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You know... I knew that something was missing here... And I just figured it out. We need a "World" section in the OP. An entire post that gives details about the current nations of the world and all the recent events (Since the story's opening.) and stats about the environment and population densities and *Goes on Rambling*... well, time to go butcher a political world map to my liking...

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and yes, the Ditto that Smoke's attack took out transformed into the Big Boss immediately afterward. there's your easter egg, folks, enjoy it. because he would've whipped all your asses... or just straight killed you.

as you can see, those little pink blobs are sooo overpowered in this...

oh, and the russian's location had been revealed. now... can you find him in complete darkness?

oh, and you all who got knocked out by the Flash bang can wake up if you want. (You don't have any idea of what the hell just happened though.)

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You have no freaking idea how much trouble your CO (Surge) is gonna get in for this mess you've caused.

needless to say, the entire squad will be on very thin ice by the time chapter three opens. and the only reason you won't be just kicked out of the program is because of the fact that you saved the base and that your little escapade right now will have somewhat... helpful results in figuring out who is behind the attack earlier. and the kidnapping attempt six months ago (Yes, the Russians had a hand in that two. they're much better liars than Americans.)

Oh, and Kenny, it's not Murphy's law technically. It's actually Stratos's law, which is this:

The worst possible thing that can happen will only happen if an individual does not act intelligently and appropriately in order to prevent the situation from escalating in severity.

you had Eve use dig the first time, caused a sink hole. you had her use it the second time... and failed to account for how badly the ground might have been damaged by the first sink hole you caused, thus opening another one... it's pretty much just repeating the same mistake twice in a row without learning anything from it either times.

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but no one did anything except for ONE GUY demolishing the entire airstrip (which is almost enough to make Nathan cry)

Let's blame everything on Perchenkov!

You March as a team and you die as a team. If one of you fucks up badly during basic training, then everyone will get punished. It's this way so that individuals start thinking about how their actions might yield consequences for their Squad mates, and it helps to raise team mentality... makes it so that out on the battle field, you're not thinking about just yourself as an individual, but you're also thinking about all the men (And women, yes, females are allowed into active combat roles in america in this story's time and setting) who are fighting beside you.

So you all gotta pay for Kenny's mistake. Don't worry though, you probably won't get as harsh a penalty... but one has to take into account the fact that all of you were present and actively participating in this little scuffle along with him.

And Perchenkov is probably gonna get spent the rest of his life being beaten and interrogated by "Unofficial" agents of the DHS. his capture will never even be on the public books... as far as any US civilian will know, He'll have died during the final russian advance during the The WOT and will have stayed dead.

Anyways, relax, It would make no sense for me to throw you guys out of the military... The higher ups will just be keeping a very, very close eye on you for a while.

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