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i'll just let you speculate on that subject, but i'm liking the second explanation. after all, one of the posts concerning Mr. Taylor did seem to mention that he needed a Cane to move around...

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Is it OK if My OC is able to link into the Auras of others using his own Aura and communicate Telepathically with them by sending Thoughts through the Linked Auras? (After all, in Chinese folklore, Qi is generated by all living things. So, logically, since Aura is generated by all living things, that means that Auras can be Linked, right?)

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Uhmn, maybe not thoughts (instant comunication is a powerfull thing in a labirint you know) I would say you could sense feelings and even send them, but that is quite similar to Damian's power. Any other ideas that could work?

Also, the Panter waited for you to get separated from the group, so I think the idea of dual portals would be the best way to deal with this. The Wolf is gone now, but the Panter is still flying towards Phantom.

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Ok than! Oh and correct me if my count is wrong, but the only one left for trial is Phantom right? Better start to get ready for basement 2 guys!

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So are we all going to be called in at once and told the verdict of our trials? Or separately, or how the trials were conducted? I'm really curious as to how that'll work.

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I'm thinking in calling everyone at once, going one by one would take too much time, I believe... don't want to spoil much more though ^_^ .

Edit: Nuuuuu the pressure... I must... resist!

Edited by Notus
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*Suddenly appears as if from nowhere*

Murdoc that was the point lol. He is going to send everyone back to get their verdicts. Also Byron and Quincy have already received theirs, no need to haul them back up.

*slinks back into the shadows*

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*Pulls a full-sized "Five Guys" restaurant out of my bag, much to everyone's surprise*

you were saying something about Fries, so i'm going to say the all-too-obvious.

"I Can haz Cheezburger."

*Waitress responds*

"You want fries with that?"

"Why yes, i would."

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