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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Replies posted by Q-Jei

  1. How crazy would i be after my current playthrough of reborn to try a monotype run? 

  2. The best Valentines related pic I've seen all day.  Now to forget about this day for another year.


  3. image.png.ccc12a07831fc4b4de9b27a73e04225f.png

    not sure if I should take him using Autism as something insulting or funny, either way I disagree with using it as an insult or joke

  4. first time doing Beldum event, first encounter.



    Good IVs


    i wasnt even trying!

  5. I don't know if eveyrthing goes mentally well for me these days. Last night, when I decided to keep my writings up, there was a moment when I just burst in tears since I was just in the middle of my work. That was just as if one simple breeze was enough to make you capsize 😞

  6. I don't know if eveyrthing goes mentally well for me these days. Last night, when I decided to keep my writings up, there was a moment when I just burst in tears since I was just in the middle of my work. That was just as if one simple breeze was enough to make you capsize 😞

  7. I don't know if eveyrthing goes mentally well for me these days. Last night, when I decided to keep my writings up, there was a moment when I just burst in tears since I was just in the middle of my work. That was just as if one simple breeze was enough to make you capsize 😞

  8. Alright. So I've been spending the past 3 days doing the Prologues/Pokemon Team Captures part of the Bonnie Reborn Written Story Run and I think... I'm gonna release the 1st Prologue Episode today. So stay tuned for that. Btw, this will be a new thread. Will not be touching the other 1 at all. Just letting you all know. Also, these 1st couple of Prologues probably won't be that long but should be enough to catch your interests. I hope so anyways.

  9. Yes! Yes! Yeeeees!!!

    Despite the fact that I'm new to the universe of Pokemon Essentials, I tried to make some custom battles operational since last night. And guess what: it works like a charm 😄 😄 😄

    I have to admit that it's a very entertaining experience by the way 😉

  10. Yes! Yes! Yeeeees!!!

    Despite the fact that I'm new to the universe of Pokemon Essentials, I tried to make some custom battles operational since last night. And guess what: it works like a charm 😄 😄 😄

    I have to admit that it's a very entertaining experience by the way 😉

  11. About to head to a big job interview. Any finger-crossings or positive vibes or anything of the like would be much appreciated Reborn friends. 

  12. This is here... this is there... my friends, the last OC of the tale is among us!

    I sincerely think that I've never paid so much attention to facial traits during the creation of a character, ever. Being essentially a take-off on Morpheus from the Matrix movie series, Flannery will have to deal with a big shot when she'll be in Reborn. As the author, I'm completely excited myself just by seeing the story taking form before my eyes. So let's have a round of applause for Ramal Ettaoui, the coolest original character from the Tale Of a Firehead! 😉




    PS: Don't hesitate to follow me on my creation topic if you want to see more of my work! 😄


  13. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  14. Ugh, all I can think of lately is how I DON'T want to be 30 next week...

  15. Here lies the top 5 tracks of Reborn, in my opinion:

    ~ 1) Atmosphere - Majesty ~

    2) Catch My Dreams

    3) Atmosphere - Somewhere

    4) Atmosphere -Fluid2

    5) Atmosphere - Dramatic

  16. Suspicion.png



  17. Suspicion.png



  18. Suspicion.png



  19. Suspicion.png



  20. Next episode will come soon...



  21. Final Team 








    Do u guys think I should change anything


  22. Good water type for pokemon reborn

  23. Good water type for pokemon reborn

  24. Expect episode 52 of my Awesome Pokemon Adventure to be up either sometime Friday or Saturday. I spent all day today making a video of sorts to go with this episode and I'm so happy with it. I hope y'all will be too. Consider this to be an early Christmas gift to all of you fantastic, AWESOME people! 😄

  25. The Nuzlocke chain battle:


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