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Roleplay Character thread!~


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I'm not really sure if you guys do Post-Apocalyptic RPs or anything, but...

Name: Zephyr(I never really gave her a last name or anything to go after her first name)

Birthday: Remember, remember, the 5th of November... '97.


(lol, disregard all the Pokemon in drawing. I drew that for an Alternate Universe where Zephyr is a Pokemon Trainer.

Also, this is probably the best colored drawing of Zephyr that I have on hand- I don't really have immediate access to a scanner, so I don't got much material on hand)

Things to Know: Has been part of a group of survivors for a year since what could be called the "end of the world". In spite of this, she firmly disagrees with the saying "safety in numbers", what with fellow survivors mad with the desire to survive, mad from the events that took place during the apocalypse, mad with bloodlust, or just plain insane. Works to keep her spot by carrying out the orders of the group's head known only as the Boss- orders that tend to involve wiping out and raiding other groups of survivors.

Keeps a facade composed of a nihilistic outlook, witty snark, and nonchalance in order to mask her own broken state of mind.

If left idle and alone for too long, she will hallucinate, and begin talking to people that no longer(?) exist(typically, people with sentimental bonds to her).

Roleplay Universe: Post-apocalyptic, but if she can't really fit into any RPs, then I'll go with 'nother character. I kinda just wanted to show-and-tell 'bout my main OC lol I dunno.

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Char. Name: Lars Kaiser

Char. Age: 18

Starting partners: Nidoran M (Pin), Abra M (Sleepy)

Personality: Consistently bored, Lars spends a lot of time outside in nature. He constantly jokes around, never taking anything too seriously. While carefree and laidback, he can be quite stubborn about seemingly meaningless things. He has a dislike for authority, considering himself a free spirit. Upon hearing of military experiments, his curiosity is peaked and he decides to see what it's all about.

Appearance: Mid-length bright white hair, fair-skinned, stands about 5' 10", wears a long black coat with neon blue trim. His dull gray eyes reflect his constant boredom, and he carries around a necklace with a crack in the center of its gem.

Home state/town: WI



Other/ additional details: To be determined...

RP Universe: The Poke-War, Surge Story (The Great Genetic War)

Decided that I should probably post this here.

Edited by Flux
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  • 1 month later...

Name: Skelea Baurim

Age: 7.5 Alternian Solar Sweeps (16 Earth years)

Height: 1,68m/5'5"

Appearance: Pale gray skin, looks a bit chubby, but mostly well-built. Orange-ish eyes with a red iris, with tiny bits of gray around the pupil. Black lips which are natural, and red eyelashes caused by a mutation of some pigments. Short, black hair just a bit above her shoulders. The bangs in her face are shoved to the side, but frequently fall back. She has tiny freckles all over her face and body, and horns coming from the top of her head; growing down the sides of her face, the tip almost touching her cheeks. (In a "C" shape.) The root is dark orange, but the tips are yellow. Her nails are also yellow. She's mostly seen wearing a black, oversized hoodie with a red symbol on it that somewhat resembles a "3", and a lighter shade jeans that are a bit too big, thus touching the ground and covering most of her feet. She also wears red sneakers with cerulean shoelaces, implying her moirallegiance with a cerulean-blooded troll. Underneath her hoodie is a red tank-top that rarely ever gets revealed. She always wears a gold necklace with a violet stone.

Personality: Not very outgoing, unless chatting on Trollian. Pretty over-emotional and easily angered. (Pretty much still in development.)

Special: Has psychic powers like some other lowblood trolls, but never really bothers to use them.

Roleplay Universe: Homestuck.

I think that's all. And I might just edit this post later for more characters.

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Ethic((when Pokemon related))

Name: Ethic Mason

Age: 16

Height: 5'6''

Race: Black/ African American

Birthday: March 15

Appearance: Wears jeans and an old military fatigue jacket with a black T-shirt underneath. Black Hair, dark brown eyes. fit and trim. wears a poke-ball around his neck that contains his Father's Empoleon, but it hasn't functioned in years.

Personality: Quiet for the most part unless in a battle or around friends or people he trusts. prefers to take a step back and examine things from a far rather than just jumping right in, but won't hesitate to step up and speak out if he sees something he feels is morally wrong. highly loyal, he values friends by quality over quantity, and as such doesn't have many, but for those he does have, he's willing to go through hell and back for them if necessary. quite versatile, and much more than competent when it comes to strategy.

Things to know: Grew up in Kanto. His father was a Staff Sergeant in the Kanto Army and fought during the war, but was killed in battle. His mother runs a small flower shop in Vermilion City, in which his older sister helps out with the work. At age 12, he received permission from his mother to strike out on his own and begin journeying throughout the region in order to take the League challenge, so long as his sister accompanied him to look after him. he received his first Pokemon, an oddly colored Growlithe which he later named Salaam, after he found it digging through some Garbage cans on his way out of Vermilion, presumably abandoned and left to die by whoever it's previous owner was.

over the next two years, while travelling with his older sister at his side, he challenged Gym after Gym, often times lossing, but never giving up. through extensive training and perseverance, he eventually managed to defeat and claim the badges of the first six gyms, at which point his sister returned home to Vermilion and left Ethic to complete his journey on his own, saying he had grown enough to take care of himself without her. he went on to eventually obtain the last two badges with relative ease, at which point, he travelled to the Indigo Plateau and challenged the elite four, managing to rely on the bond he shared with his team to overcome harsh opponent after harsh opponent, and fight his way up to Lance...

However, his team's performance in past battles caused him to become cocky and underestimate Lance, which ultimately led to him getting sweeped after taking out four of Lance's lineup. discouraged by the lost, and thinking himself to be inadequate as a trainer, he returned home to Vermilion, at which point he found his father's Pokeball containing his partner, Empoleon, in a box of belongings in the attic of his home, though the trigger of the ball had been cracked when his father was killed in combat. he ultimately got over his loss after a year and decided to leave his old team home and head out again, although not to re-challenge the Kanto League, but to figure out what, at the end of the day, does it really means to be the strongest.

Current RP universes:


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I'm just gonna leave it here...


Character Name: Akuma Bladewing

Race: Kenku
Class: Berserker
Appearance and Age: 29, 6'1 hawk head with barbarian look..broad, muscular, with a 6ft warhammer on his back,poncho,left metal arm, giant wings on his back. blindfold that only covers his right eye.
Personality Overview: trustworthy and remains loyal to his friends, even if they are self-serving at his expense. He may appear gruff on the exterior, but often lets down his guard to joke or relax. strongly willed, has a strong moral..never harms the innocent(when not in a trance).
Akuma live somewhere in a small peaceful Kenku town near a mountain's edge.everything change when the Ogres attack, somehow a bunch of ogres manage to get through the mountain. Akuma was 11 y/o when his town including his family got pillage and murdered by by these ogres,
Akuma tries to go toe to toe with one of the ogre but he pay the price by losing his right eye and left arm. He felt the excruciating pain as he cried loudly, So one of the Ogre decided to knock him unconscious
as they fled left him for dead. As he gain consciousness for a while, the first thing he saw a Kenku in a hood giving him a drink and went back to sleep. he gained consciousness for the 2nd time as he feel a bit feisty like his senses has been enhance, but then he realize he was heavily bondage including his right eye and his left arm missing.
he felt upset and started to recall the gruesome incident that happen, then soon follows a fiery rage that engulfs him and out of impulse starts running just to escape from the wreckage of his town. he spread his wings as he continues running and didn't care where he was heading.
18 years later He then found a nice Kenku village somewhere in the dessert mountain and settled in for a while, he met Jareth (a Kenku sorcerer/blacksmith) that he befriend with and offer him services in exchange for treasures or other rare stuff.

Jareth forge a bionic arm for him along with his Battle armor,Warhammer and other necessities. Akuma begin a new different kind of life forgetting some of his Kenku archetype other than his belief that this is some sort of a gift or a curse that the Bird mother has given to him and the ability to speak their language, he became a berserker. He travels his own path either solo or with a group with his own sense of justice and a bloodlust for the wicked, making sure other people won't suffer the same fate as he did.


Char.Name: Sid Maelstrom

Char Age: 19

Starting Partners: Shinx(Vicious,M), Horsea(Smoke,F)

Personality: A teenager with street smarts and has a skillsets of pickpocketing,lockpicking,car theft,con-artist and knows whether the situation has gone bad; an escape artist if you will. Very mischievous and has a very keen eye about his surroundings. can be a good fighter due to his background in the slums, Greed can get the best of him though. can coup along with others as long they benefit him.

Appearance: fiddler cap,red hair, medium build, fine toned, has this suave look, white long polo shirt with spenders but not that fancy, slacks, leather shoes.

Home state/town: Detroit

Other/additional details: born as an orphan in the streets and raised by thugs. he has develop some trust issues and "eat or be eaten" credo in order to survive, he grown tired of the paradox street life he is in; so decided to join the military to start a new. but his street life has a strong influence on him.

Under the Hill (My most broken char)

Character name: Ixidor Mctracy

Appearance: 5'5 slender built, white t-shirt with paint splatter all over it and artist apron with chisels(the closest thing to a weapon?) and painting stuff in tool belt, bleach hair.

Age: 13 y/o

Personality Overview: whinny when in a situation, crybaby. carefree, easily convinced,timid, can be courageous at some point.

Backstory: he grew up in a family of well known artist, his family has given him this initiation test when he reach his teen hood he must prove himself worthy of the family name. he went to the hill in search of the "perfect art".

Ability/Cost: Magic Doodling: can make objects come to reality whether on a paper or just in thin air by waving his hands, well his drawings aren't work of art since he is still just a kid unless he's asian so anything that he draws often backfires or dis-configured.

Reality Eraser: he can erase inorganic/non-living objects by touching it but only disappears for a minute or so after that it will resurface again on the same spot. but for his creations its permanent.

The Awakening

Character Name: Ace "Speedy" Stormborn AKA The Human Jet

Gender: Male

Ability of the character: Superhuman speed,able to make his body light as air as he levitates a few inch from the ground when he uses this ability. able to dash in short distances like he's teleporting like a ninja! generating and leaving sonic booms and shockwaves as he travels depending on the force he exerts. he suffers from overheating when exceeding too much.

Appearance: Mid 30s, Physically fit, medium built, wears a soundproof headphones dangling around his neck (to reduced hearing damage). red hair, wearing a motor cycle jacket, acid wash jeans.

Personality: Cocky,Loud,Arrogant,Rash, act now think later kind of guy, an adrenaline junkie.

Backstory: A famous motorcycle racer back in the days and was force to retire due to a racing accident

(or is it? something to do with some government conspiracy. he was force to throw the race which he did, but the government still kills his family despite of him holding his part of the bargain)

After countless sleepless nights and suffering from depression, He tries to relieve his glory days a few years after. Participating in an illegal drag racing around the streets.

One faithful day as the pillar was erected a few blocks away, He was on a middle of a race with sharp winds flowing through him at dangerous speed. suddenly he felt something strange and has the urge to go even faster than his usual vehicle's max speed. He feels a jolt of energy surging through him as he firmly grips on the handle. A huge shockwave soon to follows as he rockets through the competition shattering windows and blowing the other racers behind him. His ride dismantle in parts from such force as it crashes through a wall, luckily he manages to cheat death once more as he jumps before the impact. He then gets up and runs away from the scene before any one notice.

A few months later, he learns to control his inertia as he participate once more in the world of motor drag racing avoiding the government. Taking advantage of his new found ability to hustle and making more money along the way, he pulls of a Racer X stunt to conceal his identity with his trademark of ace of spades logo on the back his motorcycling jacket.

Project Sky Slayer Gideon Markov

Character Name: Gideon Markov
Age: 28
Job Class:Turks
Culture and Nationality: Diran Desert, Sun Lands.
Personality: Gideon is often serious, cold and calculating. he has this calm monotonic voice, and speaks very often, he only sees black and white in this world. kinda sadistic when he has the upper hand in a fight.Gideon likes to finish his victims piece by piece.
Appearance: An Athletic built slender body type,5'9 in height, tan skin due to his environment, messy greasy long hair, light sand colored tunic.he normally wears bandages like a mask over the bottom half of his face.
Back-story: Gideon was the offspring of Jareth and Raven, his father was a noble personal bodyguard of the Sultan. Jareth pledge an undying loyalty to his work and has earn his reputation in the kingdom along with his superior dual dagger wielding skills. Jareth fell in love with an outcast turk woman named Raven, He decided to leave his duties and settle in somewhere in the Diran Desert, Jareth and Raven produce a child and does Gideon was born.As the boy grows, Gideon develops a vicious temper as he butchers the neighbor's goat without any reason, Jareth caught the boy red handed and decided to guide Gideon under his wing. Gideon spends his time training with his father under the scorching desert sun perfecting the art of duel wielding sword.
Weapon of Choice: 1 reverse blade sword(its blade is pure metallic black in color), 1 handed sword.
Additional: His reverse blade sword is often use to ward of an attack or a blow. he isn't found of using daggers although his father has given him his sword breaker before he was executed.
Edited by typhlosionrulez
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