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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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Dragonite stared the little bird in the eyes. It already won a contest earlier and wasn’t planning to lose this obvious challenge.

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Seeing the Dragonite stare right back at her, Avis grinned and continued looking straight into his eyes, only flapping her wings to keep herself balanced in midair.

Danielle arrived to see the magnificent beast standing in the beautiful green forest... Engaged in a staring contest with Avis. She chuckled and decided to walk towards to side to observe this view. 'Just like the Professor said, this Dragonite likes to tease people, like me~' As they continued their staring contest, Danielle observed the Dragonite's features; it is pretty amazing how a small, appendage-less Dratini could evolve in a huge dragon that not only has legs and arms, but could also fly with such small wings.

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With no word in her mouth or her head about the whole Hydreigon story, Sissy started walking closer to where professor Devin was. She started finding her words again with each step she was taking. "I wanted first to apologize for the last rampage of Hydreigon. That was my fault. I didn't knew he would spooked so much by the fireworks. But it was the fastest way to call you out here." Sissy said looking at the Hydreigon.

"Secondly, indeed it's horrible what people can do to harm pokemon, both outside and inside. But sometimes it's not only people, pokemon can be like this too. Right Miss?" She said putting her hand inside her head to pet her pokemon. The Misdreavus came out in a moment with a smile in her face.

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Dragonite didn’t even flinch when he heard Danielle walk around. He still looked Avis in the eyes and snorted to sign the bird would lose this one.


“Everyone makes mistakes and I already said I rather have you do it here than in the wild. You had good intentions. And yes, you’re right about that, but keep in mind most Pokémon learn from their trainers. They take over their habits and mindset or they’re character is formed by things that happened to them. No Pokémon, no matter what the reputation says, is born truly evil.”
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Avis responded by doing a barrel roll, keeping her eyes on the Dragonite all the while. She "crowed" as a sign of respect to this amazing challenger. However, Avis could feel her wings getting a little tired with each passing minute.

In the distance, however, Danielle gasped as Avis did the roll in air. She then covered her mouth to stifle herself, not wanting to distract the two competitors. As the duo continued the stare off, Danielle's mind began coming up with ways to use the technique in upcoming battles.

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Kage continued to talk to the Hydreigon. "Hey, it's alright, I get it. Hugs aren't your thing, at least with someone you don't really know. I bet you like these, though." He took out his Pokeblock case and shook out the last one in it, and held it toward the Hydreigon. "I don't have any more of these, though, so I hope you enjoy that one."

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"You could say something a bit along both those lines, I guess," Mareek said to Henry. "But I have to admit, out of all the ones I've studied, Cipher posed the most challenge in terms of finding actual information and not just random rumors. Took me weeks and weeks of digging before I found anything at all, and even then all I got in return was a shred of some old report that only said they, and I quote; 'operated in the Orre Region and somehow had managed to manipulate the minds of pokemon on a massive scale for their ends before being stopped.' It's still the only one I don't have the full profile on, Don't know their leaders, their ideology, how they funded themselves, aside from the name and where they worked, I've got virtually nothing. though..." He scratched his chin for a moment, debating about whether or not to try.

"If you're an Orre National, You probably know the story of Cipher better than anyone else," he continued. "And from what it sounds like, you already know a lot more about them than me. Which moves me on to my point: would you mind filling me in on the details for them?"

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The staring contest between the Murkrow and Dragonite was being observed by a hungry-looking Litwick. His Trainer had decided to let him loose for a while to pick on his new Sneasel foo-- friend, and he was hungry for something to burn up with his little blue flame.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, a short-haired girl was with her Sneasel. "You know, I still don't know what to call you," she mused aloud, while the Dark-Ice-type practiced swiping rapidly at a rock.

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Jacob excitedly approached Devin again, full of questions for the renowned trainer. Ever since he was small, Jacob's dream had been to become someone just like Devin. Well, at least with a little more variety, he thought to himself, looking cautiously at the Hydreigon. One Dragon is enough for me, he noted, looking down at Trapinch. When he reached the Dragon master, Jacob's heart began to beat faster. "Professor Cadmus, sir, do you have any advice for me for training Teo into a Flygon? And how long do you think it'll be until he evolves into Vibrava?" he asked quickly, looking up at the imposing man.

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Kenny made sure to keep his Pokedex quiet as he Scanned his Eevee, out of respect for the Hydregion's Acute Hearing. This is the Data he received from it:

[Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. A rare Pokemon that conceals many varied and Specialized Evolutions within it's Unstable Genetic Makeup.

Type: Normal

Gender: Female

Level: 10

Moves: Helping Hand, Tackle, Swift, Baby-doll Eyes

NOTE: This Pokemon was owned at one point, but has been Released by or has Renounced its Allegiance to its Previous Owner.]

Kenny was surprised by this last bit, and decided to ask Devin about it. Kenny headed over to Devin, all three of his Pokemon in tow.

"Devin, have any Students lost or released their Pokemon in your Garden, from what you know of?"

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Claude was in a daze. Only a short while ago, he'd had terror coursing through him, rendering him incapable of much, if any, rational thought. He had never paid his fear any major attention, content in the lie that he would never have to really face it. I mean, when would I ever be forced to face a rock type if I don't go to their habitats? I can always run too, and I have Doux... But then today happened, and he met the Tyrantrum and Tyrunts with Kage, and thing had gotten away from him so quickly... and he had seen, at the hands of Alvin and Lana, that trainers and coordinators would of course be using them, a fact he had conveniently overlooked. He had been out of his mind, and if today had been a situation that wasn't safe, bad things would have happened, This, Claude had no doubts about. Even in these conditions, Claudes friends had been put in severe danger, something Claude had failed to do anything about either.

Claude hadn't done anything good, or helpful, or even remotely positive today, and he hated that.

Even so, he made an effort to smile, though anyone could see he looked somewhat more haggard than normal, and waltzed over to Henry and Mareek, hoping to start a conversation with anyone, to distract himself.

"Well, you two boys seem quite focused on your discussion. Mind if I join in on the secret?" Claude said, winking at the two.

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"This is somewhat of a private conversation," Mareek said as the other student sidled closer to him and Henry. "So I would honestly appreciate it if you just respect that fact." Look damn it, just let this kid go away for now. after all this time, he finally had an opportunity to fill in a few holes for Cipher... and he honestly didn't need someone to go and potentially get in the way. Though, this was of course assuming that this other student (Henry) would be willing to talk to him about what he knew at all.

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Claudes expression didn't waver, a grin hiding his annoyance at the attempt to turn him away, He firmly planted his feet where he stood. "Aw, c'mon mr man, surely it isn't that private, if you have to discuss it NOW of all times. C'mon, maybe I can contribute, hm?" Doux had fluttered back to Claude, after losing track of everything, but instead of resting on Claudes head, he nudged Claude away, knowing that Claude was just being an annoyance. Claude brushed Doux away Lightly. "Not now Doux, Ok?"

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Henry watched Claude walk into the conversation just before he was about to speak. "Cipher has a talent of covering their tracks to make sure all members are safe from punishment. I've been doing my own research on Ein following his notes to try and figure out how he cracked the code to Pokemon. He learned to control them in ways thought impossible and do things no man has done before. I had to make a deal with the devil with an Ex-cipher code named Naps just to get those alone."

Henry turned to Claude. "Mareek and I are discussing something you probably don't want to be apart. What I was about to discuss is highly confidential information with most of it obtained illegally. Unless you have interest in police work, I suggest you turn around and leave. Just know you'll be accountable for anything you hear."

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Naturally, Claude didn't take Henry seriously. He was 14, maybe 15, same age as Claude. It was probably just a joke, like a kid playing spy. Claude took a moment, acting as though he was taking it deadly seriously. He nodded, trying to keep any mirth from his eyes. "Understood." His body language gave no indication of leaving.

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don't care if it's unfitting. This song is just plain awesome.

Henry saw Claude wasn't going to leave so he began talking. "I'll try to be brief as possible. Originally, a man named Nascour claimed to be the leader of Cipher, but even he remained well hidden in order to keep their works a secret. During the early years, an Admin named Ein was in charge of a group of researchers studying the hearts of Pokemon to make them even more powerful. Through many experiments, he learned that shutting the hearts of Pokemon turned them into machines that could use a new type of move called he coined as Shadow. Only one weak move was discovered, but the Pokemon, owned by another trainer, was completely obedient.

The head of Cipher became very interested and struck a deal with Snagem, thieves who steal pokemon, for subjects to test this new type of Pokemon out. Cipher secretly passed a few of the weaker Pokemon to start a craze of power. Colosseum matches rose and crime became a key part of life. Cipher used their admins to rise to the top and rule towns such as Pyrite with an Iron fist. The mayor of Phenac City, the true leader of the organization, abused his power to make sure his secret project would be completed without any disruption. He built a giant tower as a symbol for a new world order.

Ultimately, Evice, mayor of Phenac, overlooked one small problem. An ex-Snagem member stole a machine called a Snag Machine and took many of the Shadow Pokemon to become his own. He found a way to return these pokemon to become normal and used them to help form a team to take down Cipher and end their reign. Evice thought little of the boy, but most of his admins saw the danger and fled before they could be arrested. Miror B became a performer and Dakim retreated to Unova, but the other two, Venus and Ein, remain a mystery. There is one thing odd about the admins though. Most of them possessed one of the mythical Pokemon known as the Legendary Dogs. Anyone here know what region they are said to originate from?"

Edited by commander218
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After hearing how Kenny and Danielle had turned the story into a deep-learning experience, he took the chance to calm down. After about 10 deep breathes and a bit of zoning out, he found that the people around were in a more positive buzz. Looking around, he saw that he completely lost track of Shiro and Danielle, as well as Kenny and Henry already in their own conversations. Seeing as he couldn't see anyone else he could recognized, Robert went over to one of the trees close by the 'battlefield,' and sat down, releasing Kiai in the process. After giving the Riolu a few pats on the head, Robert simply stated, "Well, today sure was hectic, huh?" With that, simply reclined and began to think on what he exactly had to go through.

(If anyone wants to interact with Robert, go ahead.)

Edited by TurboAura
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((Soldier, maybe it's just me, but I believe this theme indeeds fits.))

"Their from Johto," Mareek answered simply. "Three pokemon that were killed in a fire at the bell tower in what's today known as Ecruteak city, and, according to legend, were given second life by Ho-oh. So... you're saying that each of these Admins had somehow captured Entei, Raikou, and Suicune...how?" he thought about that question for a moment... "On second thought, forget I just asked that. Terrorist have always found ways to capture and enslave a Legendary Pokemon if they're driven enough and have the man power and resources to pull it off. moving on, what became of this admin named Dakim afterwards? did he just fade into the local populace in Unova?"

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Henry heard the magic word ring in his ears. “Yes, they came from Johto. Nobody bothered to dig deeper into that fine detail because they thought Cipher was done for. In reality, that Cipher was nothing more than a small branch of the whole group. Evice remained silent because everything happened just as the real leader expected. Now they could fulfill their secret mission in Johto without a single soul knowing about it.

Orre's technology was ahead of it's time, with Cipher two steps ahead of that. The three dogs were simply practice for there real goal. I don't know if they had connections, but the police was 'busy' handling the Rockets giving them opportunity to take their prize. They wanted something stronger than a legendary...they wanted a god. A long time ago, people worshiped a Pokemon known as Lugia. This Pokemon feared its power and hid itself away in a cave far from shore. Since everyone else was 'busy' with the Rockets, they were able to successfully capture this beast. I guess Kanto's Bird Trio was a bit of a bonus.

So what did they do with this pokemon? Obviously, they turned it into a Shadow Pokemon, but that's not all. Lugia was now black. This beast could only be controlled by the true head of Cipher and was never purifiable. The original Lugia could destroy a town with a flap of it's wings, but this Lugia had the strength to lift an entire cruise ship. How is this possible? Cipher's research team wasn't twiddling their thumbs. They were busy learning the true potential of Shadow Pokemon.

I'm sure you know the type chart, but Shadow is different. Imagine a move that was always super-effective. Only Shadows could resist these moves. Now imagine Shadow's powers being limitless. A Shadow could do almost anything, unlike a regular Pokemon. Lovrina, the new research head, used this data to create XD 001 aka Shadow Lugia. With this new powered up Pokemon, Cipher would be unstoppable.

Cipher was inches away from world domination until a team led by a young research boy somehow made Greevil, the leader of Cipher, have a change of heart. Cipher was disbanded or that's what most believe. The research team was able to Purify and release the Lugia to be free once more. It all became one big happy ending.

I don't know much after, but one of the Cipher Admins, Ardos, swore he'd revive Cipher to its former glory. No one knows what happened after so Cipher is officially declared dead again. I have a full report back in my dorm if you care to read it, but that's the basic story of the group. I'm more focused on what Ein referred to as a Pokemon's heart. In his reports, it's stated that all pokemon have part of their heart closed. I want to figure out how Ein closed their hearts completely so that I may do the complete opposite. I'm curious how powerful a pokemon will be if you completely open its heart seeing how strong it is if you completely close it. I'm sure you have your reasons wanting to know about Cipher, but I won't pry into them. Some secrets are best kept hidden after all.

To answer your question about Dakim, some say he's Alder, others rumor he's a distant relative living secretly with him. Cipher Admins have a funny way of blending into the crowd so no one really knows for sure what happened to him."

Edited by commander218
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Raiza thought for a moment. "Hey, Sneasel, try running around that boulder really quick, pon." The Sneasel looked at her and did so, stopping in the middle of swiping at the boulder which now had a ton of scars all over it, some parts beginning to chip away. She dashed around the boulder. "All right, now go faster. You've gotta look like there's more of you, pon." The Dark/Ice type picked up more speed in an attempt to get what her Trainer was trying to teach her-- apparently it was a move called Double Team. Supposedly she'd be able to make illusory copies of herself, but... Raiza scratched her head. Were they doing it wrong? From what she'd seen the doubles clearly had spaces between them. It didn't look like the original was moving at all. While here... Sneasel just looked like a dark-blue-with-a-red-thingy-on-the-head kinda blur. "Well, never mind, pon... I think you ended up using Agility instead, pon." The Sneasel stopped in her tracks, with a confused and somewhat annoyed look. "You'll be needing your speed, though-- gotta hit 'em first before they hit you, pon," Raiza mused aloud. "Anyway, here, pon: points for effort." With an upward motion she tossed a PokeBlock into the air-- intentionally, as though trying to hit the sun with it. Sneasel saw this and a gleam sparkled in her eye; deftly, she ran up to a tree in a blur of motion, kicked off of it and somersaulted to land feet first into a nearby tree, repeating the process till she nabbed the PokeBlock midair a good eight feet up, and dug her claws into the bark of the tree she landed on to slide down safely.

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Claude took all of this information with a grain of salt, but he pitched in anyway. "admins hiding in plain sight isn't just limited to Ciphers you know. The famous Lysandre caused a rather grand scandal in my home of Kalos when he tried to erase life using the legendary pokemon of Kalos. That much was put on the news, but some people suspected Professor sycamore himself. They were friends after all"

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"I'll take you up on that offer to read the report, Seems that Cipher may well be the most dangerous group of them all," Mareek said, not believing the luck he had just run into. He turned to Claude after hearing the boy mention Flare's boss. "And you're right about it not being limited to one particular terror organization," he said. "Giovanni himself was actually the Leader of the Viridian city gym in kanto. Cells tend to implant their highest ranking members into positions of power to ease the pursuit of their ultimate goals; In fact, those that have been most successful always used this practice. It's easy to do whatever the hell you want when you have cash and power to abuse and there's no one who's willing to stop you because they know you can get to them or their families if you wanted to. Unfortunately that's precisely the reason why it's so successful in practice and why certain groups ever managed to get as far as they did."

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DarkLight and Zephyr

Dragonite smirked when Avis did the barrel roll. So he was dealing with prankster? Interesting…Dragonite had to admit this one was for better than that human from before. But he wouldn’t lose. The Murkrow was too green and inexperienced to beat him. All he had to do was patiently wait for it to run out of steam.

After that he would deal with the staring presence it sensed.


The Hydreigon snorted. It still felt uncomfortable and turned its heads every few seconds in Devin’s direction. He knew now Kage didn’t mean any harm but getting close to humans just felt weird. It wanted to create as much distance as possible and ignored the Pokéblock at first, until Mother Tyrantrum saw the delicious candy. She came over and almost managed to snatch it, but Hydreigon wasn’t planning on letting anyone steal from it and caught it in his mouth. With another snort towards Tyrantrum it finally flew off into the woods.

Jory and K_H

“Let me see,” Devin said to Jacob. He picked up Teo and studied it. “Strong jaws… leg power seems alright… healthy looking…” he mumbled during his examination. “I’d say he’s halfway there before evolving into Vibrava. As for any advice; Flygon is one of the most balanced Dragons. If you want it to outstand focus the strong points. I think you know what those are,” he said with a smile. He thought for a second because he wanted Jacob to find his own way of battling. “Flygon is sometimes overlooked as a powerful Dragon. Other species stand out more because they have monstrous attacking power, like Haxorus, or focus on special attacking, like Hydreigon. If you want him to go head to head with Dragons like that use Teos balance well. Focus on his strong points and lure the opponent in his pace.”

He was thinking he went a little too far in his advice since that was the battle style he used with Flygon, when Kenny interrupted. “That’s Professor Cadmus to you, boy!” he said with a little authority. And no, I’ve never heard of a student leaving his Pokémon behind, especially in my garden. I’ve seen that Eevee a couple of times and if it was abandoned it would’ve been from a traveler. Believe me when I say I keep a close eye on things like that.”

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Kage turned to Devin. "I tried, I guess." He idly reached back and rubbed the underside of Tyrantrum's jaw; it was the only part of her he could reach. "I probably shouldn't have expected anything else, but hey, at least Hydreigon took the candy." Since the Hydreigon wasn't there to be startled by the action any more, he released his Pokemon a short distance away from himself. They looked about wildly for a moment, expecting to see a dragon bearing down on them, but quickly calmed themselves when they understood no such thing was going to happen.

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Lucifer snickered as he watched, evidently amused by the staring contest. Now, which one of these two had tastier souls to eat...? Maybe the big orange o--

"Luciferrrrrrrrrr, pon! Where the heck, pon..." came the call of Raiza. Darn. Looks like having a taste of dragon's soul would have to wait. Pouting, the Litwick made his way towards his Trainer, who came shortly after her voice did. "There you are, you little rascal, pon! What've you been up-- oh, wow, pon," Raiza said, noticing the big Dragonite in the vicinity. It looked funny, sitting down and... staring at a Murkrow? The additional sight of the mischievous Dark-type made watching the Pokemon all the more intriguing for the girl that she hadn't noticed the other Trainer who watched right next to her.

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