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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"A merchant. Bard's demeanor and rogue's intuition, I believe my mother always said about the best merchants." Terrin mused aloud as Anna and Ian revealed what they were, Terrin having walked the blind man over. As soon as the door openrd, the mage retched and covered his mouth/nose.

"What in the..."

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"Phewiey~" Klaren let out a sigh of relief as the mysterious... uhm, cloaked body of fire? came down. Not that he was worried they were in any real danger. Nah. He was just relieved he could finally stop waving his tome around above his head to try and provoke the thing. It was kind of tiring after he'd just been brought down himself and then brought back again.

The monk looked around to see where Mayanna went. "Oh, so she's looking into the church~ Told you she was a great nun, yup I have~ Miss Mayaaaa- Huh?" He could swirl over to her as cheerfully as he wanted, but when he actually got there, his attention was brought to the inside of the church. "Y-yuck..." The grotesque image of the pile of bodies was enough to calm Klaren down almost instantly. His thoughts went back to how he was perversly looking forward to finding some of the villagers' bodies before this battle...he didn't mean it like this... "Miss Maya... I don't like this..." He muttered quietly, taking a step back behind the nun. These people had families and stuff, right? Unlike him, they would be missed. Other people would get sad. And for what? A new body for that fireball thingie? War was pretty common, so it was normal for people to die in it. But this... Even ignoring the fact the bodies had been assembled inside of a holy sanctum, this was worse than that. And even worse was that he'd been hoping to see the villagers in pain when they found them. Here, he got what he'd wanted...

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Feri spent quite a lot of time looking at it. He rubbed his chin for a while, and then shook his head. "I cannot think of a single artifact in history that looks remotely like this. It's clearly magical by nature, but I don't sense anima spirits from it. I am going to conclude that it's built around light magic because of the symbols on it and where we found it."

As Hoshiko and Serene approached the crystal it began to glow. Slowly a small beam of light, looking more like a tendril or an arm, made it's way out of the crystal. It approached Serene first, and then quickly dodged her and made it's way to Hoshiko. The tendril had no eye, yet it seemed to observe the two girls. Quickly after facing the pink haired archer, the tendril went past her and shot straight into one of the bodies on the ground. The body twitched, and slowly ever so slowly as undead do, it stood up. "Free... At last..." The body looked straight at Hoshiko and Serene, arms outstretched it started to take steps toward them.

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The undead was much weaker than the others having just woken up and Serene's fire easily brought it down. With the undead's body in ashes the crystal seemed to lose some of it's glow. However ti slowly seemed to be regaining that light.


"I think we can safely say we found the source of the undead." Feri rubs his chin in morbid curiosity. "But it clearly works off the principles of light magic; anima spirits are scared of the spirits that are traditionally use for necromancy but I can sense the wind is calm around us. Fascinating..."


"This artifact is dangerous, whatever it is." Saffron said, having regained her composure. "I suggest we destroy it even if it bears the mark of the Goddess."

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"If you feel destroying the crystal won't cause other problems, then by all means go ahead," Ecquis remarked. He had never truly seen artifacts that can create undead, but there was a first time for everything. That being said, Ecquis had no idea what would happen if they broke the crystal here with the bodies still around.

"Should we do anything about the bodies first though? I wouldn't want to break this thing only for it to reanimate all these corpses." he decided to ask.

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Serene frowned, her face showing a look of uncharacteristic solemnity as she cast her gaze over the dead.

"If it were up to me, I would want to cremate them, send them off properly in the purifying flames of the Goddess. I believe the sacred fire would loose them from their suffering, and they've clearly suffered enough."

Her sombre gaze quickly disappeared, replaced by her usual chipper demeanor.

"Problem is, if I did that, I'd probably burn the whole place down, and us in it. And it's a bit hard to examine a crystal in the midst of a burning building - I know I for one would be too hot and bothered to focus on anything."

She cocked her head at Saffron, seeking direction.

"What do you want to do?"

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"Examining it doesn't matter. Burn them and be done with this place. If the building goes up to, all the better... I doubt anyone will ever settle here again anyway...not like it's likely to see it's intended use again...especially after this." Maya called from where she stood, walking closer to Serene and Hoshiko. "Whatever this is, obviously it's how he amassed his force outside; and last I checked, this brigand didn't dabble in raising the dead to toy with like puppets; what use do we have for a necromancer's device? Besides, this is no sanctuary anymore, just a gallery of ungodly art. It's best for us to just cleanse the crimes committed here and let these poor souls finally know they peace deserve before going about our way..." Her eyes turned up towards the strange artifact. It had the markings of the faith, alright.... and as Feri said, she could indeed sense the same light within it as the kind that powered her staff...but looks could be deceiving.

"Perhaps this crystal was a relic of the Goddess once, with those markings... perhaps that fiend somehow managed to twist it's power to his own sick ends. But the how doesn't matter as much as the what here... and as it stands now... it's just a tool of the unnatural."

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"The only thing we could do is burn them. We don't have the time to give proper burial to all these people, and even if we did, these bodies have been, surely desecrated." Meredith looked around, the place was a nightmare. Whoever these people were, they didn't deserve this fate. No one did. The most they could do for them is release them with the heat of flame. Anything was better than this. Even if their families lived elsewhere in another village, even if they sent the bodies, no one would ever recognize them in this state. Fire was the only burial for them now. Besides, burning that body, the starts of Ignexus's vessel, seemed the smartest plan of action.

"So, Firecracker, when we are done here, use that fire of yours to put these people to rest. Do it for me at least. I would like to converse later about unit matters as well. Can't just sign in a new recruit out of nowhere Samwell will have my head." She tried to laugh, but it was clearly fake. It'd have hung in the air, but it was already too full of the scent of the dead. She took a deep breathe, probably a terrible idea seeing as the stench just caused her to lurch. Once again, the one who never cracked did. Meredith was really starting to wonder if she was as tough as she thought, or... if she was just putting up a facade this whole time. But, this was nearly to much for her to handle. Whatever this madness was... it had taken the lives of an entire village, and most of that Dragao soldier's unit. She realized suddenly... that man just lived exactly what she had. His entire unit gone in an instant. And, at the hands of people of Dragao. This time at least, the people didn't do it of their own violation. However, this time he had fallen... and might take his failure as the reason his men were now dead.

"I don't really care what you do with that... crystal. But, I'd rather not have to look at it for another second."

Meredith turned and walked out of the church. She wasn't going to stay in there anymore, she just couldn't. She went over to find that soldier they had saved. She grabbed his hand in his unconsciousness and squeezed tightly. She didn't really care if anybody saw her. Tears ran down her face, openly, she couldn't hide it if she wanted to. "You've been inflicted with the same curse as I... But, you have to pull through. You lived for a reason. This world is not done with you yet. Just like it isn't done with me. I don't know who you are... but you have to. I have to at least saved someone from this...nightmare. At least one. At least one."

Because what good am I if I can't save at least one person?

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Saffron closed her eyes in mourning. "It is a shame we can't give these bodies a proper burial. But we do have to make haste." She turned to her cousin. "Kegan, can you gather some firewood? Dash and Feri would you gather the bodies of the undead we put down? As well as the soldiers."


"I'll help out as well dear." Anna stepped in, rubbing her hands together and ready for physical work.


The princess nodded a thanks, and awaited until her companions gathered both the firewood and the bodies inside. She ordered them to arrange the bodies together and the firewood around the bodies. "It is common in the Dragao family to burn our dead; we don't have a crypt. It's a way to make sure the Kings and Queens of the Kingdom reach their proper place next to the Goddess. If we can't do anything else for them, we will make it easier for their poor and tired souls to reach the heavens above."


"Everything is set Saffron."


"Let's leave this church and burn it. Ecquis raises some good concerns so Hoshiko and Serene I'll ask for you help. Once everyone is outside I want you to light the firewood ablaze, and Hoshiko to destroy the crystal with an arrow. If any of it's foul magic escapes to the bodies they will be burned immediately."

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"Well, I guess I'll leave that to you two. I'll be waiting outside with the others," Ecquis states before going out of the church towards his wyverns. While out, Ecquis noticed Meredith nearby the soldier they had picked up, but he decided not to intrude.

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Serene cast one more wistful look towards the crystal, then stood at the entrance of the church. She glanced over at Meredith, who was speaking quietly to the fallen soldier. The image was a familiar one. Serene had a reasonably good idea what the armored woman was saying. Still, she seemed to hold a leadership position of some sort in this group. If she were to join it, as intended, she would have to find the time to speak to her later.

Turning her attention to the task at hand, Serene began chanting softly as her hand rested calmly on the tome strapped to her side. She would make this a blaze to remember. It was the least she could do.

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"Uhm..." Klaren wanted to say something about the crystal. Maybe they could have it react differently by exposing it to their magic or staves... But he didn't say anything. This was too serious for him and he wasn't feeling right anymore. Especially with miss Maya so determined on ending this. He still did put a hand to his tome and backed away from the church, eyes locked on the crystal in the distance...

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Luka wanted to take a look at some of the bodies. Among them, none of them had worn medium-weight armor familiar to Mercenary types, but he did notice soldiers in light armor, fitting of Myrmidons. He’s not one of them. Looking through all of the faces, none of them had one of someone he knew. He’s still out there, maybe. And so is she. Knowing that they weren’t among the group of soldiers, Luka felt no reason to stop them. Still, a sense of unease went through him. I don’t want to see them like this. But that’s why I’m here.

Leaving the church, Luka approached the pink-haired Archer. “Hey, Hoshiko.” His voice was rather quiet. It certainly felt odd for him to not be yelling at her for once. “Do you want to maybe pray for these people?” Luka’s expression was unlike his usual smile. He felt sad, thinking about what they were doing now.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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Rosalvya awoke abruptly to the commotion that was going on. She recoiled in disgust, as the first thing that came to her was the stench of decaying corpses. She couldn't quite clearly remember what had happened, but it looked like they won the battle. But why did everyone look so crestfallen?

She scanned the area, locating each of her allies. It appeared all of them were accounted for, including the previously injured soldier. His condition seemed to have stabilized in the time that she was unconscious, Some of them were gathering firewood, and piling it around the church. Rosalvya inferred that they were cremating the bodies, but why inside a church? Wouldn't that count towards some kind of sacrilege?

On top of that, of all people, Hoshiko was the one preparing to burn it down. Confused, she slowly got up, and walked towards Ecquis to try and get an explanation.

"Um, Ecquis?" she said, trying to get his attention. "What's happening here? We... won, right?"

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"Yes Rosa, we beat Ignexus. However, when we took a look into the church, all the bodies of the villagers were piled in some grotesque dragon construct. The church also contained a crystal that was causing the undead to rise up. We wanted to destroy the crystal, but I wasn't sure how it would react to the bodies around, so we're burning it all just in case with Hoshiko shooting the crystal," Ecquis informed Rosa, who seemed to have just come to.

"Anyways, how are you feeling? You collapsed after the battle ended, but now you seem to be a bit better," Ecquis asked, wondering if the woman had any lingering effects from the fight.

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Hoshiko waited a few moments in silence, until she deemed that letting it build further would interfere with her shot. She loosed two arrows in quick succession at the gemstone, the second for good measure, before responding with a nod toward Luka. "I do. They didn't deserve this."

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"I'm glad we found the cause of what was raising those... creatures. I don't remember what happened after I started to attack... Ignexus, was it? He casted some poisonous spell, but I don't remember anything after that." she said hazily. She tried to remember, but her head just ached. "It's a little difficult for me to breathe still, so I'll go and see Mayanna later and see if she can help me."

She felt like she was also forgetting something towards the end, but she couldn't quite place what it was.

"Have Saffron and the others decided our next move yet?

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"Ugh, I admit I've seen some pretty cool dark magics in my time." Terrin mused as he thought back to his magic training days. "As well as some... less cool examples." He sighed as he reflected on some far less pleasant memories. "But this is just... I feel sick." Terrin just shook his head as he wandered a little further away from the burning building. He glanced over at Klaren, who appeared perhaps even more uncomfortable than he was, and decided to walk over to him. "You alright?" The thunder mage whispered.

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"Ah-" Klaren looked at Terrin surprisedly. His hand swiftly retracted from his tome, though he seemed to lower his guard once he saw who was calling him. "O-oh, it's just Teri... Hi." There was none of the usual chirp the monk's voice carried in his words now and he glanced over at the building once more before answering.

"I'm fine..." It was a lie, and a pretty blatant one. Even if Terrin failed to notice how Klaren kept glancing around all the time, he would still notice how nervously he kept squeezing one of his forearms with his other hand. "..."

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"Hey, I know I might not have been the nicest to you in the past but we're a team. And I'm sure this must be even more uncomfortable for a monk than it is for me." He spoke frankly. Klaren's cheerfulness was oft unsettling in itself, but by this point, seeing Klaren NOT cheerful was even more unsettling to Terrin.

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Hmm? So Terrin hadn't been the nicest to him in the past? Klaren hadn't noticed. He always thought everyone was being nice to everyone in their little party. They were all friends, after all~ He listened to the mage voicing his concern. Klaren didn't want to bother him or anything... And Terrin'd definitely think how sick or bad or weird he was if he told him the truth, but he also didn't want to lie... Ugh, this was hard... Every time he tried thinking about his feeling while not surfing on a wave of enthusiasm he got so confused and it was difficult to talk to people...

"Mmm. It's not that...it's just that..." Klaren began but got stuck mid-way. "I mean... I feel bad...for maybe...wanting to see something like this..." He was ready to get washed now. Like he'd already been multiple times in his life.

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