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Evi Crystal

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Evi Crystal last won the day on June 3 2023

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492 Altruist

About Evi Crystal

  • Birthday August 7

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    In my comfy zone
  • Interests
    Playing video games, anime, drawing, reading, writing stories, fantasy genre, history

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    Evi Crystal#8276
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  1. Be strong, Evi Crystal. Be strong.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      I'm fine. Just a bit overloaded with excitement and hope from finished my Rejuv marathon now and some old memories about this game. That's because Rejuvenation was my first Pokemon fangame around V9-V10, I played in 2017-2018, before starting Reborn.


      I barely finished it because that content scared me at first. It was so different than the canon games, that it startled me for awhile. Especially the Where Love Lies, I once played as well, before delete all Rejuv files bc of that. It was pretty different then the games. And I denied Rejuvenation for so long.


      And many months later, I took interest in Reborn; completing hating on Rejuvenation at first. It was not good, but maybe it's because it was completely different with the versions and it where themes, which first scared me. Bit since V13 release, I decided to give it a try and realized it was similar to Reborn. Just the lore was pretty different and how long it was (much longer than Reborn, but that's due to played it at EP18 unlike others starting it a few episodes ago, if you get that.)


      But after watching Icy's Rejuv playlist and see how fangames can be great (due to playing too much Reborn😅), I decided to give it a try, okay? Once my laptop is fully repaired



      Sorry for the long text and etc., but I hide this too 4 years now. Trying new things does help someone giving a better opinion and view on other things. That's how I see it

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