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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by anethia

  1. Is there a more fabulous drink than Pink Lemonade?

  2. I might start playing LoL just because Leblanc

  3. The tears of Riven mains is my gamer fuel.

  4. fairy tail rp y/n

  5. fairy tail rp y/n

  6. Owen might have some interest in this.

    (Warning: Graphic)
  7. Won't get gold, maybe I can get mid silver? Maybe.

  8. Well, it turns out signing up for the code wasn't enough. I needed to have it connected to some "nintendo network ID" bullcrap. So not one single code for me, even though I signed up for FIVE SEPERATE ACCOUNTS.

  9. So I'm convinced that I have a little black hole inside of me, like seriously, no matter how much food I eat, I don't get full or gain weight.

  10. Just registered here, Gotta say Amethyst and everyone who worked on this game really outdid themselves. Looking forward to challenging the league once I deem myself worthy still on my sixth badge in game and havnt stopped playing since downloading except for sleep, food, and tree

  11. 1337 posts, get rekt scrubs

  12. How do you change the user title? I have a custom one, so there must be a way, but I cannot remember...

  13. /rename Hukuna : pooba

  14. Okay I don't like this. I don't want to like this guy. He needs to stop talking to me because I do not want to have a positive opinion of him. I DON'T WANT THIS. GET THIS BOY AWAY FROM ME.

  15. Samsub Blue for 2014 world champs??? or White. Wither way I really think Samsung will win, whether it's blue or white

  16. #CeruleanisGucci

  17. Is there a signup for PZA or do we just be like, yo, I wanna be in dat gucci cerulean alliance

  18. join cerise we're pink and smell good

  19. i'm respecting my mid laner by asking if he wants blue buff, but i'm asserting my authority as their jungler by smite-stealing it anyways

  20. Day Five of me quitting smoking. Still going cold turkey, no cigarette's, patches nor gum. No e-Cigarette's either. Still going strong, craving is at the back of my mind but I'm keeping myself busy. I think I'm still doing okay, right?

  21. Good: girl from class talked to me and she's cool. Bad: This is the last week we'll be in the same class T:

  22. it's official, im addicted to new soraka

  23. I keep telling myself to ignore the bigoted insults of others. But it seems as I get older they gnaw away at me more and more.

  24. ♪ Wasting Moonlight ♪

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