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Mr. Knightly

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Everything posted by Mr. Knightly

  1. I would like the Seel. I have a bunch of good totodiles (some with dragon dance, crunch, and ice punch), as well as some pretty good snubbulls and teddiursa (with close combat, crunch, and play rough).
  2. @CrimsonDragon21 I will do my best. I have not been contributing much because my role is not an information gathering role. That being said, I jumped on the band wagons because I am new at these games, and didn't know what to do.
  3. So have I made two posts yet? I never can keep track of that.
  4. Alright guys, I agree with Bean! We need to take action! We need to eliminate someone. With this in mind I propose. [Eliminate] Bean
  5. Hey, I got this shiny alakazam in the wonder trade, and I am keeping it for you Barry. Please let me know when you want this back.
  6. Mkay guys, we need to get our act together or we's gonna die!
  7. If you need something let me know.
  8. But, you can get unlimited tyrouge by trading dunsoarce with a scientist on route 1. I can trade you one later if you like.
  9. @LykosHand Dang! That's a pretty hefty accusation! That sounds good to me though. I mean, why would Alaris lie about it right guys? [Eliminate] NickCrash
  10. Alright, sorry I'm late. Who are we eliminating and why?
  11. Alright I trust you. After all he is a Birthday Card in Human Form. [Eliminate] Venus
  12. Alright Alistair makes sense. We might be able to deduce who the mafia is in this way. MR. KNIGHTLY! WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?! Don't worry I'll make him talk.
  13. Alright, I will hop on this voting train. [Eliminate] Candy
  14. @Walpurgis But, but... It's so furry... and it's laughing...
  15. Hey guys come on! Don't accuse Seal! That baby seal in his signature is adorable!
  16. @LykosHand Honestly I am tempted to agree with you.
  17. I don't want to die okay! You die you lose the game. I am doing this out of consideration for you guys since someone is going to be voted, and I am the worst role.
  18. Okay, for the record I have no great wish to die. I'm just saying that if someone is voted it should be me. I am honestly the worst role.
  19. Can I nominate myself? If I can: [Killer] Bean [Weapon] BBM [Room] Basement [Nominee] Mr. Knightly Not really sure why we're voting these things (except me of course! ), but I do love a good bandwagon!
  20. @Alistair Yes. Do it! DO IT! Nominate me with all your hatred! But seriously, it would be a good idea.
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