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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Radovan's logic was rather strange for Emmanuel. It was like, having a Zangoose and a Seviper, and letting them engage in a pit fight against each other. It'd make total sense if it were in the wilds, but...

"Come on, you're better than this. Don't stretch the same violence in the wilds into your party." Emmanuel frowned. "And besides... Woobat probably hasn't seen a Tyranitar in its entire life. It would enjoy no vengeance whatsoever from the move."

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*+ Zeta and Clarence*




Suzie starts throwing rocks around. As she does so, the rocks cast shadows over the ground, constantly altering the lit and unlit areas. The Sableye keeps flickering into view every time light shines over it. It seems to be wanting to escape. Shadow Sneak allows it to escape Rock Tomb unscathed by slinking into the shadows of the rocks themselves, but its position was revealed.


Now was the time for Cathode and Clarence to strike. At the distance they were at from Sableye, however, it would either require Clarence to sing loud enough to put everyone to sleep, or would require some assistance from Suzie.



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (80/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), Detect, Feint Attack (130), ---





Emmanuel & Radovan


As the two boys move towards corridor 19, they find that their passage is blocked by a sturdy looking crystal wall. There don't seem to be any Pokemon present on this side of the blockade, though.






*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


The group makes their way down the corridor. The trip is rather uneventful and the corridor leads only straight and a bit downwards.

Uno seems to have gone further ahead than they thought as they still couldn't see her. All of a sudden, they hear a woman's scream from down the corridor. As they rush to the specious chamber ahead, they find Uno kneeling in the middle of it, underneath what appears to be a tree trunk growing into the ground above, easily smashing through the crystal ceiling. The only part of the tree visible to the crew is the trunk, as its branches can only be presumed to grow up and above the surface.


Uno seems to be holding something in her hands and has bent over it on the ground. It releases a faint green glow visible even through her robes and tightly clenched fists around it. Lampy is standing next to her, looking worried.



Music: Core Mysteries

Betani looks over at Uno for a moment in an expression of mixed disgust and shock. Quickly, she pulls her A-Comm and opens the map...

"If I'm correct, then we are close to our goal." She whispers, putting away the A-Comm and looking down at Uno again. "You. Give the Shard up. It's the combined core of the Micro Nexuses that merged with #08. Space Aether needs to safely sanction it to avoid any more unwanted emergence events."


Uno stays silent. You wonder if she's awake even. However, Betani is relentless. She walkes over to the blue haired woman and pulls her by the back of her collar, tugging her forcefully to her feet. Uno remains limp and slumps back down, still clenching the supposed Shard. "Bitch-!" Betani's eyes gleam at Uno. She swings an open palm up, ready to strike.


[How do you react?]

[The Map has been updated]


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Not optimal distance. And every second counts.  

They needed to get close to the ghost, and fast, or delay it even more from escaping. The fastest one of their group was Suzie, and using Rock Tomb again would have to stay covered by her for protection, so the prankster could use the chance to gain more distance and finally escape.  

"Clarence, prepare to jump and run with me! Sing when i spray! Suzie go Bind him fast!"  

The rock snake started uncurling and Cathode jumped. Suzie would use bind on the Sableye, dealing no damage but restricting his stealthy movement only within the shadows inside the snake's curl. If the Sableye wanted to get out, he would have to go visible and get Sprayed and Sung on. If he stayed in, Cathode would Spray within the curl's crevices, while Clarence would Sing through them.  If her plan was right, Sableye in both cases would be most likely incapacitated for a while.



Edited by DemICE
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Emmanuel looked at the crystal wall. It didn't seem to be any different from the previous one.

"Anyway, now we know what to do. Nicaea, let's go!" 


Action: Nicaea uses 6x Growth and then uses Acid.

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Quina had been caught off guard from Wailord's Dive, having hiding behind Verna to avoid Supersonic. Without time to gather her energy to Teleport, she flew through the air like a wax doll, all the while trying to sense Wailord. She narrowly missed a jutted rock and was swallowed whole by the dark water below. But before she could flail for her life, she felt something rise from below her, pushing her above the water, allowing her to find footing again. Kalva had swam to her location after he too, had been knocked into the water by Wailord, and she was now sitting on his head. There was no gesture or anything from Kalva, but she knew what she had to do. She gathered her strength from the midst of the dark pool and threw a Confusion at Wailord.

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*+ Terry; Morelull*




The three weak attacks collide upon Wailord. It...doesn't seem to move in response.


Wailord took 110 damage


Wailord's Action: nothing


As it takes the beating, it lets out a content sigh. Despite the wounds, despite the battle, it could finally be at peace.

In its one last roar, you feel the weight of the world it had to hold for the past day. But something else underneath all that pain. Something special, which reverberated the cycle of life this entire Nexus stood for. As death was, eternally, a new beginning, over and over.

The Wailord's body petrifies completely. Then crystalizes, shining stones growing outwards from the stalactites in its back. And then light emanating from it floods the room.

The crystals from Wailord crush into the walls of the chamber and deep into the waters as well.

You can see the splendor. The stars within Wailord's crystal form join within a single point, flowing down into the waters to form an elyptical object floating on the surface in the middle of the room.


An egg present itself before you. Wailord's egg.



/everyone earned 100 Exp/

/everyone earned 25 EP/

/You received an Egg!/


You can swim over to the egg if you want. The light from Wailord faded forever, but it would live on. You've helped it pass into eternity of peace, rather than one of pain.

And for that, you can be proud of yourselves.


Morelull, Kenshiro, looks over at Taylor whilst floating in the water. He nods at Taylor and Taylor understands that Morelull wants to come with him.

Terry, on the other hand, looks like he doesn't know what to think. He looks pale at you all one by one, but speaks nothing. You can only guess what he's going through.


Either way, you've managed to live through this event. You can finally go back and rejoin with the rest of your te-

The chamber shakes around you as you feel a sudden pull downwards, like the water is twisting around you like a blanket, threatening to draw you under, and you cannot fight it. "The room is collapsing!" Terry shouts before being pulled underwater. You are pulled underwater soon as well, but not for long. In several frantic moments of breathlessness that feel like eternity, dizziness overtakes you. Fear of death, while irrational in a world such as this, comes all too natural. But before your lungs burst into pain, you feel yourself dropping to the hard rocky ground with a small blue glowing object next to you, as well as the egg, which seemed to have somehow survived the fall.

The chamber around you is brighter than the Crystal Mines you've travelled through, and your A-Comms don't seem to be working. The interference must be too high, because you can only assume you've gone even deeper underground than before. The shining crystals around you...are almost painful to look at.



"Is everyone alright!?" Terry is already on his feet, his harsh voice echoing through coughs of water. You all seem well enough for your situation, though you might wanna check the object that landed together with you.

"Is that a Shard?" Terry asks, confused. You hadn't noticed before but the water from above seems to be all gone now. Even you are dry. Around you are small crystallized but shineles objects flowing through the natural stream you've encountered even above. The everpresent ankle-high water level. The shineless crystals seem to dissolve slowly within the flow.


Music: Perpetuum Momentum

But the question remains...where are you?

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Kai was a fast girl, and probably could have moved to stop Betani before she could hit Uno. A simple shout and dash to grab to Betani’s hand to hopefully stop her. If she couldn’t do that, she could maybe even stand in the way and protect Uno from pain. A part of her thought that maybe all that was necessary was a shout telling the green-haired woman to stop. There was probably a way to prevent anyone from getting hurt here so that they could all be on their way.


But she stood there, motionless, a smile on her face as she wondered if the others would maybe do something in her absence. She leaned her head over to the side, waiting. “I wonder what this tree is. It looks awesome.”

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"HEY!" Shelly had no hesitation in shouting at the woman, and dashing over to try to slow the woman's hand. Perhaps it might be necessary to forcefully wake Uno, for everyone's safety. However, it was obvious that Betani was acting purely out of emotion. No one would out of nowhere shout "Bitch!" at someone before slapping them if it was simply to wake them up.


"Calm down Betani! You can just throw water on her or something! Why are you so angry all of a sudden? She's a frail, sick person, and yes, it looks like she messed with something, but this is way too much!"

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


Betani turns to glare at Shelly, but halts her hand. "That isn't her's to take!" She grits her teeth. "You don't know her. She's delusional in cases like this. I don't know why I even let her come with us, she's just gonna hurt herself. She wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place!" She shouts at Shelly.


Meanwhile, as Kai observes the tree, she notices something peculiar...it seems to be...well, shrinking.






Nicaea's Acid has the same effect. The duo, however, doesn't need to do anything this time, as something breaks through the wall for them, from the other side of it.

A large crushing sound is heard before a Pokemon peeks through the hole it made and looks at the two.

A dark claw reveals itself, holding what appears to be a Mechamon toy, one that Emmanuel has held when the team received it; the P-AZ Mechamon; and two gleaming eyes.

It's a Sableye.


[What do you do?]






*+ Zeta and Clarence*




Suzie's body wraps around Sableye. She can feel the Pokemon slithering through the shadows on her body. Despite its form being bound to them, it still carries the same weight as usual, which is what Suzie can sense. Sableye slithers around momentarily before locating a crevice through which his shadows could reach between Suzie's rugged body's imperfections. Unfortunately, that same crevice is where Clarence and Cathode are waiting for him.


Clarence's Action: Sing

roll: 73,3 miss


Clarence chirps a rather disconcertingly unarticulated tune towards Sableye but it doesn't seem to work at all. Cathode, however, still has a chance, and she sprays whatever's left within her repel bottle at Sableye.


Cathode's Action: Sleep Powder

roll: 98,5 miss


The powder scatters over Sableye but it doesn't seem to do much. The dosage was too small, seemingly, as Cathode's spray jammed when she tried to push the button.

The Sableye successfully slinks through Suzie's body and fades into the shadows. You can't tell where it is anymore.



Music: Something Wrong

Turn Order: Cathode (Suzie) -> Sableye -> Clarence


Clarence (♂), Lv: 15

HP (80/150): ####################

ATK: 51

DEF: 60

SP.ATK: 69

SP.DEF: 74

SPE: 36

Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spe)

Status: /

Ability: Friend Guard

Moves: Disarming Voice, Pound, Sing, Aromatherapy, Heal Pulse




Sableye (♂), Lv: 20

HP (110/110): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 90

SP.ATK: 78

SP.DEF: 78

SPE: 60

Nature: /

Status: /

Ability: Keen Eye

Moves: Shadow Sneak (100), Detect, Feint Attack (130), ---





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Cathode's mouth was agape,  registering what just happened.  Her plan crumbling due to a stroke of incredibly bad luck. 

She stomped her foot down and shouted,

"Y-you have no idea how lucky you were this time,  jerk!"

She sat down, giving the death stare (which is as scary as a mudkip giving you a death stare) to her Sporespray, before storing it back.

She then blew out some air and said, while staring to the ceiling.

"The plan was solid. We did our best by acting when the possibilities were at their highest. We have nothing to regret about.  Hopefully he will try to mess with us again, giving us another shot at him."

She stood up and bore her eyes on the crystal wall in front of her. 

"In any case, standing here any longer will not do us any good.  Suzie, i'd suggest  Curse up four more times and tackle this crystal. "


Just as annoyed as her trainer, Suzie found the fact that she was at least going to break something in place of that despicable thief quite endearing.  She wasted no time in doing as she was prompted.


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"Just pry it out of her hands or something! And--wait, you know her?" This was a development. Shelly hadn't though of the fact that the two might know each other. Obviously Betani hadn't commented much on them coming along, so it made sense in retrospect. . .


In any case, Shelly reached out to Uno, trying to gently tug her hands away from the shard, so long as Betani didn't say anything to the contrary.

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


"Pry it out of her hands. You do it if you want to so badly." Betani raised her nose up and crossed her hands. This, however, meant her hand was no longer prepped to be slapping anyone. Hooray for that. She looked annoyed as all hell, though. "And yeah, well, we're sisters. Adopted sisters." She responded bluntly, looking away.


The tree would continue shrinking as Kai observed it, growing ever so slightly thinner by the minute, and seemingly pulling its branches down with it from the ceiling. Kai couldn't see any branches yet but the tree bark was definitely an indicator of movement.






*+ Zeta and Clarence*



/Suzie got 40 Exp/

/Cathode earned 10 EP/


Suzie smashed her head against the crystal wall, the cave shaking from the impact as a crack appeared. She smashed again and again, the glow from within the crystals growing ever more restless and intense with every strike.


[Will Suzie proceed with the wall pummeling~?]

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The emanating glow from within the crystal cracks was not part of  Cathode's ideal scenario.  An intense glow would mean an overflow of energy.  Smashing such a crystal containing concentrated energy might result in pretty explosive effects, and she would not risk Suzie's well being like that.  Even if Clarence has heal pulse, if Suzie gets taken out in one go it would be useless.


"S-Suzie, that glow is worrying me! Please stop!  This isn't worth the risk of you getting heavily injured!  Here, according to the updated map, on of the two unexplored corridors is the one that will probably lead to the place behind this crystal.  We can just take the long way.  We will go back and turn left!"


Suzie turned around,  even more annoyed due to Cathode's indecisiveness.  She grumpily stopped ramming on the cracked crystal wall and made to return accompanying the group.   

...But not before giving it one final tackle out of spite.

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Emmanuel held his breath upon seeing the Sableye. That Mechamon sure was familiar.

He took a look at his bag. The P-AZ Mechamon was coincidentally lost. Of course, the rest of the puzzle pieced itself together. The Sableye stole it somehow, though he wasn't sure when that happened.

He turned to look at Radovan for a second, but then decided to take things to his own hands. He took out an Oran Berry from his bag, and squat down. He put the Oran Berry on the ground before him and gestured for the Sableye to come.

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Radovan had taken a few steps forward to stand right beside Emmanuel when the young boy laid an Oran berry down onto the ground. And he quietly wondered if the Sableye would take the bait as he swiftly returned his Woobat to its Aetherball with his left hand and prepared his Larvitar's Aetherball for what seemed to be an almost inevitable fight with his right. Before he switched out the Woobat's Aetherball with a tiny piece of crystal the man had taken from the crystal wall they had smashed down earlier, and he gingerly placed it right beside Emmanuel's oran berry just before he whispered the words. ""I call dibs on the Sableye if this goes horribly wrong by the way" into Emmanuel's ear.

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Taylor pulls out an Aether Ball, and holds it out to Kenshiro.  He waits for the Morelull to press the activation stud himself, and once that happens, releases the mushroom Pokemon.  Then he picks up the egg, places it gently into his backpack, and starts examining the new room the group finds itself in.

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Seeing the Wailord finally able to have her resting, Sena gave out a satisfying yet saddened smile. He killed a pokemon, even thought he did that to save her, he still feeling guilty of it. I killed it... but look at the bright side, I was able to speed up her death so that she won't suffer more than this... I should be proud... even thought it really pains me to feel proud about it.


The small bat pokemon, return to Sena's side, she realize Sena's guilt and decide to give him a wake up call. A tackle. to the head. Verna charge to his head and hitting it, doesn't really hurt since she hold back a little but it surprise the boy who was deep on his thought, "Dammit Verna how many times do I--" Sena saw Verna spinning around above his head. "You're just trying to cheer me up huh? thank but next time no Tackle!" Sena warned the bat pokemon, which she ignore.


Sena already saw Wailord already turned into a crystal, he swam a little bit to see the crystalized Wailord up close before seeing the Wailord egg. And so a new life was created... but I don't feel like deserving this... beside that pokemon is also water type...


Sena saw took the egg, knowing Taylor, the Wailmer might be useful in Taylor future team. Right now, he almost forgot someone. Terry. he try to find him and he's just there all shocked seems to be out of words. Ugggh I have a bad feeling abo--


Before he finish his words, the room collapse. he drowned along with the other but manage to put Verna back to the Aether Ball before too late. am I going to die here? no don't give me that kind of bullshit! I ain't gon-- "Ouch!" he fell on something hard, "what the...?" He heard Terry asking everyone, "I'm fine, I think... Where are we anyway?" He try to use the A-comm to check the location, but failed. "Of course with these many crystal, the A-comm won't work," he sighs, "Verna is already on her Aether Ball... guess I have to call her again." He throw the Aether Ball upward, sending out Verna, she's okay thankfully, "thank goodness you're okay, Verna. hmmm can you use Supersonic in all direction? We might be able to find some clue about this place. Kalva, ya gonna help? You're quite good at finding some small detail." Said Sena as he look around the cave trying to find some clue and something that could be useful.

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While the three girls were having a nice family reunion plus one friend, Kai moved closer towards the tree. She could barely see it, but it was certainly changing size, shrinking inwards without any explanation. “Hey, guys, something’s going on with the tree.” Trying to get a feeling for how quick it was shrinking, she put her hand to the bark. “Shelly, can your Axew Scratch off a piece of the bark so I can take a look?" Kai gasped for a bit as a fantastic idea popped into her head. "I bet it’d make a sweet souvenir, too!”

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"Uh, yeah, sure. Axew, help Kai out!" Shelly called, distracted. She knelt down, and began as quickly as possible to try to pry the crystal out of the frail woman's hands. She'd start of gentle, but if necessary, she wouldn't hesitate to use what strength she had. As she worked, something crossed her mind.


"W-wait. Why the hell were you going to slap her if you don't want the crystal?" If Shelly succeeds in extracting the crystal, she'll begin to search for a way of hopefully reinserting it in the tree, or wherever it came from.

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno, Betani*


Axew managed to easily scrape some bark from the tree. It felt like regular tree bark.

Betani looked at Shelly and crossed her arms, flicking her nose up as she pointed behind her back at the shrinking tree. "Oh I didn't want it, no. I just wanted to avoid what's happening right now. You see, the Shard is unstable. Since it merged with #08, what do you think would happen if you affected it in any meaningful way? Reality would shift. Like this tree behind us~" She spoke with a self-satisfied smirk. "Yeah, imagine what happens when it disappears and reappears somewhere else? We don't know how many of its branches carved into the rock above our heads. I dunno about you but I wouldn't want to take my chances when it could all tumble upon us any moment now. So no, I didn't want the shard. I just didn't want to die because she couldn't control herself. Oh and your Wurmple will also disappear." She added, glancing at Kai.


Shelly would manage to pull the Shard out of Uno's hands. The frail woman fought back in her unconciousness, though, tightly gripping it. Shelly would have to remove finger by finger before she would be able to dig out a green segment of what once might've been a stone tablet of sorts.



[Shelly received Insect Shard]


Uno opens her eyes. "H-uh?" She mumbles, still laying on the ground. Betani still stares at Shelly. "Well? Will you give it to me so I can handle this situation? It needs to be stabilized before the team arrives to take care of it."







The Sableye looks at Emmanuel and notices the Oran Berry. It stands still. The Sableye was a resident of #08. It probably never had to eat.

However...when Radovan places the crystal down, Sableye's gem-like eyes sparkle gluttonously. Slowly, it starts creeping towards the crystal, climbing through the hole in the wall...


[Attack it while its guard is down or let it pick the crystal up?]





*+ Zeta and Clarence*


Suzie's last Tackle hits the wall...and it's the drop that spills the glass. The cracks burst and light envelops Suzie. As the Onyx was really close to the wall, the force from the energy blows her away and she passes out.






*+ Terry; Morelull*


[Taylor receives Wailmer Egg]



Terry wipes his forehead. "I'm glad everyone's fine. You did well up there. I didn't believe in you enough. I apologize." He says, looking down. His eyes catch the sight of the Shard again and he picks it up.



[Terry received Splash Shard]


Terry looks it over and sighs. "It's already destabilized. The pool up there and the Wailord must've been a part of a Micro Nexus of this Shard. Your battle with Wailord disrupted it and it unmerged. The water returned to the Shard's dimension. However, this also means we have no clue when it will emerge again. It could happen at any moment..." Terry seems worried. You know that Micro Grid Nexuses are formed not around real Cores but around Shards. #08 had merged with several of those when it emerged. You must've exhausted the energy of this Shard so the Nexus around it redacted unto itself, returning to the Shard's sub-space. When the energy reaffirms itself, though, the Micro Nexus might emerge again...you can't predict when that will happen nor can you predict the damage it would cause. The water within it could very well burst at you at any moment, probably killing you. "Wait...if the crystals around us are Star Pieces...then...we might be safe for now." Terry muttered to himself.


Meanwhile, Taylor and Sena investigate. The chamber they found themselves in is rather small. The glow of the crystals down here grew into a blinding light almost unbearable to observe. When Verna uses her Supersonic to try and use echolocation, the sound waves seem to echo against the crystals. The light within them starts shifting in response and the party needs to cover their ears as Verna's Supersonic gets amplified to an deafening roar.


roll: 20,9

/Terry is temporarily deafened/


roll: 40,5

/Kalva is temporarily deafened/


roll: 90,9

/Taylor can hear just fine~/


roll: 34,4

/Sena is temporarily deafened/


roll: 95,3

/Verna is ok/


Kalva and Sena's ears start ringing.

"A-akh..please don't do that..." Terry pokes a finger into his ear when the sound stops. Kalva and Sena can't seem to hear what he's saying. Verna shakes her head but is otherwise fine. Terry seems surprised that he couldn't hear what he'd said. He speaks again, louder. "C-can you hear me!!" Meanwhile, Taylor doesn't seem to be fazed in the slightest. Looking around, Taylor notices an exit from the chamber. There's only that one corridor leading out.


[What will you do?]

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Radovan maintained his grip on his Larvitar's Aetherball as the Sableye slowly started to approach the crystal; he gently tried to prod Emmanuel away from the potentially dangerous Pokemon while he waited for it to get close enough inspect the crystal, and he just as gently said "I know of a place where we can get a lot more crystals" to the Sableye.

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Suzie would not listen to her, and after the last tackle,  the explosion caused, blew her back,  some steps away from the group's feet.  She was passed out, but for the most part looked okay.

Cathode sighed facepalmed with one hand,  and with the other she recalled  the snake. She put her hand gently on the ball, mumbling.

"Y-you s-stubborn girl.  You should s-sometimes listen to me. I-I use logic for my decisions..."


She then looked back to the source of the problem. And said to Zeta and Clarence,

"We might as well not let this go to waste. Let's go take a closer look now that that it's,  p-presumably, safe."



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The Sableye looks at Radovan confusedly, coming as close to 2 meters from the young man. It cocks its head back with an insufferable crack and points its finger up at the cave around it. Apparently, there's enough crystals there. A bit less trusting now, it twitches and holds still, not coming closer anymore.






*+ Zeta and Clarence*


Zeta gasps and runs over towards Cathode. "Is she okay?" She asks worriedly. Clarence seems worried as well. His eyes dart around. If the Sableye noticed this...how would they fare in a battle where Suzie would be out of commission?


Either way, the group makes their way through the crack in the wall and they end up in a corridor. Which way will they go now?


[The Map has been updated]

reminder: Red dot is Cathode's group


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"We should move fast."  She said while turning left (towards 18). "We can't afford hard battles right now, unless we find a way to revive Suzie.  Now that i think of it, this place is full of crystals containing various energies. Hopefully a situation will present itself. Revives are crystal shards too. Maybe some will be around."

She turned to Zeta as they were on the move.  

"You collect Star Pieces, right?  Why specifically those?"


As she reached the "crossroads" and gazed around the room,  she saw Radovan and Emmanuel in front of another opening.  How lucky, considering only a weakened Clarence was able to battle from their side. They seemed to be dealing with something she could not see from where she was standing.  She figured it would be best to not cause any disturbances, so she simply crept towards them. If any of those noticed her, she hoped they would signal her if there was anything she could do.


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