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Status Updates posted by Q-Jei

  1. Well! We're almost there! The mystery character I talked about some days ago will be revealed tomorrow in the afternoon at 4:00 PM (French hour). Since nobody has managed to find her identity yet, I would gladly give two extra hints about her. Don't hesitate to check the appropriate topic for more information 🙂



  2. "I never look back, ever. I'm always looking ahead, working on the next thing." - Chris Cornell

  3. Well. I noticed that the mystery character game I posted some days ago was sinking down in the abysses of the forum. That’s why I decided to reveal one extra letter once again, the last letter of the surname. Don’t forget, the winner will receive a timid Froakie + 1 Reborn Ball. So, let’s give it a try before the 11th November 😉



  4. Undoubtedly one of the most calming boss theme that I've ever heard in a video game, but damn... this Rayman boss was still a pure nightmare to deal with when I was a child!



    1. Hect


      Feeling compelled to post the most intense normal boss battle theme I've heard recently in contrast to the one that you've posted: 


  5. I know I'm a bit late for this, but it had to be said...




  6. Good day everyone! What about we play a game? If you're in search of fun minigames to try, there should be enough to satiate your curiosity just below~



  7. Another one?~




  8. Here we are! After a long period of silence, this is back! Episode 12 of the Tale of a Firehead is here after two months of wait, the penultimate episode of the Departure Arc is in! 🙂 🙂 🙂 

    In this chapter, you'll see how Flannery will receive permission to go to Reborn. The council in Petalburg City is on her agenda 😉

    Don't hesitate to make me know what you thought of the progress of the story, any comments are welcomed!~



  9. Happy Birthday Candy 🙂 🎉 ❤️

    May this weekend be good for you and your family 😄 

    1. Candy


      Thanks~ I'm getting old physically but never mature mentally oof

    2. Q-Jei


      In both cases, you'll still the same for us 😉

  10. Flannery looks so hyped to talk to Ame ●‿●

    And you? Are you hyped for another episode of the Tale of a Firehead?~


  11. THIS is why Flannery is the best Gym Leader by far! 😄


  12. Hello everyone! How are you going?

    I wanted to apologize. I've been silent for a long time because of personal business, especially courses in University, travels for hospital therapy, etcetera... As I said at the beginning of September, I had to deal with it. So, I'm still here... but less than before. However, I never said that I would not show up again one day or another. I like this community too much for letting it behind, it's a breather to me. Without it, I would feel bad and sad. Hopefully, even after my school start, some things are still the same. And beside the fact that I'm closed for commissions, I'm keeping up my work about Flannery's tale, and not only that. Today, I've just finished my second spriteset for a commission from a Rejuvenation player. It was the first time I created something based on IRL people. I hope you'll enjoy it at least as much as me when drew it! 😉


    Best regards,






    Commission made by @Q-Jei for @Taeyon

  13. The story of the 12th episode of 'The Tale of a Firehead' is fully written now, and my school year in University has begun well. I am on cloud nine! 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Q-Jei


      I’m glad you asked! I’m studying Computer Sciences and Web Development (HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript...). Actually, the courses are relatively quiet and understandable, I feel confident at the moment 😉

    3. Angelkitsune


      Computer Science huh....I kinda suck at IT stuff (/▽\).I was thinking about taking Graphic Design next year so that I can get good at drawing......then I can draw my own fanart ( •̀ ω •́ )✧.Good luck on your course

      (ง •▽•)ง

    4. Q-Jei


      Thanks! I hope you’ll succeed in too 🙂 Also, if I have the opportunity to show some of my personal knowledge to my comrades and make it useful during the creation of my own web page, it would be a win-win situation for me 😉

  14. I discovered and played Pokemon Showdown just yesterday! I have to say that the Monotype section is by far the funniest to try. By the way, for some reason, I really enjoyed this fight in particular~ ♪


    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Angelkitsune


      oh wow you ALMOST lost still don't know why Mamoswine use stealth rock since you only had a honchcrow left but thank god they miss those last couple of hits ( ̄▽ ̄)"


      also why suddenly i have to download the video from media fire

    3. Q-Jei


      I could not share the link otherwise, cause I always got a message saying that I'm only allowed to upload 10.24kb. So, I did it differently. And yeah, I guess that my opponent didn't want me to attack with Sucker Punch, which could explain why Mamoswine used a status move. But he could have used Ice Shard instead, cause even with Sucker Punch activated, I could not have outspeeded it. You can see in the comment section how I dodged Mamoswine's Ice Shard, that was hilarious 😉

    4. Angelkitsune


      actually if you copy the link and then paste it then it doesn't require space but yeah somethimes I don't know which will attack first sucker punch or ice shard because i remember I fought a mega scizor with bullet punch but it outspeed my infernape that is using mach punch so i guess it depends on who has higher speed stat I guess

  15. Wohoooo! Altruist rank reached! Thanks for all those who helped me to be recognized as such 🙂 🙂 😄 😄 

  16. Numerous studies have shown that music can have very positive effects on people's mind. I believe it!


  17. Hello there! I have some news to announce!


    From 1 September 2018, I'll be temporarily closed for commissions. The reason behind this decision is that I'll finally go back to school, I managed to find a good University to learn more about Computer Science, Web Development and Programming through different languages. That's something I care about a lot, and it warms my heart to be recognized as one of the students too. This year gave me the opportunity to better know who I was, and what I really wanted. Being someone with Asperger Syndrome myself, all that could be less important to the others represents a lot to me. I'll still be active on the forum, but things concerning my time spent on spriting as well as time spent on creating new episodes for my written run will inevitably reduce on weekdays. However, I never said that the Tale of a Firehead will be cancelled. I'm already figuring out how I'll build the 12th episode. All the major events of this one have been noted, and I'm still working on the writing of the storyline. For those interested in what happens in the penultimate chapter of the Departure Arc, I can tell you that all the Hoenn Gym Leaders will appear and have their own speaking time each. Also, the design for the second OC is over. After Jacques Besson, another character will pop up in future episodes. We can still discuss of it on the appropriate topic, but the release date of her sprite will certainly be in late September. If you enjoyed the story so far, just let me know and express yourself. For you, I'll keep going on.

    I wish you all an excellent school year! And don't forget, stay tuned~ 🙂 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Q-Jei


      Thank you all! I’ll need it 😄

    3. seki108


      Same as everyone, I wish you all the luck I can.  Have this gif I usually post on here when wishing someone luck near exam time.





    4. Abyssreaper99


      Congrats for getting into uni dude! Enjoy your course and make sure to take advantage of any opportunities or support that the university throws your way.

  18. Well! Here comes the true spriteset of Jacques Besson, as I promised 🙂


  19. EPISODE 11 IS OUUUUUUT!!! First, the 18th episode of Pokemon Reborn, now this. THIS IS IN-SA-NI-TY!!! I would have never expected to get that much in a row. This end of summer holidays is definitely the best for me. It was long, it was tough, but now it's done! The 11th episode of Flannery's adventure has been updated. If you want more of the Tale of a Firehead, today is your day! Don't hesitate to give it a check, and let a comment if you want. As long as feedbacks do exist, the story is not over.





    Enjoy~ 🙂

  20. For all those interested in winning a Sableye with Recover + one rare fossil, you can still try to guess what's the name of the mysterious character till 17:00 P.M. (French hour). Otherwise, his identity will be revealed at this exact hour.


    Good luck~~

    1. Q-Jei


      Time is up! The answer is somewhere in the new episode of the Tale of a Firehead!~

  21. Hello there! What about to play a game? For all those who have seen the mysterious character whose I've shown the (very dark) spriteset, I have a little something for you. I've mixed the letters of his surname and last name. Is there anyone able to find out the answer and put the letters in the correct order? The winner will get a special price! I'll be glad to trade it with you... if you guessed right, of course. Just write your answer in the comment section. Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... GO!



    Good luck~~

  22. I don't know about you, but...



    ...I love hugs ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Q-Jei


      Yes, sadly it’s not...

      And yeah, I assume you referred to the NPCs around Winona and Flannery. They are just simple civilians, their role don’t have a great importance, except maybe for the one in the right.

    3. Angelkitsune


      I wanna say the sprite is too simple to be important but nah I can't, I can't even make a sprite myself



    4. Q-Jei


      In any case, you can freely find out who these people are. Episode 11 is out 😉

  23. This boy is an absolute genius! 🙂 🙂 🙂



  24. ???



    To be continued...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Q-Jei


      A new character will show up very soon, he’s part of my written run. More information will be revealed about him this week~

    3. J-Awesome_One


      A-HA! You have revealed that it is a male! >:)

    4. Q-Jei


      Correct! I wished to introduce him somehow in the next episode of Flannery’s tale. Letting imagination roll is a positive way for me to keep up my work. You’ll be free to tell me what you think of him when I’ll be done with Episode 11 🙂

  25. Happy Birthday Archeric 😃

    May this special day be good for you~ 🎉🥧

    1. GenEric


      danke amigo brochacho

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