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Other serves have this. Reborn doesn't.


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I've said everything I had to say about everything else (this sentence made sense) so, just throwing this out there

Valk, I think you misread it. Moody's in OU. You said you were using a NU team, weren't you not?

When Ame said "in OU", he meant that as in it's not in Ubers; not that it was restricted to OU.

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Oh and..

Do you honestly think PO/Smogon/PBC people have spirit?

Yeah no. Nice try.

We get ragequitters of the sort when we go there when they lose tournaments.

From what I see, I think you've got the ideal that we'll be big on battling. Hate to burst your bubble, Reborn isn't designed like that.

Call me a douchebag, I don't care.

-Quota based tournaments. The bracket isn't posted until the designated slots have been filled. Leads to larger, more exciting tournaments while remaining adjustable in size.
-You can check all the tournaments a player has won in the past 30 days by using the command /tourrankings [playername].

-Little cup tournament, Gen 4 OU tournament, Rarelyused tournament, Wifi Ubers tournament, Monotype tournament, Monocolor tournament, Metronome tournament

If you think having a variety of tournaments is spirit..You've got another thing coming.

Spirit isn't about the variety of tournaments. It is about the way people fight INSIDE the tournament. The way they say GG after a fight.

And after the tournament.

Reborn may/may not do that, it does depend on the people who are present and not afk.

To me it seems like you want recognition for winning something, which in my books isn't right.

And yet you compare this small community to the majority likes of PO

Where people are NOT afk?

Here people are afk.

You shouldn't expect recognition. It's like being cocky.

"whehehe i got rekognized br0000 im so gud at errythan 1111!111"

There is oomph.

Be here at league.

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"Do you honestly think PO/Smogon/PBC people have spirit?"

PBC was never mentioned. But as the first post indicates, the PO does have greater spirit in many ways.

"From what I see, I think you've got the ideal that we'll be big on battling. Hate to burst your bubble, Reborn isn't designed like that."

Having a variety of tournaments and congratulating the winners does not make Reborn big on battling.

"If you think having a variety of tournaments is spirit..You've got another thing coming.

Spirit isn't about the variety of tournaments."

No, but variety does facilitate interest. Repeated exposure to the same stimuli results in habituation (boredom). You also didn't address how adding variety would harm Reborn in any way.

"It is about the way people fight INSIDE the tournament. The way they say GG after a fight. And after the tournament."

Yes, yes it is. And instead of players complaining that they lost because their opponents used Moody, Evasion and Excadrill, I'm advocating that we accept Reborn's tiers for what they are, graciously take a win or less, and appropriately congratulate the winners.

"To me it seems like you want recognition for winning something, which in my books isn't right. You shouldn't expect recognition. It's like being cocky. whehehe i got rekognized br0000 im so gud at errythan 1111!111"

Why does Reborn award badges? Rhetorical question. The answer is as a form of recognition for winning against members of the league. Why are medals awarded at the Olympics? Why are latin honors presented to the top percentile of a graduating class? They are all forms of recognition for exceptional performance.

For the sake of your humility, I won't rip this up any further.

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So, I'm curious. When did this go from a perfectly fine discussion to a back and forth "this is why you're wrong" deal?

There is no logical reason as to why can't at least try to make these things happen- especially because two of them are matters of simple effort that don't even affect normal users, and a third requiring no effort at all outside of congratulating a tournament winner.

I fail to see why this can't happen.

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lol I'm not saying it can't happen.

I'm just saying spirit doesn't revolve around -only- tournaments and people congratulating you, which is what this post is generally about.

Rip my post to shreds please.

I have no humility here anyway.

Everyone else knows.

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This thread is giving me Cancer and makes me want to throw my laptop to Florida so Ikaru can see it crash.

PBC HAS THIS... PO DOES THAT.. WHY DON'T WE DO THIS OR HAVE THIS??? blahblahcancerblahblah.

I personally like reborn better when it was 15 people max and EVERYONE losing to Bullet unless hax.

I don't have a problem with more people but now it just people being a little buttpain for reasons like this thread.

If you want spirit or whatever the fuck it is why not go somewhere where spirit is flying out of everyone's ears.




Get rid of Connal bring back Julia.

^and this same with Cal

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...If this gets out of hand, I can close this.

Valkyria's just offering suggestions for the betterment of the community. I see no reason that we need to be so defensive about it. Reborn isn't going to become like PO or Smogon just by implementing things.

Here's the difference. Those servers care about battling before community. We care about community before battling. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we can't still have all of the same functions that those places do.

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So, I'm curious. When did this go from a perfectly fine discussion to a back and forth "this is why you're wrong" deal?

There is no logical reason as to why can't at least try to make these things happen- especially because two of them are matters of simple effort that don't even affect normal users, and a third requiring no effort at all outside of congratulating a tournament winner.

I fail to see why this can't happen.

...If this gets out of hand, I can close this.

Valkyria's just offering suggestions for the betterment of the community. I see no reason that we need to be so defensive about it. Reborn isn't going to become like PO or Smogon just by implementing things.

Here's the difference. Those servers care about battling before community. We care about community before battling. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we can't still have all of the same functions that those places do.

Both of these together. It's not an argument, it's a discussion, which I'd hoped I'd succeeded in highlighting in the first place.

Really, there is NO need for aggressive language/mood/tone, which I started seeing ~8 posts back or so.

Open arms, not closed ears :P

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Answers to common rebuttals below:

1. Reborn is a community server, not a laddering/tournament server!

Let's prove it. If Reborn is a community server with greater camaraderie between players than Smogon and PO, then there shouldn't be complete silence after someone wins a tournament. Your assertions don't match with observed behavior.

The way I see it with situations like this is: While we may be a community based server, we aren't going to pat everyone on the back from something as minimal as winning a tournament. They'll get a couple of "congratulations" and even Shadow posting the stale "Congratz you won ___". The feeling you get from a tourney should be self-validated. If you need others to affirm you that you're a good battler, then you might want attention a bit too much.

3. Reborn tiers are different and we're proud of this!

I cannot believe someone actually has the audacity to bring this up. Can any of you explain why A REBORN MOD was telling players in the main chat to follow PO and Smogon tiers? He didn't stop there, but decided to go one step further in the opposite direction by condemning players who used Abilities/Moves/Pokemon allowed by Reborn but not by other servers. In his own words, although not technically against the rules "it's something you're just not supposed to do." This belief wasn't isolated to this one mod either. Other players jumped to support him on the sole basis that he was a mod, telling those who disagreed to "shut up or be kicked." So Reborners are proud of their tiers? Yeah. Fucking. Right.

Now, don't you go around speaking for all of us. I don't fancy havin' words put into my mouth. I will defend this server's tiers to hell and back if it means that they'll stay the same. I love Reborn's tiers. Always have and always will. I might not be on as much as I'd like, but when I am and I see "L0L DIS S3RVERS TIERS SUCK DICK" I jump right down that person's throat. Cutting to the point, we are proud of our tiers. We know who we are. If randoms want to jump up a mod's ass when it comes to tiers, then let them, but don't you dare say that we don't take pride in Reborn's tiers.

Replies in bold.

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Since the three - well, now two - of us rarely say anything after a tournament match, and this may have contributed to the discussion at hand... I feel the need to bring up a point.

Of late, there's been quite a few new players on the server. And of course, not all of them bother to READ the rules and check out the tiers prior to battling. So out comes a garchomp/chandelure/blaziken/etc., and there comes the ragequit. Now, sometimes they don't ragequit, but deliver a nice cluster-F bomb or perhaps a few choice insults before closing the battle window.

We USED TO offer a 'Good match' after ALL matches, regardless of whether we won or lost. And it was always typed, not set as a default - we believed that the personal touch was worth it. But then, it just grew old after a while of the incident above happening. And of course, you can't say anything to an opponent who closes the window immediately after a match ends.

Believe me, we're all for spirit, camaraderie, and so on. But if the server is becoming more and more filled with strangers who start the problem by not doing some background work to begin with... No point offering flowers to monkeys, as a local idiom goes.

Am not going to comment on the tiers, since it's our belief that Reborn's tiers accurately reflect how a league match would go if the game cartridges could think like a human would. More game-based tiers? We'd go for that, even if there will be days when our teams get butchered.

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Ok, first of all, we need a definition of spirit here and not view it as an abstract thing. "excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle"

One of the major things you forget about our server is that on average we have around a 40-60 peak and PO has a constant 900+ peak. There are a lot of things that you can and can't compare between the two. Does PO have more spirit? yes... I bet in total they would because they have so many people. What we have is more special. Our users individually however definitely care much more about the community here than almost any other server. This explains a lot of them defending this place so greatly.

We are a much more spirited community than we are battlers and it shows pretty well.

As far as tournaments go... we actually have a pretty good variety of tiers, at least no worse than any other server. What you need to remember is that most people play OU and with our tiers, it is the most inviting. ALL servers have a much greater amount of OU tournaments when compared to other tiers for this reason. When people ask for other tiers, it is granted very quickly. Can this be varied more? of course but there is no way that other servers (at least others I have been to) vary it any more than we do.

Also, I definitely agree with what zen said about the small decrease in gg's after tournies. It is much better for us to address the ones yelling at our tiers so that they can better themselves than to congratulate the ones who should already be feeling good imho.

As far as the business with kiozo went, I am sorry but you definitely blew it out of proportion and are taking the wrong response to it. As far as the metagame goes, moody is definitely one of those things that frustrate users and hence it being banned elsewhere and discussed about being banned here. It is very looked down upon by a lot of battlers. This is not to say that it isn't viable but it certainly isn't something that a lot of people would taught. Kiozo did say the wrong thing as you were right about moody being allowed according to your story, but it also seemed as though you escalated it. You seemed to push the tiers in his face instead of calmly saying your point. Other people jumped to his aide because of this common mentality NOT because he was a mod.

Finally, standing up to a mod is something that you should very rarely feel proud about, no matter how justified as it suggests the need for something much darker.

EDIT: sorry, didn't mean that mods/auth shouldn't be challenged as they should when they are out of line, just that it probably isn't something to be happy about imho... sorry

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We have competitive players on Reborn. *squints at phazer really hard*

You just have to talk to people to find them.

A lot of others like to try new things out and play around. How can anyone take winning streaks seriously when teams and ideas are changing and being tested?

That's part of the reason why the league is such a big hit. It's the local standard of excellence, because you CAN'T just change whatever whenever you feel like. You have to think long and hard because for the most part, your team is committed the way it is until the very end. It's a trial by fire that's pretty much the same for everyone. If you want to be competitive, how far you make it is the main standard around. The rest is what it is- fun and games. Battles for amusement, not for that extra sense of accomplishment.

We have competition here... but it is not the forefront of this organization. Such is the foundation of reborn and the reason why we are who we are, why we have the members and community that we have today. I understand that you liked that competitive nature with all those occasions to rise and be seen as a good battler at other places, but that isn't our focus and that is why we may have less than other places. I see and understand that, but I don't see Reborn changing in that respect any time soon.


I see what you're saying... but no. Sorry.

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banning moody here is like if batman were to kill the joker... it would contradict our morals

also... we do not need to record tourney wins... it would transform to bragging rights... which 90% of us don't care about... and these "bragging rights" would lead to conflict and more discussions like this >>

i also think mael or ame should kill this topic and let it burn XD

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There is no issue with challenging a mod/admin/owner.

In fact, authority figures should be questioned MUCH more often than anyone else.

I liek this.

Man, just enjoy the server for what it truly is: DRAMA FT. ANIME AND MANGA AND POKEMON


End the topic. Gogogogogogoo

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