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The Lord of sorrow went to remove another card from his seemingly bottomless pocket. Every time he pulled out another card it seemed to be empty, yet there would always be another. These Halls... there was so much Magic at play here. What was doing it if it wasn't the Lord of Sorrow? He wasn't controlling the cards as they entered the goblets. What could be? Maybe it was just a latent enchantment of some kind.

Either way he pulled yet another card. "Nadia Darke." Sorrow exclaimed as he held up the next card. "Your fate shall now be decided." Her card, landed in the Cerulean Goblet.

"Vayne, Your fate shall now be decided." Vayne's card landing in the Goblet of Body.

"Neville Frostburn, Your fate shall now be decided." Neville's card fell into the Goblet of Spirit, or the Crimson Goblet.

"Debronee, You Fate shall now be decided." Debronee's card landed in the Goblet of Mind, or the Cyan Goblet.

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More and more of those present were being sorted in the same grand way and as Varicks turn to be sorted came closer he found himself rather nervous. They were going to be mentored(?) by the the Divines! Even Varick, one as oblivious to the supposed charm held by myths and legends as most pieces of furniture, had to be awed by that.

Still, the awe didn't stop Varicks observation of the proceedings. Each person would be sorted into a different goblet for a reason. Going by simple logic, Mind and Knowledge had to have some pre-requisite for intelligence and wisdom, something that the pirate notably boasted he evidently had little of. Varick didn't trust that, he knew what he saw earlier. He did not see the eyes of a simple bawdy ruffian. Varick made note to be extra wary around those within the Mind group.

Then there was Spirit, inhabited by two.. spirited individuals so far. Or so Varick guessed, going by his brief interaction with Neville. Perhaps it was linked to passion and emotion. That was a dangerous trait in itself. A reckless fool is as much a danger to himself as anyone else, The important thing there being "anyone else". The amount of times he had seen a courageous fool almost get his company killed in a fit of bravado was more than he cared to admit but certainly there were a lot of corpses every time. On both sides.

Then there was Body. Was being merely physically fit the key to being selected for that? So far Varick felt he was easily one of the largest participants here. Going merely by that merit and the fact that he was a follower of Tectaniteus, the God of the Earth and Body, it made sense he would fit there as easily as a cutpurse in a crowd. Then again, what in this world really made sense right now?

Varick merely waited patiently, idly observing and noting who went where.

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Vayne nodded silently as his card floated to the Goblet of Body. It made sense. He was definitely limber and fit after surviving in the wilds and serving in the military, and he suspected that he could move his body with a degree of detail that was unmatched by anyone here -- not that he would tell them that. If he was to survive this Clash and win, he would need every trick he had. Still, the Lord of Sorrow had said that they would be mentored by the Divine Knights... Vayne had never really spent much time concerned with the divines, but he had learned of them as a child, as most anyone in Graterras would have. Despite that, he was interested to see what they were like, and how they would "mentor" these warriors. He expected that the Divine Knight who was matched up with the "Body" group would be especially strict. Probably like one of his military superiors, if anything. Regardless, he made his way through the door, unsure of his fate, but determined to come out on top.

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Only Debronee's eyes spoke. He raised a brow at the new revelation of his sorting, as he examined the card landing into the Cyan Goblet. The Goblet of Mind. For once, Debronee opened his curiosity to the other individuals alongside him, each separated and divided into groups much like he was now; the Goblet of Spirit, the Goblet of Body, the Goblet of Knowledge. Debronee had been through enough mystery and vagueness of the place to know that thinking that they were divided according to capability might not be the most accurate presumption. And these mentors -- what purpose would they provide during the Clash of Fates? Debronee only had one mentor in his life, and only him would he adhere to and respect. But perhaps he had no other choice in the matter; perhaps it would prove useful to him, in a way he would only know when every mystery would finally materialize into experience -- whenever it would. It was coming soon.

Beneath the uncertainty of everything, he seemed assured of one thing, though; no one here was to be underestimated, something he'd probably convinced himself multiple times during his short while in the vicinity. He was then guided to his room, a slight vigor coercing his every step.

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"Ayla Ryssel... your fate shall be decided now." Sorrow held up the card with her name written upon it. He flung into into the air like the ones before. Her card landed in the Goblet of Knowledge, the Cerulean Goblet.

"Lady Silef Asterlux, Your fate shall be decided now." Silef's card landed in the goblet of Body, or the Sienna Goblet.

"Varick, Your fate shall now be deicided." Varick's card landed in the Goblet of Spirit, or the Crimson Goblet.

"ANd last, but certainly not least. Zagi Adius, your fate shall now be decided." the final card landed in the Goblet of Mind, or the Cyan Goblet. Each team now had it's three members. It was now time for them to meet their trainers.

All assembled in the staging room Sorrow followed in after the last Participant. ANd as they were all gathered he said this. "Now that the Mentors have been decided, each of you will pass through your respective door. On the other side you shall meet your trainer, the one you will be entrusting your lives to the rest of this Battle. What they choose to do with you, is up to them. Remember, they are truly the Divine Knights. Don't take them lightly, and I highly suggest listening to them. They didn't get to where they are now without knowing somethings. Also... I can't really stop any of them from killing you if you piss them off so don't do that for your own safety. Anyway, I'll be around later after you meet your mentors. So for now, Toodles.~"

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". . . Toodles? What on earth does that mean?" Silef questioned out loud. This Sorrow fellow was rather odd, to say the least. The noblewoman shook her head. "No matter." She turned to speak with the red Victonari, dismissing the man's(?) unusual behavior for now. "It is good to have you at my side, Sir Redtail." I do wonder how we were sorted into teams. Was it based on our capabilities? Some similarities between our unfortunate fates?

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Neville remained seated in his chair as he anxiously taps his fingers on his armchair and waited for the whole ceremony to finish. He seems a little bored after the magic goblet finished sorting out the teams. You can tell by the way was seated in his chair as he watched the other participants went straight for the exit the moment their names was called.

The names who are mention are still unfamiliar to Neville. All he knows is, other than this 'Varick' or 'Gradun' fellow, the other names mentioned are just mere targets for the wizard to incinerate, electrocute, or freeze to death when the time comes. A list of people for the elementalist to cross out.

Asides from that, Neville never did question himself why he ended up in the 'Spirit' department either, not that it bothers him or anything. He is just the type of guy that goes with the flow of things.

I'm sure I was put there for a reason, and in time maybe I will find the answer. but for now let's have some fun. time to find out who is my mystery mentor. Neville can't help but to smile in excitement.

Neville bolted out his chair and has seen enough. The mage rests his staff between his right arm as he walks straight for the doors like the others did.

Edited by Ragnar
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Vayne- The Ochre Dreadfort.

As the young ranger stepped through the door first, it was he who caught the first glimspe of one of the Trainer's Lairs. This particular one, owned by Dust, The Divine Knight of Tectaniteus. He was well known as the Lord of Heros, he who came first and dared to do the deeds that define today's heroes. He would have had to be a daunting presence to meet on his own, let alone knowing you had to learn from him as your mentor. The atmosphere of the place Vayne had just entered didn't help either. It was nearly pitch dark and the walls seemed to that of a natural cave. The only light to be found was from dimly lit candles spread about on various metal stands. Wax dripped onto the floor breaking the otherwise silence. Every once and awhile the pure silence broken by the wet smack of melted wax against the stone floor. There was barely enough light to make out that the tunnel lead to many other rooms, but one in particular was the most interesting. It was the room straight ahead. A giant alter with a Badger Carved into the front battling with a Terranix. The terranix was a great creature in Graterras that nearly all had heard of. It was a Elemental spirit given true form in that of a flightless juggernaut of a bird. Terranix had built in armour. It was some sort of rocky protrusion all over parts of their body. They alos had a unique headcrest that looks like a mountain piercing through the canopy of feathers. However, all this was standard fare. Most knew of the Terranix and what it signified. However the more interesting thing wasn't the alter itself, but that man that sat next to it.

If he stood up, he would be nearly 9 feet tall, He was leagues taller than Vayne and probably most of the other contestants. Luckily, the hulking giant was sitting at the moment, however he was still intimidating even then due to his huge size. The man was clad in armour that appeared to be made from Stone... and not just any stone. It didn't look like soemthing natrual to Graterras... or at least it was so uncommon that most had never seen it. It's surface seemed to reflect light as it was polished to a sheen. One could see sparkles of all kinds of color, as if gems were encrusted into the stone. However, one couldn't see any gemstones. It must have just been the way the Rock was polished.

The Armoured figure stayed sitting at the Alter in front of him. He seemed to be in deep thought or meditation as he wasn't moving and was staying perfectly still. This man... it was clear he was Dust. But, one can never know without asking.

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Helen watched as the amaranth person - or was it Sorrow, now? - gave a grandiose speech about the immense caliber of the apparently legendary heroes who were to be their respective mentors. For a moment, Helen felt a slight twinge of apprehension, beginning to feel a slight burgeoning of respect for the man who seemed on familiar terms with these divine lord knight people things. This respect was quickly put aside when he ended his grand warning with "toodles". So, not even his manner of dress, but his farewells were woefully unfashionable. Helen sighed and shook her head in disdain, before perking up.

"Well, nothing to do, but to do it, right?" She twirled around in slight circles, her shawl-turned-dress billowing around her, giggling, speaking mainly to herself, not paying much - if any - attention to the people who surrounded her, not even registering their faces as she twirled circles in caprice.

"Well then!" She brought her spinning to an abrupt halt, then launched herself at the cerulean door. She threw it open in one motion, then turned around and gave a broad grin at her perspective teammates, before taking a few steps back for a running start, then leaping through the doorway.

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The Library of the Waves.

To which Helen's jump was greeted by immediately smacking into a Bookcase. It lead into a cramped isle barely able to fit a person, so jumping in without looking was probably a terrible Idea. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, the bookcase was so enormous and solid it didn't even budge when Helen collided into it. This preventing it from falling over yes, but that was both a blessing and a curse. As the Momentum from the collision had no where to go but back into Helen, knocking her flat on her ass. ((Remember Kids don't jump through strange doorways you don't have any clue what is on the other side.)). It was evident this strange room was packed to the brim with dusty old tomes and ancient literature. It was quite fitting of the Divine Knight who represented Knowledge. He probably wouldn't have been to happy if all his books suddenly crashed to the ground. Was a little bit of pain better than what this Divine Knight would have had in store for those that put his precious books in danger? Who knows other than he himself.

Nadiasaw the tumble... she was standing right there after all. She sighed heavily to herself. "Great I'm stuck with this fool. I'd rather be dead. I don't have time or the patience to deal with this best get moving." she thought to herself. She walked forwards toward the door not taking any time to avoid walking over Helen. If she stepped on her she really didn't care. It was clear this woman had no clue what she was doing and probably wasn't even worth considering her as a partner if she could be that careless. This was a battle, if you gave more damns about your style and how you did things when opening a door, rather than worrying about what was on the other side of said door... you were as good as dead. What if an Assassin had been waiting there? What if there was nothing but a sheer cliff face? They knew this place was magic and didn't share the rules of reality quite like Graterras. It wasn't a stretch to say nearly anything could have been on the other side of that door. She had cleared the woman now and knew this was true. This room wasn't part of the Keep they had first entered. It was part of a different Castle or some sort of Fort. She knew this because the hall they were in clearly spanned passed where the other doors would have let out if they all went to the same place. Wherever this was, it wasn't the Hall of Sorrows that was for sure. She drew her sword. This place... it was rather unnerving. A dubious aura seemed to hang in the air along with all the dust. It smelled old, like parchment paper that had been sitting around for thousands of years. Due to the amount of tomes and books lying around it assaulted the nose and it was the only smell that you nose could even register. Whether or not it was a pleasant one or not depended on the person. It wasn't for Nadia. It reminded her of her father and his research laboratory. Even though there was dead corpses and experiments everywhere... the room still eerily smelled of nothing else but old musty tomes. She hated it, she hated the very smell as it brought back horrible memories. She could feel Acid welling in her stomach, and not the everyday variety. It was Dragon's Acid. Her very body wanted to destroy this place and the vile memories it was giving to her. But, she doubted the one that was to mentor them would like his belongings destroyed. As Nadia had the blood of Black dragons within her, she could breath acid as a weapon, a rather potent and deadly ability. However, it was also the mark of what her father had done to her. He infused her with that blood as a means to try and obtain immortality for himself. It was nearly too late when her brother and Uncle discovered his vile plans and saved Nadia from him. However, she was still stuck with it even now. Not even death could see escape the Curse of her Dragon's Blood. All this feelings almost made her go berserk again. But she barely managed to hold onto it. She kept the vitriolic acid from destroying the room around her. It festered in her gut, making her not only feel metaphorical sick to her stomach, but nearly actually sick. SHe purged that which remained, vile leftovers from the swell of an attack. It was the curse of Black Dragons. Their Acid Collected in their stomach before the use of their Breath weapon. They would vomit it forth at foes like projectiles to horribly injure them and ruin their gear and weaponry, of humans and beasts. However it had to be used right away as if they kept it primed to long the acid would sink back into their glands leaving a bezoar of unactivated compounds in their stomach. The only way to rid of it was to purge it from the system before it got lodged in which it could do serious damage. Most black dragons and those that were descendants quickly learned to vomit it up before that happened. *Splat* the noise of the bezoar hitting the stone floor. It echoed through the room it's sickening tone. "I have to keep my cool..." Nadia thought to herself.

The floor started to sizzle ever so slightly at the partially activated compounds, as it burned ever so slightly into the rock. However it quickly finished. It was a waste of Firing Components for her breath weapon but it was much faster to recreate those then the acid itself. In fact it only took a matter of seconds, and could easily be done right when she primed her next attack. Hopefully she would actually have need to use it this time, and it not be a result of her emotional state. The rest of this room was a maze of books, or at least it felt like it. Nadia began to search for some sort of landmark... anything to help her find her way. She had to meet her "mentor." however... knowing what she did of Headmaster Ignacio... he was much like her father. The ends justify the means, when it comes to knowledge and research. He would probably easily experiment on his daughter just like the now late Enchanter Darke. She would met yet another man known for a laundry list of Dark Magic and terrible crimes. Perhaps she would end up destroying him as well.

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Helen rubbed her nose in discomfort.


She had managed to collide facefirst into a bookcase, and it seemed that someone had... stepped on her? Well this was getting off to an interesting start.

She kicked herself off the floor in a graceful backflip, landing soundly on her feet, allowing her to gaze around. Shelves upon shelves of books greeted her, their tenants of varying age and color.

Erva would have loved this place. She always did like books more than people...

Helen shook her head vigorously from side to side, chasing away the specter of her past life. She firmly clapped her cheeks between her palms twice, then started exploring the great library. It looked slightly different from the Hall of Sorrow that she had been in until now. The smell of age and dust assailed her nostrils. unwrapping the top half of her shawl-dress and using it as a scarf, she advanced, looking forward to meet the man who was to be her mentor. The Headmaster Ignacio, huh. Helen wasn't all too familiar with the myths and legends of Graterras - her very fast-paced childhood left little time for that. What she did know, she had learned from Erva - ever the scholar - as they were traveling.

"Well, I'm sure he'll be an interesting person."

Once again, Helen spoke to no one in particular, letting her words settle like the dust atop the old tomes. From what she did know of the man, he was insane. Smart, but insane. Unpredictable, too. Surely a man to keep up one's guard around, not an individual to be taken lightly. Most certainly an entity which should be feared and respected.

Helen hoped he had tea. She was dying for a cup of good tea.

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Vayne stood in place, watching the man (if you could call him a man) as he appeared to be meditating. He was guessing that this would be his "mentor," though he didn't say anything. Being a man a few words and much meditation himself, he knew how bothersome it could be to be interrupted. But perhaps the man was merely waiting for Vayne to speak? Of course, he almost definitely knew that Vayne was here. It would only be natural for someone of this man's supposed power to be able to detect another's presence, especially during meditation. Knowing that, Vayne simply waited. Perhaps it would take a while for this man's meditation to end, perhaps years judging by the appearance of the man. But Vayne would wait. He figured that at the very least, one of his teammates would interrupt before they waited that long. Probably the noble lady. Yeah, definitely her. He doubted she was the sort with much patience.

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'Cyan, the Goblet of Mind huh.' Zagi thought to himself as he watched his card land in the light blue water. 'I thought for sure it'd be knowledge but I guess mind is not too far off.' Seeing no point in prolonging this any further, he headed for the corresponding door for his team. As he entered Zagi wondered if the stories about the Divine Knights were true and if he'll be able to get along with his new team mates seeing they'll be watching his back for the time being. He'd soon find out anyways since he'll meet everyone right on the other side of this door.

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The Ochre Dreadfort

Vayne was correct in assuming the Divine Knight that sat in front of him was entirely aware of his presence. Dust had trained his senses far beyond that of a regular human that they were much sharper than most others. However, Dust didn't have much intention of talking unless he had to. Words were meaningless. As a true Warrior, Dust understood this. The soul didn't need words to be understood. He knew everything he needed to just by touching the world. Sadly, most humans didn't understand quite like he did. They didn't have the clarity he did. They didn't know the stillness of Mind body and the world. The secret to making the Mind part of the Body and the Body part of the world. He sat in silence with the man staring at him. It was clear he understood that DUst didn't really want to be bothered. Though Dust figured one of the "warriors" he would be given would be brazen enough to rouse him from his Meditation. For now he didn't care though He sat still his Mind and Body pondering with the World.

The Ivory Tower

Zagi saw what was a Staircase of pure white on his left. He stood at what was clearly the top of a great tower. He could see out the windows into a clear blue sky. It was obvious that he wasn't in the same place he just was. This Tower was an entirely different building from the Halls of Sorrow. Looking around the room was entirely stark white like the cards before they touched the water. It was bright inside as well due to the natural lighting for the sun. It reflected off the highly polished surfaces of the wall making it even brighter. It was a brilliant light that felt almost like it pierced the very soul. And in the middle of that Bright White Room stood a Warrior Clad in Silver armour. They stared right into Zagi's Soul. Directly into it. They stared with a great intensity. The form was clearly that of a woman clad in full plate. It was clear this that this Divine Knight was Snow Ashford, the Lady of Winter. The embodiment of Winter stood before him. Beautiful and graceful, yet Cold and Ruthless all at the same time.

"And who the hell are you? Are you the trash they are giving me for a student? You won't even last an hour. Hell... not even 4 seconds." She spat vehemently at Zagi. "And don't act surprised. I know you're no true warrior just by looking at you. But, I may just have to test you in battle to truly find out if you have any skills at all. I doubt it though."

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"Hmm." Silef, seeing all of the others walking through the various doorways, did the same. There would be time to discuss the teams later. For now, it seemed the best plan was to proceed. She slowed her normally brisk pace a fair bit once she passed through, taking in the mood. The area made her feel almost uneasy; she had always had an aversion to darkness, and she resisted the urge to create a light herself. She stopped entirely in her tracks once she reached the room in which the Divine Knight sat.

The noblewoman might not have been particularly well-versed in legends and lore, but this was one tale she was familiar with. That scintillating armor was unmistakeable. She gave the seated giant a deep, respectful (for her, anyway) bow, suitable for a lord to their king, her armor breaking the silence with a faint clinking. She remained in the position for a few moments without moving, then straightened when Dust did nothing. She assumed the Lord of Heroes was waiting for the others to enter the room. However, it might have been evident that the wait irked her. Given enough time. she would break the silence, but for now she held her tongue out of respect.

(I assume that he won't respond, lmk if something needs to be changed.)

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The Ochre Dreadfort.

"Hmmm, the second now enters my chambers. This seems impatient. I can feel it through the earth. Silly mortals. Though I admit if one had a life as short as them there wouldn't be much time to waste. Being one once I know that better than an other. But Impatience is not the path of a true warrior. For a true warrior knows that everything comes at it's own pace, not the their pace. Rushing only leads to disaster." The Knight pondered to himself. He did continue to sit in his silence. He sat in the stillness of the World, his mind and body all the while pondering with it.

Ress'nok now entered the room alongside the others. He had never really been underground much. But this place felt like it was subterranean. It at least had very little light which gave it that illusion. The Victonari like Lady Silef before him bowed deeply and with complete respect for the Giant Knight seated before them. Ress'nok knew a true warrior when he laid eyes on one. This Warrior was most definitely one of great power, one could feel it just standing near him. Ress'nok also did not wish to disturb the Man's Meditation. He had no idea of who he was. All he knew was he deserved great respect. It was just an instinct, and not something Ress'nok could have explained to another, but he felt it. He felt that he was to respect this Stone Giant.

"Hmmm, and the third enters. This one... he is the Warrior I could hope for. I wonder how he died and ended up here. He seems that he was ever so close to being a true warrior like myself. Perhaps fate didn't want to allow it? Either way... they have all arrived. One by One. It's time." Dust thought to himself. He jumped up quickly and suddenly. Dust was much faster than one would expect of a man clad in solid stone.

"I thank thee for not disturbing my Meditation. My Body was pondering with the world. It was a rather interesting topic as well. Anyway, I am sure you all know who I am. But for those that may not, I am the Lord of Heros, I am Dust." One could almost imagine the smile on his face... though it definitely couldn't be seen through his enormous stone helm.

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Just by listening to those few sentences thrown at him by the woman he knew today was going to be a long day. He sighed, fearing if he says something wrong she'd continue to tell him how bad he is or maybe gain a few sword scars. "Well, the name of the man you're speaking down to is Zagi Adius. Also, what is your definition of a true warrior? Since apparently I'm not, I'll just force myself to become one." He said to the woman in the shining silver armor. How could someone stand being in such a place. The amount of sun glare reflecting off the white building is blinding at first. Though one could get used to it, it' a pain to deal with at first.

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The Ivory Tower

"I have no need of the name of a dead man." she snarled. She always got weak spirited fools. Always. Though Zagi shoudn't worry himself on his skills. Snow Ashford was a little more than unreasonable. I her life it was life or death there was no room for error and it is why she demanded the epitome of perfection from those she trained. Because she was forced to be her entire life. If she slipped even once it would have ended. The thing he had to worry about was Snow decided he was worthless and killing him herself. She had done it once before in the Clash, and another time killed her entire team. They weren't cut out for battle so she ended their lives out of mercy. She wasn't a murderer after all. She only demanded the absolute best out of anyone she was stuck with, and if they didn't cut it rather than watch them lose she removed them herself. Such was the way of Queen Ashford, the Lady of Winter. She had no time for weaklings, and even less time for mortal weaklings. In the snow covered lands of Aurora, the weak had no place. Only the strong could survive, the rest would be swallowed by the cold blizzards or be eaten by the wilds. Such was the ways of the Woman who united all of Aurora's Clans and created the Huskarls of Winter as her elite honor guard. They recognized strength and only that. For it was the only thing that let one survive the cold harsh winter. Being the Winter's embodiment, it was only fitting she knew exactly what it took. "Speak with your blade, not your mouth. I have no need for your words." she drew two wicked looking longblades. Ice seemed to crackle on their surface. "Speak to me with steel, not with words. For that is the true measurement of a Warrior's worth."

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She tried to hide a slight jump when Dust stood up. His speed surprised her. "Well met, Lord of Heroes. If you do not mind, I will get right to this: what is our first order of business in this Clash of Fates?" Her tone of voice betrayed none of her startlement. Pondering with the world? If he were any other, I would question the statement. . .

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I thought this would be a good place to insert some music. :)

Seems there was no avoiding it, and here he thought he might be able to trust them enough to watch his back. He unsheathed his bastard sword from his back, releasing a few sparks as he did so. He pointed his blade and the woman, there were noticeable scorch marks on the blade. "So be it, if you really want to clash blades with me I will not hold back." Zagi stated before his sword's blade erupted into a red flame. ((Blazing Fury Skill)) He then took his side and slowly approaching the Lady of Winter. In all honesty he believes that he'll died before the true clash even begins. Fighting a Divine Knight one-on-one is basically a death wish. But since it seems she won't let him leave without one might as well go with a blade in his hands rather than being a coward and running away. "Let the dance begin!" He spoke up before dashing towards her throwing a quick slash to begin this fight.

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The Ivory Tower

With blinding speed Snow not only dropped her one of her longswords back into its sheathe, but also caught Zagi's sword between her index finger and her middle finger. It was nearly in an instant and happened almost to fast for the eye to even see. The worst of it though, was she actually stopped the blade with her two fingers. She firmly held the flaming bastard sword between her two fingers. Staring directly at its wielder. "I don't dance fool. You'll realize that soon enough. I wonder how many times I can kill you. This would be one, and as I said... you wouldn't even last more than 4 seconds." She was mocking him, it was evident in her tone. But, she was correct, the way she had grabbed the blade Zagi had no way to defend himself. Especially due to her grip on it. His chest wide open to the other blade she was holding. She left go in one swift motion flipping back to the other side of the room. "So... Kid. Stop your dancing and fight. Unless you want a little less weight on those shoulders of yours. I'd be happy to oblige."

She stood on the other side of the room, just staring him down waiting for his next move.

The Ochre Dreadfort.

"Our first order of business is... is for you to fight me. All three of you at once. I'm ready there is no need to worry. Hmmm, this room seems a bit small lets fix that shall we?" Dust retrieved his Mighty hammer from the side wall, it was made entirely of stone so it would have been easy to miss if one wasn't looking. However, now it was hard to understand how. It was nearly as large as he was. It looked beyond the capability of human power to lift it... and yet here he stood holding it as if it were nothing.

"Stone Shape. Be as clay in my hands." He said as he then slammed his hammer into the ground. Suddenly the entire room began to rumble and shake dust dislodged from the ceiling along with tiny pebbles. But... the room was widening. The ceiling was getting higher and further away and the walls were stretching out. The Alter that had been there sunk into the ground leaving an empty space where it was right behind Dust. He also created a few pillars of stone along the two sides of the room. Suddenly a room that barely fit the three of them could hold an entire legion of soldiers, though it be packed to the brim. "Hmmm, this should do nicely. Shall we begin? I'll let you have the first go. Hit me as hard as you can otherwise it will just be sunk by my armour."

He stood back a distance. Giving the heros room to deliberate without him being able to hear out of respect and fairness. "I'm ready to begin whenever you are. It'll be you who begins the test by seizing the intuitive."

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"Seems she intends to mock me before she finishes me off, at least this'll make things last a little longer." Zagi said to himself in a soft enough tone so Snow wouldn't be able to hear him. he brought his sword into a one-handed stance. "It seems my usual tactics won't work, so maybe it's time for a change of pace." With that Zagi created a small fire ball in his left had using his rudimentary knowledge of arcane magic. He looked at the palm of his left hand for a brief moment before remembering the mark hidden under the glove. "No, now is not the time to be worrying about that. Besides, it's been sealed so I shouldn't have to worry." He said reassuring himself that another incident won't happen again. With the ball of fire in his hands he launched the small projectile at the armored woman across the room, then began charging another one in his left hand as he made another approach. This time behind his small fire ball, and making another ready as he grew closer and closer.

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Silef studied her opponent. Surely, Dust didn't intend for this to be a full-on duel; it was already evident that his power far surpassed theirs. She sensed, however, that she should probably treat this as such. Very well. She had faced impossible odds before, and she would do it again now, it seemed. Hopefully it doesn't end the same way. She drew her blade into a middle guard, angled defensively for a moment. "Sir Ress'nok. You, hunter. What can you do?"

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Matthew simply slid quietly into the Ivory Tower, finding a nice place to seat himself. Resting his face on his right hand - Which, in turn, was nestled atop his right knee - the pirate watched the fight calmly, clearly paying more attention to the woman than to the man. A mentor? Well she'd have to prove herself worthy of that title first, for sure, and fighting a buffoon was hardly proof enough.

With luck, though, others would soon join in, and at the very least... Make this entertaining.

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The Ivory Tower

"So, we fight at a range now that we know we are outmatched in hand to hand?" Snow said as the fire ball traveled towards her. She didn't dodge however. In fact, she did the opposite of what most would do. She walked towards the fireball. "You think the Fire can cover you approach? Your smarter than you look, but that won't work against me." she stopped the fire ball about to collide, when the room began to slightly vibrate. It emanated from her armour as a soft tone could be heard coming from her throat. Her voice turned into something very different than just a voice. It became the thunder itself. She then shouted with a loud crack of Thunder. "Donnerstimme!" The crack was real thunder as if it had come from the aftershock of a bolt of lightning. A great shockwave came from her helm as it vibrated the air. It sent the flame flying towards Matthew the man she saw enter. He might have thought she hadn't witnessed it. However there was only one entrance to this room and Snow had been looking at it this entire time. One would have to be able to turn fully invisible for her to not notice. This was her battlefield and she was the Queen of Blades and Winter upon it. She dictated what happened on it. No man could think to enter her arena and sit calmly inside her field of war. She aimied it right at the center of his chest. It was the biggest surface area and it was hard to go from a sitting postion to dodging. That's what one deserved for thinking he could enter her domain and sit calmly as if he was no part of it. The shockwave traveled quickly for Zagi, giving him very few options. Most were to drop his attack and retreat out of the way. The Blast wouldn't kill him, but it would send him flying into the back wall. That might break a few bones due to the sheer force. And it was evident the attack was powerful as it sent his fireball on a new course headed straight for the man who had just entered.

"Don't think I didn't see you. I am aware of everything on my battlefield. I am it's queen. No man gets to sit on his worthless arse while I am around." she said clearly addressing Matthew.

The Crimson Keep.

Neville was greeted with a room that looked rather similar to those within the Halls of Sorrow. The biggest difference was that everything in this room was monotone Crimson. Literally everything. It was a very strange sight as everything blended into everything else. Everything was a solid Crimson and it gave way to no other colours. The only exception was a large Stained Glass window that stood up above him in an alcove. It depicted a scene of a Knight chaining a giant Black Dragon into a giant coffin. The Beast had the features of a demon as well. It clearly depicted the events of something that happened long ago, but how long Neville or really anyone seeing the window would know. Beneath this eye-catching Window and up the small flight of stairs was a large dais that over looked a balcony. The drop was at least a sheer 50 foot drop down into nothing but a Crimson coloured abyss. It's purpose... unknown. But at it's head directly underneath the Stained glass window stood a lone table. And at this table, a Lone Figure. He was clad in armour that was the exact colour of his surroundings. It looked as if his armour were he skin of a chameleon that had began to blend into it's surroundings. He almost seemed ethereal... as if he wasn't from this world. Something felt odd just looking upon him. But, it was jsut an effect of the colourings of the room and his armour. He seemed to be fiddling with something. On the Table in front of him sat a chess board. He was so engrossed in whatever his task was, that he didn't even notice Neville enter.

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