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[IC] Fate/Reborn [First Holy Grail War]


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Free falling... Whatever happened Ashnard only registered himself falling. The drop wouldn't be fatal however... he knew now that His prey was there. This wasn't the act of an ordinary human. But for now he had to deal with a different problem.

Yukine heard the beast yell something in a different language. It was unintelligible other than the fact that it was most definitely words. It was perhaps... in a Language that didn't exist within this world. However... it's power was still recognized. The power in the words it spoke still activated the power. He wasn't going to use this power... but he didn't have a choice now. A flash of green blasted into the area as green lightning struck the Werewolf's body. Then around him shot out a green energy that formed a hardlight box. Normally Ashnard had to anchor this to the ground... but instead he anchored it to the side of the building. Around Yukine the cage warped though unbeknownst to his knowledge. He couldn't create the cage inside another being only around them. Therefore it gave enough space that it didn't summon the wall inside of her... but it pinned her against the wall and the window. The Beast landed with a loud thud and the crackling of electricity. He stood on the "bottom" of the cage being shocked all the while he did so. However... he was used to the pain of the Lightning. He barely showed any signs of feeling pain as he trod back towards the wall to climb back into the window. The Green Cage of energy sparked and pulsated with electricity. By the way he was able to walk on it, the walls were definitely solid and touching them would cause Electricity to shoot through the one who did. It could be seen as Green Electricity sparking from all other the Werewolf's body. A normal human wouldn't have been able to take that much without passing out.

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Vance and Lily

"I'm sure you don't want to hear this, and I'm sorry to have to say it, but... it would be best if you moved forward from this point under the assumption that battles will be inevitable."

"I know that... Damn it, I KNOW that much!" Vance fumed. He was frustrated at the situation he was in, as well as his own lack of willingness to do what needed to be done from here on out. "Killing the Masters is the easiest and quickest way out... That's how I've always done things: The least amount of work possible. Yet even so..."

Vance let out a sigh - a common occurrence for him. The anger seemed to have left him all in that instance.

"All right. I'll participate in this damned Grail War, if only so I can live a normal life again. However..." he paused, holding eye contact with Lily. "As the Master in this Master/Servant pair, I will decide who we kill. For now, refrain from killing Masters unless I give the okay... Please."

Lily seemed gentle and understanding enough so far, but Vance could feel a certain hardness to her. She had some sort of past with death and killing, he was sure. What it was, he did not know, but how else could one so easily accept killing another? He hoped she would willingly go along with him on this due to her natural kindness, but if not... he was ready. He didn't know when the knowledge had come to him, but he now knew what these Command Seals were for. And he was prepared to use one.


Frog and Sylva

"Let's wash up here!" Sylva said cheerily, apparently oblivious to the situation most children would deem "creepy." She had lived her whole life in the twilight after all, so the moon washing its glow across the hospitals floors was nothing but a familiar comfort for her. She began a happy march down the hall, without actually knowing where the bathroom was. Suddenly, she stopped mid-step, running a hand across her pointed ear.

"Oh yeah... humans don't have these!" She giggled to herself, lowering her hand. As she did so, the pointed edge to her ear faded, slowly rounding itself to a human shape. She turned around to face Frog. "I'll probably need some new clothes too..." She began, a thoughtful look on her face. "My dress would stand out like a sore thumb in a crowd." She giggled again. "That's what the humans say now, right? Sore thumb?" She appeared to be in thought again. "I know! I want to try shorts! That's something else new to try. Cake and shorts! Cake and shorts!

She happily marched down the hall, chanting this new phrase to herself.

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Yukine and Debronee

Oh, what the hell.

First it managed to track them through her Bounded Field. Then it showed off its stupidly high strength, and now it had some weird cage thing and was climbing a wall. Just what the hell was that thing?!

Growling, Yukine reached to Debronee. She was going to need more power to do what she was planning, more power than she had the strength left to provide.

"By my privilege as Master and the absolute authority granted me by the Throne, I hereby invoke a Command Seal: D, I command you to teleport me far outside the boundaries of my Bounded Field."

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"Y-you serious?" Frog's face twisted into a grimace of horror. Was she honestily content with getting herself cleaned up here!? Frog has been hoping she'd say that she's scared or something so that they could just get out of this place! Not good, not good at all...

As he was dreading the thought of having to endure the hospital after dark for a few more minutes than planned, the girl called out to him. "Humans don't have wha- Oh." She had pointy ears. Heh, funny how Frog hadn't noticed that earlier. When she just suddenly made them look normal, Frog's eyes twinkled for a moment in surprise mixed with excitement. "Eeh, what kind of magic was that? Some illusion or something?" He asked the girl, leaning in closer to inspect the ears. They looked normal, but were they really? "And you're right, we do say 'sore thumb'. And yep, you would stand out like a sore thumb in a crowd with that dress of yours. People dress differently these days, I'll help you pick out your clothes." Or maybe she could magic them up like she did with her ears? Whatever, Frog wasn't gonna ask her about it anyways, although if she could then that would save them some money. But eh.

"Hey." Frog called out to Sylva when a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. "How do you know all these things like about shorts and cake and sore thumbs and stuff? Aren't you like from some other world or something? Or at least from the past."

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Sylva stopped mid-chant, turning around to face Frog once more. She gave him a smile.

"Yep. That was high-level illusion magic. Not only do they look like human ears now, but they feel the same too. Changing the actual form like that is difficult. But as for the knowledge I have about this era..."

She held her hands up in a helpless gesture as she shrugged.

"I don't know," she began innocently. "As soon as I was summoned here, it seems that I was supplied with all sorts of information about this world and its customs. Some things are more obscure than others, but there seem to be gaps in the information." She raised a finger, a know-it-all smile appearing on her face, just like that of a kid. "That's to be expected of course. Transferring even this amount of information is very impressive for a spell. To ask for any more would be silly." That being said, she turned around once more, resuming her happy chant. "Shorts, shorts! I get shorts!" She glanced back at Frog.

"Thank you mister Frog! You're the best Master I could have!"

She flashed a bright smile as she waited for her Master to catch up.

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As Noriko dissipated, Janus climbed the ladder to the top. From there, he took in the view of the city and plotted his course to the Industrial District. He took two steps back, then began sprinting, feeling the wind graze across his face; this is the thrill he loved so. The first jump was always the hardest- it spanned twenty feet with only an added altitude of five feet. A bewildering smile lined his face as he took one last step, propelled himself with wind magic, and made the jump...

He landed with a thud and rolled before continuing forward. Only after he landed did he notice the homeowner staring at him from the rooftop entry, flabbergasted. The man must have finally discovered the source of this loud banging over the course of the last month. As surprise turned to despise, Janus grinned at the man.

Pushing off with one foot, he regained his speed as he looked back, seeing the man calling the authorities. That'll be a hassle, he thought. Though I do now have Noriko...

"Oi, Noriko!" he said between breaths. "If we find any company we can't evade, do you think you could knock them cold? I'd appreciate it," he ran and ran, about a quarter of the way there.

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"I can do that," Noriko stated simply from her spiritual form. It was difficult to read her true thoughts on Janus's actions from the message, even more so due to lacking any sort of body language to clue the magus in. She didn't have an issue with him stealing, truly, though she would have preferred a more covert approach. There was no need to put oneself or civilians at risk to ensure you had a full meal for the day, or to patch up a dusty warehouse. . .


The green lightning clearly indicated Berserker's location. He picked up his pace, entering the building without too much issue and ascending the stairs as quickly as he could manage. The smell of blood quickly reached his nostrils as he moved. His brow furrowed. That is not a good sign. Either he has killed the Master, which is regrettable but works out in the end, or some hapless innocent ran across the beast.

He felt more tired than the climb should really have made him. Ashnard saps my energy with every motion. I'll have to be more careful in the future, or I'll be dead before my foe sees me. Reaching the seventh floor, he saw the trail of blood, and ran forward towards it. An eerie green glow emanated from the doorway.

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Debronee and Yukine

"A command I solemnly heed." Debronee renounced firmly.

The beast was climbing up the wall and he had no time to waste. What was strange though, was that he felt a power surge through him, a strength that allowed him to commit to Yukine's order without fail, under this seemingly hopeless situation. In what was only a second of time, his scarlet eyes surveyed the green sparks of electricity that tangled his master, quivering and in slight pain within the cage, a desperate arm reaching to him, as he devised a swift plan for him to set her free and immediately escape afterward.

He flashed within the cage, cradling his master within his strong arms; the electricity stung the Servant slightly, but his speed meant that it was all temporary, and his clothes insulated the sparks. With a forceful pull of his entire body, Yukine was now free of the electrifying cage just in time, and with blinding speed, Debronee immediately departed the room, faster than lightning, heading for the back of the building. He leaped-

And then they landed. Very unexpectedly, they were now somewhere unrecognizable; another residential area, however, far different from the one they were at just a short moment ago. ((The district north from the airport, nearby Caster and Rider)). They now stood on a road where a modern, industrial setting surrounded every corner; it was still quiet, for the late night had veiled all in sleep, only a few shops open and a few buildings with their yellow lights still illuminating the inside, the traffic lights blinking a faint yellow to govern the seemingly empty traffic. Above all, Debronee could no longer detect the fearful, bloodthirsty aura that pursued him.

Was this the teleportation Yukine had beseeched, the power of the Command Seal? He felt impressed at his Master's command that provided him with such a power, unexpected as it was, and he didn't seem inclined to question her of the details now that they were safe.

"The beast is no longer in sight," He whispered. "And should be far away. Let's continue our hustle while we can. To where shall I take you, Master?"

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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The man entered the room only to watch his target flicker out of sight. He merely shook his head in disappointment. Even if they had moved near his base, he wouldn't be able to retrieve the information by the time he returned to his network. Worse, they now knew they were being hunted, and he had gained no knowledge about the opposing Servant's capabilities. "I don't suppose you feel like sharing what happened, or explaining why you killed. . . whoever this was." He asked the almost sarcastic question with a gesture at the ruined corpse. It didn't bother him; he had seen death before and would likely cause it himself in the future.

((Once everyone returns to their home base at night, (don't worry about where you are currently), we'll try to move to day 2 and sync up times.))

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Yukine and Debronee

Yukine staggered as her feet contacted the ground. A sudden spell of weakness washed over her. Not good. She had been using too much magic, her body was at its limits. Seriously, not good.

Fighting back unconsciousness, she did a rudimentary survey of her surroundings. Factories. Chimneys. Carparks. An industrial area? She was much too weak to do a full examination of the terrain.

"Hide nearby. No magic. Out of sight, no sewers. No distinguishable smell. Escape routes. Hide. Outdoors okay, but concealed. Vegetation? Possibly..."

As her last command trailed off, her legs gave way. The world faded to black, as she fell into slumber.

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Debronee and Yukine

"Master -- Master!"

The girl had fainted. Understandably, due to have used to so much magic. Examining her, Debronee was reconfirmed of his hunch in that Yukine had simply fainted; there a mild sign of a pulse, and barely detectable breathing. Nothing too major; simply tiredness. Recalling her master's final order, it seemed manageable, for the streets were empty and he was free to scavenge the area -- hopefully undetected, unfamiliar to him as it was.

But Debronee had a better idea; perhaps Yukine had earned her rest after all she had done, Debronee knew a way to regain her consciousness and give her a slight supply of energy, although it wouldn't replenish all that magic she had spent on fending that creature. Thinking of it, he was reminded of a man -- a man who immediately ran into the room as he miraculously escaped -- and pondered on him. Vaguely recognizing his appearance, he didn't seem like a civilian that had fallen asleep; a late-night worker? Just another person who had noticed the commotion and wanted to discover what was going on? Or worse yet-

Debronee shoved the thought off. The fact that the Master of that creature was there seemed double-edged; perhaps if he had departed a slight bit later, he would've run his sword through him in one opportunity. It would have taken only a second, although that one second alone would also be enough for the beast to attack them. He was fortunate enough to have escaped safely with his mistress. If he really was controlling the beast, he assumed that the man was either some cruel homicide, or perhaps a helpless Master having that monstrosity under his tutelage. Either way, both figures one definitely ones to watch out for, as he wondered how soon -- or late -- it would be before they crossed paths again. Or maybe he wouldn't, if the beast was to be slain off by someone else, he hoped.

The white-haired man reached for his waist pocket and withdrew a bottle -- an elixir. Slight magical quality seemed to dwell within the herbal liquid, as a smell, foul-odored to ones unused to the scent escaped as he opened the bottle. Positioning Yukine gently, he then opened her mouth slightly, fingers caressing beneath her chin to open her lips, as he attempted slowly to pour the liquid into her mouth. Yukine would be fortunate drinking this in her unconscious state, Debronee's mind knowing that it tasted as horrid as it smelled, effective as it would be.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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Yukine and Debronee

Yukine woke up coughing and sputtering. A vile taste permeated her mouth, one she couldn't help but cringe at.

In front of her, Debronee was holding an empty bottle. Presumably he had fed her a concoction of sorts, it would explain her recharged state. She was far from fully recovered, but she was probably strong enough to manage smaller-scale smells.

She nodded gratefully, then resumed thinking about her next action. First off...

She closed her eyes and let the prana flow throughout her body. Reinforcement, contrary to popular belief, was not restricted to just strengthening. It had the ability to change the properties of an item as well.

She reached deep within her self and sent prana in tendrils through her hair, slightly altering the chemical composition, subtly shifting the scent, changing her overall smell, incorporating elements of nearby scents. Hopefully this would put that beast off their trail for good.

Glancing around them, Yukine noticed an inconspicuous hedge lining one of the carparks, creating a small space between itsslf and the forest behind. It was reasonably covered from the elements, and the space could conceal a young girl rather well. She moved over to that space, lying down in it.

"D, I'm sorry, but there's only space for one... maybe you could revert to spirit form and sleep, or we could take turns sleeping and keeping watch...?"

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Debronee had no real reason to object. He needed only twenty minutes of sleep at most; he was very much used to being awake long term with very short lengths of sleep, and he could mediate to pass the time if Yukine wanted him close. Such a habit meant that it didn't really affect his capability or health whatsoever, but Debronee found himself inclined to think otherwise.

"As you wish, Master. Alternatively...." He went to his thoughts as he continued hesitantly, realizing the risk of his action. "I could carry you across this area for a more comfortable setting, or perhaps I shall go off looking for essential supplies myself, although I'd prefer it if I stood by you, Master. Manageable as is this, surely you would prefer a more....comfortable resting spot? I must confess that it does make me feel rather......inappropriate, to leave you like this, especially after what you've been through, Master. You need worry not of everything; I'll be doing the walking, and I will see fit that you find a place that you can write home about, if you'll allow me, Master."

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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Yukine and Debronee

Yukine smiled a bit at the Servant's concern.

"No, this is fine."

She patted the ground, curling up against it as though it were the most comfortable bed in the world. Truthfully, the grass under her was comfortably springy and soft, and the smell of nature was a nice change from the perfume-laden air she was accustomed to. She took a deep breath, locking the memory of this feeling in her heart forever.

She had to admit that the thought of a comfortable bed was tempting, but it was too risky to move around any more than they already had tonight. Besides, it would be a nice change of pace.

"D... please..."

What she was about to say made no tactical sense. It would have been wiser to send him to covertly gather more supplies, to ensure their survival for even a few more days. But...

"D... please don't leave me alone."

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Ashnard ((Berserker))

The Beast growled as it climbed though the Window.. It didn't respond in any language that was intelligible only the speak of beasts. It was clear it sanity was slipping further, but not enough that it would kill Siegfried. It still knew of the contract they had though it was begrudgingly following it. Dark Hunger as clear in it's eyes. It would chew on his bones if it had the choice that much was clear.

It then once more spoke in the foreign even alien tongue it had before to summon the cage. It winked quickly out of existence. It jammed it's hand inside the cavity it had created within the body. The dried blood on it's arm made it clear this was the way it had killed earlier. The wet sound of jostling organs came from it as it pulled out what it was looking for, the heart. The Beast held it in it's hand for awhile looking at it. It stared at the still crimson shape. Then it quickly snapped it down. Cold... and dead. Bah! It preferred them warm and still beating, but it had not the time for that with the prey it was hunting. It got away anyhow... It was clearly not amused by this. Normally it would ahve eaten more... but the body was cold now it had expired. It held no interest for him.

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Debronee and Yukine

Yukine seemed rather comfortable in the mattress of grass; to that, Debronee felt a slight relief in that she preferred such a surrounding. She then gave him what was perhaps the last order of the night, as her expression and eyes seemed pleading; for him to stay by her side and never leave her be.

"Not a further inch away, Master. May pleasant dreams blanket your sleep." He sat beside her as she laid down, his scarlet eyes gazing at her as if they promised they would watch her until her eyes were shut asleep.

He managed to hide a frown in that his words would be....sort of a lie, in that the man would truly be with her for the entire night, not leaving her alone for even a second. But to their survival overall, it was very much not strategic. The soundless night and the empty town facilitated a wonderful environment for the servant to plunder, and he could only imagine the issues he himself would face in finding supplies in open daylight, unless Yukine had something up her sleeve. A mild, begrudging feeling entered him at the situation he was in, in how he had to take such a risk to leave his mistress alone in search of supplies. He decided he wouldn't overextend, and only survey places that were very near to him; unfamiliar buildings with signs such as "Kirigaya Bank" and other odd names surrounded the vicinity, as he decided it wouldn't hurt to scour the place, even if it meant just a bit. And even if she would discover it the next morning, he would willingly bear with the shame of disobedience, the conscience of the risk he had put her. However, it would be much worse to be left as fish out of water without the incentive to explore, in his heart hoping that nothing would happen to her, possible as it could be, within the short time he set up for himself.

Fifteen minutes. No longer than that, he promised.

Of course, all that was to be done, until his Master Yukine was deep in her sleep, within her jubilee of sweet dreams he hoped would accompany her. For that, he had the patience that could await an eternity.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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"Oooooh, let me feel!" Frog reached out with his right hand towards Sylva's ear, poking it lightly on its tip. When he felt the soft, round tip of her ear, he pulled his hand back and exclaimed happily. "Wow, it really does feel like the real thing!"

He grinned and sighed as she told him about her knowledge. "I see. I suppose it's only natural that they'd take care of these things, right? You can't have you guys run around aimlessly without any information when you have this big game to compete in! Besides, I summoned you, so the spell must have been done perfectly, as, you know, I'm awesome and all that stuff, hehe!" He watched the girl run around, few steps in front of him, thinking to himself excitedly what kind of a game this whole thing even was. It must be something inolving magic, of course, and all these Servants. Well, whatever, he was the best and that meant his Servant was also the best. They were definitely gonna win. "Heh!" Frog shook his head at the girl. "Of course I'm the best one you could have!" He raised his hand, victoriously clenching it in a fist. "Just you wait, we're gonna pick out the best shorts for you! Haha!"

Seeing as she was waiting for him, Frog picked up the pace and they continued searching for the toilet. As their footsteps echoed through the empty halls, Frog spoke up again. "Hey, are you gonna show me some more of that awesome magic of yours? I'll show you mine if you do, you know, just to kill some time!"

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Sylva and Frog

Sylva raised an eyebrow as they walked.

"What kind of magic do you want to see? I know all sorts of magic, so it's hard to choose..."

She looked up at Frog, awaiting an answer. He was probably tired. It was pretty late, after all. He'd probably been up all day and night preparing for her summoning. Those sorts of rituals tended to take time to prepare.


Vance and Lily

Vance let out a relieved breath.

"Thank you, Lily. Though there really is no need to be so formal about everything. I'm a pretty laid-back guy."

He let out a yawn as soon as he finished.

"I don't know about you, but I'm beat. We'll figure out what we're doing about all this tomorrow."

He stopped suddenly, a curious expression on his face.

"Do Servants require sleep and nutrition when summoned to our world? How exactly does this work?"

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"Uh, uhm... I dunno, whatever." Frog answered when, all of a sudden, he yawned. It only then struck him how long he had been awake that day and how exhausting the summoning had been as well. He rubbed his eyes, trying to keep them open and alert in the stale, antiseptic atmosphere of the nighttime hospital. Geez, this was the kind of place where someone could and probably would film a horror movie at. Nervously, he glanced around one more time, confirming that nothing was moving or following them, before turning back to Sylva and yawning once again. This time, however, he put his hand over the mouth. "You decide, I'm too tired to choose. Heh."

Regardless, the two soon reached the toilet and, as they did, Frog gestured for Sylva to go inside. "I- *yawn* I suppose that you know how these things work, but a short briefing is that that's a sink," He pointed at, well, what do you know, a sink! A white sink in the line of four identical other sinks which lined the wall of the hospital bathroom. "...and there are the toilets if you need to go. Me, I'll personally wait until we get home, 'cause I hate these kinds of toilets, so hurry up if you could." After that,Frog dropped all the stuff he was carrying on the floor next to himself before sitting down as well, back pressed against the wall, waiting for Sylva to get washed up.

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Sylva walked into the restroom and over to the sink, eyeing it curiously as she approached. Her shoulders just barely reached above the brim, and she had to reach upward to pull the handles. She turned on the water, stretching her hands straight in front of herself as she washed the blood off of them. She hummed a tune as she did so, a song from her world. It was a happy tune with a childlike melody. It's notes were set in an unfamiliar pattern for the current era, giving it an otherworldly quality...

Sylva reached up and turned off the water after a couple minutes. Thankfully the blood had come off of her skin witthout too much trouble, but there was still the dress to worry about. Oh well. She'd be getting new clothes tomorrow anyway.

"All right Mister Frog, I'm all done!" she declared with a smile on her face. "Now let's go home!"

She raised a fist triumphantly into the air as she resumed her march down the hallway.

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As Frog waited, strange things began happening in the hallway, the dreaded, lifeless corridor of doom. Shadows, once static, began slowly swaying left and right in the corner of the boy's eye, yet, every time he would turn his head to look at the phenomenon, he would find himself staring at nothing, which just pushed him closer to the edge. He felt that, at any moment now, someone would come out of one of the rooms, a doctor or a patient, it mattered not. Or maybe, a dead corpse could come waltzing from the morgue downstairs... Geez, he got the willies just by thinking how close to that room he must have been situated while doing the ritual in the basement... And then, as he was imagining all the horrors that could happen in the hospital at night, he heard a thump from somewhere in the distance which overshadowed even the flow of water behind him. Raising his head up immediately in terror, he froze as a silent tune whafted into his ear. A tune, while calming, carried an unidentifiable, otherwordly vibe.

And then... it stopped, as did the sound of water.

Now, you probably couldn't picture what was going on inside the poor, terrified Frog's mind at that moment, because his head just works differently than most, but the jist of it was that he concluded that whatever was humming the tune got a hold of Caster and was now making its way slowly towards him, with her in its claws, bleeding to death trying to call for him to help her, hence the small, yet firmly resounding footsteps. Still, Frog wouldn't turn to look. He just grasped his head and dug it into his knees, waiting for everything to just end......

"All right, Mister Frog, I'm all done! Now let's go home!"

That was the last straw! Frog, ready to break out of his skin to run away from everything, jumped up on his feet, screaming bloody murder as he ran over to the other side of the hall, trying desperately to grab ahold of the door handle and get inside ASAP!!!

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From rooftop to rooftop, Janus leaped, evading the eyes of passersby below. The trip to the Industrial District wasn't a long one from the Suburbs. It would be going back that would take longer- carrying supplies would be burden even more so. Still he ran, continually losing his breath until they arrived a street away from the scrapyard.
Janus took refuge behind a chimney, catching his breath.
"Noriko... Looks like we made it... But we aren't... in the clear yet," he remarked. He leaned his head back, catching his breath. "We'll grab the stuff- it won't be too much- and get back by street or road. That's where the trouble will be."

He peeked from behind the chimney and saw no signs of hostility.
"Right then, let's go," and he went through the roof entrance down to the back door. Numerous times, he had taken trips here, so he knew some building layouts. "We can get right to the scrapyard from here. It's the workers' break room."

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Externally, the man showed no response to the sight laid before him, but his stomach was writhing. He turned to leave, which had the convenient effect of removing the corpse from his sight. "Come with me. If we're to find them, I must make more preparations." He took quick strides back out of the room and down the stairs. It would be a long walk back to his temporary home.

When he arrived, he headed quickly to bed. He needed to rest and recover after today. He knew the beast wouldn't try to kill him yet - it seemed to have some shred of reason remaining in its body - but sleep was long in coming, and fitful.


The girl materialized next to Janus. "I'll help carry them. That way we can ensure we have sufficient supplies." She looked around at the place. She didn't like stealing from factories and such; often it was the only jobs some of the poorer people in the city could get. However, she had sanctioned it when necessary; their cause was often more important, after all.

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Lily and Vamce

Lily shook her head.

"No, as a being of prana, I get energy from you and the Grail, so I really don't require sleep or food. That said, I can eat and sleep, and doing so helps me conserve energy better."

Lily's lips shifted a bit as she tilted her head to a side. If she had hands, she would have put a finger to her mouth ponderingly.

"I guess the answer is... yes, it's best for us both if I get to sleep and eat, but I can function perfectly fine without either, in a pinch."

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