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Mr. Knightly

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mr. Knightly

  1. Welcome back Lykos! Also @Seal I absolutely love your signature!
  2. Have I posted twice today? Eh, whatever, [Eliminate] DigitalAmber
  3. Ooohh yeah, that makes sense. Carry on then with your random posts and what have you.
  4. Aggressive much? Also, to whom is this message intended? Or was that merely a statement for everyone?
  5. Oh no, Lord Drakyle is mad with power! All hail Lord Drakyle!!!
  6. Aaaahhhhh nooooO! This is my first game, [Eliminate] Newt
  7. Welcome, nice to meet you! I have to agree with you as well pandas are amazing.
  8. I tried to paralyze him but he had two full heals. So I ended up paralyzing him three times before he stayed paralyzed. I used revives and potions to get him to use all of his judgement move, then FINALLY I finished him off with Kommo-o.
  9. This is where you can download the latest version of pokemon rejuvenation right?
  10. *Shudder* You guys are weirding me out!
  11. @Mr. Finn Ouch. That wasn't very nice... Mr. Knightly used hurricane spin and Metagross fell before him like wheat in a field! Also I figured out my magikarp team: Magikarp, noibat, feebas, wimpod, abra (or beldum cause i like em), and... COSMOG!
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