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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AFTER SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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{Important Action - Visit the Museum; Rene}

At the mention of "history" and "Duel Monsters," Arial felt like she was on cloud nine. If what the lady said is true, this could be her chance to learn more about those "illegal duels"! Yet, like Rene said, this Mr. Johnson might know something... She was clearly torn between her thirst for knowledge about games and her desire for information specifically related to Duel Monsters. She quickly gave her thanks to the ticket seller and got out of the line, scratching her head in frustration.

"Ugh, I don't know Rene, I really feel like this museum could offer us information on illegal dueling, but this Johnson guy though..." Arial pouted. "Man, why does this have to be so difficult?!" She finally took her hands down and came across her duel disk with its empty deck slot. Her deck...

With a wide grin, she slung down her bag and took out her deck. "Alright, boys, monsters are museum, spells and traps are Johnson." She chimed as she shuffled her cards thoroughly. Arial then closed her eyes and picked up the first card on top. The tomboy gave a peek and and chuckled. "Well then, the deck says museum for me." She showed a Cyber Dragon Core to Rene. Arial then fitted the cards into her D-pad. "Hey, might as well let the cards decide if I can't come up with anything, right? Want to follow?"

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(To Arial; Important Action: Go inside Museum)

"If you wish to go inside, let's go then!" Rene said with a smile. He didn't want to go through with a game of chance to decide their actions, but despite Rene being reserved sometimes he feels that giving others the opportunity to do what they need to do makes him happy. He then continued, "We might find out something either way no matter what we do."

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[[iMPORTANT ACTION: Dialogue with Anna; The knowledge of how Illusory Fields work]]

Will laughed aloud, but promptly thought better of it. He folded his arms across his chest and looked the apparition of that woman square in the eye. "Hmph, just because you have fancy bells and whistles on your magic tricks doesn't mean you're any less of a witch." He dismissed with a raise of his right hand from the cross-arm.

The janitor then let out a loud sigh as he listened to her choices for him. "I'm glad this is all some big game to you. I get to pick one memory? Gee, thanks! I am so humbled by your benevolence." His voice was coated in thick sarcasm. Will changed his position to having his left arm on his hip and his right rubbing his chin, signaling a deep thought.

"But I do realize that getting mad at you won't help my case any. I'm not completely ignorant of that. Still," He returned his gaze to her. "Assuming it's in my best interests to comply with you at the moment, let me keep the memory of how these fields work. It's technical knowledge, which is useful; if someone else happens to have memory issues, I'll be able to figure out what's going on." He nodded, being as satisfied as he could be from this ridiculous situation. His reasoning was that if he chose to remember just talking to Anna, he wouldn't learn anything new; she was already the only witch he knew who was capable of these kinds of things, so if another oddity occurs, it probably wouldn't take him long to connect it to her. While understanding that knowing Tenjo's office is a mysterious place is useful, and could help with leads in further investigations should there be any, Will simply weighed that any investigation might lead there anyway due to the obvious connections Mr. Tenjo had to the strange occurrences. It wasn't even that Will thought he would be investigating; what could he gain from such an undertaking? It was that there was something inherently bothersome about the fact that that woman is keeping things from him. Even in his circumstances, he couldn't trust her completely.

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"Mm.. Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's nice to know others are on the search for what what happened to Mr. Tenjo." Dominic remembered his message he meant to send to Setsuna, and took it out to get started, but before he could finish, a newcomer came up to them. "Oh? Hey there. Charlotte, I believe?" Turning around fully toward her he continued, "Yeah, just familiar faces I saw on my way out of the city. And I got some leads regarding Mr. Tenjo, as well."

Looking at Gen, and then Charlotte, Dominic blinked twice in realization before speaking, "Boy, there sure are a lot of us here, today." Looking at his phone in his hand he remembered his message, but continued speaking before starting, "What brings you here, Charlotte?" Dominic asked, and after he continued his message he planned toward Setsuna about what the officers had told her.

Edited by Zechs
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Roy put his duel disk away and walked off after the cop. He wished he didn't forget his skateboard at home seeing as how easier it would be to get around if he didn't. At least he won't make the same mistake twice. 'So, if illegal duels are related then where are those duels held.' He thought to himself as he walked down the street. 'Maybe somebody here might know where illegal duels might take place.' He then looked around for someone who seemed they might know something about illegal duels. Though if nothing came up he would just have to head back to the park to meet up with everyone.

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So, those who are not in any event, and are simply hanging around in Central Square, are free to keep on chatting, ignoring the newest developments for now. For the others, here is the newest Recap Post!


You have decided to investigate the hotel. You head to the reception area, and ask the receptionist the same question you asked Ayatane before... However, you don't obtain much else. Apparently, Ayatane Michitaka (the samurai fellow from earlier) and Ike Johnson are the only two foreigners who are staying at the hotel, and neither of them seems to be particularly suspicious. However, the receptionist seems to be a talkative person, the kind of light-headed guy who enjoys spreading rumors, as long as he thinks they are about unimportant things: maybe, if you pressed him further, you could obtain some more info... What will you do?

1) Try to obtain more info about Ayatane Michitaka

2) Try to obtain more info about Ike Johnson

[[a tip: be careful about how you word your question(s)...]]


"Fool! Stop defying me!"

Anna seems really irritated now.

"Don't you understand? I am doing this to you because YOU are causing me to!"

The mysterious woman snaps her fingers... And suddenly the torture is over! Your mind is back in one piece, you can breathe normally, the tremendous pressure that was crushing you has vanished: you feel a strong ense of relief flowing into your body, suddenly you are happy just to be alive. You look around: you are in the school's garden, it is a beautiful day, the birds are chirping, a faint breeze is blowing, the sun i shining; somehow, you just feel grateful about that simple, yet magnificent spectacle. The memories of the torture are already starting to vanish, you feel like someone who has just awakened from a nightmare...

"You stepped into an Illusory Field"

Explains Anna, who is now back to her usual form

"It is a device of my invention that creates fearful illusion, in order to drive intruders away from restricted areas. Such device feeds off your emotions, your deepest thoughts, your desires, your fears, it distorts and twists the content of your very mind, and uses it against you. Do you understand now? Your carelessness, stubborness and defiance created that nightmare that nearly killed you! And this time it was just an illusion: soon, you will have to face enemies who can use such powers for real, and who won't hesitate to use them to take your life... If you face them with the same immaturity, you will get yourself killed! Here, take this"

She hands you a blank card, a mere rectangle of paper with the Duel Monsters logo on the back, and nothing on the front.

"It won't make up for your shortcomings, but when the time comes it will show you the way. Go now: you were able to partially resist my powers, it must mean that there is something special about you... I will be eagerly awaiting to discover what it is".

And just like that, Anna vanishes. And the memories of everything that has transpired so far vanish with her. You are in the school's garden, alone, with no idea of how you got there, and no idea of what is that blank card you are holding in your hand. Turning around, you see a familiar face: Will, the janitor, is at the other end of the garden!

Chimchain, Commander and Omega

Now you are all outside the Bootleg: you have surrounded Adam, and you are now starting to question him. Why did he run? What has gotten into him? Such are the question you want to ask him... But he really seems to have lost it!

"Stay away from me! You have one of those cards, just like... Just like that professor!"

He shouts. Then he uses his superior physique to muscle his way past you and run away, not towards Central Square, but rather in the other direction...

Now would be a perfect time to regroup and try to make some sense out of what he said and did, but are you really going to let him escape? It's up to you to decide. If you pursuit him, you'll end up downtown Heartland, in an area that is not in the map. If you don't pursuit him, you'll get back in the pub and question Jack about the behaviour of his bouncer...

Jory and Hiss13

"Oh, so you are looking for mister Johnson? That man is quite an interesting individual: he is in town to cure an exhibit at the Museum! Rather absent-minded and kinda awkward from a social standpoint, but he is a genius in his field: if you want to know more about ancient myths he is your man! Unfortunately he is not here right now, and he is not at the museum either: he left earlier, stating that he had some business to attend at the port..."

Hiss13 obtained info: "Ike Johnson went to the port area!"

Jory has overheard the entire conversation, so he obtained the same info!"

"Well, now I really must excuse myself, I am in a hurry... Sorry again for bumping into you, I hope I made up for it by helping you!"

He says with a smile. Then he leaves.

Hiss13 can now decide to head to the port area, OR to try and contact Dominic first, to see if he wants to come too (in this second case, your next post will NOT be an important action).

Jory can now decide to reveal himself to Hiss13, in order to head to the port together, or to keep on tailing Ayatane.

Cyaloom and Murdoc

Lieutenant Flagstarr sighs deeply.

"Look, I understand how you feel. Your teacher died, you want to know more about how it happened. It's understandable, really. But thi case is seriously crazy, there are some elements that just make no sense, I can feel in my guts that there is something very sinister behind all this. And my guts feelings are rarely wrong. Therefore, the last thing I need now is civilians getting involved: if you stick your nose where it doesn't belong and get in troubles for it, it will be just another problem for the cop in charge of the whole investigation, you know, me. So do me a favor: go enjoy this beautiful day, zip around the city with your rollerblades, and leave investigations to the professionals. Can you do this for me?"

She is trying to sound nice, but her words sound like a stern warning... What will you do now?


You enter the tent but, to your surprise, there is no Eppes inside. Instead, there is a woman sitting at a table: she is dressed like some sort of gypsy, a veil conceals her face, the only things visible are her golden eyes and a lock of platinum hair.

"Welcome, professor Gawyn Falas. I was waiting for you"

She says. What now?

1) "Excuse me?"

2) "I was looking for somone, I must have entered the wrong tent"

3) "You look familiar..."

Tails and Darklight

You decide to take a tour of the museum. The exhibit turns out to be rather enjoyable, so you don't even realize how much time has passed. After finishing the tour, you have acquired the following knowledge:

"People in Ancient Egypt believed that, by harnessing the power of the goddess Isis, it was possible to perform a ritual called the Shadow Game: according to a myth, this ritual allowed the performer to bound the soul of anoher creature to an object. Doing so would cause an image of that creature to appear on that object. Following on this belief, ancient Egyptians took on the habit of painting figures of people, gods, and powerful monsters like phoenixes and dragons onto all kind of objects: they believed that doing so would initiate a Shadow Game, binding the soul of the drawn creature to the object, so that the creature would protect the object. Incidentally, this is why they would paint the inner walls of the pyramids with representations of the Pharaoh's army: they believed that doing so would bind the souls of the soldiers to the pyramid, allowing them to protect the tomb of their king for all eternity.

Soon, this myth evolved into a tradition of painting the images of powerful creatures on stone tablets, and then giving away said tablets as presents: it was believed that doing so would grant the recipient of the present protection from the depicted creature. From this tradition of painting powerful creatures on small, rectangular stone tables, the modern game of Duel Monsters eventually descended.

Maybe because of this origin so tied in with the myth of the Shadow Games, nowadays there is an urban legend according to which some people would be able to initiate "Shadow Duels", in which the soul of the loser is bound to a card, and their body dies. It is of course just that, an urban legend without any scientific validity, but it is interesting to see how a myth that is over 3000 years old is still capable of influencing the pop culture of the present days."

Having learned all this, you leave the Museum: you are now in Central Square, with nothing important to do. Will you look for your classmates that are hanging around in the area? They might want to hear about what you just found out...

[[if you go with this, your next action will NOT be an Important Action]]


"Very well, I shall grant your desire, as it is my duty to do. Now, back to reality you go!"

Anna image vanishes: what did she mean by "I shall grant your desire, as it is my duty to do"? You would like to ponder on this, but all the memories related to the incident, including that very line, are swiftly erased from your mind, leaving behind nothing more than the strictly technical knowledge concerning how the Illusory Fields work.

You are in the garden: you feel like someone who has awakened from a nightmare. You look around, but you have no idea of how you got there, and what the hell were you thinking about just now? "Illusory Fileds"? What the hell are those, and how comes you know about them?

Just as you ponder on this, you spot someone: the girl, Red, is at the other end of the garden, and she looks as confused as you!


The all-too-familiar noise of Charles' bike wakes you up. As you straighten up your clothes, you see the man himself coming towards your house.

"Good day!"

He says upon seeing you

"Were you waiting for me?"

1) "Yes, I wanted to know about your progresses with the Rotational Duel"

2) "Yes, I wanted to know about the death of professor Tenjo"

3) "Yes, I wanted to challenge you to a duel"

[[hint: read his profile in the OP of the OOC topic before deciding...]]

A clarification for Pixl and Red: you can now interact with one another, but you do NOT remember meeting each other earlier in Tenjo's room.

All people who aren't mentioned in this post are assumed to be in Central Square, freely interacting with one another. Should one of them decide to stop chatting and get back on the main plot, please notify so. I am saying this for Zechs in particular, as he has info he could use to pursue an event: maybe receiving a message from Setsuna could get you back on track?

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As Red finally came to, she begin to notice her surrounds. "Isn't this the school garden?.....I never really had the time to come out here...Why am I here?" As Red said this, she felt something in her hand. As she looked down, there what appeared to be duel monsters card in-between her thumb and index finger. But as Red looked at the card closer, she noticed the card was strange. The backside of the card was normal but the front was completely white, like the card printed before it was finished.

To herself: "How strange! Why does this card have a blank front and where did i get this? Why would I even have it?"

As Red looked up from the card, she saw that she wasn't alone in the garden. The school janitor was standing around confused, just like herself.

To herself: "Maybe he knows why I would have came here?" *Starts to walk over to Will and lightly taps his shoulder.*

"Hi,....I'm not sure if you know me....... but I'm a student at this school...... and I........ was wondering if I could ask you a few questions..."

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(Important action)

Seeing no point is staying there any longer Roy headed to the park where everyone was meeting up. Why he didn't go there right away was beyond him though he was heading back now and that's all that matters. He just hoped the others found some other info besides his, which in retrospect isn't really that useful. It was just confirming what everyone thought from the beginning.

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{Important Action}
Gawyn was astonished by what he saw in the tent. Rob had vanished, and in his place sat a woman that was very familiar. "She's here too? Can't I ever find anything out without her interfering? he thought. "Before long, this is going to turn into the story of Bedwyr....although more psychological." He stared the women in her golden eyes. "Now, why would you be waiting on me?" he said. "I'm simply trying to find a friend."

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"Mm.. Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's nice to know others are on the search for what what happened to Mr. Tenjo." Dominic remembered his message he meant to send to Setsuna, and took it out to get started, but before he could finish, a newcomer came up to them. "Oh? Hey there. Charlotte, I believe?" Turning around fully toward her he continued, "Yeah, just familiar faces I saw on my way out of the city. And I got some leads regarding Mr. Tenjo, as well."

Looking at Gen, and then Charlotte, Dominic blinked twice in realization before speaking, "Boy, there sure are a lot of us here, today." Looking at his phone in his hand he remembered his message, but continued speaking before starting, "What brings you here, Charlotte?" Dominic asked, and after he continued, finished, and sent his message telling Setsuna what he got out of the officers, and that he would meet up with her a bit later.

Central Square (To Dominic)

"Everyone is searching for answers." Gen answered as he looks around for some other faces and saw Charlotte coming in. He also noticed his cellphone and asked: "Who are you contacting? Nevertheless, we should split the search. If you saw somebody that is suspicious, don't engage in a duel until you are certain that you can beat him/her."

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"Wow... That was intense, but strangely insightful." Arial said as she stepped back into the open air. As the duo made their way to the Central Square, she recalled that their homeroom professor did say that Professor Tenjo had died under mysterious circumstances, and that he was wearing his dueling gear when the authorities spotted him. "Rene, that museum called those "shadow duels" a myth, but what if, just coincidentally, Professor Tenjo was in one of those duels? It would make some sort of sense, wouldn't it? Nobody could figure out how he came to be that way outside of the fact that he died while dueling..." Arial paused and stared down at her deck that is tucked safely in her Cyber Dragon Infinity themed D-Pad. She seemed a bit uneasy at the thought of forfeiting her life for losing one game. A game should be played for fun, not as a life or death situation, right? Arial sighed, pushing that thought out of her head and faced Rene once more. "What do you think about this whole thing? And while we're at it... What should we do now? I don't see Zander nor the others anywhere..."

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(Important action: Ask about Tenjo)

Ken blearily woke up from his nap as he heard the hum of a motorcycle come towards him. Waving at Charles, he got up and walked towards the man with a grin, offering him a cookie from his seemingly never-ending supply. Sometimes, one had to wonder if his bag was just a hammerspace for sweets.

"Hey Charles! I actually was. I was at Mr.Takeda's earlier delivering some cookies and he said you might know something about the death of Tenjo? I don't know if that's true or not, but a lead is a lead. Do you think you could help me out?" Ken said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. How did it come to him actually investigating this? Normally he'd say screw it and spend the day taking a nap or baking... Although he supposed that it wouldn't hurt to shake things up once in a while.

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  • Support Squad

(Central square peeps)

Klive had been milling about, silent in xyr thoughts. When xe returned from their daze, xe was afraid xe had alienated Robert. "Sorry about that, I guess I was out of it for a while." Klive had figured xe had a few courses of action but only one was really likely to get any results in Klives mind. "One sec" Xe asked of Robert before jogging over to the literal Center of center square, taking a deep breath and yelling at the top of xyr voice "HEY,ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PROFESSOR TENJO, MY RECENTLY DECEASED TEACHER?"

((This is my attempt at getting back into this. I figured Turbo would rather I didn't lead us around for once >.<))

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(To Arial)

"There could be some parallels between what we found out in the museum and Mr. Tenjo's death..." Rene said as he thought about the information Arial and he were able to gather. He continued, "It's certainly a possibility that he might have been involved in one a Shadow Duel and lost the game. If he did though, was he forced into it or did he willingly get involved? I doubt the latter, but at least we have some new info on the subject."

Rene saw Arial look at her D-Pad and wondered what she was thinking about. Rene was frightened at the fact of losing such a game to an opponent for he wouldn't want to die just like that. One would have to play their cards right and come out on top in such a case...

"Perhaps we ought to let the others around know about what we found out," Rene calmly said to Arial. "If we could pieces together, we may come up with a possible theory that could be accepted on Mr. Tenjo's death. It could be considered crackpot, but it might be any better than what others come up with. One question I have though, could these shadow duels have happened between Ancient Egypt and now?"

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Important Action (speaking with Flagstarr, maybe involves Cyaloom)

Blair sighed. She saw the point, but she couldn't see how more mind working on the problem could hurt. "Could I at least take a look at his Duel Disk? I've spent plenty of time poking around inside them; I should be able to recognize anything unusual about it." She doubted they would let her at it, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

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(Important Action/Lane)

Luna watched as the big man got up and ran away with some random student chasing right after him. Before Lane could even react, Luna grabbed his arm and began pulling him back into the pub. "Sorry, but I kinda still need you. Gotta have that big strong man in case something gets down." While that was merely a tease, she wasn't going to let Lane slip away so easily especially with his newly acquired shiny.

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Important Action - with Blair

Monika looked at Blair as she asked Flagstarr to see mr Tenjo's D-Pad.

"She explicitly said to stay away from this; I don't know if she'll let Blair do that."

Looking at Flagstarr, seeing she had support from Blair, she spoke softly: "I personally don't think that doing so would get us in trouble. So, why would you not accept some slight help?"

She actually still doubted that Mrs Flagstarr would show Blair the D-Pad.

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((Important Action / Adam, Luna, Dean))

"Sorry Luna," Lane said, pulling away from her grip. "I'm going after him!"

The young rebel didn't wait for a response and charged after Adam. "Wait! What do you know about this card?" he yelled. "I don't know what's going on so help me out! And were you talking about Tenjo?" Maybe dropping the Professor's name would stop the Bouncer.

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{Rene, Klive and Robert}

Arial nodded at Rene's suggestion. "Yeah, let's go and see what the others found. As for whether or not a Shadow Duel between then, I really hope not. I don't really want to get my life eaten by my monsters... Perhaps I could find out more about this when we get home..."


"And who the heck is that?" Arial asked, looking around her to find the source. Then, right at the center of Central Square, she found two - Guys? Or is it a guy and a girl? - teenagers standing there. Arial tilted her head; wasn't the one that is screaming xyr head off the one that whistled back in the classroom? If that is the case, it looks like her group are not the only curious ones. That is a relief; the more people involved, the more information that could be obtained. "Shall we then?" she commented to Rene before she began walking over to Klive and Robert. The tomboy also directed her motor scooter to them with her arm.


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(Arial, Rene & Robert)

"ONLY AFTER ONE MORE ROUND OF NOW-SATIRICAL YELLING!" Klive responded. Who said xe had no sense of humour? "I guess you're looking into Mr Tenjo too if you want to ask the very same question." Klive asked, now in xyr normal, softer monotone voice, of the two that Klive vaguely recognised from class now. "Sorry, i'm Klive, this is Robert and I'm afraid I don't know your names"

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[[To: Red]]

Will awoke in a panicked breath. He felt dizzy and slightly... afraid? Disoriented, he attempted to stand, stumbling a few times before balancing himself and taking in his surroundings. It was the school garden. "What on Earth happened...?" The janitor muttered to himself. There was also another thing; he had this strange thought on "Illusory Fields." Yet he could remember no context in which he would have learned such a thing. And why was he thinking about them now? There was something frustrating about the situation, but Will simply did not know how to react. Then there was a light tap on his shoulder and a small voice behind him. He turned to look at the girl, and took a moment to register that someone had asked him a question.

"Haha," Will laughed to himself in an un-confident voice. "Don't we all have some questions to ask..." He simply shook his head and looked at her. "Well, then. I'm feeling a bit lost myself at the moment. Anyway, some questions? Sure, go ahead." It was more of an automatic response to oblige questions than one that Will had thought out. "You can call me Will, by the way."

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{Important Action}

There's no reason to keep tailing him now that we've gotten the info we need, he thought to himself. It doesn't seem like he really knows anything else. Arthur stepped out from the shadow of the door and waved to the girl from school, keeping his hands level to ensure she knew he wasn't a criminal. "Hey, it's cool. I'm Arthur Seward. We go to the same school. If you're going to be going to the Port to find that Mr. Johnson character, I'd be happy to go with you. It's not safe to go alone these days," he said calmly. "What do you say?"

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(Klive, Arial, and Rene)


As Klive yelled out, Robert had pinched the bridge of his nose, practically facepalming. 'Oh come on, you're just gonna yell out that you're looking for information on a murder? Just how well do you expect-'


'...That to work.' While suprised at how that worked so positively as the two other students came to them, he simply accepted that Klive's way worked so easily. He put a greeting smile up as Klive introduced xym and himself, putting his hand out at the end. "Nice to meet you."

Edited by TurboAura
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  • Veterans

"I was just wandering around a bit before going home and I saw the Police officers around here,they're not around this area usually since it's crime rate usually isnt that high"Charlotte replied before a thought struck her. "This doesnt have to do with what happpened to proffesor Tenjo does it?"She asked Dominic

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