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Status Replies posted by Paul25

  1. And 1000 posts achieved......................Yay! 
  2. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

    1. Paul25


      I am active now :) 

      Sorry for the late.. :(

      I can but I'm afraid If I give you another garchomp, It will still appear as unreleased mon and you won't be able to access wondertrade and random matchup though.

      Just lemme know If you still want that. ;) 

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  3. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

    1. Paul25


      Had to go away earlier.. :( 

      I'm sorry.

      Okay!, I will be giving you an Electross which I have ;) 

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  4. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

    1. Paul25


      Sorry :(

      I apologize...

      Yeah I have it! :) 

      Deino, Isn't it?

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  5. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

    1. Paul25


      If you don't like that, I can breed and give you another one.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  6. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

  7. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

  8. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

  9. thx 4 helping, btw can you trade now?

    1. Paul25


      I am sorry :( 

      I didn't noticed..

      Are you here still?

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  10. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  11. Going to play pokemon reborn hardcore CoM version.

  12. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  13. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  14. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a fun day ^^

  15. are you online right now i need to trade

  16. I must say, Hau from Pokémon Sun/Moon is not smart at battling. Doing a nuzlocke run of Pokémon Sun & I lead out with Pikipek as he leads out with Pichu & all 2 turns he uses Charm. -.- ohh Hau. Btw, should I make a new post with my Pokémon Sun Nuzlocke? I mean I know it's not a fan made game of any sort but you guys will be getting some kind of stuff from me while I wait to see what's happening with my computer.

  17. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a fun day ^^

  18. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  19. And you're a Benefactor! :D 

    Congrats^^ ^_^ 

  20. And you're a Benefactor! :D 

    Congrats^^ ^_^ 

  21. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

  22. 4 years later, still haven't hit 1000 posts, and still not an Ace member.  I am just a shiny example of laziness.

  23. Well...Your new username is excellent! :D 

    Enjoy your new name. ^_^ 

  24. So just curious. When episode 17 comes out, who all is going to restart their game? I know I am. Then again, I always do with every new episode. Haha.

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