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TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)


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The Showdown Continues!


The Shoggoth Wrengler nails Wyvis in the face with a fistful of cutlery!  Wyvis takes 11 damage!


A blue capsule about the size of a football with a stylized purple skull printed on it appears out of nowhere in front of Wyvis…


Bastion 327 transforms back into robot mode, beeping in confusion.  A stylized, purple skull appears above it, flickering like a poorly-maintained neon sign.  EMP is charging…


Venus fires a healing bullet at the mutant Meka.  Not of This World activates! Venus deals 20 damage, putting out an eye, and heals himself for 12 HP.


Bob throws a beer can at Kagari!  “I sense much sobriety in you.  Fear not; I can fix that.”  Kagari is healed for 25 HP!  Kagari feels bloated, and slightly unsteady on her feet.  A few of her extremities get a little runny as her concentration lapses a bit.


LOTUS points out weaknesses in the Meka’s armor!  Attacks made on it now have a 5% chance to be a critical hit, dealing double damage.


Symmetra powers up her photon projector and latches her energy beam onto the Meka!  The Meka takes 3 damage.  Symmetra’s shields regenerate, restoring 2 HP.  Shield generator is charging…


The Mutant Meka opens fire with its dual automatic shotguns on Hikari and Friedhold, dealing 5 damage to Hikari, 5 damage to Sachi, and 14 damage to Friedhold.  Symmetra’s sentry turret responds by zapping the Meka, dealing no damage but reducing its initiative by 5!  Shield generator is charging…


Kagari hip gatlings the Meka for 103 total damage.  The Meka responds by eating her butt with a single button press before the attack lands, taking no damage.  It also, you know, eats her butt, though this doesn’t seem to have harmed anything but her pride for some reason.


Sachi maintains her Tower Stance on Hikari, and regenerates 5 HP.


Hikari uses Dia on Symmetra, restoring 10 HP.  Symmetra is at full HP!


Wyvis uses Harvest on Venus and Kagari, to gain the damage they deal x1.5 as blood points for the next 2 of their turns. 


Friedhold uses Sonic Boom, dealing 1 damage to the Shoggoth Wrengler, 0 damage to the Meka and Bastions, and 6 damage to Bob.  Not of This World activates!  The Meka powers through the sonic blast without being hampered!


Bridgett fires her mighty Mithral Buster at the Meka.  Not of This World activates!  Part of the blast seems to stall just above the Meka’s armored surface, and the buster only deals 13 damage.


Bastion 861 continues firing at Venus, dealing 12 damage!





 Kagari:  44/31, Healthy, 1 rounds of Tarukaja left (+6 Dexterity), Beer Can (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, ?), 2 rounds of Harvest (Wyvis gets damage dealt x1.5 as blood points).

Bridgett:  24/36, Healthy, 1 Rounds of Tarukaja left (+6 Strength).

Venus:  13/36, Healthy, 2 rounds of Harvest (Wyvis gets damage dealt x1.5 as blood points)

Hikari:  23/40, 1 rounds of Rakukaja left (+6 resistance), Tower Stance (50% of damage received is taken by Sachi),

Friedhold:  12/38, Healthy

Sachi:  44/51, Healthy

Wyvis:  13/40, -5 strength.

Isobel and LOTUS:  26/38, Healthy

Symmetra:  20/20, Wounded, 1 rounds of Rakukaja left (+6 resistance).

Mutant Meka:  -23 HP/?, Minor damage evident, 5 rounds of Amped Winter Blast left (All incoming damage increased by 50%, extra damage is cold damage), Weaknesses Pinpointed (5% chance for double damage)

Shoggoth Wrengler:  -3 HP/? , Healthy, Chili Dogged (Defensive chili jets weaken incoming attacks).

Bob:  ?/? , Healthy

Bastion 327:  62/90, Sombra Skull (?), covered in dents the shape of Kagari’s butt (cosmetic)

Bastion 861:  86/90, Angry at Venus






Shoggoth Wrengler:  29

Bastion 327:  19

Venus:  18

Bob:  17

Isobel and LOTUS:  17

Symmetra:  16

Kagari:  13

Sachi:  12

Hikari:  11

Wyvis:  11

Mutant Meka:  11

Friedhold:  7

Bridgett:  6

Bastion 861:  3



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"Nnnnn..." For a brief moment, Isobel looked around, and before LOTUS could announce any plans, she suddenly shouted "Friedhold, here, you need to eat this, it'll heal you!" The botanist jogged over to the mad scientist, pulling a poppy from her satchel and shoving it into Friedhold's hands.

Use Healing Poppy on Friedhold, healing him for 1d4+INT (that is, 1d4+6) HP!

Edited by Powder Miner
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A slightly battered looking Friedhold takes and eats the flower, after swallowing he simply says "Thank you" and with a small nod turns back to the Mecha to unleashes another cloud of wasps, bees, and hornets that begin ferociously attacking it.



I use "Insect Swarm II" on the Mecha, it deals 2d4 poison damage each turn over [Int](6) turns, -10 Eve(2/16).

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Bridgett gave an annoyed looked at the Meka "Damage less then anticipated." Mornings Arrow chimed. "I'm aware of that. " Bridgett sighed as she puffed her cheeks. "Well I'm really don't have much more to do then blasting it so lets try this." Bridgett said with a smile as the magic circle appeared under her  ans four arrows of magic appeared around her. "Load Cartridge." Mornings Arrow Chimed as its ring spins around ejecting the spent cartridges as the arrows grew bigger. "Magic Arrow" Bridgett called as the arrows of magic flew at the Meka.


Bridgett uses Magic arrow spending four cartridges. there are four of them dealing 1d4+syn(12)+syn again each(from using cartridges)

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Wyvis (Current Blood Level - 3/40)


Wyvis winces slightly from his wounds, though he stands back up stoutly to support the team's efforts. After all, they all seemed to be collaborating quite jollily now, so he had hope that this battle would come out as a success.

"Alright! Healing ready - it might hurt a little!" He announces as he gathers red blood and disperses it as a red healing pulse amongst the most wounded in the field - Venus, Friedhold and himself.

After healing, he looks curiously at the skull-faced capsule in front of him.

A white skull on a purple capsule. Certainly looks like Miss Sombra's work! This may certainly aid in battle.

He reaches out and touches the capsule.


[Blood Heal (2cd) and Crimson Power (2cd) - 1.5*(Blood/40)*(1d6+6) Heal, +4 RES (Additional +3 RES if Blood/40 is over 1/2) Buff for 2 turns to Venus, Friedhold and Wyvis

 Touch skull capsule in front of Wyvis.]

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Venus fires his third shot with an empowered At An Arm's Length towards the Meka once again, satisfied of the previous outcome. (heals for 4 +B, chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 3, B: = 2)


*T = Turns Elapsed


 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)

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Combat Continues!


The Shoggoth Wrengler takes a potshot at Bridgett with a glass of whiskey!  Bridgett takes 9 damage as the shot glass bounces off her!


Purple wisps curl around Wyvis from somewhere behind the group, and a skull icon appears above him!  Wyvis has been hacked!  EMP is charging…


Bastion 327 is hacked!  It has no available actions!


Venus fires a healing bullet at the mutant Meka.  Not of This World activates! Venus blasts a massive hole in the Meka, dealing 51 damage and healing himself 12 HP!  Teeth and tears fly everywhere!  Wyvis gains 25 blood points!


Session activates!  Hikari lays some dakka down on the Meka, which is promptly eaten.


Bob moves the orb of chili to the Meka!  “No!  Feed and recover, my servant!”  However, despite all its teeth, the Meka fails to eat any chili or heal any HP.  Kagari, on the other hand, is feeling rather desensitized as she is overhealed 25 HP.


Isobel heals Wyvis for 15 HP!  The Sombra Skull over Wyvis vanishes.


Symmetra powers up her photon projector and latches her energy beam onto the Meka!  The Meka takes 6 damage.  Shield generator is charging…


Session activates!  Hikari blasts away at the Meka, dealing 3 damage as a chili jet weakens her attack!


The Mutant Meka releases another radial burst of static, blasting all its enemies for 7 true damage!  Then, it fires a burst of entangling tentacles at Kagari, reducing her dexterity by 7!


Kagari hip gatlings the Meka!  Restricted by the tentacles, thrown off course by chili jets, she fails to make an impact on its heavy armor.  Wyvis gains 23 blood points!  Wyvis is overflowing with blood!


Sachi maintains her Tower Stance on Hikari, and regenerates 5 HP.


Hikari uses Dia on Venus, restoring 11 HP!


Wyvis uses Blood Heal on himself, Friedhold, and Venus, unleashing the power of his blood!  Each of them is healed for 16 HP.  They gain +4 resistance for the rest of combat, and +2 resistance until his next turn.  He also takes the large hacked health pack, which makes the tentacles binding him turn purple and wither away as well as healing him for 21 HP!  EMP is fully charged! 


Friedhold uses unleashes a swarm of bees on the Meka.  The bugs quite enjoy the chili, and pause for a snack before digging into the Meka itself.  Not of This World activates!  Some of the bees vanish just before impact.  The Meka takes 7 poison damage anyway.


Bridgett barrages the Meka with augmented magic arrows, dealing 46 damage in total as her arrows riddle the Trespasser with holes!  The chili impacts her arrows, but does only blocks a tiny fraction of their power.


Bastion 861 transforms into turret mode!





 Kagari:  62/31, HealthyBeer Can (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, ?), 1 round of Harvest (1.5x damage dealt returned as blood), Tentacled (-5 dex).

Bridgett:  8/36, Healthy

Venus:  36/36, Healthy, 1 round of Harvest (1.5x damage dealt returned as blood), Blood Armor (+4 resistance), 1 round of Blood Heal (+2 resistance)

Hikari:  16/40, Tower Stance (50% of damage received is taken by Sachi)

Friedhold:  21/38, Healthy, Blood Armor (+4 resistance), 1 round of Blood Heal (+2 resistance)

Sachi:  42/51, Healthy

Wyvis:  21/40, Blood Armor (+4 resistance), 1 round of Blood Heal (+2 resistance).

Isobel and LOTUS:  19/38, Healthy

Symmetra:  13/20, Wounded

Mutant Meka:  -138 HP/?, barely standing, 4 rounds of Amped Winter Blast left (All incoming damage increased by 50%, extra damage is cold damage), Chili Dogged (Defensive chili jets weaken incoming attacks), 2 rounds of Insect Swarm left (2d4 poison damage per turn).

Shoggoth Wrengler:  -3 HP/? , Healthy.

Bob:  ?/? , Healthy

Bastion 327:  62/90, Sombra Skull (Can only use basic attack, basic block, and consumables.  Using a consumable ends the effect and amps the consumable by 50%.), covered in dents the shape of Kagari’s butt (cosmetic)

Bastion 861:  86/90, Angry at Venus, turret mode (?)



Shoggoth Wrengler:  29

Bastion 327:  19

Venus:  18

Bob:  17

Isobel and LOTUS:  17

Symmetra:  16

Kagari:  13

Sachi:  12

Hikari:  11

Wyvis:  11

Mutant Meka:  11

Friedhold:  7

Bridgett:  6

Bastion 861:  3


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One more bullet, and an almost complete canvas. The buildup for this performance was nothing short of divine; and this time, there would be no interference. 


"Prepare...for your finale."


Venus unleashes the final shot writhing excitedly within the gun, striking the Meka with a (hopefully fatal) Basic Attack. (always critically strikes, deals 4 + B2 bonus damage, Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 4, B: = 2, B2: 4)


*T = Turns Elapsed


 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)


B2 = Four Times the Charm bonus damage (2 per 4 SYN)

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"Alright, haha, looks like that helped with that!" Satisfied with herself about how effective her healing had been, Isobel promptly backpedals towards the rear of the group again, and more or less hands the baton off to her personal AI, who begins to speak again. "Good effect on target! I suggest we switch targets in order to focus fire on the enemy with that damned chili -- Taking out Teeth n' Tentacles there should do a lot to make their offense manageable, but Venus and Symmetra I believe have that handled! Chili dog over there is doing a lot to frustrate OUR attacks, though, so we should take him down! Strike here, here, or here!"

LOTUS uses Weakness Pinpoint on Bob!


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After releasing the insects Friedhold slumps down some looking very pale and exhausted, he breathes deeply for a few seconds before digging into one of his pockets and pulling out a large syringe full of thick looking blue liquid with a hypodermic needle.  He pulls the cover off the needle and preps the solution before sticking himself in the arm and injecting the entire contents of the syringe.  His veins begin to glow an electric blue as the liquid flow through them and into his body, almost immediately he looks energetic again and ready for battle.  He recovers the needle and returns the syringe to his pocket.


Friedhold uses his "Eve Hypo" bauble to restore [Syn]*2(8) Eve(now 12/16).

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Bridgett smiles as her attacks finally made there way at full Force to the Meka. Hopeing  that she wasn't needed to take it down sue levels Mornings Arrow at the floting thing throwing food around and blast it well another empty cartridge is ejected from the device


Bridgett uses Shoot!!!! On Bob dealing 1D8+syn(6)+syn again from cartridge

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Bloody Strike on Shoggoth Wrangler!


[Attack an enemy with a blood-letting strike, dealing 4d4+8 and gaining extra [Damage/2] blood. 2 turn cooldown.]

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Combat Continues!


The Shoggoth Wrengler places its hand over its hip, where a pistol would be holstered if it had one, and starts glowing.  The sky turns pitch-black, a full, silvery moon replacing the sun.  “It’s hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh moon,” The cosplaying Trespasser declares in a gurgling drawl.


Sombra flickers into visibility as she rises in the air behind the Trespassers, glowing purple orbs clutched in each hand.  She throws her arms out with a shout of “Apagando las luces!” sending a wave of purple energy coursing over everyone.  Purple skull symbols appear over each Trespasser, the unhacked Bastion, and every consumable in the party’s inventory, and the sky abruptly returns to normal.  “Hit them now!”  Sombra adds, “That thing didn’t just steal McCree’s clothes, it stole his moves too!  You gotta ice it before the hack wears off, or it’ll kill us all!”


Bastion 327 is hacked!  It has no available actions!


Venus blasts the Meka in its center of mass.  Sombra Skull disables Not of This World!  Sombra Skull disables Self Destruct!  Sombra Skull disables Eject Gremlin D.Va!  Sombra Skull disables Om-Nom-Nom!  Venus sees a gnarled tree grow from a seed, flower, bear fruit, and die, as though through a time-lapse camera, in the creature’s final moments.  Everybody else just sees a paint-covered bullet hit the Trespasser in exactly the right place to blow its guts out.  The meka collapses into a pile of teeth and tears, which rapidly evaporate, leaving a Hard-Light Corsage behind.  This floral bauble has a weight of 1, and grants the wearer +1 synergy.  The Mutant Meka is deceased. (Damage roll is irrelevant, because there’s no scenario where the shot isn’t lethal.)  Wyvis’s blood meter is filled!


“I am too sober for this shit,” Bob declares, “We are all too sober for this.  Embrace substance abuse.”  Ignoring the Sombra Skull, incredibly tacky beer hats appear above every PC and Symmetra, and clamp down on their heads, before beginning to force feed all the wearers crappy beer. 


Isobel is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Isobel is feeling slightly desensitized.  LOTUS is fine, and pinpoints Bob’s weaknesses, giving attacks made on him a 5% chance to deal double damage.


Symmetra is healed 25 HP by the beer hats! Grimacing with distaste at the distinctive flavor of Budweiser, Symmetra latches onto the Shoggoth Wrengler with her photon projector, dealing 17 points of damage as the energy lash gathers strength.  Shield Generator is charged!


Session Activates!  Hikari blasts the Wrengler, dealing 7 damage to it.


Kagari is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Kagari is healed 25 HP by the orbiting beer can!  Kagari loses control of herself, and passes out in a drunken puddle of twitching goo!  The beer can and beer hat leave Kagari.


Sachi is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Sachi feels slightly desensitized.  Sachi maintains her Tower Stance on Hikari because the Meka is dead.


Hikari is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Hikari’s blood alcohol level has yet to reach the unsafe driving threshold!  Hikari uses Dia on Bridgett!  Bridgett is healed for 13 HP!


Wyvis  is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Wyvis’s blood alcohol level has yet to reach the unsafe equestrianism threshold!  Wyvis strikes the Shoggoth Wrengler with a bleeding strike, dealing 15 damage.  Wyvis’ blood meter is already full, so he gains no blood.


Friedhold is healed 25 Hp by the beer hats!  Friedhold is disgusted by the affront to his German sensibilities that he has been forced to consume, and his main attacking stat is doubled!  Friedhold uses the Hacked Eve Hypo!  Friedhold’s Eve is completely refilled!  Friedhold gains 2 Adam!


Bridgett is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Bridgett expends a cartridge and shoots Bob in the face, dealing 21 damage!


Bastion 861 is hacked!  It has no available moves!




 Kagari:  112/31, Healthy, Passed Out (Asleep until dealt enough damage to reduce her HP to her MHP or less).

Bridgett:  23/36, Healthy, Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Venus:  36/36, Healthy, Blood Armor (+4 resistance).

Hikari:  41/40, Tower Stance (50% of damage received is taken by Sachi), Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Friedhold:  47/38, Healthy, Blood Armor (+4 resistance), Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out), Teutonic Fury (Rage doubles main attacking stat while Trespasser Bud is being consumed, grants immunity to sleep effects).

Sachi:  67/51, Healthy, Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Wyvis:  46/40, Blood Armor (+4 resistance), Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Isobel and LOTUS:  44/38, Healthy, Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Symmetra:  38/20, healthy, Beer Hat (25 HP of healing per turn, can overheal, if HP exceeds 3x MHP subject passes out)

Mutant Meka:  0/150 HP, dead.

Shoggoth Wrengler:  -42 HP/? , Clearly Wounded, Sombra Skull (Can only use basic attack, basic block, and consumables.  Using a consumable ends the effect and amps the consumable by 50%.).

Bob:  -21/? , Healthy

Bastion 327:  62/90, Sombra Skull (Can only use basic attack, basic block, and consumables.  Using a consumable ends the effect and amps the consumable by 50%.), covered in dents the shape of Kagari’s butt (cosmetic)

Bastion 861:  86/90, Angry at Venus, turret mode (?), Sombra Skull (Can only use basic attack, basic block, and consumables.  Using a consumable ends the effect and amps the consumable by 50%.)




Shoggoth Wrengler:  29

Bastion 327:  19

Venus:  18

Bob:  17

Isobel and LOTUS:  17

Symmetra:  16

Kagari:  13

Sachi:  12

Hikari:  11

Wyvis:  11

Friedhold:  7

Bridgett:  6

Bastion 861:  3

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"Gghhhk, pphhh--" Isobel gags and spits as she is fed the awful beer, tugging at the helmet without much success.


LOTUS, lacking a mouth, and thus not having been given a forcefeeding helmet, is perfectly fine. "Damn, damn, damn, this is NOT great news! Alright, change of plans, hit that eldritch cowboy! EVERYONE hit the eldritch cowboy! Sombra said herself that it'll nail us all once her hack wears off, so we need to focus our fire and kill it before it gets the chance! EVERYONE hit it, and hit it here!"

Weakness Pinpoint on the Wrangler.

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Wyvis spat out the liquid rapidly blurring his line of sight.

"Blugh...acknowledged, LOTUS!"

This alcohol tasted like the last time he went to the Dragon Peaks - hogwash, worst beer in entirety of Stravaga... But now there were more important things to do than mull over such times! He raised his glaive and ran ahead to strike the 'cowboy' out of its dangerous move.

[Basic Attack on Wrangler - 4d4+8. Spend blood to trigger a critical attack, do not gain any blood this turn.]

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Bridgett loads her last cartridge and shoots the shoggath.


Conditional action if the shoggarh is dead she shoots Bob instead with the same.


Deals 1d8+syn+ syn again

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Friedhold struggles against the vile liquid being shoved down his throat for a few seconds before realizing that it's futile and turning his anger toward the Trespassers.  Lightning pours from his outstretched hand, arcing and dances across the ground as it flies towards the Trespassers impacting with both of them.


Friedhold uses "Extended Electro Bolt II" dealing 1d6+[Int](12) electric damage to the Shoggoth and half that to Bob, [Int](12) vs [Con] on failed save target is stunned, -6 Eve(10/16), -3 Adam(1).

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Hikari coughs and sputters as she's made to drink beer - she can't tell if this is "good" or "bad" beer having never had any, but it tastes disgusting - and tries to focus on what to do next. She's not moving quick enough to make a buff worth it, the beer seems to be somehow healing everyone, so... she can attack, for once. 


Skewer, on Shoggoth Wrengler if it's still alive when she moves, on Bob if it's not.

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Combat Continues!


The Shoggoth Wrengler places its hand over its hip, where a pistol would be holstered if it had one, and starts glowing.  The sky turns pitch-black, a full, silvery moon replacing the sun.  “It’s hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh moon,” The cosplaying Trespasser declares in a gurgling drawl.


Sombra pulls out her automatic pistol and empties a clip into the back of the wrangler, dealing 12 damage!


Bastion 327 is flashbanged by cowboy cosplay guy, then dismembered by Genji!


Venus is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Venus is feeling rather desensitized!  Venus is reloading.


Bob is concentrating on his ultimate!


Isobel is healed 25 HP by the beer hats! Isobel is feeling rather desensitized!  LOTUS highlights the Wrengler’s weaknesses, giving attacks on it a 5% chance to critically hit!


Symmetra is healed 25 HP by the beer hats! Symmetra latches onto Bob with her photon projector, dealing 30 damage!


Session activates!  Hikari blasts Bob for 11 damage!


Kagari is a puddle right now.


Sachi is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Sachi is feeling rather desensitized!  Sachi issues a Heroic Challenge to the Wrengler!  If High Moon goes off, Sachi will be mulched, but everyone else will be fine!


Hikari is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Hikari is feeling rather desensitized!  Hikari uses skewer on the Wrengler!  A blue panel is projected by her heavy pulse rifle, highlighting its weak points.  From out of nowhere, a dart slams into Hikari’s back!  As blue energy arcs all over her body, she becomes filled with strength and vigor.  A familiar voice sounds over the comms as Ivory helps Hikari line up her shots.  “You’re powered up!  Get in there!”  Hikari feels a strange impulse to make a comment about having people in her sights, but instead decides to blow the Wrengler’s head clean off with a critical hit, dealing 60 damage to the unfortunate creature.


Wyvis is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Wyvis is feeling unsteady on his feet!  Wyvis takes a slightly shaky swing at the wrengler, but it is dead, and in his inebriated state he didn’t make a plan for that.


Friedhold is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Friedhold is in a cold rage!  Friedhold blasts the trespassers with lightning!  However, the Wrengler is down.  Fortunately, Bob somehow manages to position himself so poorly that he takes the main lightning bolt instead.  Bob is roasted for 17 damage!


Bridgett is healed 25 HP by the beer hats!  Bridgett is feeling rather desensitized!  Bridgett takes a potshot at Bob, dealing 15 damage!  Bob is dead!


Bastion 861 is blasted apart by a helix rocket from behind!


Combat is over!


With the Trespassers occupied, the Overwatch strike team made headway against the Bastion hordes, and defeated them just in time to keep you from spending another three rounds wearing down a couple Bastion units that had no chance of winning.  Lucio and Zarya approach you, clearly hoping to talk, and then they notice Sombra.  She's preoccupied with scraping bits of the Wrengler off her face and coat, as she was a bit close when Hikari dealt the finishing blow, and hasn't seen them yet.  It seems you have a choice to make...

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