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[OOC/SignUps CLOSED!] Under the Hill: The Final Circle


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Hmmm, shite... I'm neglecting this a bit... then again it's cause the post I make next is going to be pretty long since lot's of Hukuna talking to himself will occur lol. I'm going to need some time to bang it out etc... so will try to make sure I get to it in due time lol.

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Ethic: "Magician, I choose you! Use Illusion!"

Magician Ignored Ethic's orders!

Magician used... Illusion!

A wild Slender Man appeared!

A wild Slender Man used creepy-ass stare down!

What... don't you all blame me... someone had to do to use the Tall Man meme eventually XD

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A bit busy studying here, but tonight I'll update the characters I'm playing with. ;)

On a side note, falling, crashing and tumbling seem to be becoming issues for some adventurers there XD.

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I somehow didn't notice this RP was back for two weeks, but I'm here now. I hope you didn't mind me slightly altering Enya's end, Rose? I kinda had a whole subplot going with her and Edward and wanted it to at least have been resolved since she's no longer in this story.

As for the superpowers backfiring thing, I've got an idea for that and it'll happen soon.

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I somehow didn't notice this RP was back for two weeks, but I'm here now. I hope you didn't mind me slightly altering Enya's end, Rose? I kinda had a whole subplot going with her and Edward and wanted it to at least have been resolved since she's no longer in this story.

As for the superpowers backfiring thing, I've got an idea for that and it'll happen soon.

Pardon the Mini-modding in an RP I dropped but, Eagleby you aren't an accepted RPer in this RP. You can't rock up and start posting like that, even if you were involved beforehand.

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It's ok Dobby; Eagle and I talked via PM and we've reintroduced him into the RP. For those wondering, this decision was made jointly between Notus, Hukuna, and myself-- we felt as though despite the sign ups being over, Eagle deserved the same right in taking Edward to the end.

I also admit that this is a bit of a way to fix an oversight on my part. I had PMed several older members of the original RP asking for permission to recycle their characters as well as giving them notice that the RP would be appearing. They were also told that they would be able to take up their old characters as well. Instead of going and looking through the old OOC, which would have been the smarter thing to do, I went solely off of memory, omitting several in the process due to not remembering. Eagle, Dobby, and K_H are all examples of those whom I should have messaged but forgot.

Should any of you have an objection, you may PM it to me, Notus, or Hukuna and we'll address your concerns as best we can. I do apologize for the confusion.

Eagle, in regards to your post about Enya-- I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's safely on the outside of the Hill. I mean, I'm fairly certain that the Hill has proven to expect the unexpected.

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I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's safely on the outside of the Hill. I mean, I'm fairly certain that the Hill has proven to expect the unexpected.

K I changed it to

"where he was simply told she was 'safe'. Not sure exactly what that meant, or if it even meant 'safe for now', but he trusted the information."

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just a heads up: don't be surprised if I take longer responding than usual. I've kinda got some stuff that needs taking care of...

I already know what the full gist of my response will be composed of, I simply need to find an actual moment where I'll be able to slip away and write it up.

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Aw come on, what about what Edward did was cheating? Kenny maybe, since he used portals, but Ed didn't go over any of the walls, or try to bend spacetime. Is the fact that he was going really fast what made it cheating?

I think it involves the plaque at the beginning. Seeing as powers could backfire. I know mine is more complex with four 25% chances

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The maze is a bit of a stickler about everyone going about trying to find the exit on foot; plus, to be fair, you were bouncing on its walls at high speeds. You guys are also getting friends just like everyone else, so the high level bouncing won't be doing much good either.

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Hey, look at that. My posts are getting less far apart. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I hope it's decentish. One question, how much are we allowed to make characters that aren't ours speak? Like, can we initiate basic conversations and such?

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Hey, look at that. My posts are getting less far apart. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I hope it's decentish. One question, how much are we allowed to make characters that aren't ours speak? Like, can we initiate basic conversations and such?

Generally speaking it's a bad idea to make other people's characters say or do anything that Player didn't explicitly state them doing or saying themselves. Just post you're own individual reply for a conversation and wait for the other person to post their reply, that pretty much gets a bit of back and forth going and avoids the issue of People getting hot and bothered over having basic etiquette ignored and their PCs bunnied.

Anyways... so the work load has temporarily been broken down by my efforts this week to try to get everything important done on time and get them out of the way. There are still several matters both in school and out of it that needs taking care of, but I hopefully should be able to finally post for Ethic this weekend... I just have to catch up on the IC is all.

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