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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. T1-N Once T1-N hit the ground, his jetpack retracted back into his body, the droid unslinging his rifle from his back as he moved to the building, specifically the left side. It took only a quick glance around the room to note what was inside, thanks to the fact that the room itself was extremely simplistic. The one thing that did catch his eye was the red and gold box that rested along the wall. Curiosity getting the better of him, T1 crouched next to the box, still holding his rifle as he attempted to open it.
  2. Theme Mot takes a shot at the Gashadokuro, the bullet hitting the core of the behemoth for 44 damage, drawing is attention but giving Mot the self satisfaction he needed, healing him for 22 HP. Mitsurugi goes for the core of the Gashadokuro, only for the rib cages to prevent her from getting to it. It seems as if only precise strikes would get through the ribs. Nonetheless, the ribs take 104 damage, just barely keeping their shape. As soon as Spicy stabs the Gashadokuro, the gigantic skeleton seems to freeze in place, only able to twitch slightly as her seal took effect. She also deals 14 damage to the Gashadokuro’s ribs. The Green Imps begin their assault again, the two that had chosen to watch deciding to peace out, turning tail and fleeing the battlefield. The other, last living Imp slashes at Sorina again, dealing a rather pathetic 8 damage. However, it is stabbed by the shards of ice that swirled around her. Ako continues to abuse her brush, healing Sorina for 15 HP, before throwing another prayer slip at the grounded Dead Fish, the paper sticking to its face before bursting with light for several seconds. By the end, the fish had been vaporized, leaving only a small flower in its place. Sorina, on the other hand, loads her grenade launcher, firing a round that splashes acid over the Green Imps, including the ones that were trying to run. The ones that were running are quickly dissolved, turning into petals that were also destroyed by the acid, while the other screeched in pain as green smoke curled off its body. However, the mask managed to stay perfectly intact. The Red Imp, despite being angry with its lost weapon, turns from Lexiel, sprinting off to attack the culprit of the crime: Mitsurugi, slashing at her for 14 damage. Lexiel summons a new Soul Warden, giving everyone a gracious 5 HP back. Kino and Enma advance, attacking the Gashadokuro’s ribs with their own strikes. The first, from Enma, marks it, dealing 15 damage to its ribs, while Kino follows it up with her own debilitating strike for 35 damage, healing both by 5 more HP. Kino’s strike is enough for the Gashadokuro’s ribs to finally fall apart, revealing the blazing core that immediately send a wave of heat to those nearby. The Gashadokuro struggles to move, unable to bring its hands down thanks to Spicy’s seal. Turn Order Status
  3. Mira Had it not been for her helmet, Mira's eye roll would be incredibly noticeable. As it stood, the glowing red eyes underneath her helmet only seemed to shift a bit as she folded her arms, "Whatever..." she muttered to herself. Iowa had already done the job of introducing her, mostly by saying her name. It wasn't her job to get new arrivals in with the program. Speaking of her job, she looked back at Uni and Nepgear, "... As I was saying, is there a way we can locate Judge's allies?"
  4. Proditor For the most part, there hadn't been much to really catch most of Proditor's attention. He had already seen the area thanks to the vision, and he didn't need to spend time looking over the field of flowers. However, that changed when they had arrived at the crossroads, one path leading down a golden hall, the other leading to a dull, grey one. In certain situations, Proditor would've completely ignored the hall... If not for the feeling he got when he looked down it, along with the sign that marked it as 'Human Graves'. Said feeling, to put it bluntly, was a sense of despair and sadness, etched into the walls. "... I shall return shortly. I would like to investigate these 'graves'" Proditor informed the group, floating off before he could get a response. Sudden, yes, but he felt like he needed to see what it was about. Needless to say, his first glance at the room left more questions than answers. Seven caskets, seven hearts, the final one being completely empty. Why was this room specifically made? What purpose did it have? It was as if this was a ritual of sorts, but why? Thoughtlessly, Proditor floated up to one of the graves, placing a hand on its door, seeing if he could sense anything within... Besides a dead body, of course.
  5. Markus In response to Kali, Markus shook his head, “Devil Hunters that like to brag don’t sit well with me, specially when you go around boasting that you’re an angel” he stated, turning his head slightly to watch the other Devil Hunters head into the Tomb, “You can start whenever you want, I’ll just make sure to send any late arrivals your way if anymore come” he added. At that point, a new batch of troops had arrived in their positions, taking up posts around the entrance. Tomb As soon as the Devil Hunters approached, the door to the Tomb began opening slightly more to make room for them, allowing the group to enter without issue. At first, there was nothing but darkness, but soon after the first foot hit the ground, a row of blue torches along the walls sprung to life, illuminating a field larger than their size would suggest, revealing an expansive cavern supported by various stone pillars, some of which were broken. Similar markings that were on the door were etched into the walls. However, the most notable thing was the copious amount of blood staining the ground, appearing to have been left from a dragged body, without a single corpse in sight. There was also various guns and burn markings scattered about, but nothing else to indicate where they had come from. It was, for all intents and purposes, empty. At the very end of the hallway, where the bloodstains lead to, was a towering red wall, markings that appeared as screaming faces flickering around it before fading away, blocking the way forward, as the map showed. In addition, three visible doors, marked with red torches, were scattered across the walls, several more having crumbled with age. Even without demonic or angel heritage, it was clear that there was something dreadfully wrong with the place. And, for those more magically attuned, the stench of demonic energies was thick, threatening to suffocate. Muffled whispers echo from the walls.
  6. Mira "I see" Mira responded, noting down Uni and Nepgear's name for later in her head before continuing on, unfazed, "So if the rest of his friends are back as well, that gives three more targets to eliminate. Do you have any idea where they could be? Or would Histoire be able to find-" she began... Only to get interrupted with a grunt of surprise as yet another woman landed on top of her, sending her crashing into the ground. Like before, it wasn't enough to seriously harm her, but it was enough to annoy her leaving her face down in the dirt for a few seconds as 'Lyra' introduced herself, which was her cue to push herself off of the ground, "I swear, I'll kill the next person to land on top of me" she grumbled to herself, brushing off the dirt on her armor as she glared at Lyra, "Couldn't have given a warning?"
  7. Grima Like with Princess, Grima sat in silence. There wasn’t much she could say that wasn’t already been said before. After all, they had already conversed about the reason she had come. The only reason she was still here was thanks to Aries. But, when Princess asked her question, Grima visibly paused, having gone for another drink of the tea when it was asked. Then, after a few seconds, she placed her glass down with a sigh, her drink suddenly not feeling so appetizing anymore, “It’s a bit complicated, but the simple reason is that I owe Queen” she stated, pausing briefly again as she debated if she should continue, “I have a bit of a problem. Kleptomania, I always try to take things without thinking. Got me in a lot of trouble, obviously, but I Queen offered me a pardon if I helped him out. So, I am” Grima explained. It wasn’t the best reason, but it was hers.
  8. Proditor For the most part, Proditor didn't exactly pause upon floating through the Barrier. There was no point to it. They had to continue moving. Nevertheless, Proditor continued to keep an 'eye' on the surrounding area, making sure to have a general idea of what was coming up before they actually came across anyone. If diplomacy was needed, he wanted to make sure he would be the one to initiate. Nader was careful, but he wasn't the gentle sort for such tasks.
  9. Sceleratis Thankfully, Sceleratis wasn't blind on Mayu's grimace, "I was considered one of the best Knights of the Order, so yeah, I am pretty good at it. That doesn't mean that it isn't for everyone though... That's why some people need to do the job themselves" she replied, before trailing off as her eyes strayed to the side, finally taking notice of the larger castle in the distance. For a second, she was silent, before her face grew serious, "Mayu, do you know how this world works?" she asked, ignoring the dark satisfaction Folkvangr let off upon her noticing the castle herself. He definitely knew something she didn't, but it was useless trying to actually get him to talk.
  10. Markus "I'm... Not going to do that" Markus said after a brief but noticeable pause, directed at Rama, "I just want this damn thing out of my city. We don't need to deal with a damn tourist attraction here" he added, glancing at the homeless woman who was offering drugs. He didn't remember calling for help from someone like that, but devil hunters didn't tend to get a lot of pay, so he couldn't judge too much. At the very least, the rest seemed like the fit in the job... In varying degrees at least. He'd have to check if their records on some of these people were up to date. They probably weren't. "But... Moving past the entire drug business you have going on, let's get to the point. One of the Devil Hunters arrived earlier, and went in with the last patrol in order to see what she could find. Proclaimed she was some sorta... Angel from an Order of the Sword or some other bullshit. Considering she didn't come back with the patrol, she's either still down there, or got herself killed. I'd go with the later, but you never know. We haven't managed to get far into the Tomb ourselves, thanks to the fact that the entire thing is crawling with demons, but we've managed to find what we assume is the first checkpoint for the entire thing" he explained, pulling out a rolled up map and then passing it to Izumi, partly because she seemed like the most 'responsible' in the group. Upon inspection, it was really nothing more than a rough sketch or the layout, difficult to decipher except for several key points. Specifically, the entrance of the Tomb led into a large, expansive hall with several spitting paths, with the end of the hall leading further into a crossroad, the right path being the one to lead to the area labeled as a 'checkpoint'. "Haven't had the time to explore every nook and cranny of the place, or figure out how the hell the place works" Markus commented, pulling out a new cigar, struggling for a few seconds after putting it in his mouth, as he had to get the lighter as well in order for it to do its job.
  11. Proditor "As expected, the same barrier that was in the pit is also here" Proditor commented as Jun vanished, before turning slightly to Nader, "I shall follow your lead for now, Nader."
  12. Mission 01 Hellscape City- 4:36 AM “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matthew 25:41 Hellscape City truly lived up to its name now. What was one a large city had now become battered and broken, its people slain in the streets, tanks patrolling the roads, garrisons of soldiers positioned strategically to cover every method of travel around the city, helicopters constantly moving through the sky. All of this because of the Tomb, jutting out as various pillars and ancient stones in the middle of the entire city. Needless to say, it wasn’t a pretty sight, even when you ignored the utter silence that filled the city. It was only home to demons now. Which was precisely what had to be eliminated. In their own ways, the Devil Hunters called in for the job of eliminating the Tomb had managed to arrive at their rendezvous point, the entrance of the Tomb. As expected, this was where most of the human defenses were organized, a 24 hour watch put up to make sure nothing escaped, and clearly it had a somewhat successful time of it, considering the only recent sources of destruction was found on the pathway that lead down to it. The Tomb’s entrance itself was, in contrast to the practically destroyed path, wasn’t worse for wear. Strange, demonic markings covered the doors themselves, humming with energy, decorative skulls placed as its frame. The doors themselves were slightly ajar, however, revealing nothing but a black abyss inside and a small group of wounded soldiers limping out of it. At the top of the path was a single man, far more civilian looking than the surrounding area, wearing a rather plain suit covered by a black poncho… Which did a good (terrible) job of hiding the fact that he only had one arm. His brown hair was tied into a rather rough ponytail, black eyes boring holes into the approaching soldiers, as he took a drag on a cigarette. Quite obviously, this was Markus, the man who had sent out a call for help. “Hard to believe something like this had been sitting underneath the city” he commented as the Devil Hunters approached, flicking away his cigar as the rest of the soldiers moved past him, both the wounded ones and fresh, “Demons must have a love for putting their shit underneath our stuff. Shit's going to take forever to clean up” he added, before turning to the Devil Hunters. How they had gotten here was up to them. If they had introduced themselves before hand, that was up to them. At the very least, they were here now, which was quite honestly the best news Markus had heard all day.
  13. T1-N As expected, they had arrived just as he had asked. Instantly, as the pressure in the ship began to drop, T1's feet clamped down to the floor, the onboard magnets taking effect. Thankfully he was a machine, so the Oxygen-Kits would be more plentiful to the fleshbags. Without a second glance towards the Loaderbot, T1-N walked over to the now open door, systematically removing his magnetics before turning them on again in order to do so. He did take notice of Akihiro's... Shapeshifting, but nonetheless moved on, his back opening up slightly to reveal his jet pack as he turned to the people who had been arguing among themselves, "If there is anymore actions needing to be taken to iron this out, do it on your own time" he stated, his glance clearly directed at Stella, before he turned and hopped out of the ship, small blue flames bursting out of his jet pack to carry him to the ship.
  14. Proditor "It seems this is it" Proditor said, needlessy, as the group came up to the 'door' of the mountain, an inky abyss remaining in front of them, as it had before at the pit. If the vision was correct, going through this place would lead them to a large bed of flowers, taken care of by a single creature. At least, if it was the same entrance, and the vision was accurate. Testing this, Proditor send out some psionic energy into the cave, seeing if he feels a similar effect to the pit.
  15. Proditor ... How Proditor had forgotten about the 'door' was lost to him. Perhaps he was finally getting senile in his age. "I see. Then perhaps we should start searching. We can rendezvous with the others inside" Proditor replied with a small nod, now floating away from the pit himself. Arminius, Rachel, and Calvera should be able to handle themselves without issue, even if they had to watch a child as well.
  16. Azgrurk "I SWEAR, I'LL GUT DA PERZON FLYIN' DIS SHIP. A SQUIG COULD LAND DIS BETTA DEN YOU!" Azgrurk shouts as he stomps his way out of the ship, taking in the sight of a barren wasteland. Nothing for miles, aside from a bit of grass, but there was something wrong in the air, something that was unnatural. Must have just reminded Azgrurk of home. Nonetheless, he took notice of the two Humies that were currently freaking out. Had they never seen an Ork before? Probably not, they didn't seem like the type. Regardless, at their questions, Azgrurk only had one thing to shout back, "WHO'Z DIS GODOT?!"
  17. Freya "I mean, fair, but I didn't expect to get swept up like that" Freya replied, thankful that Aquila had managed to at least find her. She really was not the best for dealing with these types of crowds. However, with his own question, Freya stood up on the tip of her toes, trying to glance above the crowd with... Less than satisfactory results, "Uhm... That way. That's where I was trying to get to" she said, pointing at the entrance to the mall.
  18. T1-N For the most part, T1 has begun to focus entirely on the terminal, figuring out how the vehicle itself operated. And for the most part, he was... Somewhat disappointed. He had seen CIS ships more complex than this. Ah well, it would make it easier to- BANG BANG Instantly, T1-N snapped around, his hand flying to his rifle as he saw Scarlet fire at Stella and Zoe, the 'space wizard' managing to deflect one of the shots before going down. Clearly, he should have been paying more attention. And clearly, the galaxy was against letting him have a semi-normal group to work with. Or perhaps all fleshbags were like this. With a sigh though, T1 removed his hand from his rifle, turning slightly to the Loader Bot, "Approximate time of arrival to our destination?"
  19. Proditor "Possibly... But I doubt we'll be able to exit through the same way. The 'door' prevented my psionics from being able to send back information to me" Proditor stated, turning slightly to Lucine, "But, as I said, this is likely where we must go. I should be able to safely bring the rest of us down... For the ones with no way to control their descent, at the very least."
  20. Proditor Curiosity. That was Proditor's reaction to what he felt. For the most part though, he simply disconnected that part of his feelers, returning himself to his physical body as he spoke, "There's a certain energy within this pit. A kind of barrier that disrupts my psionics from returning after going through" he explained to the rest of the group, "I cannot tell how deep it is, but I highly doubt the child, Arminius, nor Rachel have died from the fall. This is likely what we were sent to deal with" Proditor continued, his body shifting sightly to face the others.
  21. Proditor Surprisingly, events had transpired faster than Proditor has expected, a slight lapse in concentration causing both the small girl, Lucine as he recalled, and the child to fall into the hole. Thankfully, Calvera had managed to prevent Lucine from falling in, but the child was not as lucky. And then both Arminius and Rachel had flown into the pit after them, so they at least had someone taking care of the problem. Silently though, Proditor floated towards the edge of the pit, his helmeted head staring down into the abyss as he began using his psionics to, once again, feel his way down the pit. He was expecting to find Rachel and Arminius down there, but it was mostly to see how big of a hole it was.
  22. Proditor "Very well" Proditor replied, floating forward at a slightly slower pace. He'd simply move with the group then, continuing to focus himself on... Whatever he was sensing.
  23. Grima For a second, Princess' statement was met with a confused look from Grima, before the reformed criminal merely shrugged, "Sure, it was very nice the first time. I'll try not to walk out with the glass like last time" she replied, moving to sit down once more. Gods, Aries was locking down the trains? That wasn't something she'd had expected to see. Getting around was going to be a lot harder now. At least in the Plane of Wrath.
  24. T1-N For the most part, T1 has been taking in the conversations behind him without much thought, still busying himself with investigating the terminal. However, his work was halted when one of the passengers, a self proclaimed 'goddess', was audibly getting more agitated. Then, there was a loud boom of a laser shot, different from what he had heard before, but recognizable nonetheless. Instantly, the sound caused T1-N to take his hand off of the terminal, facing the rest of the group with impassive eyes, "If you wish to attempt to kill each other, try to do it on your own time. This is hardly a place for a brawl" T1 stated, going back to the terminal to see if there was a way he could find out where that shot had come from.
  25. Proditor For the most part, the old Ethereal stood in silence, staring at the cavern as the rest of the party began to move. There was something wrong about the place, that was clear. It was also clear that this was their destination, shown to them in that prior vision. With a barely audible sigh though, Proditor began to float forward, using his own psionic prowess to expand his senses, focusing them towards the cave itself to find anything the cave that... Well, stood out. Soon after though, Proditor paused, his psionics picking something up. "Hold" Proditor commanded, his voice coming into the heads of the entire party, "I sense someone ahead" he explained, floating up to the rest of the party, the ones that had already gone ahead at least, "Shall I take the lead here?"
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