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[IC] TotMV:G2: Val Habar and the Terrible Tigrex


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"Yamaguchi Masaru. I'd be the latter case. Still don't really know how I got here, but I'll work with it." The woman seemed uncomfortable, somehow. Perhaps it was Mar? He had to admit, he'd had more unpleasant dealings with orcs than not, but Mar thus far seemed to be the variety that didn't believe in running at anything that wasn't part of his tribe and bludgeoning it to death with whatever was handy. "What are you up to, anyway?"

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Andre shrugs and after a couple moments of looking around pulls outs out a notepad and pen. After jotting down a quick note for Artithia, he leaves to wander a bit. Eventually he finds a clearly busted cannon type thing. Most likely something actually a bit more useful and sophisticated since the castle seems to have electricity to host it. He looks around it a bit more before going to grab a decently sized rock. He's gonna knock the bolts off the cannons proper before taking them to the smeltery to have someone fix up.

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Liliya-Servants' Quarters


"Masaru eh? Where are you from?" The name sounded vaguely eastern to Liliya. Perhaps Japanese? She wasn't too knowledgable about the linguistics of names, but it made sense. "Weird that we all arrived at once when barely anyone's home..." In response to Masaru's last question, Liliya said, "Just wandering about I suppose, looking...were you talking to Mar? Sorry."

"I'm curious too. What're you up to, Mar?"

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"I have discovered Mind, Sight, Breath, Force, and Willpower Magics by attuning my mana to various substances, I am satisfying my curiosity, seeing if I can produce a spirit from them with my own willpower and thoughts."


"My magic works by becoming a new form with each substance it touches, provided it touches one other than the one it is currently touching, including air.  Therefore, the more substances I test, the more magic I discover."


"This is it at it's most basic, since I know neither words of power or gestures of manipulation, I must essentially work mana with none of the tools that make it simple to do so."


He pauses, then shakes his head apologetically.


"If none of that made sense, I am trying to make a short lived lizard from my energy in this ball here."


"And now I have grown bored of doing that.  Follow Me if you wish to see something intriguing."


Mar stalks off to the Smithy, dismissing the Orb into the air mindlessly.


He grabs a Fossil, looking ancient and dusty, and takes off his ring.


He then makes his way outside, and begins channeling magic into a small silver disk, which forms into a dazzling glass, glittering light shooting off of it.


He forms this into a giant ring, the size of a crop circle, which is lifted up onto sandstone pillars.


Light and energy flow from the ring to the center of the empty space.


Mar walks underneath them, not heeding the intense light and humming sound coming from them.


He makes several smaller rings, propped up on their own pillars.


The glow intensifies until there is a small disk of light in the center, blindingly bright, and deafeningly quiet.


Mar raises a pillar of sandstone slowly, placing the Fossil and his Ring on the dais.


The sandstone pillar rises up, and when it touches the disk, a bright flash explodes from it, glowing green light floods the landscape, as a long lost beast breathes life again.


Energy Becomes Flesh.


Flesh becomes a Body.


The Body becomes a Living thing.


What is left is a gargantuan beast, taller than most of the tallest men, and longer than a car.


It's body is covered in blazing magma, and the glass rings sag from the heat, draped over the pillars, which crack.


Mar does not even have to break the rings, due to them breaking themselves. He however, is blasted in the process by errant beams of raw magic from this world's ambient field, as he blasts his way out of the circle.


As the Lensite melts into the sand, it loses it's properties, turning into a simple crater.

It strikes Mar, that thankfully, it isn't actually the creature doing this, despite it's fearful appearance, but rather, his magic circle had overloaded, obliderating it's internal structure as various types of sand mana interfered with the magic flow, and disintegrated the lensite's properties.


What is left is a Lizard, awkwardly perched on a sandstone pillar far too small for it's large feet.  Albiet one with various red glowing parts, and a thoroughly confused demeanor.


Mar walks up to it, cooling the glass with Spinel mana, leaving orbs of stolen heat in his wake, he takes out his boomerang, and activates it's special power.


Eavesdroppers would hear either rumbles or sub-vocal noises, fit for a godzilla film.


"I brought you back from death, mighty one."


"I will answer your questions."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Masaru - Servant's Quarters 


"Kibwe's the name of the place. Well, it varies depending on who you ask." The topic was returned to Mar, however, and his interesting experiment. The adventurer followed Mar out of the castle, and watched him set up his ritual with interest. He hefts his blade, raising it in preparation to defend himself, after the flash blinds him. Since the beast doesn't seem immediately hostile to them, nor does Mar to it, he simply waits, ready.


Hellblade Glavenus - Outside


The juvenile monster looks around at its environment, and Mar, cautiously, developing tail raised and held close to the body much like the guard of the swordsman nearby. It inclines its head at Mar.


"You gave life? You are not Glavenus, how does one who is not Glavenus make Glavenus?"

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"I used my power to ask everything for the best you."


"There is some Glavenus in everything."


"I made special glass to put lots of power from around into your body."


Mar gestures to the area around him when he says "Around".


His posture might make the Glavenus think of a really old creature, scarred and tired, but infinitely deadly for having survived so long.

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Ghost & Tama>???


With her head no longer throbbing like it was on the verge of self-destruction, Ghost had taken to exploring some of the old keep after finishing the Orc's brew. What had remained of her hood and cloak had been left behind in the Smithy- there was no point continuing to wear that tattered garb, in it's current condition she'd be better off braving the sunlight on her own. Tama had filled her in on the rest of the story, as she walked, and most of what had actually happened with the spider from earlier. What Ghost cared most about though was the beginning parts... how they had gotten here.

    "Should I even bother to try tearing another rift?" She asked the tiger, examining one of the many tapestries hanging up around the place. It seemed whoever had lived here so long ago had a penchant for romanticizing war.... and got around quite a bit- this landscape depicting in the scenes looked nothing like the vast desert this fort sat in now. 

    "Doubtful, you've lost much..." Tama answered grimly, "what the boy did not take, travelling to the void and back again without proper rites and precautions... seems to have destroyed you might even further. You truly are lucky you did not return a husk... or worse. If only you could sense how much of yourself is missing..."


She thought about, for a moment. A husk or worse... indeed, in hindsight, it had been luck. Even with her head having calmed down and the deluge of scattered memories and images, from both the realm of the living and the dead, having subsided for the most part though... she could not deny that something still felt... off. Something felt wrong on some primal, spiritual level, had felt that way ever since she'd woken up, worse than it had felt already after her scuffle with Ryder. The explanation of Having actually left behind a bit of what was left of her in Oblivion was better than any, she supposed...

     Still, like the tiger said, it could be worse. Despite the healing having turned into a botched resurrection, she had returned herself, rather than a mere shell of a person... or a rage-driven fiend who sought out and destroyed the living, as much as her initial display of force might've begged to differ on the latter. She had defied the odds entirely, really...

     "And yet you've still stayed with me..." she muttered under her breath. The Deva heard her loud as day

     "What of it?"

     "A pact lasts until death... even if I wasn't gone long enough for it to fully break, that clause is still fulfilled. You could've easily left any time now, without penalty from our agreement, yet... here you are."

     "What can I say? Finding another High-caliber Godspeaker to become my Caller would be too much work. Besides, I know from experience just how hard you're able to bounce back from a failure... I've hope for you yet. There's a fair chance that you will fight tooth and nail and take back what is rightfully yours, and when you do eventually regain your power, I fully intend to still be your Bound Deva... for Voice like you possessed, it only comes around once every few generations or so... and Voice like Ryder possesses... it only comes when the world is teetering on the edge of a new era, and needs a push... or is at the end of its line and needs a final nail in the coffin..."

     He left out the obvious question of which role the boy would fulfill. She was actually a bit thankful for that. She was even more thankful that Tama had not mentioned his brief consideration of siding with the boy, however fleeting it had been after she sensed it. The Deva, broken shells of themselves as they now were, were naturally drawn to those with immense power, or at least the potential for it. It was only in his nature to have considered Ryder a potential candidate if Ghost had died and truly come back as a shambling corpse... but Tama was also wise enough to know the reason why Ryder would've never accepted a pact with any Deva... his Matipraskara was effectively superior to a Deva Pact in just about every way possible. The boy had no use of old and broken gods, so... any attempt to defect to him... would not end well, for a Deva.


Just as she turned and walked away from the Tapestry however, she saw another figure further than the hall... wearing strange garbs and with skin that was... grey? with... were those tendrils trailing off it's head? and bat ears? What kind of bizarre fusion of creatures...

    "What in Oblivion's name is that?" Ghost muttered, a bit too loud... loud enough that the other being could've likely heard it down the hall, with those ears...

    "Your guess is as good as mine..."


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Vora tuned to the chatter at the other end of the hall. 

"I could ask the same thing," Vora replied to the question though she new it was not directed at her, "I mean, compared to me, you are also quite strange."

Vora made her way toward the white being, "To answer your Question, I am Vora. My speicies is called a Vampeirn."

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"uh huh..." Ghost continued to stare the alien up and down for a good few moments more. Unlike the...Vampeirn(?) before her though, The albino woman was all to used to being gawked at. Happened all the time, when she went somewhere new, or where people hadn't heard her reputation, or the Sumuric legends of Albinos and the power they possessed did not pervade...

     "I... See then. You may call me Ghost. It's what the Jahani did at least, no point casting the name off if it fits, I suppose..." She made a point to avoid inquiring any further into the being's biology or where her people came from. If what Tama had told her was true, it was an inevitability that they'd run into beings from other realms entirely, realms they'd no real idea even existed until recently...

     "How did you find your way to this keep though, if you wouldn't mind sharing? Your clothes are far from fit for the desert, and I saw none of your kind outside..."

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"You would be right about that, these military dress uniforms are meant for either desk work or celebrations," Vora pondered only for a moment "I am still not exactly sure how I ended up here, all I know is that I did. just before I found myself here, my ship was about the become a pancake from the pressure of a gas giant's atmosphere. seconds later, I fell onto the stone floor of this place and passed out..."

"And how about you? From the sounds of it you aren't from here either..." Vora thought for a moment, "Come to think of it, none of the rest of you appear to be..."

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"Trying to fix a mistake I made years ago..." The woman seemed to scowl Abit, at whatever memory was flashing through her mind, "only come to find out, I was... far too late. That one mistake gave rise to something I couldn't make right and couldn't stop either... there wasn't much other choice but to run while I still could. I just... Happened to end up out in the desert near here I instead of where I actually intended..."

     With a shake of her head, Ghost quickly broke off that line of thought, walking past Vora and further down the corridor, eyes grim, "Nevermind. I've got a lot to regret, this whole mess is just the top of the list now. I'm probably stuck here with the rest of you either way now...forced into fighting some Monster or Predator or whatever it was Tama mentioned..." 

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"Don't worry about it." She said, halting momentarily. It almost seemed as if the question somehow irritated her, but whether that frustration was just from the situation she had mentioned before was unclear. "It would seem we aren't enemies at the moment, so there's no reason to summon him here..." that was barring the fact that Tama was fully capable of talking to mortals regardless of her giving him her Voice, of course, which given-

   "I don't see why you go to such lengths to hide my presence... It is not as if I am the one who haphazardly attacked the very being who had just saved my life..." The voice was loud, yet... somehow faint at the same time, not unlike a distant thunder strike. At the same time, the hall filled with unnerving pressure...punctuating with every syllable "Even if that damn spider was moments away from eating you before I intervened... I had managed to talk her down to reason before you blundered it."

   "Oh shut up about that already," Ghost sighed, shaking her head, "You're the one who said I was lucky to not be an undead right now, that situation was hardly my fault. Besides I don't have time to sit here and explain all the complexities of Devas and the Voice to perfect strangers right now," and turning back to Vora "Look, Tama Vajra... is not a being you want to meet face to face on a battlefield. Let's just leave it at that... now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find... " she paused, pondering for a moment.

   "Hell, what even was that green man-thing you encountered?"

   "Again... your guess is as good as mine. He just seemed like the best avenue to prevent you getting killed again before you'd even been back for 10 full minutes."

   "Regardless," Ghost continued, "I have to go find someone who can provide better explanation of what's going on with this damn keep than the lackluster details I've already been given. If you so desire, I suppose you are free to join me... we do seem to be in the same boat after all, relatively speaking."

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"So you are Glavenus sire now." The creature's guard seems to drop almost instantly; it seems to have made a decision. It asks one question, possibly one of the most important questions any creature has asked any other.


"Where food?"

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"Got Meat water here, got more in there.  Going hunting soon for normal meat, after that, Mar getting more meat with special metal rocks."


Mar lifts his Orcish flask of stewbrew, 3 servings worth in there.


He points towards the castle.


Finally, he points towards the open desert.



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The wyvern (at least, that was how the people of this world would classify it) walked toward Mar eagerly at the mention of "meat water." It seemed quite eager to sample something so wondrous. 


It seems to be fairly compliant toward Mar as the enchantment fades, viewing him as some sort of parental figure.

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Mar cracks open the stewbrew, being made of a godbug, bone marrow, and a steak, it should serve nicely as feed for now.


He pounds his chest lightly, implying it's strong flavor.


He feeds all three Servings to the Glavenus, or until it is satisfied.



When used, heal a target for 3d4 Health, and stun them for one turn, knocking them back.


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The Glavenus eagerly gulps down all of the brew. . . and proceeds to take a woozy step or two in the general direction of the castle before passing out. Seems it's a bit of a lightweight.


Masaru watches all of this with a fair measure of bemusement. "So. . . is this thing our pet now? And, uh, are we just leaving it here, or what's your plan for it?"

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Anyone in pretty much any part of the castle can most likely see Andre walking down the hall, two (broken) cannons over his shoulder. Privately he's considering just forging himself a cannon fist and not telling anyone about the broken cannons until after. Bomb element is really useful most of the time, hardly anything resists it and all. And there is that weird shit that Mar left....

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"I decided it was too much trouble to put traps in the castle, so we're going learn from it, and it will learn from us, and we will give it it's own room, and bad people have to go through that room."


"Booze and horrible mangling are the Orcish way after all, according to some humans."


An absolutely vulpine grin crosses Mar's face when he says this.


He uses his shield, loading the Monster- He'll call it Bladewall, for now, as it's stance reminded him of the Orcish shield of the same name, onto it, and dragging it towards a servant bedroom.


Mar and Andre likely cross paths just as he thinks about the weird shit Mar leaves laying around everywhere, spotting the giant piss drunk magma dinosaur he is dragging behind him.

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At the same time, Mar gets the distinct stomach-sinking feeling that Andre is about to do something asinine with those literal tons of Cannon parts, which in a logical world, take up more space than the entire hallway itself.


He shakes his head, of the impossible geometry going on, and continues into the bedroom.  He cracks the mattress, removes the filling, and replaces it with Magmastone.


He also fills the entire room with it in general, along with some Lava Stones in places where it will be interesting.


He puts a barrel of Humansafe Ale in there as well, it can crack it open for it's inevitable Hangover.




Thaum>Obsidian>Silicon: (7, 15) This mana type produces Magma Stone, a glowing red putty with chunks of rock that looks like lava, but is actually only warm.


Thaum>Silicon>Obsidian: (15, 7) This mana type Produces Lava Stone, a Hard Rock that is steaming to the touch, but slowly cools as it burns an inner enchantment.



He leaves, leaving the door open, and hanging a sign around the Glavenus's Neck that says "Don't Kill me, Contact Mar if I get Uppity."


That will be hilarious when it eventually tries to slaughter an actual intruder, he thinks..

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Liliya-Servants' Quarters (?)


"WHy do we need traps? And uh...did he just create life?" She muttered all this, as it seemed that the orc had already left, dinosaur thing in tow. Liliya wasn't prepared for the rampant insanity that seemed to exist on all sides. Everything about her day had seemed normal. Relatively speaking. "So...Kibwe? Is that your hometown? City? Planet? Or what?"

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Samantha, having convinced herself she isn't likely to fry any brains by mistake, follows just in time to see Mar dragging his passed-out sword dinosaur off.  "I... feel like I'm missing something important, and I'm not sure I want to know.  You," She turns to Liliya, "You look way too normal to be here.  So what's your story?"

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