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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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(Terrin has advantage)
(Klaren is supporting Terrin)
(Terrin is hiding)
(Monk 1 is hiding)

Attack: 9
Hit: 70%
Crit: 8%


Monk 1:
Attack: 2
Hit: 69%
Crit: 0%

Terrin's attack: 93, miss!

Monk 1's attack: 56, hit!

Terrin takes 2 damage!



The spirits seem to favor the Monk, as his attack seems to gravitate away from the Monk, and the Monk's own attack hits Terrin square on. 



Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (27/27) (Y12) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (5/27) (C19) Iron Javelin, Door Key (1/1)(Drop)
Knight 2 (27/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin, Door Key(1/1)(Drop)
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (24/24) (Y11) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (24/24) (J20) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (21/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (21/21) (L18) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (21/21) (W14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (N23) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (P23) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (20/20) (F20) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (O22) Iron Javelin


Reinforcements Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (21/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (20/20) (A11) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (27/27) (A12) Iron Lance

Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (21/22) (H14) Iron Bow (32/45), Iron Longbow (24/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3)
Ecquis (19/25) (F17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (39/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3) Took a turn
Terrin (21/23) (E18) Thunder (28/40) Vulnerary (3/3) Took a turn
Luka (22/23) (F12) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (17/25) (D18) Lightning (15/40)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (26/40) Took a turn
Meredith (25/28) (AA8) Iron Lance (28/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45)(E), Glaive (20/20) Took a turn
Rosalyva (16/24) (V5) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45), Slim Sword (31/35)(E), Took a turn
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (E15) Heal (19/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (17/25), (Z6), Fire (29/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (20/21), (AC8), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (22/23), (Z7), Iron Knife (35/40), Picklock (14/15), Vulnerary (2/3),
Anna (23/36), (W6), Iron Club (43/45)(E), Hammer (13/20),
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 74/100



[Player Phase Continues]

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"For the love of..." Terrin just shook his head, turned his back on the monk and walked away. It was all he could do at this point. Just walk away. It was by complete chance he ended up in perfect position to strike the wounded knight. "Totally as planned." He lied to himself, before spinning on his heel and opening his tome rather dramatically, in some attempt to compensate for his less than stellar previous attack.


Move to E19 and attack Knight 1.

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"I knew it. I... knew it. These three might just be the quickest to arrive, but they won't be the last... by the goddess, I want nothing more than to strangle that hot headed merchant right now..."


Move to F16, Heal Ecquis

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"Well let's save that for after we deal with these people," Ecquis stated, turning his attention to the troubadour closest to him. Having the healer still around could be troublesome, so he decided to try and deal with it now.


Moves to F19 and melee based troub (still with Jav) and Canto back to F17

Edited by Zetaark
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(Hoshiko is focused)

(Monk 2 is hiding)



Attack: 12

Hit: 63%

Crit: 0%


Monk 2:

Attack: -

Hit: -

Crit: -


Hoshiko's Attack: 36, hit!

(Hoshiko's arrow glows: 95)

Monk 2 takes 12 damage!





Hoshiko shoots an arrow that travels through the trees and hits the Monk.




(Klaren is supporting Terrin!)



Attack: 17

Hit: 85%

Crit: 13%


Knight 1:

Attack: 12

Hit: 70%

Crit: 0%


Terrin's attack: 80 hit!

Terrin defeats Knight 1 with 17 damage!




Lightning gathers around Terrin's hand and he lunges it out. It hits the Knight dead on, the metal conducting through him and cooking him alive inside his armor. Then there is an explosion; the armor disentigrates and a few pieces go flying everywhere. Something flies towards Terrin but drops just before hitting him. As he crouches down, he finds that it's a key!


Terrin picked up a Door Key!




(Mayanna is supporting Ecquis) 



Attack: 14

Hit: 67%

Crit: 1%


Troubadour 2:

Attack: - 

Hit: -

Crit: -


Ecquis' attack: 2, hit!

Troubadour 2 takes 14 daamge!


Ecquis' second attack: 89, miss!



Ecquis charges at the Troubadour, for a second his javelin seems sharper than ever and that he will surely defeat the Troubadour in one pass. But at the last minute, probably by sheer luck on the part of the Troubadour, the pulls his javelin aside and instead of striking the Troubadour's heart, Ecquis hits a much less vital part. His second hit doesn't connect either, and so he retreats to safety. 


[Enemy Phase]


"Hey... Hey psst!" Meredith, Serene and Dash hear a soft girlish voice coming from the building. As they look up there there is a very small window barred with iron bars and looking through them is a pair of blue eyes looking back at them.  "Get me outta 'ere. Dey jailed me completely unfairly. Pretty please?"


Fighter 6 moves to Y7 and attacks Dash




(Dash will attack twice)

(Dash has the advantage) 

(Meredith's daunt activates!)



Attack: 7

Hit: 100%

Crit: 3%


Fighter 6:

Attack: 15

Hit: 29%

Crit: 0%


Fighter 6's attack: 14, hit!

Dash takes 15 damage!


Dash's counterattack: 79, hit!

Fighter 6 takes 7 damage!


Dash's second attack: 22, hit!

Fighter 6 takes 7 damage!




Dash is caught unawares as he is staring up at the jailhouse window. The axe hits him squarely in the back and he yelps. Still, he manages to land two blows on the fighter after he recovers. 


Mage 2 moves to AC10 and attacks Saffron




(Mage 2 will deal effective damage!)

(Meredith is supporting Saffron)



Attack: -

Hit: -

Crit: -


Mage 2:

Attack: 9

Hit: 86%

Crit: 0%


Mage 2's attack: 65, hit!

Saffron takes a devastating 9 damage!



A mage comes out of the tree line, and using the winds from up high he strikes Saffron almost throwing her off balance. 


Troubadour 2 moves to L19 and heals Monk 2


Mage 4 moves to L17 and attacks Hoshiko




(Hoshiko will not be slain as long as she is guided by JUSTICE!)

(Hoshiko is focused)



Attack: 15

Hit: 85%

Crit: 12%


Mage 4:

Attack: 11

Hit: 74%

Crit: 0%


Mage 4's attack: 48, hit!

Hoshiko takes 11 damage!


Hoshiko's counterattack: 40, hit!

(Hoshiko's arrow glows: 90)

Mage 4 takes 15 damage! 



Monk 2 moves to L16 and attacks Hoshiko





(Monk 2 has Minor Arcana)



Attack: -

Hit: -

Crit: -


Monk 2:

Attack: 9

Hit: 92%

Crit: 0%


Monk 2's attack: 12, hit!

Hoshiko takes 9 damage!



With renewed vigor the monk teams up with the mage. Together they combine their attacks; the combination heavily wounds her leaving her gasping for air.


Monk 1 attacks Luka




(Luka has a captive audience)

(Luka will attack twice!)



Attack: No Sword Lol

Hit: No Sword Lol

Crit: No Sword Lol


Monk 1:

Attack: 5

Hit: 63%

Crit: 0


Monk 1's attack: 41, hit!

Luka takes 5 damage!



The monk in the trees aims his hand at Luka. A bolt of light shoots out, hitting him just barely. 


Soldier 7 moves to A17


Pegasus Rider 10 moves to D14


Troubadour 3 moves to D13


Gael Holds


Reinforcements have arrived from the East!


[Ally Phase]


Anna moves to X7 and attacks Fighter 6






Attack: 20

Hit: 72%

Crit: 1%


Fighter 6:

Attack: 14

Hit: 78%

Crit: 0%


Anna's attack: 33, hit!

Anna defeats Fighter 6 with 20 damage!




"Thank you very much Miss Anna!" Dash says as he takes a vulnerary to hits lips. 


Dash uses Vulnerary


Saffron moves to AC9 and attacks Mage 2




(Saffron will attack twice)

(Mage 2 will deal effective damage!)



Attack: 15

Hit: 93%

Crit: 10%


Mage 2:

Attack: 9

Hit: 86%

Crit: 0%


Saffron's attack: 22, hit!

Mage 2 takes 15 damage!


Mage 2's counterattack: 9, hit!

Saffron takes 9 damage!


Saffron's second attack: 76, hit!

Saffron defeats Mage 2 with 15 damage!



Saffron retreats to AB6


Saffron does two passes at the Mage. The first one strikes his shoulder, bringing wounding him but he still manages to call upon the spirits again. Her second pass defeats the mage and sets her on the course of retreat to heal her her wounds. 



Turn 9





Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (27/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin, Door Key(1/1)(Drop)
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (9/24) (L17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (21/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (21/21) (L16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (21/21) (W14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (N23) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (P23) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (6/20) (F20) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (O22) Iron Javelin


Reinforcements Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (21/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (20/20) (D13) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (27/27) (A17) Iron Lance

Pegasus Rider 11 (21/21) (AD15) Iron Lance

Soldier 8 (27/27) (AD16) Iron Lance

Soldier 9 (27/27) (AD17) Iron Lance

Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (1/23) (L15) Iron Bow (32/45), Iron Longbow (22/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3)
Ecquis (25/26) (F17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (38/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3) 
Terrin (21/24) (E19) Thunder (27/40), Vulnerary (3/3), Door Key (1/1)
Luka (18/24) (E16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (17/25) (D18) Lightning (15/40)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (26/40) 
Meredith (25/29) (AA7) Iron Lance (28/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45)(E), Glaive (20/20) 
Rosalyva (16/24) (V5) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45), Slim Sword (31/35)(E), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (F16) Heal (18/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (17/26), (Z6), Fire (29/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (AB6), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (17/23), (Z7), Iron Knife (33/40), Picklock (14/15), Vulnerary (1/3),
Anna (23/37), (X7), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 11/100



[Player Phase]

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2 hours ago, Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ said:

"Get me outta 'ere. Dey jailed me completely unfairly. Pretty please?"


Serene frowned, but did not move from her spot. Instead, she responded to the call for help in a similarly quiet fashion.


"What charges were you jailed on?"

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Serene rubbed her chin with her fingers.




No way to know if the person was telling the truth... Ah well, burn first, ask questions later.


She dashed out from behind the wall and lobbed a spear of fiery wrath at the knight as she cleared the corner.


Move to X10, tosses a fire spear at Knight 2

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(X10 is an impossible move both in your mov and to attack the Knight guy, so I'm assuming you meant Y10)




(Serene will attack twice)



Attack: 17

Hit: 95%

Crit: 3%


Knight 2:

Attack: 13

Hit: 61%

Crit: 0%


Serene's first attack: 87, hit!

Knight 2 takes 17 damage!


Knight 2's counterattack: 47, hit!

Serene takes 13 damage!


Serene's second attack: 9, hit!

Serene defeats Knight 2 with 17 damage!



Serene's two fire swords hit their mark, searing the knight and felling him. As he falls he throws a javelin at Serene which manages to hit her thigh. As she pulls it out, she notices that attatched to it was a door key. Wether on accident or on purpose;


Serene found a door key!




Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (9/24) (L17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (21/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (21/21) (L16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (21/21) (W14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (N23) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (P23) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (6/20) (F20) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (O22) Iron Javelin


Reinforcements Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (21/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (20/20) (D13) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (27/27) (A17) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (21/21) (AD15) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (27/27) (AD16) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (27/27) (AD17) Iron Lance

Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (1/23) (L15) Iron Bow (32/45), Iron Longbow (22/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3)
Ecquis (25/26) (F17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (38/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3) 
Terrin (21/24) (E19) Thunder (27/40), Vulnerary (3/3), Door Key (1/1)
Luka (18/24) (E16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (17/25) (D18) Lightning (15/40)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (26/40) 
Meredith (25/29) (AA7) Iron Lance (28/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45)(E), Glaive (20/20) 
Rosalyva (16/24) (V5) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45), Slim Sword (31/35)(E), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (F16) Heal (18/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (4/26), (X10), Fire (27/40), Vulnerary (2/3), Door Key(1/1) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (AB6), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (17/23), (Z7), Iron Knife (33/40), Picklock (14/15), Vulnerary (1/3),
Anna (23/37), (X7), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 16/100



[Player Phase Continues]

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Seeing the situation, Ecquis figured that if they wanted to get into this room, it was now or never. As such, he decided to go see about getting the door key.


Moves to E18 and trades for le Door Key

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"Owieeeee, pretty brutal, Teri~" Klaren clapped as he dusted off a few bits and pieces of the unfortunate Knight that had gotten onto his robe. "Come with me, let's go explode this smaller one now!"


Moving to B18, equipping Blessed Iron, attacking the Soldier

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ZL7mt8W.png "Tch. . . A good shot, but it won't be enough to slow me down! That much. . ." As much as the archer didn't like people, she liked being fried by magic even less. She skittered back toward the rest of the group, bow held at the ready. "Rejoice, for the goddess's chosen hero has rejoined you! . . . And, um, could possibly use some slight assistance. My holy chest is not supposed to be this color!"


H15, overwatch

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Sighing, Maya turned to the wounded archer, glancing only briefly at her and then back to the situation at hand as the light went to work and steadily wove her body back together. There was still the whole matter of them being somewhat surrounded, afterall. And it seemed like Ecquis was more concerned with looting whatever may lie beyond the door; in all honesty, she wanted to yell at him that whatever damn treasure might be held in this outpost likely wasn't worth the risk. But there was little point in any of it anymore, really- one way or another, she'd still probably end up with a sizable workload by the end of this mess.

      "Let's just hurry up and finish here, before more of these blind, loyalist bastards arrive..."


Move to H16, Heal Hoshiko (Benevolence Active)

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Attack: 12

Hit: 87%

Crit: 7%


Soldier 7:

Attack: -

Hit: -

Crit: -


Klaren's attack: 89, miss!




Klaren's attack flies forward but the soldier deflects it with his lance, making the spirits scatter at his skillful blow. 




Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (9/24) (L17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (21/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (21/21) (L16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (21/21) (W14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (N23) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (P23) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (6/20) (F20) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (O22) Iron Javelin


Reinforcements Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (21/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (20/20) (D13) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (27/27) (A17) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (21/21) (AD15) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (27/27) (AD16) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (27/27) (AD17) Iron Lance

Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (23/23) (H15) Iron Bow (32/45), Iron Longbow (22/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) OVERWATCH; BUY NOW
Ecquis (25/26) (E18) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (38/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3) Hasn't Finished Turn Yet
Terrin (24/24) (E19) Thunder (27/40), Vulnerary (3/3), Door Key (1/1)
Luka (18/24) (E16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (17/25) (B18) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (26/40)(E) Took a turn
Meredith (25/29) (AA7) Iron Lance (28/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45)(E), Glaive (20/20) 
Rosalyva (16/24) (V5) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45), Slim Sword (31/35)(E), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (H16) Heal (17/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20) Took a turn
Serene (4/26), (X10), Fire (27/40), Vulnerary (2/3), Door Key(1/1) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (AB6), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (17/23), (Z7), Iron Knife (33/40), Picklock (14/15), Vulnerary (1/3),
Anna (23/37), (X7), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 24/100



[Player Phase Continues]

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"Aww, poo-poo!" Klaren's pout turned from soft to comically edgy in moments as he puffed his cheeks and crossed his hands, tangling them up as he tried to look imposing but failed, eventually unfolding them again. He stuck out his tongue at the poopy Soldier before frowning. "I'm not talking to you if you're gonna be this way, hmph!"

Edited by Bfroger6
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Serene took a nasty blow to her leg. One that Meredith could barely believe. She knew how potent a good spear throw could be but she didn't really expect their enemy to be of such quality. She was more surprised that after that, the woman was still standing on her leg. That the tendon wasn't torn or worse. That she was still capable of putting weight on it. However, it needed attention and asap. Worse, it was going to take awhile until medical support could get their as they'd have to apply field medicine. After all, Maya had been sent with the other group. Meredith bit her lip, she wasn't sure which was the best course of action. But, she knew she had to protect her comrade somehow, she was one of her unit now. She wasn't just going to let her twist in the wind. 



"Hey, Firecracker... you're not looking so hot there. We need to get you medical attention and asap. And after that wound to your leg, I don't trust ya putting weight on that leg. I'm goin' ta carry you. I'm not taking no for an answer." Meredith could see the riders in the distance, one of them could surely reach in time to take a attack against Serene. She wasn't going to let that happen. She would protect her. Be her shield. It was the least she could do after all, she couldn't die. "I'll protect you. It's my duty after all.~" the words were accompanied by a grin that went from ear to ear.


Move to Y9, Rescue Serene

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Upon closer inspection, the building they were near appeared to be a jailhouse. Given the layout of the environment around them, it probably acted as a temporary containment chamber until prisoners could be escorted to a proper city jail. Rosalvya moved closer to the building, trying to see what Dash was looking at. It was too dark to see what was inside the building, but there were a pair of hands clinging to the bars. She had seen Serene momentarily pause, most likely to converse, before moving around the side of the building, where she suffered an egregious wound to her thigh. There must have been an enemy lurking around the corner of the building.


"Saffron, do you have a moment?" Rosalvya said, trying to grab her attention. "Serene doesn't seem to be doing so well, could you take her off Meredith's hands and bring her closer to us? I feel like Serene's pushing herself too much."


With that said, Rosalvya's attention returned to the jailhouse, curiously trying to get a better view of the cell's occupant.


Move to Z6 and Hold

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Serene barely had time to register the key before her leg collapsed under her weight. Crumpling to the ground, she spread out both arms to cushion her fall, lowering herself slowly. She gently probed the wound, yanking out the spear. A sharp jolt of pain ran through her thigh, but she ignored it and checked the damage. No arteries severed, thankfully, but this blood loss was not good. She quickly conjured up a small flame, searing the wound shut, the smell of burnt flesh filling the air. When the deed was done, she retrieved the key from the spear and tried to stand up. Putting her weight on her uninjured leg, she stood unsteadily and carefully, wobbling slightly, falling just as Meredith arrived to sweep her off her feet.


3 hours ago, Hukuna the Undying said:


"Hey, Firecracker... you're not looking so hot there. We need to get you medical attention and asap. And after that wound to your leg, I don't trust ya putting weight on that leg. I'm goin' ta carry you. I'm not taking no for an answer."


Carried gently atop Meredith's strong arms, Serene stammered out a response, the feeling of being carried by someone entirely unfamiliar to her.
"A-Aye, I appreciate it."
With that, she relaxed a bit, allowing herself to savour the feeling of being carried like a princess. She turned her face away at an angle where it would be hidden from Meredith's line of vision, and a slight tint of pink entered her cheeks.
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"What on earth are ya doing you goofball?" Meredith thought to herself.



"I dunno. I just kinda... went with it."



"Ahhhhhh! Mere, honey... you can't just princess carry every pretty girl ya meet, ya know? It implies things... ya know? Like... YA KNOW? Besides, it's hardly practical in a fight!"



"Look, it just seemed the most convenient way at the time alright? It's not like that. I just don't want ta harm her leg any."



"Mere, I'm you ya know? Ya, can't hide things from me. So, keep tellin' yourself that honey."



"Okay... I'mma just... look I can handle myself alright? No need ta get all lecturey. Besides, Serene is definitely light enough that I can carry her in one arm if I need to fend off a foe or two. Holding her I can tell her armour isn't all that heavy, probably why it didn't deflect that blow all too well. So, I can definitely carry her one-handed long enough to fight someone off. I'm confident in that. I just hope I can keep her safe until medical care arrives."



"You'll do fine honey~. No worryin' now ya hear? Worryin' doesn't suit ya."



"Aye, no need Firecracker. As I said, it's my duty." Was that too practical... was it too dismissive? Maybe I should adda smile. She did, then resumed the thought. Waaait, why do I care so much? It's not like I'm trying to impress her or anything... am I? No. Nooo. Nonono. Definitely not. Don't care what mini me said, thiiiiiis isn't like that. She's just part of my unit.


She tried to think of anything else at the moment to get her mind on things, so she sorta hoped that pegasus knight would charge her. Fighting was a really easy way to distract one from their mind wandering. She wasn't really sure why this all was phasing her so much. But, she didn't really know what posessed her to pick Serene up in this manner. It was a strange and not practical. she earlier expressed it was to try and not hurt Serene's leg anymore than it was, but in hindsight, she only really said it to look like she had a reason. Perhaps that's what her sub-conscience meant. Whatever, now wasn't the time for this. She could figure it out later. For now she had to see that Serene was safe.

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Terrin looked at Ecquis and nodded, handing him the door key. "Hopefully whatever is in there is worth it. I'll try and take out that soldier." He decided, before running over and opening his tome, staring the guy down. "Y'know, awful rude of you to not let Klaren hit you. He worked really hard on that spell!" Terrin joked, before calling down his own magic.


Move to A19 and attack Soldier 7

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Getting the key, Ecquis went over towards the others before making his way towards the door. Klaren missing wasn't the best thing, and him attacking the others to the east may be a bit risky. That being said...

"As much as I would like to see what treasure this place has, I'm a little hesitant to leave either of you on your own without some support. That being said, I can't guarantee myself taking out one of those mages and getting back without taking serious injury. How do you two suppose we should go about this?" Ecquis asked Luka and Maya, deciding to see how they feel about the situation they're in.


Canto to G17

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Man, can you not be so troublesome once in your life? Luka tried not to glare in Hoshiko’s direction, only sneaking glances at some of the wounds upon her. Something short. Shouldn’t cause too much strife. Luka quickly removed his scarf, trying to hide his tone of deviousness.


“Oh, Hoshiko, I think your leg is bleeding a bit!” Luka put on a bright smile, holding his scarf in his hand. “Here, let me help you!” Luka crouched down, making sure to tightly wrap the fabric around the Archer’s leg. Stepping away quickly, hoping that the girl wouldn’t realize the lack of red stains on the scarf. “There we go! Just keep that on for a bit.” You've got enough balance not to trip.


Turning to his side, Luka tried to catch Mayanna’s attention. “C’mon, just a little more!”


Move to G15 and dance for Hoshiko and Mayanna

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ZL7mt8W.png Hoshiko tried to hide the grimace that resulted from Luka's "helpful" bandaging of her leg. "Um, thank you, ally of justice! But I don't need your assistance! Seriously. Now, servants of evil, feel my divine wrath!" With the rush of energy from Luka's dance, she stepped up and let loose another shot toward a pegasus, swapping to a slightly more reliable weapon.


D15, equip Iron Bow, shoot the pegasus

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