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Jace Stormkirk

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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

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Everything posted by Jace Stormkirk

  1. nope i would much rather be the dumbest that way i can still learn would you want to live in a world where visitors always lied but natives always told the truth.
  2. welcome to reborn! i am a residential bard here to welcome you to this fine establishment. since you have a soft spot for salamence i bestow upon you this gift of an awesome fan art. feel free to make it your profile pic.
  3. so i found a poem that mill hurt your brain and challenge your understanding of the english language


    English Language


    1. Paul25


      Thanks for the wonderful poem :D 

  4. welcome back! i am a residential bard who has moved in during your absence. i came to bring smiles and giggles to this most needed city and help out in any way in any i could. so feel free to talk if you ever want to
  5. actually i have no preference here do to the fact that i am just a regular commoner. i would have the same access to any gear that anyone else would have, so there is not any difference i am a fruit, remove first letter i am a crime, the first and last i am a type of music, the first two i am an animal, what am i? was this a difficult riddle?
  6. welcome to reborn! i am the residential bard here to bring giggles and wisdom wherever i go. i am a masters at puns and decent at smash bros. but if you ever want to chat about anything i am here.
  7. so here is my reborn team in picture form.

    Image result for swampertImage result for typhlosionImage result for aggronImage result for ampharosImage result for lucarioImage result for skuntank

    and in rotation

    Image result for flygon


    1. Zarc


      Oo my Typhlosion <3 nice team !

    2. ProjectIceman


      We got Team Player (Swampert), Inferno(Typhlosion), Megatron (Aggron), Fabio (Ampharos Mega name lol), Shoryuu (Lucario), Pepe Le Pew (Skuntank), and Better Ground Dragon (imo lol).

  8. welcome to reborn! i am a residential bard here to tale tales and give everyone the giggles with a side of wisdom. so if you are ever in need of anything just let me know and i will be there.
  9. i am now. be warned, i mostly play causually.
  10. this might come as a surprise but i am an introvert. so i prefer small groups. but being an introvert doesn't make me hate crowds(if that was the case i made a terrible decision to be a bard), it just means that i need alone time sometimes. when i am i a crowd i like to be in the center of attention dazzling them with my music, songs, poetry, and storys. would you like to live in a world that has magic?
  11. Welcome to reborn! i am a residential bard here to give you the giggles for days. i can also help you with battle stratagems or just have a nice chat. whatever your needs, i have the means
  12. i have never been jealous in my life (that i can remember) if you were in a video game that if you died you died i real life but all the gold you get could be converted into any currency you use would you play it?
  13. welcome to reborn French lass! i am a residential bard here to assist with any questions you may have. i also do jokes, puns, and other things. fell free to ask me anything or even just to chat. P.S. there is no reason to worry about bad grammar or spelling. you will never be worse than a native speaker
  14. yes all the time. as my bard teacher once told me "answering yourself just shows you have potential as a bard to tell stories about how you did something, but if you ever ask yourself to repeat yourself.... go find a cleric" if you were a fighter and had been defeating every enemy is sight until finally the final boss shows up and the wizard who has done nothing the entire fight then decides to blow him to smithereens in one shot. would you be angry?
  15. i have found out why i could not post any more pic on here and got it fixed so here is an awesome mega swampert

    mega swampert.jpg

  16. Welcome to reborn! i am a residential who takes weird very seriously. i once put 10 puns in a contest to see which one would win but no pun in ten did. anyways if you ever need some help or need to get some weird off your chest i am the guy to talk to!
  17. just by the fact that replies come everyday (several actually) i would say no if you were besieging a castle, would you ever consider using lard to bombard their food storage?
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