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What is the connection between the story of Griselda and the main plot of the game?


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Throughout the course of Rejuvenation, whenever you get gym badges you unlock certain treasures in Wispy Ruins.  Opening up the treasures, a mysterious voice comes out of nowhere and starts explaining a backstory of a character that isn't mention in the main plot, but her story does tie in with the plot.  I want to know is what is this connection between her backstory and the main plot?  Will she be apart of the main story in later versions or will she still be a complete enigma of a character that was randomly told in Wispy Ruins?

Edited by enderowl
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In V11 Narcissa's side quest includes a recording of Geara and Vitus discussing her as that is why they go to Goldenleaf. So it's probably more than we're realizing ATM. Vitus finds it interesting.


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I'd say it's just lore/worldbuilding until we get the potential relationship between Griselda, the boss of Spacea and Tempa, and Indriad, who I can get being some incarnation of the man in Griselda's or Nymeria's story. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/10/2019 at 12:02 PM, kithas said:

I'd say it's just lore/worldbuilding until we get the potential relationship between Griselda, the boss of Spacea and Tempa, and Indriad, who I can get being some incarnation of the man in Griselda's or Nymeria's story. 

The boss of spacea and timepa has been hinted, before but we didn’t realise it at the time as it’s far back in the game

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