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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Calvera walks alongside Arminius, a bright smile worn on her face. She felt warm and fuzzy on the inside, but it felt nice to her. She wasn't exactly sure what this feeling entailed, but she ignored the unknown. She was slightly curious as to why people were so... attracted to them, and holding those strange devices that emitted lights from them when a button was pressed. They were just moving along, like anyone else. Calvera addressed the closest civilian/reporter individual to her as she continued walking.

"What is so interesting?"

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Harry meandered along, not making a point of keeping a consistent location relative to the group. However, after they had been walking for a bit, he made his over to the tinfoil warrior. Somatotrope was the name he had heard. Quite similar to the word for HGH, now that he thought about it. "You're from this world, right?" He murmured, for the obvious purpose of not announcing to all the onlookers that they were anything stranger than they seemed. Though their appearance was, of course, already strange enough. "Can you tell me a bit about Dragon, Armsmaster, and Piggot from an outsider's perspective?"

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It is at this moment that something rather interesting happens. A large 8ft2 tanned strawberry blond figure seemingly wearing some manner of a dress appear's in the air fumble's for a few brief moments before hitting the ground with a thud. Eye's shut tight in perhaps confusion? Fear? Either way, Ren wasn't having the best of time's right now. Ren's voice shortly made itself known it had an.....for some familiar tone resembling some kinda germanic or British tilt.


" Ren....did not expect that.

Lifting themselves up slowly their height became very pronounced overall and green eye's fluttered just barely open..slitted....the more observant among the group would notice a variety of strange...indentation's on their right shoulder and notice the white shirt and pants like underclothes beneath the dress. Ren took in the people around them blinking slowly. A glow around them and small shards of white marble like earth floating around them. This...person...was most likely not fully human and their gender may be a bit hard to deduce.Their voice leans feminine? 

Either way. Ren was stunned not moving and just taking in the appearances of those around them both bizarre and relatively normal to him.

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18 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:

Ador flys over to the new comer, sniffing him, and sending the information back to lilly, who tilts her head.
"Your not quite human are you?" she seems curious, and completely unalarmed by the sudden appearance.


Ren...stared at the dragon as it sniffed them...curious and inquisitive...Ren had never seen a wyrmling.....Were they really this small? Ren turned their head looking over at Lilly..a small smile coming to their face. Ren thought she looked like a nice person and their semi-revealing clothes did not bother Ren. Their voice came out again soft a bit of a timber to it trying to sound proud clearly.


" Ren..is Ren and Ren is a Drakenite..People blessed by Creator Ryujin or well...Descending from the blessed one. Ren is not entirely.....sure of their classifaction...but Ren believe's that Ren is mostly human? What...is wyrmling and girl's name? Ren would like to know. May Ren know?"


They intrigued Ren....Ren was not...well Ren did not know anywhere besides Ren's first home The Sarab where people would dress so lightly. Ren needed to know more....were they from Valmasia at all? Or even Eternia?

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Proditor himself, like normal, floated alongside the ground, the slight movements of his head the only thing noting to others that he was paying attention to the... Attention around them. It had been a while since he had gotten so much attention, since the last time was when Humanity officially surrendered to ADVENT, and the Ethereals had gone to initiate diplomacy. Or, limited diplomacy, as it was, Humanity never really had a chance to deny their demands. He, unlike Arminius, had no problem with the attention and photography. They would get their appearances spread around at some point, and it was not as if there was much to truly work on with just a picture.


However, the group was suddenly stopped when... Someone dropped in from the sky, suddenly. Proditor himself stopped, his mind already alerting to him that this man was not human, and while Lilly may not have been unalarmed, Proditor was... Well, a bit surprised, even if his motions didn't show it. They already had one new arrival, and that was in a secure location (the warehouse, specifically), and now they were in the open, with many people around them. At that thought, the Ethereal looked to the side, scanning the crowds for some sort of reaction.

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3 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:

The small dragon returned to lilly's shoulder, looking at Ren.
"I'm Lilly, this is Ador, my familiar"
He talked a little funny, but he didn't seem like much of threat. Though the pair weren't familiar with what a drakenite was.

" Ren is Ren Alexander Hertlend and Ren is happy to meet Lilly and Ador! So....Ren is...Ren assume's Lilly is a summoner? Conjuring spirit's of some kind from the lifetream that Kraus created? Ren can see that....Lilly must be very very skilled and Ren is happy for that. Ren know's several types of magic! Ren know's holy magic which is why Ren glow's and know's earth magic which Ren combines with holy!"


Ren take's a breath of air their large body undulating with the breath a small flower lightly glowing blue its roots seemingly wrapped around his shoulder tightly. If one had good mana senses they would be able to tell it absorbs ambient mana. On their side was a small pouch of some sort and Ren opened it presenting a map to Lilly.



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"Well that's completely unhelpful. They just sadistic? Or too reliant on the bureaucracy?" Harry pried. It seemed likely to be fruitless though, so he switched topics. "You said your name was Somatotrope earlier? Like the hormone?" For the time being, Harry was trying his best to ignore the fact that yet another eight foot tall. . . thing had popped out of nowhere to join the group, this time in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded street.

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Kusuke was startled for a brief moment, but the startlement soon turned to annoyance and exasperation. Subtle was apparently entirely outside their capabilities. "Your turn," he said in the direction of the rest of the group, but at nobody in particular. "I'm gonna head to the bay and try some stuff. I'll catch up to you later." The young man slipped off, trying to get through the growing crowd, and headed in the general direction of the boat graveyard, praying that he could come back to something other than utter, gross incompetence. Teamwork was rapidly turning out to be far more frustrating than he had believed it would be.

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"That's right, Human Growth Hormone.  My ability allows me to grow objects within a certain range of myself.  It's more complex than simply making them bigger, but that's about as simply as I can explain it."  Taking a needle in her hand, she grows it.  It rapidly becomes longer, and the eye of the needle distorts into a sort of hoop shape, it becomes slightly thicker and sharper as well.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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2 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:

"I have no idea what your talking about, though it sounds interesting. what's your magic do?"
lilly pokes at one of the floating rocks. "Aside from make things float apparently."

The rock's are smooth and lightly warm..comforting some might say. Ren seemed to get the hint Lilly was not from valmasia. Ren then moved to explain on his knees now still alarmingly tall. 


" Ren can do many things's. Like create pillar's shards of rock can heal people with Ren's holy magic and ease their pain and Ren can burn out diseases and afflictions with holy fire without harming the environment or anyone"


Ren proceed's to have a ball of glowing golden fire appear in their hand's flickering and warming up the area.


Ren smile's and moves it towards Lilly.


""Go ahead touch it. It won't hurt you. In fact any of you can come touch Ren's holy fire and see it won't hurt anything!"


Ren had a sincere smile on their face illuminating their green eye's and their white dress shimmering from the light of the fire. 

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Lilly flips her spear around, and pokes the flame with it, upon confirming the fire wont burn, she returns her spear to its normal position in her hands, and pokes at the fire with her other hand.
"Ooooo that's neat. How long can you keep it burning? Can it draw off ambient power?"

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"Sounds useful. Could use that for a lot of things. Carry a small metal plate, and expand it to block bullets, throw a rock at someone, then expand it? I'm guessing the tinfoil has something to do with that? Though, I think you'd rapidly become immobile before you got enough aluminum to protect from anything." Harry was distracted for a moment by the time traveler's statement. He frowned, not entirely understanding the reason or context of it being their "turn". Well, he was leaving anyway, and that was what mattered. Harry turned back to Soma. "Does it take much effort?"

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Suddenly, as Proditor was looking around, a sudden flare pulled his attention back towards 'Ren', and when the Ethereal's head turned to face him, he froze completely, taking in the flame in Ren's hand. It wasn't like Lung, where Proditor was practically frozen in fear, but when Proditor recovered from the sight (rather quickly, he might add), it was still an unnerving sight, "I... Suppose I shall move ahead and get to the graveyard as well. I believe it would be best if we got to work as... Soon as possible" Proditor stated, his echoey voice being much quieter than normal as the Ethereal began to move his way through the crowds, easing his way by sending out a faint psionic signal that weaved through the crowds, giving them a subconscious urge to move slightly out of Proditor's path. He would've floated above and moved through the crowd that way, but conserving his strength was something that would come in handy later on.


He'd need all the energy he could muster for the graveyard.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"My power can be used Selectively in some cases.  Damage to my armor can be rapidly repaired by simply growing the right parts.  But yeah, you seem to have the idea."


"It takes very little effort, if any.  The larger or more complex something is, the longer it takes to grow though."

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3 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:

Lilly flips her spear around, and pokes the flame with it, upon confirming the fire wont burn, she returns her spear to its normal position in her hands, and pokes at the fire with her other hand.
"Ooooo that's neat. How long can you keep it burning? Can it draw off ambient power?"

Ren smile's as lilly's hand goes over the fire. Gently glowing a little brighter it.....could be described as a gentle warmth...soothing and warming up her hand and the rest of her arm slowly. It felt....perhap's...Protective a bit? Strong defintely but above all it was warm and it gently seemed to caress Her hand. However it stopped flickered out of existeance when Ren saw the etheral making a break for it. Worry growing over their features.


" Ren can keep going until they run outta mana and Ren has never tried that second part"


3 minutes ago, GodofGamingRWBY said:

Suddenly, as Proditor was looking around, a sudden flare pulled his attention back towards 'Ren', and when the Ethereal's head turned to face him, he froze completely, taking in the flame in Ren's hand. It wasn't like Lung, where Proditor was practically frozen in fear, but when Proditor recovered from the sight (rather quickly, he might add), it was still an unnerving sight, "I... Suppose I shall move ahead and get to the graveyard as well. I believe it would be best if we got to work as... Soon as possible" Proditor stated, his echoey voice being much quieter than normal as the Ethereal began to move his way through the crowds, easing his way by sending out a faint psionic signal that weaved through the crowds, giving them a subconscious urge to move slightly out of Proditor's path. He would've floated above and moved through the crowd that way, but conserving his strength was something that would come in handy later on.


He'd need all the energy he could muster for the graveyard.

Ren called out to the etheral the flame gone their face worried....had the fire frightened them or was it Ren themselve's? Either way Ren's voice was concerned.


"Are you okay? Ren diden't mean...to frighten you. Fire is harmless and Ren meant no one harm where is.....graveyard?"

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"So best is strong, simple things? I see." Apparently Proditor was leaving now too. To the graveyard, again. He turned to Soma. "Did I miss the memo or something? We are heading to the docks, right, not, I don't know, a bar or something?"


Harry was also considering retrieving the earpiece from his backpack, and informing the PRT about this new arrival. But he thought better of it. He'd just spent the whole morning there, and he didn't really want everyone called back to test this new thing's powers. He supposed if questioned, he could just claim ignorance, which was close enough to the truth.

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Calvera nods, she could kind of understands Arminius' point. She sighed.

"So, we're going to work on the boat graveyard? Yes? I suppose I could see if I could melt the boats or something..."

She followed after Proditor, as she hadn't exactly had a conversation with them yet.

"Hey, I don't believe we've properly talked yet. I'm Calvera."

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