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Given that the level cap is a security mechanism not allowing cheap play, like overleveling, there are no legitimate arguments against it. The price of common candies is small and should remain that way. They exist in the unfortunate event of overleveling by accident. They do not make the game easy. They just let you try again if you do not like the abuse of soft-reset.

People try Reborn because somebody told them that it is a difficult game. There is no reason to mash the "a" button as you go through. People give you important information, and that's not the old guy in a cape, where you have to solve mysteries to approach. All the necessary info you need is provided to you, right in the beginning of the story, in and right outside of the Grand Hall. By disregarding them you have to find out on your own, or have a hard time dealing with certain problems you shouldn't have in the first place. It doesn't hurt to go back and talk to the npcs. Sometimes they even say something different if you proceed enough in the story, and that's there to help you.

Now coming back to the leveling issue. Overleveling good pokemon and not being able to bring them down again is a problem. Not a problem on the player's side but on the game's side, as disobedient pokemon during a gym battle is what most people call "fake difficulty" and Reborn prizes itself for being hard because it's logical, not due to bullcrap reasons. This is why "that's Reborn for you" is a legitimate argument and should be treated as one (of course given the appropriate explanation). Increasing the common candy price is cheap difficulty no matter how you look at things

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I actually find the level cap to be enjoyable. To be honest, I never had a problem with over-leveling my pokemon (mainly because I'm always under-leveled in everything haha) and I battle every trainer I possibly could. It ramps up the difficulty in the game at the same time make Reborn a unique game on its own. However, the main reason why Reborn is difficult is not because of the level cap, but the strategy and field effects makes towards fighting a gym. The gym leaders use a type of strategy that are unique to their own type and they mostly follow the same level cap limits as the players. They aren't 10-20 levels over the limit unlike most Pokemon-hacks that tend to do for "difficulty." To put it simply, Reborn is "fair."

Any-hoozies, the people talking about increasing price on common candies, I disagree. The increase of price limits the play-style for players; different people have different strokes--just sayin'.

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Most of people just press "a" without reading what npc's say so we have alot of those threads for something that npc already stated

This might be true, but I cannot design the game expecting that people will not read mandatory text. By genre, this is a text-centric game. It won't work if people don't read, especially when it comes to some of the more subtle instructions on how to progress.

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This might be true, but I cannot design the game expecting that people will not read mandatory text. By genre, this is a text-centric game. It won't work if people don't read, especially when it comes to some of the more subtle instructions on how to progress.

Dan has threatened to remove 'Max' text speed option.

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Yeah, I mean it's an RPG. You know what you're getting into. They're super text heavy. If you miss something because you decided to spam the A button, that's no one's fault other than you.

Plus, if you just check the description of common candy, it's very clear what their purpose is for.

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One thing that you can't blame the player for? The text that moves automagically without you doing anything. I know this is just a bug that is being fixed (Unless it's already fixed). However, this does not excuse skipping text willingly. You play the game and you learn its story and help create its story.

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  • Developers

One thing that you can't blame the player for? The text that moves automagically without you doing anything. I know this is just a bug that is being fixed (Unless it's already fixed). However, this does not excuse skipping text willingly. You play the game and you learn its story and help create its story.

Yeah, agreed. Thankfully that doesn't happen too often.

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*Skims through topic* You know, I'm noticing that the original poster of this topic has only replied once. They probably didn't know what they were getting into. And as sadistically entertaining as it is seeing you all argue. I'm starting to think it's time to agree to disagree. No progress is being made. In fact so little progress has been made that I doubt there's even a goal here.

Nah, I'm kidding. Carry on. The tension is delectable.

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So your problem with the game is that it makes you work harder for your wins?

...Here, let me explain Pokémon Reborn to you...

You might have valid opinions, but your passive aggressiveness just makes me want to ignore you.

Given that the level cap is a security mechanism not allowing cheap play, like overleveling, there are no legitimate arguments against it. The price of common candies is small and should remain that way. They exist in the unfortunate event of overleveling by accident. They do not make the game easy. They just let you try again if you do not like the abuse of soft-reset.

People try Reborn because somebody told them that it is a difficult game. There is no reason to mash the "a" button as you go through. People give you important information, and that's not the old guy in a cape, where you have to solve mysteries to approach. All the necessary info you need is provided to you, right in the beginning of the story, in and right outside of the Grand Hall. By disregarding them you have to find out on your own, or have a hard time dealing with certain problems you shouldn't have in the first place. It doesn't hurt to go back and talk to the npcs. Sometimes they even say something different if you proceed enough in the story, and that's there to help you.

Now coming back to the leveling issue. Overleveling good pokemon and not being able to bring them down again is a problem. Not a problem on the player's side but on the game's side, as disobedient pokemon during a gym battle is what most people call "fake difficulty" and Reborn prizes itself for being hard because it's logical, not due to bullcrap reasons. This is why "that's Reborn for you" is a legitimate argument and should be treated as one (of course given the appropriate explanation). Increasing the common candy price is cheap difficulty no matter how you look at things

You are assuming that people try Reborn for the same reasons you did; I did not. I also don't play rpgs for the storyline. I find them boring most of the time.

My problem isn't the difficulty, as I've said before. To me, there is no difficulty, only an increase in the amount of time I have to play. I'm not doing anything different other than leveling a different pokemon. This is inherently difficult due to the lack of leveling areas in the game. Let's say I get to a gym leader and my pokemon are over leveled, now I have to back track, get lower level pokemon, and spend an hour leveling them. Playing the way I'm doing now requires more strategy then the way all of you are claiming the game should be played. It also requires luck, and when both of your over leveled pokemon don't do anything except die, then your under leveled pokemon kills two and overlevels himself from experience, then dies the same way the last two did, by doing nothing, then your under leveled pokemon gets one attack and is then paralyzed for two turns in a row and dies, then your other pokemon is one shot, and finally, your last pokemon against their last pokemon, you have down to one hit, and they struggle, kill themselves, but also kill you, it is mind-numbingly frustrating.

I would like to add that this happened twice, the second time I came prepared, used common candies, bought potions, everbody was one level lower so they could get experience, and they still over leveled during the battle, stopped listening to me, died, then the next one came out. He killed one, but needed potions, so I sent out another one to take some hits. I used one potion, then was one shot because of a critical hit, then switched out, was paralyzed, then was one shot from another critical hit. Then it was my last one against their last one, no potions, and finally a struggle draw, except not a draw, I lost, again, the same way, after preparing, then I posted this topic.

*Skims through topic* You know, I'm noticing that the original poster of this topic has only replied once. They probably didn't know what they were getting into. And as sadistically entertaining as it is seeing you all argue. I'm starting to think it's time to agree to disagree. No progress is being made. In fact so little progress has been made that I doubt there's even a goal here.

Nah, I'm kidding. Carry on. The tension is delectable.

People to hang with, dates to go on, parties to go to, college to take, work to do. It would be nice if I could sit down and play pokemon all day, but then I'm sure I'd stink and nobody would want to sleep with me, and I do like people sleeping with me, so I have to make sacrifices.

Edited by mastacre
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I would like to add that this happened twice, the second time I came prepared, used common candies, bought potions, everbody was one level lower so they could get experience, and they still over leveled during the battle, stopped listening to me, died, then the next one came out.

Oooh! I have a solution that might work for you. How about reducing your Pokemon to two levels below the level cap? Man, I really had to mine my sulci for that one.

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Someone who claims that his playstyle requires "more strategy then [sic] the way all of you are claiming the game should be played" can't strategize his way out of Pokemon leveling up in the middle of a battle.

You must be all the rage at hipster parties.

All the hipster chicks want to sleep with me and I brag about it on an internet forum.

Edited by dondon151
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You are assuming that people try Reborn for the same reasons you did; I did not. I also don't play rpgs for the storyline. I find them boring most of the time.

If you don't play RPGs for the storyline why bother playing them?? The storyline is the best part of the games.

But if you have a six membered team and you don't use just one or two all the time its quite hard to overlevel. I never had that problem of overlevelling (apart from like one time where my blaziken overlevelled against the last pokemon of shelly. no harm done :P)

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People to hang with, dates to go on, parties to go to, college to take, work to do. It would be nice if I could sit down and play pokemon all day, but then I'm sure I'd stink and nobody would want to sleep with me, and I do like people sleeping with me, so I have to make sacrifices.

I'm just going to leave this here


Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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My problem isn't the difficulty, as I've said before. To me, there is no difficulty, only an increase in the amount of time I have to play. I'm not doing anything different other than leveling a different pokemon. This is inherently difficult due to the lack of leveling areas in the game. Let's say I get to a gym leader and my pokemon are over leveled, now I have to back track, get lower level pokemon, and spend an hour leveling them. Playing the way I'm doing now requires more strategy then the way all of you are claiming the game should be played. It also requires luck, and when both of your over leveled pokemon don't do anything except die, then your under leveled pokemon kills two and overlevels himself from experience, then dies the same way the last two did, by doing nothing, then your under leveled pokemon gets one attack and is then paralyzed for two turns in a row and dies, then your other pokemon is one shot, and finally, your last pokemon against their last pokemon, you have down to one hit, and they struggle, kill themselves, but also kill you, it is mind-numbingly frustrating.

If you lose and have to repeat the process, then it's difficult for you. In the beginning there are few leveling areas with which you'll have to work, in order to raise lower level pokemon that you think will be useful in a battle. That's strategic thinking.

It definitely is better to pay some to bring your pokemon back to a level at which they are competitive, rather than let them be almost useless and try to raise new pokemon from the start. It saves time and is definitely more reliable. Especially if you do it before you can breed, you'll have to fight Julia and Florinia without your starter, which is a huge drawback and comes back to the essence of fake difficulty.

I don't understand where you disagree.

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Like nick said, you have to balance how much experience each of your pokemon get. And if overleveled, it's probably worth bringing them back to an usable level.
Personally, I used only once a common candy, for my golbat against florinia (it was episode 10), which overleveled in the fight. I pretty much used him for the bigger threats in that battle, to maximize it's worth.
Aside that, it comes back to the first sentence. The nice thing is that, in leveling those less interesting mons up, they can prove to be suprisingly big assets (like pachirisu).
Reborn is kinda made to be a bit harder than the normal games. I was taken by suprise, too.

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