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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (OOC/Recruitment)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Then we just don't have to take them out :D Leave them be and go hunt down whatever other objectives, we can save Maya after.


"Fine, fine. I'll keep that in mind next time you're bleeding out...no need to hurry, right? Accomplish the other objectives first..."

But no seriously, the lance thing did go a bit too damn far there, ngl...

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Anyway, I'mma clarify this now cause I can't really sleep since it's swimming around in my head and I'm worried about possibly blowing up again down the line. So, here goes.

The sorta... thing between Klaren and Meredith legitimately makes me uncomfortable. It kinda has from the outset, but I didn't figure it'd be an issue really until now. But Seriously, I tried to not have direct interactions between the two characters because they make me feel extremely uncomfortable to the point they trigger my anxiety to some extent. Like, I feel physically ill anytime I have to make Meredith interact with Klaren IC.

It's why I've intentionally been avoiding it, and in-character having her tell him off. because I really REALLY REALLY do not want to engage with your character in that context. It seriously is not something I'm interested in pursuing and never will be because it's just not something I want any part of. It seriously makes me feel ill even thinking about it because that area of things makes me that uncomfortable. I've not really said anything up until this point cause I don't want to be telling you how to play your character and kinda fear a little that people will think I'm trying to abuse my position to get my way or something but I dunno... that or people will think I'm just whining etc.

I'm not however, and It seriously has made me so uncomfortable that I've considered leaving the RP at a few points. ((and even have alluded to it in a sorta hidden way in character. There was a part where Meredith was talking about indirectly))

((quote broke for some reason, pretend this is in a quote box.))

"However, I cannot safely say that they've not caused us grief in the past and nearly enough to considering me letting them go on more than one occasion."

While this line was in character ((and what she's truly thinking in regards to the monk)) it was also a sorta hidden way that I was saying that. I should probably stop doin' that shit cause it's bad hat but eh... writing is one of the easiet ways to express myself so sometimes I infuse my feelings into it when I shouldn't.

Anyway, I seriously just do not want to engage with something of this... connotation. It's just much too far past my comfort zone and not something I am comfortable with. The joking here set me off because the one thing I have in the situation is my ability to not interact there... and it's kinda joking about taking that away from me, and seieng as how uncomfortable that whole situation actually makes me... It's seriously not funny to me and really truly upsets me.

I apologize if I'm not the best about going about things, and that I tend to keep things bottled up until I just can't bear it anymore but... yea, There's reasons that in-character I've had her tell him to leave her alone, Because I really actually want you to. Because I do not feel comfortable engaging in that and I'd like that to be respected.

P.S. No, I don't want you to change how you're playing your character and this is why I've taken this long to say anything. I don't want you to feel like you have to change to accommodate me. I just want you to understand what I'm feeling though so you understand what I got upset for rather than just leaving that with zero context.

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Ugh I still don't have wifi so there's no way I'll finish cheering Klaren up before the chapter starts. Once I have reluable internet, you cool if I pm you froger (and probably zeta because Sven) to work out how the convo went and then we can post that? Sorry my isp has been so shite so I'm still hella unreliable on replies lately

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Uh guys... this is kinda late, and uh... well


Is it me...or does Soldier 4 legit miraculously grow a fucking mustache where his face was bare before, just by taking off his helmet... unless this is supposed to be a before and after shot of what the poor idiot woulda looked like if ya'll hadn't massacred him and he'd actually lived to grow a mustache...

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You're basically telling me to not act IC. The same thing you've mentioned in that little burst about letting you play your char the way you want.

Imma continue being the same. I am sorry if it got out of had OoC but like, seriously, Klaren won't change because you're uncomfortable. Nothing personal. You just keep ignoring him. I won't mention it OoC again.

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Uh guys... this is kinda late, and uh... well


Is it me...or does Soldier 4 legit miraculously grow a fucking mustache where his face was bare before, just by taking off his helmet... unless this is supposed to be a before and after shot of what the poor idiot woulda looked like if ya'll hadn't massacred him and he'd actually lived to grow a mustache...

It's a magical helmet that hides your identity. Jokes on you for not looting mooks.

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It's a magical helmet that hides your identity. Jokes on you for not looting mooks.

I tried to loot, remember? But as we've already established at the end of the this last map, the act of looting the dead has no practical value or payoff here, sooooo.... jokes on no one.

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Alright I read through this yesterday night but I couldn't reply because I was pretty tired and busy. I now have free time, and before my post I will address this issue:

Huk does have a right to feel weirded out or uncomfortable by comments made to his character that he doesn't feel comfortable with. When we roleplay we often see ourselves in our characters and if our character is objectified or sexualized in a way that we don't enjoy then obviously that's a no go. The point of this is for everyone to have fun.

At the same time, I chose Klarenfillia to be in the RP because I enjoyed the character; he is a cooky and strange character that reminds me a lot of other weirdos that are in Fire Emblem; he is very much in line with the Herrys and Ilyanas of the games the really strange mage that somehow is still in the party. I enjoy the character, and I to be honest don't see any problem with him.

The only thing that we have to stop is the inherent sexual nature of some advances Klaren could have. This is Reborn, Reborn does not support Eroleplays and things of the sort. So even in character Klaren and no other characters should make inherently sexual comments. Those are the rules of Reborn and they will make everyone more comfortable. However, Klaren isn't all a sexual character. While his "enjoyments" seem pretty sexual they aren't. He enjoys pain in a very strange way, and that is within the rules and has a place in this RP.

So in short and the resolution to this;

1. Meredith and Klarenfillia will keep being played however the player wants them to be played. If you don't want your characters to interact with each other that's fine.

2. I want no arguments OOC

3. Everyone will keep sexual comments on the down low and we will respect other people's preferences. While this RP can have a romantic undertone because of the nature of the support mechanics; and I'm all for it; Huk for example does not enjoy that part. So if anyone ever voices a "Yo please no romance/sexual advances on my character" we will all respect that.

There is no reason for anyone to lose sleep, no reason for anyone to get upset or leave the RP. Issue settled, any further problems feel free to pm me. Post dropping soon.

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Double posting as usual, post will be up soon.


Radburn with Serene, Rosalyva and Meredith,

Saffron with Luka,

Player supports haven't evolved because we are still at level 7. B level supports haven't happened either. Klaren and Terrin also talked in this scene but their support developed further in the last scene anyways.

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Race for first B rank?

Fool pls, ya'll would lose that in a heart beat. Me and Zet are already a whole lot further on the way to it than most of ya... we got that support trust fund set up and shit, ain't that right zet?

Though hell, if ya wanna get real technical, we already won this race before it began. We actually did have B rank for a very short time before it was reverted back to C and the progress converted to a head start over other links

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And posted. Make sure to point out if there are any mistakes if you notice them, I think everything should be fine but I can never be sure. Second; remember my posts will be much slower than when I'm on vacation. Expect a big post every two or three days!

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Oh my fucking god XD

Anna is best merchant...that whole scene, just 10/10....well guess there's no choice but to fight it out ya'll....

EDIT: Also pyon, you got maya listed at 20/20 max health when it should be 21/21

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Fool pls, ya'll would lose that in a heart beat. Me and Zet are already a whole lot further on the way to it than most of ya... we got that support trust fund set up and shit, ain't that right zet?

Though hell, if ya wanna get real technical, we already won this race before it began. We actually did have B rank for a very short time before it was reverted back to C and the progress converted to a head start over other links

Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooour just lucky I can't get the C with Fire bae at current.Otherwise I get that B suuuuuper fast lel.

((note by the way: I am yea usually super uncomfortable with anything resembling romantic etc contexts of things with my characters and rather don't like RPing that stuff. However, Acquie kinda brought the idea of Serene and Meredith being a thing when I was on the server and we talked about it for quite awhile. I kinda concluded if anything gets to that sorta level with my character it'd be there. Since, while it's out of my comfort zone, Acquie's a good friend of mine so I trust her enough and feel comfortable enough stepping out of my bounds in that situation.))

and last thing I'll say on the subject. I never ever ever ever want someone to change the way a character is on my account. Besides the fact I actually love Klaren as a character and think he's great. I'm definitely glad that he got picked in the beginning cause he is a very different character and one of that type that is actually being played well. Like, I really enjoyed that last scene and watching it unfold in the IC. It was really great. So, never was it my intent to say "don't play this way." it jsut that certain thing makes me me very uncomfortable and I'd rather you be aware of it, than not aware of it. That's sorta and usually a no-go area for me cause it's just not something I'm comfortable portraying myself. ((like other than that specific thing Klaren is a character I'm definitely a fan of and like seeing what he'll do etc... in situations. I like watching that unfold. I'd not say this game be boring without him, but it'd certainly be lacking something as interesting, strange, and well played as Klaren if that monk wasn't part of our party. I'd not have that any other way. Trust me on that Frogs. You play some of the best oddballs out there XD, and Ilove watchin' them. SO, don't think I ever want you to change that. I jsut want you to understand there are places and things I'm... not very comfortable with in an RP setting and I'd rather you be aware of it instead of expecting you to get it without me saying anything. Cause frankly... I kinda do that way to much where I expect other people to know why I'm mad etc... when I've never even told them. Which is unfair of me to do and why I'm trying to make an effort to do this stuff a lot less.))

Also, shouldn't I have 28 health? I swear I was at 27 last level and my HP went up on level 7.

EDIT: Nevermind the reason i was confused was that my HP was listed as lower than it was in the cheet sheet during the last chapter so I forgot it went it up, it being corrected this time made me think there was still one missing, so na, right number LOL. I just derped.

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