Backstory: Living in an isolated village, Annie grew up living a hard life, working for a living. However, when her town was invaded by another country, her whole family was executed and her town torn to shreds. She and a handful of survivors hang on to their lives, and crawled to the capital, where they were taken into the military. Annie was trained in hand-to-hand combat, being able to use others strengths against them. She learned to use her agility and nimbleness to her advantage. When the time came and the capital was attacked, Annie fearlessly ran into the fray, showing no remorse to those she ruthlessly struck down. She wanted revenge for the crimes they had committed. She wanted them to never do evil again. However, they soon lost the battle, and she was kept prisoner. After being sold to a man, she waited until there was nobody round to quickly incapacitate him, and hide his body. After escaping, she grew to severely hate others for what they had done. She lost trust and she resolved to change the world. But sometimes, she still wonders, if just maybe, it was worth giving up her emotions.

Ability/Cost: Annie is driven by her desire to change the world, and thus she has the ability to alter her body and others; she is not able to remove whole body parts or generate whole parts, but she can change them, simple things like changing someone's hairstyle, to taking off their hand, to hardening her fist. There is a great level of complexity in her ability granted by the hill, but she is still restricted in exactly what she can do, and it comes at a horrific cost to some.

For Annie to trigger her abilities, she has to injure herself by drawing blood. Naturally, this cant be triggered by her powers, and she usually uses a small knife in her belt, but can use her teeth, rocks or even a small blade she holds somewhere. ((Not willing to reveal, as stopping Annie's self-harm severely hurts her ability to fight/escape, and I'd prefer to have some unknown way to trigger them.))

EDIT: If needed, I can edit her cost for her abilities to harm her WHEN she uses them? Also, I'd like to clarify that her powers are active when she self harms until the blood stops. Is that OK?

Edited by Alatreon
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Hi again guys! So, now that the site is back I'll adress some things that are going on:

1st) BlueWolf has given me no answer about still being on the RP, so I'll control Damian for the time being.

2nd) @ Stratos: I believe you should stick with one character only, mainly for keeping interaction between players all right. Else we could have things like two characters ganging up against other players. Not saying you would do that, but if I let you I'll have to do the same for everyone.

3rd) @ Alatreon: Annie seems good to go. I'd only ask for you to wait till we pass to the next floor, what shouldn't take long (if the site cooperates). Once we do that, I'm going to assume Annie was already in the Hill before the others arrived. Welcome aboard! ^_^

And finally, not so nice news. As some of you might know, I've been studying for an admitance exam to college, and as it is getting nearer I have to focus a bit more on my Maths and what the fuck is a Physics. I'm confident I'll be able to keep up with the RP, but I might be slower to react now, as my net time is gonna be limited.

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welcome annie

@Notus, all right, I can understand that.

as for Damian, I asked Bluewolf about it while i was on the server recently, and he said it was because he had technical issues and other stuff going on, but apparently that's all done, so I don't know why he hasn't responded by now though...

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Ok Ethic, if you see him on the server again please ask if he's alright. In the meantime I won't kill Damian or anything.

Now, i guess everyone is pretty bored with that Library, so I'll to speed up the remaining trials.

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K_H, I don't believe that the panther and the She-Wolf are close enough together for Kenny to be able to see both battles simultaneously... Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Kenny could have provided power boosts to both Enya and Phantom considering that he shouldn't even be able to see the panther and Phantom from his location. (Also, I don't really see how Phantom's power could be enhanced anyway... :ph34r: )

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