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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by anethia

  1. petition to ban tacosandflowers because he wont send me a shaymin for christmas

  2. If Flannery could please stop spamming curse on her Torkoal, that would be great thanks.

  3. If Flannery could please stop spamming curse on her Torkoal, that would be great thanks.

  4. My existence in a nut shell: I'm that guy who is just there, I don't do much, I have no special talent, I just hang around for a while and leave with out a trace.

  5. Gosh, two teams I want to post here as RMTs, and I am too lazy to start working on either...

  6. This is the best thing of all things. http://imgur.com/QQgnq9A

  7. I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

  8. what gets smaller when you pull it????

  9. Man... Just when I thought Gold was cool for beating Red's ass, I see Brendan riding on Rayquaza's back to destroy a meteor in space, then followed by an epic battle against Deoxys... Get out of here! xD

  10. Warwick and Fiora are being annoying. Skirmisher Blade+Devourer and an ult that can hit several times plus the true damage from being smited, you're dead

  11. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? ♪

  12. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? ♪

  13. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? ♪

  14. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? ♪

  15. Are you, are you, coming to the tree? ♪

  16. For those who have ORAS, don't forget about the Wi-Fi event in which you can get a shiny Beldum holding a Metagross mega stone

  17. For those who have ORAS, don't forget about the Wi-Fi event in which you can get a shiny Beldum holding a Metagross mega stone

  18. mfw i see a plat 4 malzahar main with 600 games on him. wtf why are you playing your main in normals why am i playing vs you im silver 4 wtf help

  19. Honey? Where is my super suit?

  20. oh fnaf 2 is out

  21. They called me a heretic. Now they are dead.

  22. I can honestly say that I'm happy right now, and stress is no longer a factor

  23. So yea.. what was your guys reaction to the new AoT chapter if you read it.

  24. So yea.. what was your guys reaction to the new AoT chapter if you read it.

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