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"Sir Ress'nok. You, hunter. What can you do?"

"...My name is Vayne." The reply was blunt and carried little emotion. He reached across his body, resting a hand on the sword that hung at his left side. It was an undecorated blade of a simple appearance, but it was efficient, and that was what Vayne cared about. This was a sword that never failed its intended purpose.

He left the longbow on his back. It was slightly more embellished than his sword, its fine dark wood having intricate swirled carvings at the ends. This was because he had made it himself, back home in the forests, when he had much time on his hands. Being his own work, he was sure of its stability and reliability despite the adornments. This was not some nobleman's decorative bow. He turned to Silef.

"I am capable of both close and long-range combat, thanks to my training in both the longbow and the sword. As an archer... I can assure you, I don't miss." He motioned towards Dust. "However, I doubt my arrows will have much affect against his armor." He drew the sword from his left side, holding it in front of him.

"Despite that... most of my real talents lie elsewhere..." He leveled the sword in front of him, clearly comfortable with its weight and length. This was the weapon with which he had become known and feared as the "Phantom of the Forest." Although... he would not tell these people that. Despite the fact that they were supposedly allies, he did not yet trust this system, and wanted to keep some secrets for himself, at least until he knew more.

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Matthew frowned. In a swift motion, the man withdraws his rapier. While making no intentions to dodge the attack, he quickly thrusts his sword towards the center of the flames, piercing through the sphere and twisting his hand at it's center. The motion destabilizes the fireball, making it turn from a concrete blast of fire into a spray of flames. Matthew reaches with his other arm to prevent the flames from hitting his face, and they instead sear the thick leather coat he wears, charring his shirt and sleeves. Under parts of the shirt, one could see red marks as blood and lighter burns appear, but Matthew doesn't show any outward signs of pain.

"I was perfectly content with just watching." With a nonchalant sigh, the man stands up and stares down the armored lady. "If you've any desire to fight, then I will fight you one-on-one. Whether I lose or die is irrelevant. All I care about is whether or not you're good enough to make me win."

Now fully standing, the man clenches his sword in his right hand, this time clearly fully on guard.

"But I do wonder what's your strategy coming here. Are you simply so arrogant that you'd immediately believe five heroes are not enough to take you down? I can't imagine the paragon of the mind to be so dense, so I must imagine you're trying to either break us by asserting dominance, or this is a test. Until I'm sure which it is - Idiot, arrogant, cunning or neither - I'd rather have sat this one out."

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Zagi knew continuing forward would be asking for trouble seeing as there would be a powerful shock wave coming towards him, strong enough to reflect his own fireball. He turned around now running back far enough away to make sure the wave wouldn't hit him. But when he noticed where the fireball was reflecting to, it was to one of his team mates who was just watching this entire thing go down. Seeing him take the blast and not even caring about burns or pain surprised him a bit but he kept focus on the enemy, though he thought she was supposed to help them.

"So, are you just going to stand there talking or are we going to work together on this?" Zagi asked Matthew still having another fireball ready in his hands. The man seemed to just ignore his existence entirely, not even saying a word to him. Even though they were supposedly on the same team, he didn't even give him the time of day.

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The Ivory Tower.

Snow sighed. Another puffed up arrogant child. Though she realized something rather quickly. It was clear to her that he was trying to provoke some sort of emotional outburst from he probably to get her to do something sloppy or give off some vital clue. Unfortunately for Matthew Snow was a seasoned fighter and not one to easily fall for such tricks. After all, she knew herself better than anyone. No dense fool could have done the things she did. If this one thought in their current state even with all of the members from the Clash of Fates, that they would defeat here... they had another thing coming. She laughed at the man. laughed at his attempt. It was amusing. Mortals were entirely silly. While she didn't often agree with the Lord of Heros, she did agree with Dust on one thing. Words were meaningless to a true warrior.

"This is still a battle, treat it like one!" She shouted. Her murderous intent definitely was showing. She really did mean to kill these gentleman if they couldn't give her any reasons to trust they could survive or were even worth her time. Her two longblade's frost now quickly began to build. That ice... it wasn't for show. It was just a hint that there was something more to these swords then originally met the eye. They seeped with ice in nearly a second. And in the next each of the men found a frozen pierce of air flying directly towards them. Her longblades were so cold that they froze they air she slashed. It sent a rippling chuck of ice in the shape of a crescent rocketing towards both of the men. It speed something of legends as it moved like a blur cutting through the very air as it went.

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Using the fireball ready in his hand he launched it at the Ice crescent, colliding with it before shattering it in a burst of flame and ice. He can't take his eyes off her for a moment or the next time it'll be worse. If only he could get close enough to land a strike, then this would be a whole lot easier. Hoping the other man was able to fend off his attack he spoke, "If we have any chance of succeeding, we need to work together." Zagi began charging another fire ball as he slowly made his way forward. "You head left, I'll go right, we'll come at her from both sides." With that he circled his way to the right of Snow then came in with another dash strike, hoping his team mate would do the same.

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Matthew side-stepped the blade as it came towards him, hearing the ice crash against the tower's walls behind them.

He turns to face the swordsman. "If you want to be useful, begin by controlling your magic so that it stops being redirected."

At the ludicrous suggestion of a pincer attack, Matthew visibly scoffs in an unnatural display of emotion; "Don't be stupid; She has two weapons, and clearly better dexterity. A pincer attack won't work. Not to mention odds are she'd redirect your fireball into me, which would be more than enough to distract me, and then impale you with her swords." Upon being ignored, Matthew simply stands and stares at him while the foolhardy man executes his plan, completely disregarding what he said.

"Well, then." Matthew stands still, watching the two clash. He'd wait patiently, his position neutral. As soon as it seemed like the woman was preparing to reflect the spellsword's attack, the pirate would swiftly pull out a concealed pistol from his inner coat pocket, shooting it towards the woman. The gun malfunctions; It shoots, but it explodes and splinters in Matthew's hand making a loud "bang!" noise, becoming useless.

Typical, Matthew figures. Damn things never were trustworthy; But this could be good. A bullet, a loud sound, an attack; Even an experienced warrior would have issues managing all this sensory information at once. It's very unlikely they'd be able to hurt her, but this might definitely improve their chances of landing a hit.

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"Woah!" a simple word comes out from Neville's lips as he gazed upon the stained glass from the moment he stepped foot inside the Crimson Keep. It seems Neville can't keep his eyes off the glossy glass art as he continues to look up, eyes set on it and doesn't seem to care where he is going while walking through the blood-colored halls. Neville seems like a kid in awe as he imagined himself being like the portrayed knight in the glass.

Neville walks towards the heroic portrait and has his eyes was set on center. from there, he squint his eyes and spotted a busy crimson-colored armored man beneath it, sitting on a throne while what seems to be playing a game of chess all by himself.

"Ah, the game of chess, a game of wits where every decision you make has consequences, where the kings sacrifice his whole kingdom for the sake of his own safety..." Neville said to the armored man while approaching the table.

"So what seems to be the problem?what exactly are we looking at here? maybe i can help." Neville asked the man as he crouches, levelling his head on the chess board. Eyeing the chess pieces with his wondering eyes, trying to figure out what's this guys fiddling about in this board.

Edited by Ragnar
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The Ivory Tower

"They have no coordination, they are only getting in each others way. I can't say I expected much better from those that just met. But, this shall be fun. That other man definitely knows what he is doing. Sadly, if it were any opponent but me they'd be fine. But they are fighting me, so they won't be." Snow thought to herself. She waited until both the bullet and Zagi were within range. At the last right when both entered range... she unleashed another attack. She spun quickly, her swords slicing the air like before and flash freezing it. A giant circular blade of ice came out from the center of her body and around the room. It sliced the bullet in half and struck Zagi directly across his chest opening a wicked gash all the way across. It wasn't deep but it stung like crazy from the super cold ice.

"Good try... but not good enough." she said standing right where she had been. she laughed a hearty laugh. "This is actually entertaining. Maybe, I won't kill you after all. Or maybe I will... who knows."

The Crimson Keep.

"Oh, hello. Nothing much I am just trying to fix the enchantments I placed on this board. I could set it to play the other side for me. The Knight Pieces seem to have lost theirs though and aren't working properly." It was clear he was holding a knight in his hand now. He was tapping it and using all sorts of strange looking tools on it. What they these tools were was beyond Neville, they didn't look like anything he had ever seen. "So you are the first from the Clash, yes? Are the others arriving soon? I'm only working on this while I wait."

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Matthew quickly moves out of the way, this time having ample time before the blade reaches him. He shouts across the room "If you want to win thi- No. If you want to survive this, you'd best listen to me! Get over here!" he peers at Snow for a moment.

"I highly doubt you'll mind if we're non-secretive about our tactics, do you? After all, you've the full confidence that, no matter what I can cook up, you'll defeat us, no?"

Matthew stays in his neutral stance, waiting to see if the swordsman will listen to him and approach.

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The Ivory Tower

"Yes, but this is a battle, you get no breaks!!!" She shouted. "If you want to formulate do it while death is knocking on your door!!!" With that she leapt forward crossing her twin blades over her chest as she headed directly for Matthew. She sent an "X" of ice flying directly for him while following off to the side. She angled the attack that either he could destroy it or dodge it, but not dodge her. He had to choose... fall into the range of her swords by not taking the attack, or taking it head on and be able to get away from her. It was clear... this woman was no joke on the battlefield.

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"Sorry to hear that. Typical knights, they are not that reliable these days. now if it was a wizard it would be a different story." Neville released a playful smile as he sprung up by the use of his staff and momentarily observes the man at work with this strange tools, before speaking again.

"as for your question, it seems i'm the first one to arrive here, The names Neville, Neville Frostburn. and i believe you're my mentor? yes?" Neville said to the calm crimson man. "You must really love chess seeing you putting so much effort in your pieces" Nevile walks back and forth as he observes the seated man.

"so what's the problem with that knight by the way? it looks fine to me." Neville asked.

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After receiving that gash on his chest Zagi fells to his knees. He could tell it wasn't that deep but it stung, just like his brothers ice attacks. After getting back on his feet, fireball charged in his left hand, and a burning blade in his right he listened to what Matthew had to say. Quickly getting used to the sting of the ice since. But before he could move or even respond Snow to the initiative and began her assault. As she fired the ice X at his teammate it seemed like the perfect time for him to help. With the pre-made ball of fire in his hand he launched it at the ice X, bursting it like he did with the ice crescent a few moments ago.

"You know, just because I was hit doesn't mean I'm out yet." He spoke up confidently as the ice X was no more. This now gave Matthew only Snow to deal with and not two things at once.

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"Well, if you claim to be such a marksman, prove it and find a spot to put an arrow, as long as it isn't my backside, commoner. I'll force the giant to leave an opening somewhere." With that, Silef took off running forward and to the right, putting distance between herself and her comrades while closing on Dust. She mantled herself in flame, and angled her free hand at Dust as she collected magical energy in her palm. Her intentions were fairly obvious; very quickly a roiling fireball was visible in front of it.

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Debronee had only watched the two men clash with Snow from a distance. He wasn't waiting; he was observing. Knowing was half the battle. He hadn't expected this to lay on a team effort; he had anticipated more of something of a fight to the death or a free for all, but perhaps he'd though so too soon. Debronee found it surprising that he was left alone, but not until the two men's squabbles over cooperation aroused him from his thoughts. Debronee felt slightly repulsed at the pirate's commanding tone; who was he dictate how things went, especially when he had yet to explain a proper plan, and expose it out in the open, in front of the enemy, no less? Despite what he saw to be a foolish, rash move, Debronee seemed to acknowledge him as a quick thinker rather than an analytical one, an aspect that would perhaps prove to be more useful in this battle. And while all three seemed to understand that they needed to work together, none had yet to put it into practise. This was part of why Debronee hated group activity.

The two men, akin to him, were users of blades, but one, Zagi, had a touch of magic in his abilities as well. More important, their adversary, the armor-clad female who was know controlling blades of ice in her assault against the two, was evidently an opponent Debronee had slim chances, if not no chance at all, of beating alone. As far as he hated to admit it and as far as he was better off alone, especially due to the conflict that would happen between teamwork, Debronee knew that the wisest move, the wisest act one could do now is to trust and cooperate with the others instead of acting on their own. Whoever was willing to give up their ego and trust in the other first would earn back even the slightest advantage in a team fight, he recalled Donovac's words.

Debronee lunged beside the pirate, replying with a noncommittal nod. This better be worth me trusting you, whatever the heck you're up to, he thought, as he wondered if the look in his eyes gave away the message. Debronee had yet to reveal any of his skills; how this man, Matthew would concoct a plan amidst such vague circumstances, Debronee spared a moment of curiosity amidst the tense atmosphere. Withdrawing his blade, he would strike given the opportunity at a moment's notice.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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As the attack comes towards him, Matthew's eyes close. They reopen but a second later, and seem to almost shine with an eerie light; His features relax and almost instantly tense up again, yet the man's breathing stays even. (( One with the Sea - ON ))

He immediately lunges past the elf, sword in hand, muttering "left flank" as he does so; Matthew moves towards the offensive, quickly smashing one of the swords away with the hilt of his blade and locking with the other. He angles his sword immediately so the tip of the sword would be pointing the woman's eyes, and smashes the bottom of it as he yells; "FIREBALL!"

With this, the woman would hear the faintest sound of glass shattering as the sword flew in her direction. Not a second later, a spurt of a clear green liquid would shoot from the tip of the sword towards her eyes (( Viper's Kiss - Spent )) and Matthew would immediately change the angle on his blade, aiming to hit downwards in the opening between her neck and her torso.

Assuming the other two followed up as instructed, she'd have to be superhuman to leave this unscatched.

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The Ivory Tower

Unfortunately for Matthew, he could now see something about Snow he didn't before. She was just like the Lord of Sorrow, a suit of armour that had no body within it. The Green liquid did nothing besides hit the inside of her helmet. It was a move that would have no effect on the warrior he just attacked.

Furthermore, she didn't even dodge the blade as Matthew angled towards her, instead focusing her other blade at the same area he trust his towards her. But she was faster, blindingly fast in fact. Hitting him right in the shoulder. She took a nick herself, but nothing poured out of the wound other than cold air. And finally, she once again shouted, using that shockwave she did before, but not to attack this time, she used it to launch herself towards the ceiling. She was in the air now, but as the Paragon of Wind, being in the air was like being on the ground for her. It was just as much her domain as the ground was. She stood mid-air as if she was walking on it. "Nice try, but... one should know their opponent. If it was anyone but me... they might have died there or at least took a beating. I respect that. But know that if I wanted to... you would have died right there Matthew."

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After seeing what happened to Matthew he had to go over to him quickly. Well even if he wasn't hit he'd still have to come quickly since he was told to not to long ago. He made his way over to Matthew charging and then throwing another fire ball along the way hoping it would deter her away. Plus it was the only way he could hit her seeing as she was floating in the air. He get to Matthew's side, stands in front of him facing Snow with his sword clenched in both hands and asks "Are you ok? Can you still handle a sword?"

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In Matthew's enhanced state, all sensation was magnified. Matthew's senses sharpened, and he angled his right arm so that the sword would have to go through it before it hit his shoulder. By hitting the side of the blade with his elbow, Matthew managed to angle it out of the way so that it wouldn't severely damage his arm, however, the weapon slid through leaving him with a large open gash in his right hand, from elbow to shoulder. The magnified sensitivity of his skin displayed in the unnatural howl the man released as he was struck, the steel so cold against his skin it felt like a furnace.

((One with the ocean - OFF))

He forcibly recoils from the blow as the swordsman reaches his side.

"Don't worry about me until I'm dead. Again."

He changes hands, seemingly undeterred by using his left hand to wield his blade.

"...But I'm certainly not going to be able to fight her in melee for now."

He stares Snow down.

"You're a animus, then? Armor enchanted with a soul. I see."

They couldn't win. Against an opponent like that, they'd need some way to stop her, even for a second, and separate the pieces of the armor. There was only one other alternative, and that was to entertain her long enough; Probably until whoever remained of their team was there.

And he couldn't afford to faint due to blood-loss before that.

"...Spellsword, cauterize my wound."

There was the slightest quiver of fear in Matthew's voice, yet it's commanding tone remained.

"Do so now, and without hesitation. I doubt she'll wait."

He turned to Debronee and continued. "You have to keep her off of us until that's done."

Lastly, he turned back to Snow. "What happens if we die here?"

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The Ivory Tower.

"You are cast back into the darkness until you are plucked out by one of the Judges of Death. You didn't meet them before because this place intercepted your soul. You die for real, and where you go... is up to the judges." Snow said, an errant coldness in her voice. It was one of the first times she showed no emotion. Clearly, she wasn't thrilled about what she had revealed. Some thing about death made her ever so uneasy. But, she quickly was over it, a warrior wasn't fazed by much; Even if she was, it wouldn't last long. She cut the Fireball Zagi had thrown at her in twain both gouts of flame going to either side of her head. Where it hit the ice had melted on her blade, but it quickly reformed in a second. It was unnatural frost, and wither it was an ability of the swords, or one of Snow's... was unknown to heros currently fighting her.

She didn't move for now, she respected Matthew's decision. Not many were want to sear their flesh back together to keep he blood from flowing free. She respected that for it reminded her of herself, back in her human life. She pushed the thought aside though, and she released the pocket of air she was standing on. She came crashing down to the floor, but perfectly remained on her feet. She held both her frozen blades at the ready, waiting for the newcomer to make a move.

The Ochre Dreadfort

Ress'nok quietly nodded. He wasn't sure he agreed with what Lady Silef was doing at the moment. They had no idea what Dust was capable of. The only thing they knew was his ability to shape Stone, which in and of itself was dangerous in this room. It was entirely made of a substance he could control, and manipulate to his heart's content. It was a real losing situation and they were at a sheer disadvantage even if they had the numbers. He didn't know this Giant Titan, but even Ress'nok could feel his vast power and strength. It was clear this Dust was... leagues ahead of them.

Ress'nok took a deep breath while closing his eyes. He controlled his breathing. Now was no time to panic. He had to think. He might be able to pierce the armour that Dust wore with his mighty harpoon, but he was going to need room to leap. He needed the extra weight to get through that armour for sure. He focused his energy and leapt forward. If Dust's powers focused on the ground... what if he wasn't on the ground? Ress'nok only moved by jumping and leaping around the room, using his power legs and tail to push off the ground as soon as he landed to maintain as little contact with the ground as possible.

"Ho? You're already prepared? That didn't take long." Dust said surprised. The Giant chuckled clearly amused at how surprised he was. It had been a long time since he was actually taken off-guard by the actions of another. He watched Silef coming in bridled in flames. "Hmmm, Fire. Does she plan to burn armour made of stone? Unless she could get them within my armour they wouldn't have much effect, and even then it wouldn't do much. I wonder what she plans." Dust pondered.

"Hmmm, I know not Dust. She must have some plan, otherwise she wouldn't be drawing attention to herself." said another voice within Dust's mind. It was that of the world.

The stone covered giant stood still. He didn't waver from the spot he was on.

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  • Support Squad

Varick approached the table rather quietly, deceptively so considering his armoured bulk, after finding his way to the keep after his new comrades. He caught most of of the red knights explanation of his dilemma and what he was doing as the Half-Orc crossed the grim crimson hall. Varick was rather amused. "It occurs to me that your problem could be solved quite simply by finding an opponent" Varick said simply, taking the seat across from the red knight that Neville had not slipped into, giving the knight a level stare. "We are from the Clash. I am Varick Harudim" The warrior did not introduce Neville partially because he wasn't strictly sure that was his name and he didn't feel like looking the fool should he be wrong. On the other hand Varick didn't care too much, the man could speak his own name.

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Vayne watched as Silef and the Victonari charged into the fray. He lowered his sword, a frown forming on his face. He supposed she had a point; if those two were both close range fighters, then it only made sense for Vayne to support from afar. Still, he knew things about himself that they didn't. Honestly, he would probably be most useful in this battle with his sword. He doubted the ability of his bow to penetrate that thick armor, and there were few visible gaps. It would be a difficult shot, but he was confident he could make it, if Silef and the other could hold him off long enough for Vayne to get a clear shot into Dust's helmet.

He jammed his sword into its sheathe in one quick motion, the clank of the hilt echoing in the cave. At the same time, he reached his left arm behind his back, grabbing the longbow and leveling it towards Dust. He pulled an arrow from the quiver on his back and rested it in the notch of his bow, carefully taking aim at the stone giant. He would wait for an opening before making a shot.

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Silef released the attack she had been preparing: a flat, expanding cone of flames that she raked over the behemoth's armor. She wasn't overly surprised that he hadn't tried to dodge; it would take a lot of heat to even begin to melt through armor made of stone, and even more for it to have an immediate effect. Instead, she hoped to find a weak point by probing with the wave of fire, or at the very least draw his guard toward her so the other two could do the same. Of course, Dust wasn't a stupid man(?). He likely knew all of this. Most of her energy was being focused within for the moment, as the sorceress prepared herself. . .

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The Ochre Dreadfort

"Hmmm, I see. The fire is for scouting out holes in my armour." Dust thought to himself.

"Clever, but surely she can't think you would allow it." The World Spirit mumbled to Dust.

"I will, I more interested in how they will follow up and how quickly they will think a weakness can be expolited. Finding a weakness and using it are very different things. Besides, you and me both know I can change the form of my armour very easily." Dust casually added. He was confident that even if they knew right where his weakness was that there was nothing they could do to get to it, he had too many ways of shifting his armour around and even changing it's basic form. Surely they knew that. Unless they really hadn't heard any of the legends. He could maybe understand not knowing of his ability to shape his armour, but most would knwo that the Stone Suit he was wearing was deactivated. His true armour had yet to even be donned.

"This is Foolhardy Dust. Even, if you don't expect to be bested; Letting them know your weak points seems like a terrible idea." The World grumbled. It wasn't too upset though as it knew this would happen.

"Eh, but it's more fun this way. Besides, I am an honorable man. What kind of scoundrel would I have to be to not give them any chance?" The Giant thought, a chuckle as accompanying it.

"Honor is the mantle of the living and only something the foolhardy seek. You're foes won't play by the saem rules you set yourself Dust. But, I know I am only preaching to the choir at this point. Your mind has been set and thus that action will be taken."

Dust remained still the fire washing over his armour. "Man... it got really hot in here. Perhaps I should locate somewhere there isn't this horrible draft." He said almost seemingly not noticing Silef. It was clear he did. Dust was painfully aware of everything around him. It was a part of pondering with the world. One could feel the discordance between the others and the world and could almost entirely pinpoint them even without seeing them. It wasn't entirely perfect, but it was close enough that it gave a good picture.

Ress'nok's leaping would actually keep him relativity hidden from Dust. He was never in contact with the ground long enough to register to the world, and Dust wasn't paying attention to him due to a current... hot situation. He was nearly closed in, but now he needed the room to perform his attack. He headed for the pillar to push off of to get even more height.

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Zagi looked down at the man with a huge gash on his right arm. If the man really wanted the wound be seared shut, who was he to say no. He sheathed his blade, stopping the flames before he did so ((Blazing Fury: OFF)) seeing as it was too big and bulky to be used for something like this. Rather, he created a small flame on the tips of his pointer and middle finger large enough to preform the closing of the wound but small enough to where he could control it more easily and precisely. "Alright, if you can try to hold yourself down that would help the process go faster. Though since everyone here seems to be busy I'll have to trust you to keep a hold of yourself." Zagi said before starting to close the wound with the fire in his hand. He tried to ignore whatever cries of pain the man may make and tried to keep his arm straight as well as he could if he did start to move. He did it as fast as he could without rushing, the last thing he wants to do is stray off the wound which he made a strong mental note not to. The less suffering he inflicts on the man the better.

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An interesting side effect of his forced-removal from his enhanced state was the dulling of his senses. As the backlash of One with the Ocean - as Matthew became to call it, after learning how to enter this state by observing the way the ocean moved - was that it also diminished his sensitivity to pain; Not nearly enough to make his arm being covered in flames not hurt like hell, but adding to that the pain he just felt there by comparison, it was almost refreshing.

You know, if it wasn't excruciating.

Matthew refused to lose his composure however, tensing his arm against the flames. His eyes remained locked in Snow's helmet, and the man glared down at the armor, occasionally releasing snarls through gritted teeth. After the searing was done, he took a skin from his coat - Noticeably different than the one he took out during the member selection. He uncorked it, and it smelled faintly of sweet spices. The man first took a large swig of it, before dumping the contents over his arm. His face visibly grimaced as the alcohol bit into his burns, but it returned to it's neutral expression soon after. He offered Zagi a small nod of content after he was done closing his wound.

"I do hope we have healers available? I'd hate to lose the fight because I became a cripple during training." Matthew remarks in a tone of mock-aggression towards Snow; The sarcasm was easy to pick up, but his tone wasn't malicious. It was obvious there'd be some way to heal themselves, else she'd be jeopardizing their chances of winning, and that'd be stupid. She didn't look the type. In fact...

"...You've a reason to win this, too, don't you? Your tone changed when you mentioned the judges. Is this some sort of penance to you too?

I'm not a mage. Neither am I well-versed in this art, so mayhaps you or my companion will correct me..." Matthew gestured to the mage at his side and then the previously-filled skin laying on the ground. "But I understand vice. Food, drink, sex, the body isn't the only thing that needs. The mind needs. It aches. I know yours. Your vice is like mine. You like puzzles. And you found a good way to apply that by outsmarting people on a battlefield. It took you far. Me, not so much." He shrugs. "But even then, your body still aches for something else. Your mind must still have the impression of biological need, even if your body doesn't. That armor must be torture. I can't understand anyone volunteering to this fate, so I assume you didn't. Or perhaps...

You know that it's better than the alternative."

Most importantly, would she fight alongside them? He couldn't ask her that yet; Given her personality, she'd probably take that as a sign of him wanting to give her all their work. Instead, getting information that could explain her interest in this fight would feed him what he needed.

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