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Status Replies posted by logintomylife

  1. Tips on how to be a good oarent

    1. logintomylife


      Don't rent your oars to strangers, get to know them a bit before engaging in the oarenting.

  2. love and appreciate you all and have a wonderful day ❤️ 

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. someone mind giving me a back massage and getting the knots out of my muscles because holy shit i can't even sit up straight without my back hurting OTL



    1. logintomylife


      Try doing some exercises from internet or some training, it helps to strengthen your back muscles as that is sometimes the main issue of back pain o: 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Volume 7 Finale prediction:



    1. logintomylife


      Yeah... When did RWBY got so sunny? xD

      Nah, Cinder will win, possibly by stealing Maiden's power when she begins to lose, it's 2vs1 after all

  6. Alas poor showdown server, you had a good run

  7. Light? Darkness? How about neither?

    1. logintomylife


      You mean Nether? That's in the darkness spectrum, isn't it?

  8. I think either that Madame X is either Celine,Anathea from another timeline, a living member of the Garufa or Melia/Melaine from said another time line


    There are theories for this


    Her being Celine is unknown because both are mysterious characters since Celine was only mentioned by Amanda


    Her being a alternate counterpart to Anathea is slightly possible because both know Maria and have a hatred towards Vitus but Anathea cares about her husband until she found him of what he actually is and Madame X has hatred towards him for making Maria suffer


    In V12 it was revealed that Anathea used to have black hair but was changed to blonde due to the Archetype and Madame X has black hair if you beat Amanda and having red eyes which could assume that the Archetype changes the appearance and personality of the person


    Possibly being involved with the Garufa is slightly because she knows about the Jewel of Life and possibly knows the use of Garufa Magic


    Her being a alternate counterpart of Melia because Melia was able to go far because of her friends being there for her and it is implied that Madame X had friends but something changed her and they both know the player


    Another point I made is slightly to be a counterpart or indeed a version of Nymiera but not possible since Nymiera isn't evil and her descendants Alexandra and Damien are good people


    1. logintomylife


      Betting on her being Melia, or we might get a completely new character, that will be most likely a former member of Stormchasers. Daughter of Xenadin also doesn't sound bad, but also Xenadin might be another Vitus alter-ego, so we return to Melia/Maria again. The possibilities are endless as of now.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. All I gotta say is... Rejuvenation is fucking INSANE! Time travel is fucking awesome! I can't wait to start my Written Story Run with this game! Holy fuck! As SOON as you get to GDC, things go from a 100 to a 1,000,000! It's awesome!

    1. logintomylife


      Love the richness of the story and the characters, everything is so nicely built and told. 'tis truly a work worth of praise and all that cometh with it!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. I just stole a TV :) 


    Man, this game is amazing 

    1. logintomylife


      My man, that's just the tip of an iceberg ;D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Who on earth is writing any and all of the side bits throughout V11? ''' We aren’t part of the international bad guy group anymore! We’re living in this abandoned desert city, out of the way. We just needed quick cash, so we used this sleeping-gas on any and all tourists or wanders that came this way and robbed them fucking blind, while using this as a hideout! Please don’t evict us, we’ll literally die if we aren’t allowed to be in this hideout '''  - quite literally, prison has better accommodations (if it isn't in America) and let's remember that the 'better ending' essentially rounds up to a ''' yeah we know you've tried to eradicated entire cities, towns, terrorized people, and much worse that wont be disclosed, but - oh - you’ve left the group now? So it’s all fine! ''' 

    1. logintomylife


      I believe it works in terms of signals, maybe every grunt and "death-wing" have some device installed in their uniforms or their bodies, and upon knowing that they are missing Madame X just activates something and it erases the grunt from existence. It can be anything from a malicious-super-computer-thingy to a Rift-Pokemon similar to the former. I think it could be some sort of magical signal thing could work, as we see in many instances that Madame X can't reach certain places with that power: Amethyst cave and the Garufa Temple for example, and the desert could be the same. As far as it goes, the story -wants- us to believe Madame X is omnipotent, making her the big-bad she is, and we should be rightfully afraid of her >.>

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Who on earth is writing any and all of the side bits throughout V11? ''' We aren’t part of the international bad guy group anymore! We’re living in this abandoned desert city, out of the way. We just needed quick cash, so we used this sleeping-gas on any and all tourists or wanders that came this way and robbed them fucking blind, while using this as a hideout! Please don’t evict us, we’ll literally die if we aren’t allowed to be in this hideout '''  - quite literally, prison has better accommodations (if it isn't in America) and let's remember that the 'better ending' essentially rounds up to a ''' yeah we know you've tried to eradicated entire cities, towns, terrorized people, and much worse that wont be disclosed, but - oh - you’ve left the group now? So it’s all fine! ''' 

    1. logintomylife


      Prisons wont do, if Madame X knows/feels presence of a grunt that failed/betrayed her, he/she will disappear from existence, painfully...

      Thats why they have to hide, and I think you had the choice of evicting them if you had some problem with 'em, no?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon soon

  14. If you're a fan of "the Witcher" games (1, 2 and 3), which character do you prefer:

    Triss Merigold or Yennefer Of Vengerberg?


    Just trying to prove a point to my friends...

    1. logintomylife


      Triss, personally I liked her more because of certain traits that Yennefer lacked in total or had them little. Yennefer came to me like a brooding, emo type which I don't dislike but in terms of preference Triss' sort of merriness and kind look swayed me over o: 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi, don't mind me, i'm just here, existing.

    1. logintomylife


      I think, therefore I am, is what you should say! But do I think? What is thinking?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi, don't mind me, i'm just here, existing.

    1. logintomylife


      What if we don't exist as well... What if we are just inside your head.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi, don't mind me, i'm just here, existing.

  18. I'm still laughing when i get trapped into this nuzleaf cage during 1 or 2 min on reborn xD I'm surprised no one created a topic like " eeehhhhh your game bug , nothing is happening when i'm trapped pls heeeeellppppp " 

    1. logintomylife


      @SilverAngelus Yup, always, it resets the zone then and there is no longer the pit-fall

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. I'm still laughing when i get trapped into this nuzleaf cage during 1 or 2 min on reborn xD I'm surprised no one created a topic like " eeehhhhh your game bug , nothing is happening when i'm trapped pls heeeeellppppp " 

    1. logintomylife


      Well, because something happens when you wait... But in the beginning I also thought it was a bug, and used Escape Rope every damn time xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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