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Status Replies posted by Q-Jei

  1. Oh my lord! I just tried to play IWBTG yesterday (I Wanna Be The Guy). Seriously, this game is one of the most demonic things ever created on Earth by humans, and I'm choosing my words carefully! I managed to take down Mecha Birdo this afternoon, but the game mechanics and the controls are so tricky to handle that you feel more than proud after passing some stages. However, I don't expect to last very long in the party either. But still, I wonder if the creator of this game has already experienced happiness in his life for having elaborated such a cruel project! 😧




    PS: Mecha Birdo's Theme is absolutely amazing, even though it's an OST taken from Ikaruga (Butsutekkai). IWBTG may be more than a sadistic game, its creator has interesting musical tastes ♪

  2. Oh my lord! I just tried to play IWBTG yesterday (I Wanna Be The Guy). Seriously, this game is one of the most demonic things ever created on Earth by humans, and I'm choosing my words carefully! I managed to take down Mecha Birdo this afternoon, but the game mechanics and the controls are so tricky to handle that you feel more than proud after passing some stages. However, I don't expect to last very long in the party either. But still, I wonder if the creator of this game has already experienced happiness in his life for having elaborated such a cruel project! 😧




    PS: Mecha Birdo's Theme is absolutely amazing, even though it's an OST taken from Ikaruga (Butsutekkai). IWBTG may be more than a sadistic game, its creator has interesting musical tastes ♪

  3. Well starting tomorrow, I'm going to be a working man. Nervous as fuck but just gotta know what I'm doing, do it for a bit and then I should be alright. Stories might be out a little slow thanks to this (not that I've done any of the 4 yet but just saying). Video uploads will probably appear more towards the evening (my time) than the afternoon that you're all probably used to seeing. But I mean I work 4 days and have off 3 every single week unless they say otherwise so I got time to do things on here and YouTube and whatnot.

  4. Just replayed Super Meat Boy this afternoon and finally managed to unlock "The Kid" 👦


    Mother of Arceus, those three levels are creations of the Devil himself! Still can't believe I beat this warp zone after five years of break!

  5. Whats your favourite pokemon?

    Mine is Charizard

  6. i want everyone to know that, no matter how silly my site maintenance messages may be, the actual process contains nothing for me but pure, unbridled despair.

    not even the fun DR kind either.

  7. Yesterday, I went to the cinema with my parents and we watched Joker together. Sincerely, the movie literally slapped me in the face! As someone who discovered it without getting spoiled one single time, I have to say this: Joachim Phoenix is a great actor and the movie largely deserves the praise it has. And for some reason, I could easily identify myself to him in several parts of the movie (even though I haven't been stuck in such a deep zero point), and the final speech at the end was so full of truth. This makes me proud of my own differences too. Since I've recently snapped not long ago due to my cousins being harassing and abject toward me (because they were aware of my naivety, and used it to make fun for themselves in an extreme way), I largely comprehend Arthur's frustration! Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy! And unfortunately, that's what life is made of today.


    tl;dr, the world needed this movie!



    PS: Murray getting shot in the head by Arthur was probably the most delightful scene imo.


  8. What Pokemon type do you like?

  9. Foxes are precious. Foxes are golden. I can't stop watching and re-watching this video in the morning. They are so appeasing to see ❤️



    Video recorded by Mikayla Raines, founder of Saveafox Rescue

  10. Is it bad that I want to live in the Pokémon world? Because that’s what I want OwO

  11. Starting a new journey on reborn guys! give me some team suggestions and tips!

  12. Starting a new journey on reborn guys! give me some team suggestions and tips!

  13. Ahh. Back to the original name. And loving my new profile pic on here. So fits me. 😎😎😎😎

  14. Sooo… How does 1 go about reviving a thread on here? 🤷‍♂️

  15. LMAO just one-shot the Zekrom with Dragon Rush, what even
     I had a screenshot but apparently it's too big of file so oh well


  16. How much PP does Decimation have?

  17. How much PP does Decimation have?

  18. I don't usually post about my personal life but I felt it was better to say it here than my twitter or any of my other personal social medias. So 1 of my many cats has a tumor inside, near his eye. We (aka my family) thought that a surgery to take it out would make it all better. Turns out, it's gotten bigger since last week and it seems like it's a cancerous 1 as well. From the sound of it, it's sound like it spread throughout his head more? I'm not too sure of what is all going on but apparently... He doesn't have too much longer. Idk if it's gonna be days or weeks or just a few months but all I know is that it sucks. I've lost pets before (3 in the past 9 years) and admittedly, it's gotten a little bit easier to hear about 1 of my pets not having long to live but I still shed a few tears anytime I hear it. Sooo… yea. Not such an awesome day today.

  19. No but like seriously, can someone tell me why my Focus sash disappeared? I really need that... the same thing happened with my Weakness Policy. they just vanished and they're not being held by any pokemon, I've triple checked every pokemon and they're just gone.


  20. No but like seriously, can someone tell me why my Focus sash disappeared? I really need that... the same thing happened with my Weakness Policy. they just vanished and they're not being held by any pokemon, I've triple checked every pokemon and they're just gone.


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