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Time For Ya Boy To Take On Aevium... Again! Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono Run!


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Episode 25 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Guzma isn't too good after losing his mother! But his friends are there for him! Melia, who was EMMA, explains why she did what she did! As we travel through the ocean, something weird happens and we end up on Terajuma Island! Please enjoy!


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Episode 30 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! I find Matt (Venam's father) and his... assistant(?) somewhere mysterious! But something is odd about his assistant! But hold on! They're able to open this broken PokeBall and reveal a strange & interesting Pokemon! What is it?! There's only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 31 of Pokemon Rejuvenation is here! It's time to do the 1st trail to get the relics! But it seems Team Xen is attacking the Weather Institute! And Neved is behind it! Why are they attacking the Weather Institute?! Can we stop them?! Only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 32 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Team Xen has gotten to the 1st Relic and taken it to a secluded area! The gang goes there to get it back! But... wait! Ren's working with Team Xen?! Ugh! We'll have to worry about that later! But do we have what it takes to get the Relic back?! There's only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 34 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Let's try to enjoy some time here in Terajuma even though there is impending doom over our heroes! But wait... Venam is here! And she has reunited with Melia! But Saki and Amber get into the fray and this party has turned into a mess! Please enjoy!


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Episode 37 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! It's time to do another Relic ceremony... if the person that was doing it was here! Ohh and we meet with Tesla again! She tasks us to find her daughter who is the 1 that has to do the Relic ceremony! We go back into Aquamarine Cave & thanks to hearing her play her guitar (which she is really good at playing by the way), we find her! Are we able to convince her to do it?! Only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 38 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Someone seems to have moved into the area in Aquamarine Cave where Amber likes to Rock'N'Roll! You won't believe who it is! Guzma also takes on the 2nd Relic ceremony! But it doesn't go quite as planned! Afterwards, Team Xen try to take Guzma & Melia but Amber & the mystery person living in her space in Aquamarine Cave stop their plans... somewhat! Who has invaded Amber's space inside Aquamarine Cave?! Can Guzma complete the 2nd Relic ceremony despite it being changed from how it's usually done?! Can Guzma & Melia escape Team Xen's clutches fully or was the distraction all for not?! AND CAN AMBER AND MYSTERY PERSON PLEASE DO THAT NUMBER AGAIN BECAUSE THAT WAS AWESOME AS HELL! (You all will know what I'm talking about when that part comes) There's only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 39 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Angie is now trying to turn Kakori Village into ice now! It's time to get into Kristiline Town & fight Angie and her servants! THIS IS GONNA BE AN ALL OUT BATTLE! US AGAINST HER SERVANTS! YOU DON'T WANNA MISS THIS! PLEASE ENJOY!


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Episode 40 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Angie has officially lost her mind... if she even had it to begind with! It's finally time to face her! Can Guzma overcome this Ice Demon or will she freeze him and the whole crew?! There's only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 41 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Aelita, Adam & Braixen try to find the Relic inside of Angie's dimension but is ultimately thwarted by Cera! Meanwhile, in Kristiline Town, Guzma gets miraculously better thanks to Tapu Lele but Venam & Melia aren't healed! So what does Guzma do?! Why, explore Kristiline Town now that it isn't snowy! Please enjoy!


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Episode 42 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Some of the gang head back to Sheridan Village and... I'm sorry. Who's living in the Sensai house now?! Aelita is definitely not happy about it and who can blame her when it's Texen that's in charge now! Aelita and Guzma team up to best the cocky "Sensai" and head into Caratos Mountain but some of the caves look poisonous! This can't be good! Please enjoy!


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Episode 43 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! It's time we try to get that Relic! But this place is so weird! Have to battle these... Idk what they are but they are difficult! We meet a Team Xen Grunt that knows how to open the doors! The Eldest & Guzma go inside to try to get the Relic but Cera is already there and... SHE CAUGHT A LEGENDARY POKEMON?! Also, something has happened to Aelita! And when we chase down that Xen Grunt, he... What is going on in this place?! Only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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Episode 44 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! It's time to fight Team Xen head on! But 1st we have to get to them! And the only way to do that is to surf on the water and battle a whole bunch of grunts! Ohh. And save some guy too! Please enjoy!


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Episode 45 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! It's time to go up this giant mountain... that somehow has feelings! But before we do that, we gotta save Amber & Tesla! Afterwards, we go up the mountain & almost reach the top! Please enjoy!


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Episode 48 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! It's time to do the Kristiline Town Help Requests! But unfrotunately, half of them aren't in this episode because the video I recorded those in got corrupted. I tried but I couldn't save them. But at least we have the other half of the requests! Please enjoy!


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Episode 49 of Pokemon Rejuvenation Bug Mono is here! Before continuing on with the story, Guzma decides to check out this temple! We meet some new people! Some of them are nice & some of them are... rude! Why are they venturing into these temples & what's inside?! Only 1 way to find out! Please enjoy!


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