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Yu-Gi-Oh RP Episode 2: The Planned approach [IC] (AFTER SCHOOL)


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After school theme: Brother and Sister

Once more the school bell rang out, the majority of the school body went about their business, retreating to their homes or their clubs, whatever they may have had to do.

"Very well my students, you may now go. I expect you all to review the subject matter on your own time." Anna announced to her class, now busy with putting away their assorted books and papers. Anna walked out of the room after flicking one, barely noticeable glance towards the four she had to meet in the garden should they wish to know more...

Read this, quite important.

Ok folks. as established last week, I'm taking over. I spent the time getting to grips with all of this and here we are. Below you will find the post Tomas made in the First afterschool topic and all information there is still relevant. However, I will be making some changes of my own.

First thing first, here is a map of Heartland. The area within the red circle is the city center, which can be seen, in more details, in this other map. When the topic starts, you are all still at school, or about to leave it: PLEASE BE REALISTIC IN REGARDS TO THE DISTANCES. I am not saying that you must spend a set amount of posts to get to faraway locations, but I don't want to see random teleportation (as in, Player A states s/he is in a location, then begins the next post by saying "I arrive to the other location and do this and that") either: when you leave a location do state so at the end of your post, and when you get to a location, begin your post by stating how you got there. On this note, there might be still someone worth talking to at school, so I wouldn't recommend being hasty in leaving. But ehi, your call really. And as far as transportation go, this is a realistic city, so bus, taxi, scooter and bicycle are fair game.

Now as to what you are allowed to do in this topic: well, it wouldn't be wrong to say that you can do whatever the hell you please: you can hang around with friends, talk, duel, or you know, you could investigate Tenjo's death and actually advance the plot. Once again, it's your call. There are 3 kind of actions that we shall call "Important Actions": arriving in a new location, talking to a NPC, and challenging a NPC to a duel. When you perform an Important Action, DO NOT POST AGAIN UNTILL I HAVE POSTED. This is extremely important so I shall repeat it: after performing an Important Action, DO NOT POST AGAIN UNTILL I HAVE POSTED. The reason for this is simple: Anna won't appear in "After School" topics. Instead, I (or King Murdoc, our co-host, should I have IRL problems) will post from time to time to make what we shall refer to as "Recap Posts".

It works like this: after performing an Important Action, you wait. When I see that enough (which means, at least 5) people have performed an Important Action, I will make a post in which I will address your actions, stating the results you achieved with them and/or asking you how you intend to continue (for example "Player A talked to [NPC]! Obtained info [This and That]!" or "Player B arrived in [Location]: there is [NPC] there: Player B, what will you do?"). After I have done this, you can post again, continuing from the situation I have described in the Recap Post. Of course, you are not bound to follow this rule if your latest post does not include an Important Action (for example if you spent time talking to another player or walking around): in this case, the same rules stated in the "At School" topic (you can post again after everyone else has posted, or after 6 hours since your last post) apply.

Also, when you make a post in which your character performs an Important Action, please state so (like, include the tag "Important Action" or something like that at the top of your topic...

Each Recap Post will be divided in many Spoilers, each corresponding to one character: please read only the spoiler that corresponds to your character. Or if you really are curious and you want to read all the spoilers, DO NOT USE OTHER PEOPLE'S INFO IN YOUR OWN POSTS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I have said it before and I'll say it again: metagaming kills the very point of this roleplay, so don't do it, I am being serious here.

There are 2 different things you can acquire during an After School topic: Info and Izanami Lore. Info are provided by NPCs, and are needed to locate the Rogue Number Holders: you will obtain these info by picking the correct option upon interacting with a NPC. Notice that you have to roleplay out the option you picked, so the way you act is also important: if "ask directly" is the right option for obtaining the info, you might still fail to obtain the info by asking directly, if you talk in a rude way to a person who hates rude people. So yeah, think carefully before acting. As for Izanami Lore, those are the special info required to piece together what is going on in the plot: each time you acquire a Number card, you acquire the Izanami Lore that comes with it. But how do you obtain a Number card? Easy: just interact with the NPC you suspect of being a Rogue Number Holder: if you pick the right option, a boss battle will be triggered, so win the battle and the Number is yours.

You can also obtain Info (not Izanami Lore!) by sharing your Info with another player: in this case, you will obtain all the Info in possession of that player, but s/he will obtain your own Info too. As an alternative, if you don't want to share, you can challenge a player to a duel, and the winner will claim the Info in possession of the loser: notice however that it is up to the challenged player to decide whether or not to accept. If you challenge a player to a duel and they turn you down, don't stalk or harrass them: it is in their right to refuse, so live with it. For the time being, you are not allowed to share the Izanami Lore you obtain with other players, nor can you try to obtain other players' Izanami Lore via duel: we shall return on this point during the next At School topic.

Should a player accept your challenge to a duel, bring it to DN: when done, PM to me the result, and I will include it in the next Recap Post. You must wait before posting again untill I have done so (this applies to both competitors in the duel).

As usual, when talking to someone, you are asked to include a note, at the top of your post, in which you state who you are talking to (THIS INCLUDES NPCs).

Should you lose a boss battle, Anna will rewind your subjective time, teleporting you back to school, with your memories of the day erased: you will lose all the Info (not the Izanami Lore) you acquired up to that point when this happens.

Also note that, at this stage, the Ice Queen is to be considered a hopeless boss fight: I cannot reveal her true identity just yet, but for plot reasons you cannot beat her at this stage. So yeah, in the (VERY unlikely, don't worry) eventuality that you run into her, a boss battle will be triggered and you will automatically lose, so be careful. There is only a single dialogue option in a single interaction with a single NPC, in the whole topic, that will trigger an encounter with her, so yeah, it is really one chance in a million: if you are unlucky enough to pick it well, sucks to be you!

Each after school lasts two weeks starting at 21:00 GMT +1.

So, I have my own changes I am making here.

1: No post number limit per day when interacting only with PCs.

A conversation between PCs can be slow enough without enforcing a post limit per day, so if you are talking amongst yourselves, no post limit at all. Just make sure to label the convos accurately. NPC interactions are limited by the wait for several people to make an important action so that's limited enough as is anyway.

2: No more Dialogue options.

Tomas was kind enough in each interaction to offer dialogue options as recommendations for dealing with NPCs. Personally I see these as the equivalent of training wheels, nice to have sure but I don't think you need them. Furthermore, when you fuck up talking to an NPC, you can't blame the option I supplied you because I never gave you it :3

3: Post quality needs to improve.

Tomas has been quite lenient and I understand we have participants not as experienced with RPing or writing on the whole, or English simply isn't a language they are readily proficient in. I understand that. However, I've seen throughout the RP several instances of less than stellar writing that has occasionally misled my understanding of what happened. I'm going to start pointing out some of the lower quality posts. There won't be any genuine penalty to this, I'm simply going to nag people about it but know that better posts makes this both more interesting for everyone and easier to understand. It's in everyone best interest to follow this.

Onwards with the plot, I don't believe two of the people Anna invited to talk were made aware of the meeting in the garden. Unless they're informed and taken to Anna, they will unfortunately be excluded from the meeting, same as everyone else.

That said, Everyone not involved with the Anna meeting must leave the school for a time so no one gets to "Over-hear" it. No Exceptions

So go forth and investigate!


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[To Lane]

In the end, she was unable to find Lane quickly enough before the bell had ended. That was fine, however. She simply went up to Lane, whom she had hoped had noticed their teacher's glance towards them and decided to fill him in.

"Professor Reinier told me and Charlotte to gather you and Red to meet in the garden. It looks like she is going to divulge some information about what's going on. I don't know what or how much she knows or whether anything she says will be true but I think it's worth going. Would you mind joining up with me?"

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Blair sighed. At least the day was finally over. She had been glossed over as if she simply did not exist, as usual, despite what her critical mind might offer to this sort of investigation. She quickly headed toward her motorcycle and away from the school building at the earliest opportunity. She felt like a distraction from her usual occupations; a visit to the museum was in order.

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“Oh really?” Lane asked. He wasn't aware Anna glanced at him as he was too busy preparing his next hunt. “I guess I'll join. But I still want to talk to this Ayatane guy... I just hope he doesn't want to duel me. I don't think I'm lucky enough to win twice in a row.”

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Red quickly gathered her belongs and stuffed them into her red backpack. Operation avoid eye contact got Red through Anne's last class without being bothered. Which was great because it gave Red time to organize her thoughts about her day so far. She wasn't able to find the janitor like her, Luna, and Klive had hoped, but maybe after school would be a better time to visit. As Red finished, she looked around the room to see if she could find her new investigation buddies.

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Lane and Setsuna

After the ring of the bell, Monika noticed Setsuna and Lane talking in the classroom. The teacher, Anna, seemed to look at them briefly before leaving (but not at Monika). She tried to get closer but only understood clearly Lane's words... Not only that, her teacher's behavior made Monika think that she shouldn't have been involved with whatever Anna was planning to do.

"Sorry for interrupting... Lane, you were supposed to come with me, as I know the place where this guy hangs out usually, but it's probably better if you go with Setsuna. I could go first to find Ayatane, if you agree."

Monika looked slightly nervous; the alleyway where she met Ayatane the previous day certainly was not a good place to be in, Ayatane could have challenged her to a Duel and she actually didn't know what to tell Ayatane.

"One more thing, Lane: what do you want to ask him? And do you want to talk directly with him?" she whispered.

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[Red/Klive/Anyone else really]

Once again, Luna had fallen asleep in class. This recent subject felt much more boring compared to previous stuff that she didn't even hear the bell. The ringing did irritate her to the point her hand twitched causing her face to fall flat into the cold metal of the desk. "Hey! What's the big idea?" She was angered by the "kid" who though it'd be funny to try this on her, but there was not a single person close by her. She then looked up at the clock. "Oh, it's that time already. Guess I better get going." She quickly got up from her desk and once she got out of the room she yelled, "FREEDOM!"

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{Classroom, Anyone}

Somehow, Paul had managed to not throw up in the hallway after that terrifying vision washed over him. He had quickly and rather ungracefully made his way to the nurse's office after recovering a small amount of his senses. However, the feeling of unease had gone away once he arrived by the door. Once he got back to desk in the classroom, he was strangely wide awake. He paid as much attention to the lesson as possible, anything was better than being lost in his mind's personally instant replay of the visions from earlier.

Once the bell rung he quickly grabbed his things and started heading down the hallway, passing by all the other students, lost in thought.

"Hm. What to do now?" he thought to himself. He really didn't feel like going straight home again, but what could he do to kill a few hours? "Museum. Let's try that."

So, the destination was decided. He figured he should walk there instead of taking the bus, as Paul wouldn't have enough money to pay for the ride over as well as the ticket to get in.

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Unable to find Anna, Gawyn made his way to his scooter in the parking lot. He was still stumped over the whole Egyptian lore thing, so he sped off towards the museum in hopes of finding Ike Johnson.

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(Monologue, then to Arial, Arthur, Ken, Roy, and Zander)

The bell had sounded...ending many a classes where students were rushing out the front doors to get on with the rest of their day. Some were probably excited while others may just have been down or not caring so much at all. Whatever the case, the rest of the day was on their horizon and in their very own control. That's what Rene was feeling as the bell rang signaling the end of his last class. He quietly packed up his books and was antsy in wanting to get to the beach to continue exploring for clues behind Mr. Tenjo's death. Whatever he could find there, if anything at all, may be worth it to him and the rest of his class. Knowing that, Rene was pump and excited to finally start exploring the beach. While gathering the rest of his things, he thought to himself:

'I wonder what we'll end up finding at the beach...I know Arial and a few of the others want to head over there today, be it for the same or different reasons. I really want to know if there is anything related to Mr. Tenjo's death there, but what really gets me going is what Lisa had said to us last night. Supposedly there was going to be an archaeologist there and based on what Arial and I found out at the museum yesterday, we might just be able to piece some clues together. If those visions we experienced had any connections to what we have been theorizing, then any new info would be greatly worth the trip. Just being able to know what happened is a big part of the battle...whether or not all of us could actually do something remains to be seen. Jack...'

At the end of his thought monologue, Rene thought about his cousin once more and carefully looked at Dark Rebellion once more. He knew that he needed to have a strong resolve in order to find out what happened with Mr. Tenjo as he wants to eventually do with Jack's situation. With that in mind, Rene put Dark Rebellion away and put his backpack on. He went over to Arial, Zander, Roy, Arthur, and Ken and said to them, "I'm going to head over to the beach right away to see if anything's going on. I'm curious to see what the archaeologist who is supposedly there might know about everything we talked about today. Does anybody want to come with me now or should we just meet up there in an hour or so?"

Rene waited for a response before we walked out of the classroom.

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{Rene, Ken, Arial, Roy, & Zander}

Arthur shrugged, grabbing his backpack and standing up. "I'll head over there with you. Might as well, right?" he asked rhetorically. "I have my bike at school today, so that's how I'll be getting to the beach. One person can come with me and ride on my wheel pegs," he offered lamely, putting his hand behind his head.

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With the school day finally finished up, Robert practically ran out of the school with how eager he was for the investigation. Grabbing his bike from the rack, he walked it around as he looked for Dean, his mind whirling in excitement.

Edited by TurboAura
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{Rene, Ken, Arial, Roy, & Arthur}

Zander juggled his options in his head. I could follow Ayatane a bit, but I have a sinking feeling he might not want me to meddle with him any further. Plus, I bet Paul or Monika are interested in returning, and they're not exactly... my favorite people. I'll leave that to them. "Mind if I tag along? I mean, I don't need to be the second one on your bike, since I can get myself there on my own, but I heard some stuff about Ike Johnson being there from a guy at the hotel, so maybe we can ask some questions? Perhaps he knows a bit more about this than Ms. Reinier?"

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[Red/Klive/Anyone else really]

Once again, Luna had fallen asleep in class. This recent subject felt much more boring compared to previous stuff that she didn't even hear the bell. The ringing did irritate her to the point her hand twitched causing her face to fall flat into the cold metal of the desk. "Hey! What's the big idea?" She was angered by the "kid" who though it'd be funny to try this on her, but there was not a single person close by her. She then looked up at the clock. "Oh, it's that time already. Guess I better get going." She quickly got up from her desk and once she got out of the room she yelled, "FREEDOM!"


Red quickly turned around and then smiled once she was able to identify where Luna was. Red had a feeling Luna was definitely going to cause this afternoon to be exciting. Red quickly dodge some students and walked towards the door that Luna was now leaving from. "Hey Luna, wait up!!"

*Red finally caught up with Luna*

"Did you have a nice nap in class?....and where's Klive? I thought he was following us."

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{Zander, Arial, Rene, Roy, & Ken}

Arthur nodded. "Right! Then we can bring twice as many people!" he added. "Anyone else want to come investigate Mr. Johnson with us?"

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Dean got up from his desk and went searching for Robert and as soon he stepped out of the school building, he saw Robert with his bike. He said"So that bike is your means of transportation that isn't the bus? Anyways, lets head to the card shop for Charles." He got out his skateboard, put on his helmet and motioned "Follow me."

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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(Arial, Ken, Roy, Arthur, Zander)

"Sounds like a plan," Rene said as Zander and Arthur came to an agreement. "I'm going to start heading over there right away. I'll take the bus and meet any and/or all of you at the beach. If any of you want to come on the bus with me, I'll pay for the fares."

That said, Rene left the classroom and the school. Outside of school, while waiting for anyone else to come, he quickly took out his D-Pad and started to call home. He would explain to his parents that he was going to hang out with a few of his friends from school for a little while and be home in time for dinner. His mom told him to have fun, but be careful in case there is any dangerous activity. Rene agreed and hung up. There he waited to see if anyone would go with him on the bus before the bus came to pick him up.

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{Rene, Ken, Xander, Roy, & Arthur}

"You guys know I'm up for it!" Arial chimed in. While her friends were gathering up and confirming their decisions to head to the beach, Arial was busy digging through her bag for her keys. 'Must have dumped them inside this morning, damn it...' Finally, a resounding ring from her sets of keys could be heard as she pulled them out. "FINALLY!" she exclaimed happily, holding up her keys in victory. "I have an extra seat as well anyone is up for it!" she said, looking around for anyone to take it up.

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Charlotte had turned to leave the classroom when she remembered that Setsuna had asked her to get Red since Anna had asked for her aswell. She looked over the room and tried to find her classmate but to no avail. Must've already left the classroom,She's probably still in the corridor or something. Charlotte left the class and found Red near the entrance of said classroom talking with Luna. She walked up to the girl and tried to get her attention,better do this quickly since she didnt want Mrs.Reiner to leave or start the conversation without them. "Hey,Red?"

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Arriving at the museum, Gawyn entered through the double doors at the front. There was an employee standing there like usual, so giving his normal stare, he said "Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to know if Ike Johnson is here today, would you? I have a few things to discuss with him." He wondered if there were any new discoveries recently. It was doubtful that there would be anything on the knights, but he supposed if Johnson wasn't there he would take a walk through the Egyptian exhibit anyways.

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Blair rolled up to the museum, surprised to see a teacher there. She quickly parked the motorcycle and made her way to the entrance. She didn't quite catch what he said to the employee, though, so she chose to ignore it. "What are you doing here today, Professor?"

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(Rene, Arthur, Zander, Arial, and Roy.)

Ken yawned as he sleepily looked at the slowly enlarging group discuss their next move... not that there was much discussion, seeing how the beach seemed to be a near unanimous consensus.

" Well well, looks like it seems to be settled, if we're pretty much all headed to the beach. Gumdrop should be good to go, so I won't need a ride either. The offer is nice though. Ken said with a hint of tiredness in his voice, turning his head towards the window where his precious blue motor scooter was.... or where it normally was anyway. Doing a double take, all Ken could see was an empty space on the rack a note scribbled where his scooter used to be. Walking over, Ken tore the note off the rack and read it aloud.

" Ken,

Car has a flat. Came by to borrow your scooter for today's deliveries. I know you won't mind, unless you want to talk about why you were snoozing in class today.

- Love, Dad"

Ken just stared at the note. And stared. And stared some more. Until finally...

"Wait, he saw me sleeping? Crap, he's gonna make me take the weekend shift again for that... so much for going to see Age of Ultrax..." Ken said with a disheartened moan before turning to the rest of the group, too absorbed in his note to notice Rene leaving the room. Giving a quick laugh, he turned to the rest of the group. " So uh... I may need that ride after all.. ahah..ha... anyone wanna give me a hand?"

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{Rene, Ken, Xander, Arial, & Arthur}

Roy wanted to go look for information on Ayatane but something in his mind told him to go with the group. Much to his dislike, he decided to join the group even if he preferred to be alone. "I go with you all." He said unenthused, "I have a skate board, so It won't be too long of a ride there." He then took out the board that was sticking out a bit from his backpack and rested it in his right arm.

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